Progetto Adamo per contrastare la denatalità: aziende protagoniste nella promozione della genitorialità"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Dalle analisi è il momento di passare alle azioni concrete, come il congedo parentale di otto settimane retribuito al 100% per il secondo genitore, asilo nido aziendale e misure di welfare innovative. Questo il fulcro della conferenza “Denatalità: dall'analisi del contesto alle azioni” promossa dal Vice Presidente del Senato, Gian Marco Centinaio, in cui le aziende Plasmon, Chicco ed Edenred Italia hanno presentato iniziative innovative nell'ambito della genitorialità, consolidando la rete "Adamo". Questo movimento, nato per supportare la vita familiare sul luogo di lavoro, promuove la collaborazione tra istituzioni, aziende e società civile per invertire il declino demografico.


00:00 From the analysis it is time to move on to concrete actions, such as the parental leave of 8 weeks
00:07 returned to 100% for the second parent, corporate asylum and measures of innovative welfare.
00:15 This is the focus of the De Natalità conference on the analysis of the context of actions,
00:20 promoted by the Vice President of the Senate Gianmarco Centinaio, in which Plasmon, Chico and Endreditalia
00:26 have presented innovative initiatives in the field of parental leave, consolidating the Adamo network.
00:31 This movement, born to support family life in the workplace, promotes collaboration between institutions,
00:37 companies and civil society to reverse the demographic decline.
00:41 We at Arzana Chico have always had this privileged observatory on the needs of families and parents,
00:50 which has led us to understand the evolutions of time.
00:53 So our mission is also to become a facilitator and to lighten the task and the role of these families.
01:00 Lightening means also lightening it economically, it means also solving the pressure they face in this direction.
01:10 As a company we started to lighten up since 2006, when we opened our corporate asylum.
01:18 Despite the current context being perceived as uncertain by more than half of Italians,
01:23 34% of families with a child would like to have other children.
01:27 However, the economic, work and organizational challenges represent significant obstacles.
01:32 The important thing is that a project launched in early February, which was a Plasmon-catalyzed project,
01:38 where it announced the desire to put companies, institutions, families on a single table,
01:45 as a role of a network. And this network also begins to bring concrete examples
01:51 that allow the workers of the three companies that are currently building the network,
01:56 Plasmon, Chico and Ederen, to use the policy values that put the best possible conditions
02:03 compared to the concept of gender and gender identity.
02:05 The Adamo network aims to create a shared intention paper and to define standards of univocal measurement
02:11 for the support of parenthood in the company. The goal is to encourage entrepreneurship
02:16 to promote good practices, making them available to employees and families,
02:20 and to develop concrete proposals to share with institutions.
02:24 As Eden Red we wanted to join the network because we believe in the objectives of the project
02:30 and in the importance of sharing with other companies the good practices that we ourselves
02:35 have introduced within the Eden Red staff. And I can't help but mention some internal initiatives
02:42 at Eden Red, such as the integration up to 100% of compulsory maternity,
02:49 the integration up to 50% of parental leave, as well as forms of organizational flexibility,
02:56 such as the provision of two more days of smart working for the population that has children up to 2 years.
03:04 Exhaustive the words of Gigi Tepalo, president of the Foundation for Parenthood,
03:08 intervened by remote. Parenthood is an investment, not a cost.
03:12 post.
