Watch: Paralysed puppy learns to walk

  • last year
An adorable puppy has learned how to walk and wag his tail after he was left paralysed in a freak accident. Sussex spaniel Elton severely bruised his spinal cord when he bounded off a 50cm wall and landed on his back.
00:00 Good boy. Good boy. Good boy. Good boy. Good job. Good job. I'm just wondering. I'm just
00:27 wondering. Good boy. Good boy. Well done, Alton. You're a good boy. Come on, then. Keep
00:41 coming. No, you're tired. Come on, Alton. Good boy. Good boy. That's it. That's it.
00:54 Good boy. That's it. Well done. Good boy. Good boy. Good boy. That's it. Good boy. Well,
