• 2 years ago
Do not underestimate self-esteem, Know your worth, The parable of how much you are worth,
00:00 Know your worth, the parable of how much you are worth. Do not underestimate self-esteem.
00:11 One day a young man came to the gray-haired elder and said, "I came to you because I feel
00:20 so pathetic and worthless that I don't even want to live. Everyone keeps saying that I'm
00:28 a loser, a clumsy, an idiot. Please help me." The elder glanced briefly at the young man
00:41 and hurriedly replied, "I'm sorry, but I'm very busy right now and I can't help you.
00:50 I need to urgently settle a very urgent matter, after thinking a little," he added. "But if
00:58 you agree to help me in my case, then I will be happy to help you in yours." With pleasure,
01:07 the young man muttered, bitterly noting that he was once again being pushed into the background.
01:15 "Good," said the elder and took off a small ring with a beautiful stone from his left
01:21 little finger. "Take a horse and ride to the market square. I need to urgently sell this
01:30 ring to repay the debt. Try to sell it more expensive and in no case agree to a price
01:39 below a gold coin, ride on and come back as soon as possible." The young man took the
01:48 ring and rode away, arriving at the market square, he began to offer the ring to merchants.
01:57 And at first, they looked at the goods with interest, but as soon as they heard about
02:02 the value in a gold coin, they immediately lost all interest in the ring. Some openly
02:10 laughed in his face, others simply turned away. Only one elderly merchant kindly explained
02:19 to him that a gold coin was too high a price for such a ring. "They can only give a copper
02:28 coin for it, but at least a silver one," hearing the old man's words. The young man was very
02:37 upset because he remembered the elder's order not to lower the price below the gold coin
02:43 in any case. After going around the entire market and offering the ring to a good hundred
02:51 people, the young man again saddled his horse and returned back, greatly saddened by the
03:00 failure, he went to the elder. "Teacher, I could not fulfill your instructions," he said
03:12 with sadness, "at best, I could get a couple of silver coins for the ring." "But you didn't
03:21 tell me to settle for less than a gold one, and this ring isn't worth that much." "You
03:29 just said important words, son," the elder replied, before trying to sell it, "it would
03:35 be nice to establish its true value." But who can do it better than a real jewelry expert,
03:45 a jeweler. "Go to the jeweler and ask him how much he will offer us for the ring." "Just
03:56 so that he doesn't answer you, don't sell the ring, but come back to me." The young
04:05 man jumped on his horse again and went to the jeweler. The jeweler examined the ring
04:13 through a magnifying glass for a long time, then waited on a small scale and finally turned
04:19 to the young man. "Tell the owner that I can't give more than 58 gold coins for him right
04:28 now, but if he gives me time, I'll buy a ring for 70 coins." "70 coins," the young man laughed
04:38 happily, thanked the jeweler and rushed back at full speed. "Sit down here," the elder
04:47 said after listening to the young man's lively story. "And know, son, that you are this very
04:56 ring, precious and unique, and only a true expert can evaluate you." "So why are you
05:06 walking around the bazaar, expecting the first person you meet to do it?" The value of life
05:14 is determined by how much you value yourself, and this, in turn, depends on who you think
05:20 you are. Paradoxically, when you realize your true nature, which is not limited by any name,
05:32 form, or conventions, life begins to shine like an unearthly treasure. Be what you are
05:43 and strive to improve yourself for the better and do not seek the recognition of people,
05:48 only God knows your true value.
05:50 (upbeat music)
