• 2 years ago
Why the iPhone sucks #shorts
00:00 I'm going to explain to you why the iPhone sucks when it comes to wireless charging in
00:04 a car, and it's all because of this stupid growth here they have for the camera system.
00:09 Because it's elevated, when you go to put your phone down to charge, it rarely ever
00:12 charges properly, and it also means that it then moves around heaps while you're charging,
00:17 which means the charging is constantly going on and off.
00:19 Now, I know all the fanboys are going, "Just get a case.
00:22 It fixes it all."
00:23 Well, I don't want to get a case.
00:24 I bought it because I like the look of it.
00:25 Why should I get a case to make it bulky and annoying?
00:27 They just need to be better at designing stuff so that it works.
00:33 (upbeat music)
