Salute, Locatelli: “Scrittura spontanea, ho raccontato nostro vissuto”

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Ero titubante, invece, la fase di scrittura è stata molto spontanea, l'ho scritta in poco tempo perché ho raccontato esattamente la storia del nostro vissuto”. Con queste dichiarazioni è intervenuto Luca Locatelli, vincitore di “Soldatini”, in occasione della premiazione della sesta edizione di #afiancodelcoraggio, il Premio letterario promosso da Roche che dà voce alle storie di malattia narrate dalla prospettiva dei caregiver maschili.


00:00 Why did you write the story?
00:04 The story was born by chance,
00:06 my wife saw a reel made by Carolina Marconi on Instagram,
00:11 and she asked me to write the story.
00:14 At first it was a bit confusing, a bit reserved,
00:17 because I said, with all the stories that will come to Italy,
00:19 let's imagine where we can get to.
00:21 Then it was very spontaneous, I wrote it in a short time,
00:25 because the story is exactly what we have experienced.
00:28 But it can be a message for other people,
00:31 as our story can be told to a small child about his mother's illness.
00:36 The sharing is very important.
00:38 We called our son a couple of days before my wife's first chemo,
00:44 to explain to him what we would have done.
00:47 This sharing was very important,
00:50 because he gave us a big hand on the way,
00:53 as much as possible for a small child.
00:56 It's an example of how to give lightness to a child
01:01 on a very hard path, because we know it's very hard.
01:05 dura...
