• 2 years ago
¡Asiste a la 1ra Cumbre Empresarial de Líderes del Comercio, los Servicios y el Turismo! Únete a esta experiencia única donde se reunirán importantes personalidades. ️22-24 nov. Mérida, Yucatán.


00:00 [music]
00:01 Commerce, services and tourism.
00:05 More than 250 presidents of Mexican Chamber of Commerce will be here.
00:12 Three days of events, master conferences, networking, national expo, investment opportunities,
00:27 great anniversary celebration. Organize with Canaco Servitur.
00:34 Operate more meetings.
00:37 Be part of the event.
00:40 From November 22 to 24. Open event to business leaders.
00:47 Let's make reality together.
00:53 First Business Summit of the Leader of Commerce, Services and Tourism.
00:58 Digital Connection of the Sector.
01:01 Tor.
