冀习拜会让中美关系重返正轨 拜登:危机时打电话会接通

  • last year
八点最热报 | “习拜会”将在美国时间星期三早上10点登场,预计谈论多项议题,包括台湾、南海、俄乌战争,以及以巴问题等等。拜登表示,他希望这次的会谈,能够让中国和美国再次走上正常的轨道,要回到能够正常沟通的状态,在面临危机时能够互通电话的关系。 (主播:梁宝仪)
00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 The first meeting of the Sino-US Headquarters, the Xi-Biden meeting, is about to take place in San Francisco, USA.
00:10 According to the White House's public schedule,
00:12 President Xi Jinping and President Biden will meet at 10 a.m. on Wednesday,
00:19 which is 2.45 a.m. on Wednesday, the time in our country's time zone.
00:23 The two sides are expected to have a four-hour in-depth dialogue on a series of bilateral and global issues,
00:30 and will hold a press conference at 8 a.m.
00:33 This is also the second meeting with Xi Jinping since Biden took office in 2021.
00:40 Before the official meeting,
00:42 the spokesman for the National Security Council of the White House, Kirby, told the media
00:46 that Biden is looking forward to this meeting with Xi Jinping,
00:50 and believes that he is in a strong position in this meeting.
00:57 The current US economy is more strong than in the past decade,
01:02 and Biden will be the backbone of the economic stability.
01:07 Xi Jinping, the President of the United States,
01:10 took a special plane to San Francisco at 2 p.m. on Tuesday,
01:14 and waved to the people there.
01:17 He waved to US Secretary of State Yellen and US Ambassador to China,
01:21 Warren Buffett, and others,
01:23 and then took a special car to leave.
01:25 Before Xi Jinping arrived in San Francisco,
01:27 many local Chinese have already arrived at the airport,
01:30 and have been waiting for Xi Jinping to arrive.
01:33 But hundreds of protesters have already arrived,
01:35 and are waiting for the end of the anti-corruption protest by the CCP.
01:38 A large number of police officers are maintaining order at the scene.
01:41 Outside the scene of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization Summit,
01:44 there was also a physical conflict between pro-China and anti-China people,
01:47 forcing the police to intervene in the court.
01:50 Xi Jinping's visit to San Francisco this time
01:52 will not only attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization Summit,
01:55 but also meet with President Biden.
01:57 Before the formal appearance of the Xi-Biden meeting,
01:59 Biden told the media that he hoped this meeting
02:02 would bring Sino-US relations back to normal.
02:05 Get back on a normal course of corresponding,
02:08 being able to pick up the phone and talk to one another in a crisis,
02:11 being able to make sure our military still have contact with one another.
02:15 As I told you, we're not trying to decouple from China.
02:18 What we're trying to do is change the relationship.
02:21 [Music]
02:26 [Chinese translation]
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02:42 the tickets for the dinner are very popular.
02:44 Many of the top companies want to be able to get a ticket
02:47 or say that they can join the backlog list.
02:50 They want to tell Xi Jinping
02:52 they are willing to develop in China.
02:55 Even if the U.S. government tried to build a stronghold in the sensitive technology field,
02:59 they still think China is a very important market.
03:03 As for the New York Daily News,
03:06 the general ticket for this dinner costs $2,000.
03:11 But if you pay $40,000,
03:13 which is about $180,000,
03:15 you can buy a special seat,
03:17 which means you can sit at the same table as Xi Jinping.
03:21 But you have to be lucky to sit at the same table as Xi Jinping.
03:24 Because a table can only seat eight people,
03:26 and it is not guaranteed that the rich will be able to join the backlog.
03:30 The report also pointed out that Tesla CEO Musk
03:33 and Huaqi Group,
03:34 Exxon, Meifu Oil,
03:36 Microsoft, and other big business leaders
03:38 will all attend the dinner.
03:41 [Music]
03:44 [Music]
