Farmaceutica, Gemmato: "Da governo azioni per ridisegnare governance del settore"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - "Dal Governo c'è molta attenzione per ridisegnare la governance del settore farmaceutico. Diverse, infatti, sono le iniziative messe in campo: si è partiti dai decreti attuativi di recepimento del Regolamento europeo sulle sperimentazioni cliniche all’istituzione del Tavolo Ministero Salute - Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy sulla farmaceutica e il biomedicale con l’obiettivo rendere l’Italia sempre più attrattiva e competitiva in tema di ricerca produzione di medicinali”. Lo ha detto il sottosegretario alla Salute Marcello Gemmato intervenendo alla terza edizione dell’Health&BioTech Summit, evento dedicato ai temi della salute e del biotech che si è svolto a Roma.


00:00 The opinion has already declined in this balance sheet.
00:04 With the revision of the rates, the transition from the direct rate to 8.3% to 8.5%,
00:10 consequently the reduction of the conventional rate from 7% to 6.8%,
00:14 we give a wide space of flexibility to the pharmaceutical industry
00:19 to reduce the payback rate and therefore bring more money
00:24 into the boxes of the pharmaceutical industry, which I want to remember
00:30 is a strategic asset for our nation.
00:33 We are talking about 49 billion, so almost 50 billion in invoices.
00:38 We are the first in Europe, we always play with Europe.
00:41 Of these, more than 3 billion are invested in research.
00:46 90% of this in clinical research, in occupation, which I define as positive,
00:51 that is, graduates in medicine, pharmacy, biology.
00:54 So our young people, who are obviously not forced,
00:59 if not under free choice, to go abroad,
01:03 especially in AUSA we have a qualified and driven research
01:07 that leads to innovation within our nation,
01:11 therefore making it competitive in the national scenario.
01:14 So a concrete first response to the industry,
01:18 which was requested and announced in the past,
01:22 and which in this balance sheet has been given together with the new pharmaceutical governance,
01:27 which will see the move of drugs from the direct to the conventional rate,
01:31 therefore going against the citizen and further reducing the payback rate.
01:38 This, together with four decrees promulgated by Minister Schillaci,
01:43 the decrees on research, has just been inserted.
01:45 Together with the table we have set at the MIMIT on the subject,
01:52 they mark the step of discontinuity with what has been done in the past,
01:57 but above all they mark a new era, I say this for Italian politics,
02:04 which is that of the programming that is done by a government that has five years of horizon
02:09 and that therefore in these five years can decline strategic policies in the medium, short and long term.
