Presse monde - 21/11/2023

  • l’année dernière
MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse monde - 21/11/2023
00:00 [Music]
00:05 [French]
00:08 [French]
00:11 More than 2 million households have a study that was exclusively shared with the Guardian.
00:15 The richest 1% generate more carbon emissions than the poorest 66%.
00:21 Among the maniacs are Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich,
00:28 technology billionaires Bill Gates, Larry Page and Michael Dell,
00:32 inventor and owner of a social media company Elon Musk,
00:36 and Mexican business maniac Carlos Slim.
00:39 The greenhouse gas emissions come from their yachts, private jets,
00:44 homes and financial investments,
00:46 than the annual energy emissions of 2 million households.
00:50 International Courier dedicates its "One" to the ecological transition,
00:56 or rather climate policies, at the center of a new cultural war in Western societies.
01:02 In the file of the weekly, we learn that Swedes are setting up barricades against wind turbines,
01:07 as is the case in Daly Kärli.
01:09 Yet Sweden is a model in terms of wind energy.
01:13 In the town of Smedjbaken, four new projects must be born,
01:18 representing a total of 83 wind turbines.
01:21 The owners of a Meckes farm are worried about the transformation of the landscape
01:25 and oppose the project.
01:27 Conflicts like this are just a foretaste of what may happen
01:31 in many regions in the years to come.
01:34 Because according to researchers, institutions and now the government,
01:38 it is thanks to the accelerated development of wind energy
01:41 that the country will be able to achieve its climate objectives.
01:44 In the International Courier, we announce the crushing victory of the ultra-liberal Javier Milei
01:51 at the presidential election, with more than 11 points ahead of his competitor Sergio Massa,
01:56 the candidate for power and Peronism.
01:59 A sudden right-wing turn and a jump in the unknown
02:01 for Argentina, says the international press.
02:04 The Mexican headline El Universal estimates that Milei, 53,
02:08 won the victory thanks to anger,
02:10 inspiring confidence in an electorate dominated by the rabble,
02:14 resentment and hatred of those who govern it.
02:17 In Argentina, 43.3% of 15-29-year-olds are poor.
02:24 Unemployment reached 13% in this category of the population,
02:27 against 6.2% for all assets.
02:30 If we add to these figures the underemployment, which affects more than 20% of young people,
02:34 nearly a third of them have trouble getting a job.
02:39 In recent years, we have witnessed an increase in precarious work,
02:42 with wages that do not exceed the threshold of poverty.
02:46 In recent years, Argentine society has experienced two disastrous political experiences
02:51 that have led to illusions and frustration in the electorate of the parties in power
02:56 and among various social groups.
02:59 Both the right-wing government of Mauricio Macri in 2015-2019
03:03 and the left-wing government of Alberto Fernandez in 2019-2023
03:07 are increasingly perceived as failures by different branches of the population,
03:12 continues the international press.
03:15 None of the two formations currently in government or in the opposition
03:19 and which presented themselves at the presidential election in 2023
03:22 has made its own self-criticism.
03:24 Neither of the two political speeches seems to have seduced the young.
03:28 The third political option has sought to differentiate itself clearly from the other two.
03:33 It has promised to respond to aspirations for novelty
03:36 and thus to fill with disillusions.
03:39 The Argentines have voted in an atmosphere of uncertainty and concern,
03:43 as rarely since the return of democracy 40 years ago,
03:46 on the basis of chronic debt, inflation, the most severe in the world, 138%,
03:51 and a currency in constant depreciation for two years,
03:55 as the international diplomacy magazine states.
03:59 Millet claims to be an anarcho-capitalist
04:02 and pleads for the abolition of the state he considers to be the absolute evil.
04:06 His theoretical influences come from the economy ecology chain,
04:10 filtered at the prism of the libertarian American Murray Rothbard,
04:14 author of several books, including "The Libertarian Manifesto" published in 1973.
04:19 Millet has lived a kind of revolution, a revelation.
04:23 In 2013, his reading of Rothbard led him to rethink the neoclassical economic theory.
04:29 He then realizes that the arguments against monopolies are unfounded
04:33 and that the perfect competition promoted by this school of thought is so absurd
04:38 that in the end it annihilates all competition.
04:41 For Rothbard, on the contrary, monopolies are not intrinsically bad
04:45 and can even be beneficial if they are the result of an entrepreneurial action.
04:50 They are harmful if they are created by the power of the state.
04:53 In this particular case, to summarize Millet,
04:56 these monopolies are the result of actions of politicians,
04:59 thieves who associate themselves with entrepreneurs taking advantage of privileges
05:03 to harm consumers and workers.
05:07 We close here the international press interview.
05:09 Very good follow of the programs on media.
05:14 (upbeat music)