Blessing of Rising Tide Protesters at Newcastle's Christ Church Cathedral

  • last year
Blessing of Rising Tide Protesters at Newcastle's Christ Church Cathedral
00:00 God, at the beginning of time, you spoke and all things came to be.
00:08 You gave us good gifts and in this gifting you entrusted to us these gifts so that we
00:16 might share with all, so that all may have what they need and all may live in dignity
00:25 and harmony.
00:27 We pray that we will always remember your call to share the resources of the earth,
00:34 to care for one another, to listen to the cries of those who seek for justice.
00:41 We ask particularly for your protection and safety for all who find their life upon the
00:47 water, for this group as they seek to draw attention to the needs of the world and to
00:55 engage in conversations.
00:57 This water is a sign of life, may it be a reminder of the common life we share and all
01:05 we are called to do as community.
01:11 And we pray that these vessels may keep those who travel in them in safety, that they may
01:21 be birds of truth and justice and wisdom, that those who are part of caring for your
01:29 world may seek always to care for others and to enable the voices of all to be heard.
01:37 This we pray in the name of the one who is the creator, redeemer and sustainer of life.
01:44 Amen.
