Drama as Cherargei kicked out of senate during Murkomen grilling

  • last year
A short drama was witnessed at the Senate after Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei was kicked out of the chambers. This was during the session where Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen was responding to queries from Senators. https://bit.ly/3R8ztS0
00:00 Let the questions be answered first.
00:03 Let the CS answer the question in the process.
00:07 Let the CS answer.
00:09 One moment, yes.
00:12 What is...
00:14 You cannot raise point of order.
00:16 Let him finish the question, then you can rise.
00:20 Mr. Speaker, on the question of Tala Oldonyesabuk Road,
00:25 it's an ongoing contract, Mr. Speaker, that connects Tala to Tika Road.
00:32 It is 40% complete.
00:34 This connects Majakos to the Karisa Road,
00:38 and it was awarded in 2020 for a contract sum of 1.4...
00:41 CS, one moment, please.
00:43 Cherarkey, at this point, I will have to find you out of order.
00:47 And...
00:49 I'm not trying...
00:52 This is not a funeral.
00:57 Okay.
01:02 Senator Cherarkey, I have actually...
01:09 I have actually shown you the dashboard.
01:12 So, Senator Cherarkey, at this point, I will have to ask you to leave the house.
01:18 Please leave the house.
01:20 Please leave the house.
01:22 Please leave the house so that we can continue with the business.
01:27 [indistinct chatter]
01:34 Senator Cherarkey, we've heard you. Please leave the house.
01:44 [indistinct chatter]
01:58 CS, my apology. Please proceed.
02:01 [indistinct chatter]
02:02 [no audio]
