How Impressive was the 49ers' Win over the Buccaneers?

  • last year
Analyzing how impressive the San Francisco 49ers' 27-14 win over the Tampa Bay Buccaneers was.
00:00 you go back and look on the schedule, you'll see 2714 easy win moving on to the next one.
00:07 How impressive was this win for you over the bucks?
00:11 I mean, I think I was I think I was impressed, honestly. I mean, I think they let off the
00:16 gas a little bit at the end, and they probably I think the score was closer than the game
00:23 was. I'll put it that way. And I know I don't I think I don't think we agree 100% on this
00:29 one. But I do think here's what I like. Rockford has 17 passing attempts in the first half,
00:36 which is trending 34 in the game. So throughout the last and then the last game, he had 26
00:41 through three quarters, which is also trending that same field, which is something I wanted
00:46 to see from 49ers and Brock pretty and Kyle Shanahan like dial up this passing game. Get
00:51 aggressive. Rock parties numbers are great. So there's really no reason to not pass more,
00:56 especially when you're going against a Buccaneers defense. This is 31st. And I understand that's
01:00 probably why you weren't as impressed because they're not they're not the greatest passing
01:03 defense if we're being real here. But I like everyone was involved for the second straight
01:09 week. Kittle was involved for the second straight week. Debo went on. B.A. went off. We saw
01:15 some great defensive play. Yeah, it's the Bucs. They're kind of a mid team. So I'll
01:22 be more impressed when they go beat the Seahawks, who I think a little better than the Bucs,
01:26 especially when they beat the Eagles, who are a really good team.
01:29 Then I'll be more impressed, obviously. But I thought, I mean, not much to complain about
01:34 Brock pretty. But one thing I really liked about this win, too, and I know I'm talking
01:39 a lot, but one thing I really liked about this win was I got to see the pass up and
01:42 waiting for for 18 stars from Brock pretty for it's like 40 yards, like 30 or 32 or 33
01:49 past the line of scrimmage, but like 40 in the air down the sideline to Brandon. I you
01:54 I've been waiting for that pass. Haven't seen one yet. So that was great to see to another
01:59 box was checked for me for Brock pretty. So I was pretty impressed.
02:04 It was impressive in the sense that they won by 13 without really to me giving their best
02:10 effort. I mean, it was 10, seven, like almost at halftime. And then they had that drive.
02:15 They got a field goal, gave himself a six point lead. And then I thought they were great
02:19 in the third quarter. Just great. I mean, 14, nothing. That's the Niners. They showed
02:24 their standard in the third quarter. It was 27, seven. And I thought, here's what, like
02:29 you have Tampa on the ropes. Tampa's on the road. Tampa's not good. Tampa knows they like
02:34 they're about to go down. I can fighting terms. You got this dude on the ropes. And I was
02:38 waiting for the Niners to deliver the knockout punch. And they didn't. They won on points.
02:43 And it's cool, man. You want on points. But I just felt like a real championship contender,
02:48 like the heavyweight champion of the world knocks out the bucks in that, in that instance.
02:51 And I'm like looking back at my notes here. So Niners, you know, there's that touchdown
02:55 past the kiddo, the end of the right near the end of the fourth quarter. And it's like,
03:00 boom, here's where you put the game away. Fourth quarter starts. And instantly there's
03:03 that 41 yard throw down the middle that Jaya Brown gives up. And then two plays later,
03:08 there's the touch. Well, there's the defensive pass interference in the end zone that gives
03:11 him the ball at the one and there's a touchdown. So the defense folds right there. Then the
03:16 next series first plays a false start by Kyle. You check. So it's like, what are you guys
03:19 doing, man? Come on, deliver the knockout blow, but you guys are messing around. So
03:23 you, you punt and then the Buccaneers get the ball, go all the way down the field, have
03:28 the ball fourth and four at the 12th with life. That shouldn't happen. And then Jaya
03:34 Brown makes a great play. Offense gets the ball back with an opportunity to put the game
03:37 away. Go three and out, get sacked on second down. Buccaneers come back. All of us. They
03:44 have the punt return. So special teams gets in the act. And then once again, the third
03:48 and six at the nine Jaya Brown makes a play. They shouldn't have had those opportunities.
03:51 There shouldn't have been life. And I just like, Hey, you want the game of wins and win
03:55 yada, yada, yada. But it's like knock them out, knock them out with the Bucs. So I hear
04:01 your point and I see what you're saying. And I think there's truth to it. I also know the
04:06 Bucs have strengths and weaknesses and not just weakness. They do have strengths, right?
04:11 I think they are six against the run from Namaste. They're they're eighth in points
04:17 allowed. So they get a ton of passing yards, but they don't let teams score. I think they're
04:22 also eighth and takeaways. And I don't believe we had any. So they, you know, they're the
04:29 Bucs and as Baker Mayfield and on, you know, in our heads, it kind of sounds like, Oh,
04:34 they should just beat their ass. Excuse my language. But they're, they have some strengths.
04:39 They have some weaknesses too. But I also hear your point. I think what we want to see
04:45 is because they are so talented from a roster standpoint is we want to see and put their
04:50 foot on their neck and just beat the crap out of a team like the Bucs. When you have
04:54 to go against a team like the Eagles in a couple of weeks and you're going to need to
04:58 play better than you did, you know, Brock play good, but the defense is tougher.
05:05 Like that, you know, correct me if I'm wrong, but remember the series where Jire Brown bass,
05:10 the pass down that was going to Mike Evans in the end zone, that was fourth and fourth
05:14 from the 12 on second and fourth from the 12. I had my notes incomplete pass to 83 dropped.
05:20 Did they not drop a pass in the end zone on second down in that series? I gotta go back
05:26 and look. I think they might've, I'm just saying like that game was way too close. It
05:30 didn't need, it shouldn't have been that close. And I think the Niners, like the Niners beat
05:34 one by 13 because they're way more talented, way more talented than the way I have. But
05:40 like, did they out coach the Bucs in this game? Were they more prepared than the Bucs?
05:43 Did they play harder than the Bucs? Like, I don't think they played harder. I don't
05:48 think they played harder. I think that's what your complaint is. And I think it makes sense
05:51 because we want this team to be at least I want, they're so talented. You want them to
05:57 play up to their standard last week. Yeah. Not play down to the center of the fucking
06:02 game. Yeah. Don't I see your point there. And it seems like they do that, right? It
06:07 seems like they do that. They've done that all year. Um, like they played down to the
06:11 standard of the Minnesota Vikings. They played down to, you know, you just want them to step
06:17 up every week. Like they're playing the Cowboys when they play the Cowboys, they seem to be
06:21 a different team. And that's what you want to see.
06:24 That they're just pacing themselves. They're like, look, we know we're the fourth oldest
06:27 team in the league. We're not going to empty the gas tank every week. We're going to give
06:32 them as much effort as it takes to win these games. And against the Bucs is going to take
06:36 about 17 minutes of 49ers football and you know, messing around. They won by 13. They
06:43 covered the spread plan like that. So all power to them, but they know that's not good
06:49 enough. Like they know what they did yesterday was not a championship effort, but I guess
06:53 what they would say is, you know, like we're old, we'll turn it on when it's time.
06:58 Here's some evidence for you, right? They know they're playing Thursday. So they had
07:01 Elijah Mitchell out there in the second quarter taking, I believe four, four snaps in a row.
07:07 He was out there. They haven't done it all year. It might've been the Thursday night
07:11 game might've been the questioning that happened at the press conference from a guy. No, I'm
07:16 not sure. But I think it was just like, Hey, we don't need to be a hundred percent to beat
07:20 the Bucs. We got this. They eased in Elijah Mitchell early. They, they pulled off the
07:25 wind Brock balled out. I balled out. It was good.
07:28 Look at it this way though. If the Niners had really put the Bucs away in the fourth,
07:33 in the, in the third quarter, remember it was 27 seven and then the Niners immediately
07:37 give up a touchdown. If they hadn't done that and it had just been 34 seven, man, they could
07:42 have at their starters had a three quarter game and really been giving themselves a big
07:48 edge Thursday night against the Seahawks.
07:50 Are they are probably going to win anyway, but if they don't, you could go back to here
07:55 and be like, well, that was a missed opportunity because they ended up their defense ended
07:58 up playing 71 snaps. A lot of those defensive players end up playing a lot. Bosa for word.
08:03 Yeah. Yeah. I've coached in the past where I have like guys that don't really play and
08:08 I worked them in early because I want them to play, but I probably could, I probably
08:12 could have just put teams out of their misery and then they could have played more longer
08:18 for the rest of the game. So yeah, I see what you're saying. I think there's two ways to
08:21 approach it. Uh, I do think though that the Niners look at the Bucs, like you guys are
08:27 the Bucs. I feel like that's kind of how they approached it, but everyone looks at the Bucs
08:31 that way. Yeah. Right. But I feel like I see your point. Like they need to come at every
08:37 team like they're the Dallas Cowboys. And if they did that, they would be smashing everybody.
08:41 But I also, I was impressed, man. There's a lot of things that were impressive in that
08:44 game too. It's extremely impressive. They showed who they are for a quarter in that
08:49 third quarter. They were unstoppable on offense and defense. Um, I understand pacing yourself.
08:54 I get it. It's still not even December, but they're going to need to play full 60 minutes
08:59 against Philly. See if they can.
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