Uptown Balls vs. The Yak | Match 03, Season 4 - The Dozen Trivia League

  • last year
Jeff D Lowe | The Dozen: Trivia Competition
00:00 Welcome to the following presentation of the Dozen trivia by Bar School Sports.
00:05 Is it Crime Dog? Redman Grif?
00:08 Jesus! How in the hell?
00:10 The winners of the Dozen!
00:11 Yes!
00:12 It's a dream!
00:13 Bad Boys! Bad Boys!
00:17 The movie's called Get F***ed.
00:19 And the winner of the Dozen, Stephen McCoy!
00:23 That is correct! 14-13!
00:25 Ben Nance with Chick-fil-A!
00:30 Ponies pulling up!
00:32 West End! The Buzz!
00:34 Champions of the Dozen!
00:36 Yes!
00:37 Alright, it's the Dozen. Match three of season four of the Dozen Trivia League.
00:47 And this is a little earlier than usual if you're watching it live.
00:51 Right after this, go to Barstool.tv.
00:54 I think a couple people on this right now will be on the call or involved in some form, some fashion, some form.
01:00 The Barstool Sports Invitational.
01:01 Unbelievable lineup from Chicago.
01:03 Kick off the College Basketball season.
01:05 Final four participants.
01:07 It was a buzzer beater for making the title game.
01:09 Florida Atlantic, local team Loyola Chicago, Arizona State, you get a Hurley.
01:14 Brandon Walker of Mississippi State Squad who won last year Big Cat in their match, in their game.
01:19 Yes! It's going to be great. It's going to be great. Tune in.
01:21 It's going to be a great time.
01:22 Two games, like Jeff said, Loyola versus FAU, Mississippi State versus Arizona State.
01:28 We're going to have it all. We're going to be announcing it.
01:30 Rowan will be there.
01:31 So it's going to be a great time just like we put on last year.
01:35 And I think we have some pre-taped stuff that's great.
01:38 The one that I heard, Rico did an anger management video with Bobby Hurley.
01:44 And then White Sox Dave did a walking 94 feet with Sister Jean.
01:49 He pushed her wheelchair and he said afterwards her little foot, and he went like this,
01:56 kept on getting stuck under the wheelchair.
01:59 So yeah, it's going to be great.
02:01 It's the best teaser you can get.
02:03 Yeah, if you watch The Dozen on Monday night, ZD versus Minahan, you know that it was a disaster.
02:11 Kirk played by himself for the entire second half of the match and almost beat ZD.
02:17 Rico was on that trip to Arizona, and that's why he got kicked off in the middle of the match.
02:22 Quiggs no longer a part of Team Minahan.
02:25 All right, it never ends for the defending champions, Team Minahan.
02:28 They had an opening with Quiggs leaving and being kicked off the team.
02:32 And now after signing, Megan making money away from the Corndogs as their fourth member.
02:36 A missed drama, chaos, misunderstanding, miscommunication.
02:40 Kirk has booted her off the team.
02:42 She's back with the Corndogs, Frances, Caleb, and TJ.
02:45 And now Team Minahan has signed Hank.
02:48 Hank did not make the league on the misfits.
02:50 They did not get voted in, so he has a free agent,
02:52 and he is now going to join Rico and Kirk on Team Minahan.
02:56 Yesterday you saw Boo's Ponies, Frankette.
02:58 It's an unbelievable matchup.
02:59 And now season two champions of The Dozen, Uptown Balls, Tommy, Glennie, Smitty,
03:05 taking on two-time back-to-back Final Four participant, Big Cat, Roan, Che.
03:10 I'll start with Smitty.
03:11 Give me some diplomatic thoughts, classic head coach thoughts
03:14 going into the season.
03:16 Hey, look, it was a hangover season last year for the champs.
03:19 We're back.
03:20 The ball's ready to go.
03:23 That's as good as always.
03:24 Roan, you're not with Che anymore.
03:27 Actually, a bit of a separation.
03:29 You guys are in different cities.
03:31 Same chemistry, though, and you got your guy Che.
03:33 Just he's unbeatable.
03:36 No, we've been doing a group chat where we watch Jeopardy like three or four times a week
03:42 just to get on the same page trivia-wise, just running layup lines,
03:46 weaves, three-man weaves and everything, just trying to get on the same page
03:49 and really ramping it up even though we're remote now.
03:53 Looking to make three straight Final Fours.
03:55 Maybe you crack into a title.
03:56 Uptown Balls got bounced in the first round.
03:58 What?
03:59 Jeff, we're like the Colts.
04:02 You don't have to do that.
04:03 Final Four participants.
04:05 Okay, hold on.
04:06 You did tell me--I will note this--the bad boys of trivia.
04:09 Raise the banner.
04:10 Shirt on sale now.
04:12 Store it up, rsports.com.
04:13 New Yak bad boys shirt.
04:15 You were the number one most voted team into this season.
04:17 We did have a fan vote to determine the first 12 teams.
04:20 You were on 98% of the balance.
04:22 Uptown Balls run like 90%.
04:24 I appreciate that from everyone.
04:26 We enjoy doing it.
04:27 We enjoy playing as a team.
04:29 But, yeah, that's just the biggest loser.
04:32 It's the biggest backhanded comment ever.
04:34 Back-to-back Final Four participants.
04:37 That really made me feel good.
04:39 Actually, I'm dead.
04:40 I've been told I'm wrong.
04:41 It was Season 1 and 3, so not even back to--
04:43 Oh, okay.
04:44 So, yeah, we're not even--but either way, hang the banners.
04:47 Back to, you know, two out of three.
04:49 With the team-in-a-hand news, we're now the only intact championship roster.
04:53 That's very true.
04:54 Well--
04:55 The only team still together, yeah.
04:57 If you count two Final Fours, if you add it up, it's kind of almost championship.
05:02 Yeah.
05:04 Jeff, on this year's dozen tournament shirts,
05:06 can we get a little stitching for fan vote champs?
05:10 Sure, whatever.
05:12 You know what, Jeff?
05:13 Do you fan vote champs, do Final Four participants, do Season 2 participants?
05:17 Let's just--you know, good job, good effort.
05:20 Just have a patch saying, "Good job, good effort," and that will kind of cover it all.
05:26 Body Armor sponsoring the niche category round tonight, round 10.
05:30 NAV, New Amsterdam Vodka, sponsoring the Double Sip Lifeline and the Bonus Round,
05:34 which we are doing the new version of the Bonus Round tonight.
05:36 It's a fun one.
05:38 24 questions, 12 rounds of trivia, 25th being the Bonus Round.
05:41 You get three lifelines, double any category you want except for round 10, already worth two.
05:46 And then you have Call a Friend.
05:47 You can call anyone you want.
05:49 And then you have your Double Sip, which can be used on a question to answer it two times.
05:55 You can't pair a Call a Friend or a Double Sip with anything worth two points already.
05:59 Here we go.
06:02 Uptown Balls, you're up first.
06:03 I don't know the rankings, but I think Yak will probably be ranked ahead of you,
06:06 so this is kind of a crap shoot.
06:07 So Uptown Balls, you're up first.
06:09 Up second will be the Yak.
06:10 First category is the NBA.
06:11 Anyone want to double NBA?
06:14 No, sir.
06:15 No.
06:16 Do we want to?
06:17 No.
06:18 Too early, right?
06:19 Too early.
06:20 Not going to double it.
06:21 Here we go, Uptown Balls, you're up first.
06:22 Glennie, Tommy, Smitty, season two champs, here you go.
06:26 Where is it?
06:27 I can't see it.
06:28 Oh, here it is.
06:29 Who's guard has had this career path from 2011 to present?
06:32 Oklahoma City, Detroit, LA Clippers, Denver.
06:38 All right, so who was on the championship team as a guard last year?
06:42 Hold on, I keep freezing.
06:44 Who did we say?
06:46 All right, who was on the championships as a guard last year?
06:48 It's not Murray, right?
06:51 No.
06:52 Could be -- who started with -- so the Thunder, that team went to the championship
06:57 in 2012.
07:01 I mean, Bruce -- no, Bruce Brown was -- no, on the Nets.
07:08 Five.
07:09 Should we use a call here?
07:10 Because they're going to get it.
07:11 Three, two, one.
07:14 Jamal Murray.
07:15 Final answer.
07:16 [Buzzer]
07:17 Other side.
07:18 Steven.
07:19 Jeff, I'm not wearing my glasses tonight, but this guy wears specs.
07:23 That's Reggie Jackson.
07:25 Oh, my gosh.
07:26 Reggie Jackson, final answer.
07:27 Would have never known.
07:30 Tommy, Glennie, and Smitty, I just want to say, like, that what he does does not
07:34 speak for me and Ron.
07:36 Yeah.
07:37 Well, actually, it did.
07:38 You said final answer.
07:39 No, I know, but I didn't say the glasses part.
07:41 I just said Reggie Jackson.
07:42 Everything else, that's not us.
07:45 Well, big man, has had this career path from 2013 to present?
07:47 Boston, Miami, Houston, Detroit, Utah.
07:51 Hmm.
07:54 Is it Olenek?
07:57 Yeah, he did play for the Celtics in the season.
07:59 Yeah, it is.
08:00 The clinic.
08:01 Yeah, I like that answer.
08:03 Kelly Olenek, final answer.
08:06 [Buzzer]
08:07 Two to nothing, yeah.
08:08 Could be a celebrity mashup.
08:10 Anyone want to double that?
08:11 Balls, how you feel?
08:13 I haven't been that good at it, playing Daly-Daly.
08:15 We'll hold off for a special.
08:17 Yeah, we'll hold off.
08:18 Okay, here we go.
08:19 Uptown Balls.
08:20 Uptown Balls to make it two to one.
08:22 Name the two celebrities mashed up in this photo.
08:27 That's -- I think I know it.
08:31 Who's the outside?
08:35 Is the inside Vito Morgensen?
08:37 That's crazy, right?
08:39 The inside is -- I don't want to say the name, but I know who the inside is.
08:44 Is that Seacrest on the outside?
08:46 I don't think that's --
08:47 Seacrest doesn't have those moves.
08:48 No, that's not --
08:49 Is it Glenn Howerton?
08:50 I don't think it's either.
08:52 Is it Glenn Howerton?
08:53 Howerton doesn't have the hair.
08:54 Is that like Nick Lachey?
08:55 I don't know, he loves throwing Nick Lachey in here.
08:58 Yes.
08:59 Okay, I'll tell you, Nick Lachey, Alexander Skarsgård.
09:03 Nick Lachey, Alexander Skarsgård, final answer.
09:07 Other side, 20 seconds.
09:09 I think it's Alexander Skarsgård and DJ James Kennedy from Bravo.
09:13 I don't know why I think that, but I think that that's who it is.
09:18 Jay, you got anything?
09:19 The outfit says Seacrest to me, but --
09:22 Five.
09:23 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
09:26 All right, so Alexander Skarsgård and DJ -- what's his name?
09:30 James Kennedy.
09:31 James Kennedy from -- yeah, yeah, JJ and James Kennedy.
09:33 Bravo.
09:34 That would have been great.
09:35 No, somebody didn't go Vanderpump.
09:37 That is Alexander Skarsgård and Orlando Bloom.
09:40 Alexander Skarsgård and Orlando Bloom.
09:42 He dropped Bloom on us.
09:44 Never would have gotten that in a million years.
09:47 No, I don't even know who Alexander Skarsgård is.
09:50 Succession.
09:51 Oh, succession, yeah, yeah, yeah.
09:54 Is that the same James Kennedy, Jamie Kennedy?
09:57 No, no, this --
09:58 That picture of Bloom looks like a mashup.
10:02 You should do -- Jeff, we should do, like, for the people who suck at this,
10:07 myself being the main culprit, like, if you had just shown me Orlando Bloom,
10:11 I wouldn't have gotten that.
10:14 Name this celebrity.
10:15 This is for the act to make it 3-0 very early, though.
10:18 Two celebrities.
10:21 I know the inside.
10:26 I do not know the outside.
10:35 Ah.
10:38 20 seconds.
10:40 I don't know the name of the inside guy, but I know everything he's been in.
10:45 Oh, that doesn't help us.
10:47 I think I know his name.
10:52 Five.
10:53 Is outside Russell Crowe?
10:54 Russell Crowe.
10:55 And Cillian Murphy.
10:57 Russell Crowe, Cillian Murphy, final answer.
10:59 Cillian Murphy, Cillian Murphy, and Russell Crowe, final answer.
11:04 Another time.
11:05 Cillian Murphy and Gerard Butler.
11:07 I was going to say, it's definitely Murphy.
11:08 Butler, yeah, it's definitely --
11:09 Yeah, it's definitely Murphy.
11:10 Do you see a little Patrick Dempsey?
11:12 I think it's Gerard Butler.
11:13 I think it's Gerard Butler.
11:14 I like Gerard Butler more than Dempsey, I think.
11:18 Patrick Dempsey?
11:19 Okay.
11:20 Gerard Butler and Cillian Murphy, final answer.
11:23 All right.
11:24 That's correct.
11:25 Cillian Murphy, Gerard Butler.
11:27 Uptown Ball's first points of the year.
11:29 Gerard Butler's another one that you could have been like, name that celebrity.
11:32 I would have been like, Russell Crowe.
11:34 Love me some asphalt.
11:36 Name this guy.
11:37 Here we go.
11:38 Uptown Ball, Major League Baseball.
11:39 Do you want to double?
11:40 Should we?
11:41 We always double baseball.
11:42 All right.
11:43 Should we?
11:44 What else are we going to --
11:45 Yeah, I mean, we got nothing else but double.
11:47 I got to dust my brain.
11:49 We always double baseball.
11:50 We always double baseball.
11:51 They do.
11:52 It says it on the card game.
11:54 Yeah.
11:55 All right.
11:56 Yeah, 12-3 last year in baseball.
11:57 This is for Uptown Balls to gain a 3-2 lead.
12:00 YAC has not used their double yet.
12:02 This is for Uptown Balls.
12:04 World Series legend and former NL MVP Kirk Gibson was the manager of what
12:08 national league team from 2010 through 2014?
12:10 I think it was the Diamondbacks, actually, no?
12:12 Diamondbacks.
12:13 Right?
12:14 I think it was, yeah.
12:15 I think it was, too.
12:16 Yeah, let's just think about it.
12:18 Obviously --
12:19 Would he give us a team in the World Series?
12:22 That's what I was thinking, but I'm pretty sure it was the Diamondbacks.
12:25 That immediately --
12:26 I'm pretty sure, too.
12:28 Well, go through the Rolodex.
12:29 NL East, no, for sure.
12:31 No.
12:32 Central --
12:33 No, not Padres, not Giants, not Brewers, not Cubs.
12:40 Yeah, go Diamondbacks.
12:41 Diamondbacks, final answer, Diamondbacks.
12:43 3-2.
12:45 Jeff, you dog.
12:46 That was a great process, guys.
12:49 They went through everything.
12:51 Their seating was hurt by some blown losses last year.
12:55 I mean, we'll lose this one in some fashion.
13:01 Other side to make it 3-3, former World Series MVP and MLB Hall of Famer
13:04 Paul Molleter was the manager of what American League team from 2015 to 2018?
13:10 Fuck.
13:13 Is there any chance it's the Rangers?
13:16 No.
13:17 Okay.
13:18 No.
13:20 Big Cat, I think we're going to have to lean on you on this one because I --
13:24 No, but I don't know it.
13:25 Is it the Twins?
13:26 I'm just thinking of --
13:27 Did Paul Molleter play for the Twins?
13:28 That's where he played.
13:29 Yeah.
13:30 That's why you think that, and that's why I think that.
13:35 Eat something in 10 seconds.
13:37 Let's just guess something.
13:40 Do you want to call someone?
13:42 Clemmer?
13:43 Clemmer?
13:44 Clemmer?
13:45 Three.
13:46 Clemmer?
13:47 Two.
13:48 Clemmer?
13:49 One.
13:50 Blue Jays.
13:51 Fuck.
13:52 Other side.
13:53 I thought the Twins, too.
13:54 Oh, God damn it.
13:56 I know he definitely played on it.
13:58 Final answer.
14:00 Four to two.
14:03 I thought the Twins, but I was like it can't be that obvious.
14:06 I kind of had the same thought process, but I couldn't think of who else it
14:09 could have been.
14:10 I thought it was the Rangers.
14:11 He got us good.
14:12 He got us good.
14:13 That's bullshit.
14:14 We got good -- that's just good questioning, Jeff.
14:16 Good job.
14:17 Good trip.
14:18 Here we go.
14:19 Music.
14:20 You want to double music, Yak, yes or no?
14:21 Nah.
14:22 No.
14:23 No.
14:24 Okay, here we go.
14:25 This is for Uptown Balls to make it five to two very early.
14:27 What is the title of this song nominated for record of the year of the
14:30 2016 Grammys?
14:31 2016 Grammys.
14:32 Title.
14:33 [Music]
14:41 You're at four times.
14:42 I can't feel my face when I'm with you.
14:44 I can't feel my face?
14:46 Can't feel my face.
14:47 Can't feel my face.
14:48 Can't.
14:50 Because of the cocaine, correct?
14:52 Yes, the weekend.
14:53 Gotcha.
14:54 I can't -- no, no, no, no.
14:56 Can't feel my face, I think, right?
14:58 Yeah, I don't think it's not.
15:00 No I.
15:01 Can't feel my face when I'm with you.
15:04 No, no, no, no, no, no.
15:05 No.
15:06 Can't feel my face.
15:08 Four words.
15:09 Can't feel my face.
15:10 Can't feel my face.
15:12 Who can't?
15:13 Can't feel my face.
15:14 Can't feel my face.
15:15 Can't feel my face.
15:16 Finally, it's on it.
15:18 Holy shit, almost bungled that one.
15:20 Wow.
15:21 Holy shit.
15:23 He gave 15 words in the song.
15:27 All right.
15:28 Make it five to three.
15:30 Similar.
15:31 2011 Grammys, though.
15:32 Title.
15:33 Don't know my own strength.
15:35 Just gonna stand there and watch me.
15:38 Is it love the way you lie?
15:41 Love the way you lie.
15:42 Love the way you lie.
15:44 Love the way you lie.
15:46 Love the way you lie.
15:48 Final answer.
15:50 That is correct, five to three.
15:52 Boys.
15:53 Yacht still has their double.
15:54 College Hoops next category.
15:56 Barfield.TV, right after this to watch the Barfield Invitational.
16:01 No doubles.
16:02 Here we go.
16:03 For Uptown Balls, you're up first.
16:05 This team made seven NCAA tournaments in the 2010s, winning one title and losing games
16:15 to Syracuse, Michigan State, and Florida.
16:17 All right.
16:18 Let's think of the title winners.
16:20 We got Duke, we got UConn.
16:23 Not Villanova, they won.
16:25 What?
16:26 We got Kentucky.
16:27 Villanova won one or two.
16:29 Villanova won two.
16:30 We got Kentucky.
16:31 Could be Louisville.
16:33 It was 2013.
16:36 Didn't Louisville lose to Syracuse?
16:38 UConn won 2014, Duke won 2015, UNC-- or no, Villanova won 2016, UNC won 2017, Virginia
16:48 won-- or no, Virginia won 2020-- or no, Virginia won 2019.
16:53 Could be Virginia.
16:54 In three seconds.
16:55 Virginia.
16:56 Louisville.
16:57 Virginia, final answer.
16:58 All right, Tommy.
16:59 Wow.
17:00 Good job, Tommy.
17:01 Wait, they said Virginia, right?
17:02 Yeah.
17:03 Yeah.
17:04 Yeah.
17:05 And that's correct?
17:06 That's why we got Duke.
17:07 That's the--
17:08 Balls tried to slip it to Louisville.
17:09 Good call, Smith.
17:10 Good call.
17:11 And he said-- yeah.
17:12 Here we go.
17:13 Other side, they make it six to four.
17:14 This team is up second.
17:15 Yeah, here we go.
17:16 Other side, they make it six to four.
17:17 This team made nine NCAA tournaments in the 2010s, winning one title and losing games
17:22 to West Virginia, UConn, and UNC.
17:25 Does Duke?
17:32 Did Duke ever lose to West Virginia?
17:36 I don't know.
17:37 The answer is I don't know.
17:42 It's not Kansas, right?
17:46 No.
17:47 The answer is I don't know.
17:49 Has Duke only won once in the 2010s?
17:51 I think that's what Tommy said.
17:53 I think they won 2010 and 2015.
17:56 No, who won 2010?
17:58 Meet something in?
17:59 Five.
18:00 Of all the teams that popped up for that, he said Duke stood out to me, but I don't
18:05 know.
18:06 Go with it.
18:07 Go with it.
18:08 Two.
18:09 One.
18:10 Duke.
18:11 Duke.
18:12 Duke.
18:13 Duke.
18:14 I think it's Kentucky.
18:15 That's what I was going to say.
18:16 God damn it.
18:17 I'm pretty sure it's Kentucky.
18:18 Kentucky final.
18:19 Kentucky final answer.
18:20 Uptown Ball, seven points now.
18:22 Tommy, well done.
18:23 Tommy's fucking gone against it.
18:25 Plenty of times, Flo.
18:26 It's plenty of times.
18:27 Fuck.
18:28 Yeah, can he double-fool me?
18:29 Shut up, Tommy.
18:30 Don't do that.
18:31 Reverse jinx bullshit.
18:32 No, that's not a reverse jinx when it happens every time we play.
18:37 You're cutting out.
18:38 I can't even hear you.
18:39 Uptown Ball.
18:40 Uptown Ball.
18:41 Movies.
18:42 Set in 1981, Janine Garofalo plays a summer camp director with an ensemble cast including
18:50 Michael Showalter in this 2011 comedy.
18:52 Is this White Hot American Summer?
18:53 White Hot American Summer, right?
18:54 White Hot American Summer.
18:55 I'm not sure.
18:56 Yeah, White Hot American Summer, final answer.
18:57 Eight to three to make it eight to four going into the bonus round.
19:07 Alan Kovert tests video games, falls for Linda Cardellini's character, and fends off a trench-coat-wearing
19:11 co-worker in this 2006 comedy.
19:15 I don't know any of those people.
19:17 Oh, fuck.
19:18 Why can't I think of this?
19:21 Grandma's Boy.
19:22 Grandma's Boy, final.
19:24 Okay, Grandma's Boy, final.
19:28 Eight to four going into the bonus round.
19:30 Go, Roan.
19:31 I'm sorry, guys.
19:32 And the Acos have all their life points and their double, worth noting.
19:34 Here we go.
19:35 Brand new bonus round.
19:36 Did they not just double?
19:37 No.
19:38 No.
19:39 Oh, yeah, we doubled that.
19:40 Yeah, we doubled that.
19:41 Yeah, sure.
19:42 Time to make the numbers.
19:51 Brand new bonus round.
19:52 We took some fan feedback.
19:54 Fans said they wanted this to go a little quicker, so we made some tweaks.
19:58 It will be the team with the most points after three rounds wins the bonus round, wins the
20:04 two points.
20:05 Here's how it'll work.
20:06 You will know the categories of each list of 10 items beforehand.
20:10 Captains, you'll select who will go for each list.
20:14 It's much like the regular bonus round where you name things on a list, except instead
20:18 of three on three, it's one V one.
20:20 Teams, you will have your players go one V one against your opponent, guessing items,
20:24 alternating back and forth.
20:26 If you get something right, you get a point.
20:28 Only 10 things on the list.
20:30 If you get it wrong, you get a strike.
20:32 Each team has three strikes per list.
20:35 Once you strike out, your turn is over.
20:38 If your opponent still has some strikes left, they can keep ripping them.
20:41 Somebody can score 10 points.
20:42 They can get all 10 in one list.
20:45 And then after three, the team with the most through those three lists wins the bonus round,
20:50 wins two points.
20:51 Makes a lot more sense.
20:52 Once you see it, if you're confused, hopefully this is the one that people like the most.
20:58 Here's how it works.
20:59 You're going to know the three categories ahead of time.
21:02 Big Cat and Smitty.
21:03 You'll decide who goes for each one.
21:05 NFL, college football, geography.
21:08 Those are going to be the three lists.
21:10 It's Che.
21:11 It's Chambers, Tommy.
21:12 Tommy goes first, then Che back and forth with the regular bonus round.
21:15 Here's the question.
21:17 Name the last 10 NFL teams to have a leader in most interceptions thrown.
21:24 Last 10 teams have, I don't need the player.
21:26 I just need the team.
21:28 Most interceptions thrown in the season.
21:30 Timer begins now.
21:31 Tommy, you're going to be guessing first.
21:33 Three strikes each.
21:34 Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
21:35 Dammit.
21:36 That is correct.
21:41 Most picks.
21:44 Indianapolis Colts.
21:48 One strike for the Yak.
21:50 New York Giants.
21:51 Eli Manning, I think.
21:55 No.
21:56 One strike for balls.
22:01 Denver Broncos.
22:04 One each.
22:07 Dallas Cowboys, maybe?
22:09 I think Dak.
22:12 Five.
22:13 Dallas Cowboys.
22:16 Four.
22:18 Five.
22:20 Four.
22:22 Three.
22:24 Two.
22:26 San Francisco 49ers.
22:30 Two strikes for the Yak.
22:33 Maybe Josh Allen with the Bills.
22:35 I'll go Buffalo Bills.
22:39 Two strikes for balls.
22:42 New York Jets.
22:43 Come on, Steven.
22:44 Is that your guess?
22:48 New York Jets.
22:51 Chase strikes out.
22:52 Balls.
22:53 Tommy can rip as many as he wants here until he strikes out one more time.
22:56 Two to one.
22:59 Five.
23:00 Four.
23:01 Three.
23:02 The Minnesota Vikings.
23:06 Only two to one on that board.
23:07 Two to one lead for uptown balls.
23:09 Cleveland, Denver, Jacksville, Rams, Chargers, Pittsburgh, Philly, Houston, Dallas.
23:15 A sneaky one.
23:16 College football.
23:17 Oh, wait.
23:18 We don't like.
23:19 It's just two to one, so it keeps going.
23:21 So it never has to end.
23:22 It doesn't end.
23:23 Oh, my God.
23:24 Play all three rounds.
23:25 Here we go.
23:27 Big Cat's got the rules.
23:28 Big Cat, you're up against Glenn.
23:30 Balls.
23:31 Here we go.
23:32 In the last ten teams ranked number one in the initial college football playoff and BCS
23:37 polls, the first one released in each season.
23:40 Here we go.
23:41 Glenn, you're up first.
23:42 Two to one lead right now for balls.
23:44 Clemson.
23:46 Georgia.
23:48 Bama.
23:50 That's a good guess with Bama.
23:57 Bama, fuck.
23:58 It's a good guess.
23:59 Ohio State.
24:00 Five.
24:01 Four.
24:02 LSU.
24:03 Florida State.
24:04 Good guess.
24:05 Good guess.
24:06 Good guess.
24:07 First strike for the Yak.
24:08 Michigan.
24:09 First strike for the Yak.
24:10 Michigan.
24:11 Michigan.
24:12 Florida State.
24:26 Good guess.
24:27 Good guess.
24:28 Good guess.
24:29 First strike for the Yak.
24:30 Michigan.
24:31 First strike for balls.
24:32 Five.
24:33 Four.
24:34 Three.
24:35 Two.
24:36 Florida.
24:37 Three for the Yak.
24:38 I just had one in my brain.
24:41 Fuck me.
24:42 Oklahoma.
24:43 Get it out of there.
24:45 Four for balls.
24:48 Let's go USC.
24:52 Two strikes for the Yak.
24:54 Shocker.
24:56 Florida's on there.
24:57 I maybe say Texas.
25:00 Is that your guess?
25:01 Yeah.
25:02 That's on there.
25:04 Balls.
25:05 Balls.
25:06 Two strikes for the Yak.
25:07 One for balls.
25:09 Five.
25:10 Four.
25:11 Three.
25:12 Oregon.
25:13 Two.
25:14 Yak strikes out.
25:17 There's two left.
25:19 Five.
25:20 Four.
25:21 Three.
25:22 Washington.
25:23 Ten seconds for one more guess.
25:26 You have one more strike.
25:28 Five.
25:29 Michigan State.
25:30 Four.
25:31 Two large employees are yelling somewhere.
25:35 Tennessee and Mississippi State.
25:37 Mississippi State.
25:40 Big Southerners.
25:41 Oh, fuck.
25:42 I read the whole thing wrong.
25:44 God damn it.
25:45 I'm so stupid.
25:47 I was reading it as preseason.
25:49 Oh, I thought it was preseason, too.
25:51 God damn it.
25:52 Yes.
25:53 Fuck.
25:54 I was reading it as preseason, Glennie.
25:57 I never would have guessed USC because they haven't been good in the last ten years.
26:03 I was the number one team going into the playoffs.
26:07 Yes, and Dak Prescott.
26:09 Fuck.
26:10 That's a bad question.
26:11 That's a bad question, Jeff.
26:13 I'm going to say it right now.
26:14 That's a bad question.
26:15 If two people, if both sides read it, Glennie and I are very smart guys.
26:20 That was a bad question.
26:22 Smitty versus Roan.
26:23 A little Philly battle.
26:25 In the ten largest U.S. states by total water area.
26:28 Total water area.
26:30 So what does that mean?
26:31 What does that mean?
26:33 Is that lakes within the state or lakes bordering the state?
26:37 We just dealt with it yesterday because we dealt with one of the states and water borders.
26:41 That includes lakes and any other borders that include water.
26:44 Okay.
26:45 Jeff, ask the question directly.
26:49 Okay, okay.
26:51 This might be a stupid question, but does that include going out to international water?
26:56 Ask about Hawaii.
26:57 Ask about Hawaii, Smitty.
26:58 That's what we want to know.
27:00 I think this will make sense when you do it.
27:03 I'm going to make you say Hawaii, Roan.
27:05 I'm going Michigan.
27:06 [Laughter]
27:10 Is that your first guess?
27:11 First guess, Michigan.
27:13 [Buzzer]
27:15 California.
27:16 Say it.
27:17 Howard.
27:18 [Buzzer]
27:19 One to one.
27:20 Florida.
27:23 [Buzzer]
27:27 Alaska.
27:28 Coward.
27:30 [Laughter]
27:32 You say it then.
27:33 I don't know.
27:34 Fucking coward.
27:35 Nine to six.
27:37 Nine to six.
27:38 Five.
27:39 Four.
27:40 [Buzzer]
27:42 [Laughter]
27:45 One strike for ball.
27:46 That's crazy.
27:47 [Laughter]
27:50 He goes it's too small and he gets it.
27:52 Five.
27:53 Minnesota.
27:54 Four.
27:55 [Buzzer]
27:57 Five.
27:58 Nine to seven.
27:59 Four.
28:00 Three.
28:01 Washington.
28:03 [Buzzer]
28:05 Two strikes for balls.
28:07 Texas.
28:10 [Buzzer]
28:14 Nine to eight.
28:16 [Laughter]
28:17 Georgia.
28:19 What?
28:20 Georgia.
28:22 [Buzzer]
28:23 Three strikes for balls.
28:24 Roan, you have no strikes.
28:25 Rip the rest of the list if you got it.
28:27 Virginia.
28:30 [Buzzer]
28:31 One strike for Roan.
28:33 Washington State.
28:34 Five.
28:36 [Buzzer]
28:37 He already guessed that.
28:38 Oh, oh.
28:40 What about New York State?
28:43 We're not enough.
28:44 Nine apiece.
28:45 You can keep going.
28:50 What about Maine?
28:54 Incorrect.
28:55 The rest were Louisiana, North Carolina, and then one more Great Lakes State.
28:59 Wisconsin.
29:00 Wisconsin?
29:01 Yeah.
29:02 I thought Utah.
29:03 That's a whole Salt Lake.
29:04 So now what do we do, Jeff?
29:06 Tied up nine apiece.
29:08 We're tied up nine apiece.
29:09 And there's one more.
29:10 The person with the most after this next one wins the two points.
29:13 Music.
29:14 Who do you want to have go?
29:15 Smitty, who do you want to have go?
29:17 Roan's up.
29:18 I mean, this is a ball.
29:19 I'll do it.
29:20 Yeah.
29:21 Balls or Roan.
29:22 Here we go.
29:23 This is great trivia.
29:24 This turned into bad trivia turned into great trivia.
29:27 Here we go.
29:29 Here we go.
29:30 This round's gone through ten iterations.
29:32 We've been playing for a month.
29:33 Here it is.
29:34 Balls, you're up first.
29:36 Name ten artists with the most number one singles in the 2010s.
29:40 The tenth person on this list, we broke the tie.
29:42 It's person, group, duo, whatever.
29:46 It could be anybody.
29:47 We broke the tie based on how many weeks their songs were on the Billboard Top 100.
29:52 So here we go.
29:53 That's why we broke the tie because there was a tie at the end.
29:55 Ten artists, groups, duos, bands.
29:57 Balls, you're up.
29:59 Drake.
30:02 Ten to nine.
30:03 Taylor Swift.
30:07 Ten to ten.
30:08 Beyonce.
30:11 First strike for balls.
30:13 And this is just the 2010s?
30:16 Does this end in 2020?
30:20 2010 through 2019.
30:22 Through 2019.
30:23 Five.
30:24 Kanye West.
30:30 Five.
30:32 Four.
30:33 Three.
30:34 Kendrick Lamar.
30:37 Two strikes for balls.
30:39 Cloney.
30:43 Ed Sheeran.
30:44 I didn't expect you to guess him.
30:47 Two strikes for the yak.
30:49 Ed Sheeran.
30:51 Big D.
30:54 Five.
30:55 Four.
30:56 Three.
30:57 Two.
30:59 Foo Fighters.
31:01 [buzzer]
31:02 Rowan, you can win it here.
31:03 Fuck.
31:06 Five.
31:07 Four.
31:09 Three.
31:10 BTS.
31:13 [buzzer]
31:14 Sudden death.
31:15 Balls, your guess.
31:18 Who's number one?
31:20 One Direction.
31:22 [buzzer]
31:23 Roan for the win.
31:27 Five.
31:28 Maroon 5.
31:29 Four.
31:30 That is on the list.
31:31 The yak takes it.
31:33 Is Rihanna on there?
31:35 Rihanna's number one.
31:36 Rihanna was number one.
31:37 The weekend.
31:38 The weekend.
31:39 The minute he said Beyonce, I was like, "Say Rihanna, Roan."
31:42 That was tough.
31:43 Bruno Mars.
31:44 Post Malone.
31:45 Adele.
31:46 Taylor Swift.
31:47 Katy Perry.
31:48 Justin Bieber.
31:49 Beyonce really threw me for a loop.
31:50 She is on.
31:51 You're off to Rihanna.
31:52 She kind of stinks, Beyonce.
31:53 That was some bad trivia by us, guys.
32:00 That is a funny note from Tommy.
32:03 She's not on any lists ever for these.
32:05 It's kind of crazy.
32:06 It's crazy.
32:07 We had a 2-1 in the first round.
32:09 We had me and Balls not reading the question in the second round.
32:14 We had Hawaii Gate in the third.
32:16 And then just quadruple overtime.
32:19 An electric shock.
32:21 New York was a good call.
32:24 I hope there's one New Dozen fan who's watching this.
32:27 This is the first match they tune into.
32:29 Is this just like world's dumbest people?
32:32 I had ten chances to win that.
32:35 That was embarrassing.
32:37 College football, do you want to double, Yak?
32:40 No, should we save for NFL, Steven?
32:43 Do we want to double this, guys?
32:44 We're pretty good on college football overall.
32:46 Did not miss once last season.
32:48 13-0 last season in college football.
32:50 I want the pressure to be on you, not me.
32:53 I'm just being totally honest.
32:56 I have not gotten one question right this whole time.
32:59 I suck.
33:00 I don't feel good.
33:01 You're a good footballer.
33:03 It's knowing when to pass.
33:04 Sometimes you don't have to shoot.
33:05 Sometimes you have to pass.
33:06 To make it 9-6.
33:08 This Stanford QB enjoyed three and a half seasons as the starter from 2012
33:12 through 2015 before being drafted by the Chiefs in round five in 2016.
33:16 This is for balls, uptown balls, not just Glennie.
33:20 Fuck.
33:21 So this is after Andrew Luck.
33:23 Yeah, who was after Luck?
33:28 It was like a tall white guy, which I know doesn't narrow it down at all.
33:32 But he was like such a zero.
33:34 He was like such a like this guy's obviously never going to be good.
33:39 He was like Bryce Love.
33:42 Bryce Love was the runner.
33:43 Can we call somebody?
33:44 We can call somebody.
33:45 You can.
33:46 You got to make the decision, though, in.
33:48 Call Brandon or would Mincy?
33:52 Jack Mack?
33:53 He never had --
33:54 Two.
33:55 Mitty, you're calling.
33:56 We'll phone a friend.
33:58 All right, you have 10 seconds.
33:59 I think he's here at the stream.
34:00 I don't know if he's here.
34:02 Oh, yeah, go get Jack Mack.
34:04 Can I go see if Jack Mack's here?
34:05 We got him.
34:06 I guess we got him.
34:07 All right, here we go, 35 seconds.
34:10 All right, I'm pretty sure this is Ben Hogan.
34:14 I like it.
34:15 Let's do Ben Hogan.
34:16 Can we go Ben Hogan?
34:17 You good, Jack?
34:18 Ben Hogan?
34:19 Ben Hogan, final answer.
34:20 [Buzzer]
34:23 Steven.
34:24 I think it's Kevin Hogan.
34:26 Yes.
34:28 Kevin Hogan, final answer.
34:30 That's the most Uptown Balls thing I've ever seen.
34:33 That's unbelievable.
34:35 Let's go, Steven.
34:36 [Laughter]
34:37 That was the fucking Ben Hogan.
34:39 The golfer, right?
34:40 Famous golfer.
34:41 Yeah, that's right.
34:42 One of the most famous golfers ever, yeah.
34:44 That is how we lose games.
34:47 That is.
34:48 On a consistent basis.
34:50 That's not reverse jinx.
34:51 That's just Balls has a moment sometimes.
34:54 This Oklahoma QB enjoyed four seasons as a starter from 2009 through 2012
34:58 before being drafted by the Steelers.
34:59 Landry Jones.
35:00 Final answer.
35:01 Easy final, let's go.
35:03 8-8, 8-8.
35:05 Here we go.
35:06 We're not at all.
35:07 Big catch.
35:08 Should have doubled.
35:09 Should have doubled.
35:10 You've not missed college football since season two.
35:13 You're 14-0 now since season two.
35:15 Here we go.
35:16 Other side.
35:17 Television.
35:18 This is for Uptown Balls.
35:23 Debuting on Fox in 2015, what Academy Award nominated actor had the lead role
35:27 as hip-hop mogul Lucius Lyon on Empire?
35:30 Terrence Howard.
35:31 Terrence Howard?
35:32 Yeah, Terrence Howard.
35:34 9-8 to make it 9-9.
35:37 This is the yeah.
35:38 To the Empire.
35:39 TV.
35:40 Debuting on ABC in 2016, what Emmy-winning actor had the lead role as President Tom
35:44 Kirkman in the series Designated Survivor?
35:47 I know it.
35:50 It's like a K name.
35:54 He's the guy that played Jack Bauer.
35:57 Oh, Kiefer Sutherland.
35:58 Kiefer Sutherland, yeah, thank you.
36:00 There we go.
36:01 Kiefer Sutherland.
36:02 Final answer.
36:04 9-9.
36:05 We talked about the home.
36:07 Here we go.
36:08 NFL.
36:09 Do you want to -- awful show, by the way.
36:11 Just terrible.
36:12 Do you want to watch it?
36:13 Do you want to double NFL?
36:15 Yeah, excuse me.
36:16 Okay, here we go.
36:17 For two points, but Uptown Balls, you're up first to make it 10-9.
36:21 Following his stint with the Chiefs, Jeremy Macklin played his final season with what
36:25 AFC team in 2017?
36:31 All right, not the Bills, Jets, Dolphins, Patriots.
36:35 Don't think it was Steelers, Ravens.
36:37 Is it the Ravens?
36:39 Maybe, actually.
36:43 Let me keep thinking.
36:44 Browns, Bengals.
36:45 Maybe you want to bring them back.
36:47 Texans, Titans.
36:49 No, Jaguars.
36:51 Jaguars?
36:52 For some reason, Jaguars is pointing out to me.
36:55 We do have our double dips, though.
36:57 We forget we always have that shit.
36:59 Yeah, we're going to double dip on this.
37:01 Double sip presented by New Amsterdam Vodka.
37:03 First guess.
37:04 All right, and then let's think the rest of the West.
37:06 Smitty, first guess.
37:08 Jaguars.
37:09 Jacksonville Jaguars.
37:10 10 seconds.
37:12 All right, do we go Ravens, then?
37:14 I don't know.
37:15 Who else?
37:16 Think the West.
37:17 Not Chargers.
37:18 I don't think it was Broncos.
37:19 I mean, Raiders always get random people.
37:21 Smitty, three.
37:22 The Ravens.
37:23 The Ravens.
37:24 That is correct.
37:25 10-9.
37:26 Double sip used properly.
37:28 Jack, though, for the lead.
37:30 I'll probably remember that.
37:31 Following his stay with the 49ers,
37:32 Anquan Boldin played his final season with the NFC team in 2016.
37:35 Hmm.
37:40 They did what they did.
37:42 Not Washington, not Dallas, not Philadelphia, not the Giants.
37:45 He didn't go back to the Cardinals, did he?
37:47 He could have.
37:48 That would be some Jeffs.
37:50 20 seconds.
37:51 Jeffs fucked us already.
37:53 Anyone in the Central, he didn't play in Detroit.
37:56 He didn't play on the Vikings.
37:58 He didn't play on the Packers.
38:00 He didn't play --
38:01 Bears, no.
38:02 Bears.
38:03 He didn't play on the Sam's.
38:06 Did he play in the South?
38:07 No.
38:08 He probably went back.
38:09 Three.
38:10 Do you know it, Stephen?
38:13 Cardinals?
38:14 Cardinals.
38:15 Other side to make it 12-9.
38:18 The thing kind of popped into my head.
38:21 What about the Seahawks, maybe?
38:23 No.
38:24 I don't feel like he played in the West.
38:26 He definitely didn't play in the East, I don't think.
38:29 Unless he went to the Commanders, or we just forgot about it.
38:31 I kind of -- I don't know why.
38:34 Going through those teams, the Saints popped out, but that's --
38:37 Five.
38:38 Nothing's popping out for me.
38:39 Balls, anything?
38:40 We'll go Saints.
38:41 Saints, final answer.
38:43 It was the Detroit Lions.
38:45 It was the Detroit Lions.
38:47 Man, I forgot that.
38:48 12-9.
38:49 He was not good at the end.
38:50 I have no recollection.
38:51 None.
38:53 First category round, friends for Uptown Balls.
38:56 Rest in peace, Matthew Perry, the most used face in celebrity mashups.
38:59 I'm sure no one cares about that.
39:01 Here we go, friends.
39:03 This is a lot of pressure.
39:04 I haven't watched friends in a long time.
39:05 Jersey numbers on the other side.
39:06 Jersey numbers.
39:07 Oh, that's what I guess.
39:08 Here we go.
39:09 This is for Glennie.
39:10 Season five at Howard, the handyman's going away party.
39:13 Phoebe lists off flaws about Ross, including the fact he's currently wearing what?
39:18 There it is.
39:19 Two points and a three-point lead.
39:21 Dude, I haven't watched this in so long.
39:24 So why is it your niche category?
39:27 Because Matthew Perry died after.
39:29 They literally did it in honor of Matthew Perry.
39:31 This is dishonoring him.
39:33 You know that this is less honorable.
39:35 Is it something?
39:37 Is it a sweater or a hat?
39:43 I wish you said you had a lot of friends.
39:45 It's a shirt with his own party.
39:47 With a party hat.
39:49 With your own face on it or something.
39:51 Yeah, probably on face on your face on it.
39:54 Other side party hat.
39:55 I've never watched an episode of let's go party.
39:58 I've never watched an episode of the friends party hat.
40:01 Yeah, party hat.
40:02 Final answer.
40:05 Two name tags, two name tags.
40:07 We're in two name tags.
40:09 Here we go.
40:11 Jack for the lead for the lead.
40:13 Three players, three players.
40:16 You got to tell me their numbers.
40:17 I will say the player names too.
40:19 Okay.
40:21 Ben Jarvis Green-Ellis, Eric Weddle, and Avery Bradley.
40:24 On the teams that they're on.
40:26 Patriots, Chargers, Celtics.
40:29 No other teams count here.
40:30 Go ahead, Steven.
40:31 Start with Avery Bradley.
40:32 Start with Avery Bradley.
40:33 Was he single digits?
40:34 Was he double digits?
40:36 Avery Bradley?
40:38 No.
40:41 Who's the middle guy, sorry?
40:44 Weddle.
40:45 Weddle.
40:47 Go ahead.
40:48 I know two and three.
40:49 Number one, Ben Jarvis Green-Ellis.
40:51 Ten seconds.
40:52 Are they all the same number?
40:54 No.
40:55 They're all the same, Steven.
40:56 No.
40:57 Oh.
40:58 Five.
40:59 Four.
41:01 Three.
41:03 Go, Steven.
41:04 Ben Jarvis Green-Ellis, 43.
41:07 Weddle, 32.
41:09 Avery Bradley, zero.
41:11 Other side.
41:14 Other side.
41:15 All right.
41:16 So let's take this 32 and zero.
41:17 Yes.
41:18 Ben Jarvis Green-Ellis.
41:19 Is it 31?
41:20 No.
41:21 Eric Weddle was 32, I think.
41:22 I also thought Ben Jarvis Green-Ellis.
41:24 Maybe he was 21.
41:27 21.
41:28 I think he might be.
41:29 Five.
41:31 I also feel like -- Oh, he might have been 33.
41:33 21, 31.
41:36 No, no.
41:37 21, 32, zero.
41:39 21, 32, zero.
41:41 Final answer.
41:42 Che, you're off by one.
41:44 It's 42.
41:45 42.
41:46 I knew we had a -- Che, that's a fucking -- why do we do this as our niche?
41:50 That's fucking impossible.
41:51 He didn't miss that ever.
41:52 He did not miss that ever.
41:53 Usually it's the same number.
41:56 He did that in the one-view one.
41:57 He was pretty good.
41:58 That was crazy.
41:59 He missed by a fucking digit.
42:00 I fucking missed that.
42:01 Brand logos.
42:02 This is a painful trivia game, boys.
42:04 Brand logos.
42:06 Brand logos.
42:08 Name the two brand logos here.
42:09 One is just a letter.
42:10 One brand logo is just a letter.
42:12 Another is part of the logo.
42:13 This is for Uptown Balls.
42:15 I know the right.
42:17 I know the right, too.
42:23 Well, the left starts with an H, I'll guess.
42:26 It's not HP.
42:28 It's not HP.
42:29 Looks like a technology company kind of.
42:33 Is it HP?
42:36 It's not HP.
42:38 It might be HP, the new HP.
42:41 I thought HP was black.
42:43 Five, four, three, two.
42:46 HP and what's the harp?
42:49 Guinness.
42:51 HP and Guinness.
42:53 I think it's Hilton and Guinness.
42:55 It might be Hilton.
42:57 Hear me out.
42:58 Is this Hydra Pool?
43:00 Is that a brand?
43:01 It looks like a whirlpool.
43:02 It might be Hilton.
43:04 It's probably Hilton.
43:05 Hilton and Guinness.
43:06 That does look like a whirlpool.
43:08 I don't know what that is.
43:10 I don't even know if that's the brand.
43:12 Go with Hilton.
43:13 You just made that up?
43:15 Go with Hilton.
43:17 Hilton and Guinness.
43:19 Tied up 10 to 10.
43:21 That's correct.
43:22 Hydra Pool is not a real thing?
43:24 Why did you say it's not a real thing?
43:26 I thought it plausibly could be.
43:29 You said a not real thing.
43:31 I was trying my best.
43:34 Here we go.
43:36 This is what we deal with on Team Yak.
43:39 Virgin and Paramount.
43:42 Virgin and Paramount.
43:44 Virgin and Paramount.
43:46 Virgin and Paramount, final answer.
43:48 We should have known Hilton.
43:50 We should have just known it.
43:52 I thought it was Hewlett Packard too.
43:54 I thought it was Hydra Pool, but we're good.
43:56 11-10 Yakuapool.
43:59 Jeff, more free ideas here.
44:04 Just do a Che trivia where you just show him things.
44:06 He has to make up company names.
44:08 Hydra Pool.
44:11 Here we go.
44:13 It's not a real company.
44:16 Uptown Balls.
44:18 Here we go.
44:20 Hydra Pool is a company.
44:22 It's a hot tub retailer in northern Canada.
44:24 Remember when Stu Feiner gets the fucking local --
44:29 Sterling Optical.
44:31 Not just Canada.
44:33 Uptown Ball to tie it up.
44:37 What is the largest city by population in the United States
44:42 that begins with the letter G that resides east of the Mississippi?
44:47 All right.
44:49 Gainesville maybe.
44:51 I'm just thinking of things that -- Greensboro, South Carolina.
44:56 Gary, Indiana.
44:58 Greenville, South Carolina.
45:00 Greenville.
45:02 Nowhere in New York.
45:04 I don't think anywhere northeast of New York.
45:06 Greenwich, Connecticut.
45:08 Is that something?
45:10 That's a place.
45:12 I feel like it wouldn't have as much as the others.
45:14 What we've said.
45:16 What about Gainesville?
45:18 I threw that out there.
45:21 I don't know.
45:23 That's hard.
45:25 Is that just like supercology, though?
45:27 I think three.
45:29 Greenville, South Carolina, do you think?
45:31 Yeah.
45:33 One.
45:35 Greenville.
45:37 Yak for the win.
45:39 Is it Greensboro?
45:41 My initial thought was Greensboro.
45:43 I think they have an airport.
45:45 I don't know.
45:47 I'm not sure.
45:49 The only ones I thought of is Gary and Grand Rapids.
45:51 You want to go Greensboro?
45:53 I think so.
45:55 All right.
45:57 Greensboro.
45:59 Yak, 1-0 to open the year.
46:01 That is correct.
46:03 Tommy said Greensboro, too.
46:05 The state doesn't matter.
46:07 Last one.
46:09 What is the largest city by population in the United States
46:11 that begins with the letter F that resides east of the
46:13 United States?
46:15 New Amsterdam.
46:17 Sponsored by New Amsterdam.
46:19 Fayetteville.
46:21 Frankfort.
46:23 First guess is Frankfort.
46:25 Airports.
46:27 Yeah.
46:29 Second guess is Fayetteville.
46:31 Maybe Flint, Michigan.
46:43 Not anymore.
46:45 I think Gary's Indiana is pretty desolate, too, by the way.
46:49 Fargo?
47:01 I don't think that's --
47:03 Fort Wayne, Indiana.
47:05 Holy shit.
47:07 Wow.
47:09 Apologies, gang.
47:11 That's a bad trivia.
47:13 I'd like to apologize to Tommy.
47:19 I thought he was trying to jinx us when he said we'll find a way
47:21 to lose.
47:23 Ben Hogan.
47:25 That was incredible.
47:27 I didn't see that one coming.
47:29 Hawaii and Ben Hogan.
47:31 There's not many teams that you can make a list of the specific
47:33 answers that lose matches.
47:35 Uptown Balls, it's every match.
47:37 Yeah, every match.
47:39 That was on me.
47:43 I'm sorry, gang.
47:45 Uptown Balls, I believe the stat is, I think --
47:47 we'll put it up on the screen.
47:49 They played 30 times.
47:51 I think 90% of their losses are by two points or less.
47:53 It's an unbelievable stat.
47:55 They're always in games and this always happens.
47:57 But they won once.
47:59 Wow.
48:01 The Rangers are in overtime right now.
48:03 Holy shit, what a long match.
48:05 Yeah, you're 1-0.
48:07 Stephen and Roan are great.
48:09 I think I've gotten significantly dumber.
48:11 Yeah.
48:13 I think also the problem is the Daily Dozen is too easy.
48:15 It's significantly easier to show.
48:17 Yeah, you've got my confidence up where I've been playing it and I
48:19 just do the top row and I go three for three every day.
48:21 I don't even fuck with the other six.
48:23 And so I came in being like, dude, I'm fucking killing it right now
48:25 in trivia.
48:27 So, yeah, that and getting dumber has not helped me.
48:29 I'm not going to lie.
48:31 I'm not going to lie.
48:33 I'm not going to lie.
48:35 Yeah, that and getting dumber has not helped me.
48:37 But Roan and Che are studs.
48:39 We missed our niche category and our double.
48:43 So, yeah.
48:45 And NFL.
48:47 That was our double.
48:49 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
48:51 Sorry, sorry, sorry.
48:53 It doesn't matter what happens.
48:55 We'll just find a way to lose.
48:57 I lost the game.
48:59 I'm apologizing.
49:01 Ben Hogan goes to overtime.
49:03 If they had a green borough, they would have somehow thought of
49:05 Fort Wayne, Indiana at the last second.
49:07 Or they would have won.
49:09 Or if Glenny says like Rihanna instead of the Foo Fighters, I
49:11 think you guys also would have won.
49:13 That as well.
49:15 I can't believe also Glenny and I did an entire bonus round where
49:19 we just didn't know the question.
49:21 You got the light.
49:23 You did good.
49:25 Yeah, but I mean it was like, yeah, I just didn't read the
49:27 question.
49:29 I mean so did Roan and Smetty.
49:31 I still don't know what that question is.
49:33 I still don't either, Tommy.
49:35 We made a statement in the last match.
49:37 Water questions might not be right for this game.
49:39 It's hard to comprehend.
49:41 If you're watching this as it airs live, turn this off.
49:43 Go over to Barstool.TV.
49:45 Two great college basketball matchups.
49:47 That game is probably a f****** halftime.
49:49 Yeah, I've done an anthem six hours ago, Jeff.
49:51 I'm going to time it.
49:53 I'm going to time it up to air perfectly with the match.
49:55 I'm going to time it up to air perfectly with the match.
49:57 I'm going to time it up to air perfectly with the match.
49:59 I'm going to time it up to air perfectly with the match.
50:01 So this will start in the morning.
50:03 Yeah, this is going to start at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
50:05 It's not November 7th.
50:07 During the intermission, watch the Yak.
50:09 And then the second half will lead up to basketball.
50:11 I just want people to know, final thing, and don't edit this out, Jeff.
50:13 People are going to watch this.
50:15 Jeff will have edited it perfectly.
50:17 It was the longest match in Dozen history.
50:19 We've been at the computer for two hours.
50:21 You actually, like, yeah, that may be correct.
50:23 We dealt with some tech issues, for sure.
50:25 Stella, we've been at the computer for two hours.
50:27 We dealt with some tech issues, for sure.
50:29 Stella, like everything.
50:31 Oh, unbelievable.
50:33 One more match this week.
50:35 Brandon Walker makes his return to the Dozen.
50:37 Brandon, PFT Fran taking on the Honkers,
50:39 Chris Clemmer, Gia, and Robbie Fox.
50:41 Thank you, as always.
50:43 Flip over to Barstool.tv if you're watching this live.
50:45 As it happens, thank you to New Amsterdam Vodka and Body Armor.
50:47 That is it.
50:49 Good night.
50:51 [Outro Music]
51:17 you
