• 2 years ago
A persistent street dog who followed a group of travelers in Bolivia has been successfully adopted by one of them in Canada. The lovable pooch, dubbed Chase because of his actions, initially came across Krista Sobocan, 37, and her friends while Krista was in Sucre, Bolivia, in January 2023. Having seen a sweet dog follow them after they ate lunch and picked up supplies, Krista and her friends allowed Chase to come with them as they checked out the local sights. After saying goodbye to Chase and hopping back into the group's camper van, Krista noticed Chase was trying to get in, too. The group decided that they could not leave the dog, and so they took him on their South American adventure for the next few weeks, as far as they could possibly go, before heading their separate ways. On August 20, Krista returned to Bolivia to collect Chase, who she then took with her to Miami, a Centers for Disease Control approved airport, before driving to Nashville, Tennessee, so that Chase could become accustomed to North American life and spend time at Krista's father's home. Since then, Krista has taken Chase in her camper van back to Toronto, where he loves the great outdoors.
00:00 This doggo doesn't want to get left behind.
00:03 Krista was traveling in Bolivia with some friends
00:07 when a sweet dog started following them everywhere.
00:11 He followed them from shops to tourist sites.
00:14 Later that day, he even chased their van down through traffic
00:18 for five blocks until they stopped for him.
00:21 Of course, they had to name him Chase.
00:25 And Chase traveled with the crew for a few weeks
00:28 until Krista had to come home to Canada.
00:32 She wasn't able to bring Chase on a plane then,
00:34 so she found a foster family to take care of him.
00:38 Then, when everything was in order for him to travel,
00:41 she went back for her furry friend.
00:43 And since then, Chase and Krista keep on adventuring together
00:48 and plan to travel the world in her camper van
00:51 just like how they first became buddies back in Bolivia.
