My Daddy Dearest: Full Episode 27 (Stream Together)

  • last year
As Ivy (Ehra Madrigal) continues to observe their family's behavior, Bong (Ogie Alcasid) lets out his frustration on Daisy (Milkcah Nacion), who is jealous of Camilla (Jolina Magdangal) and CJ's (JC Tiuseco) relationship.
00:00 [music]
00:10 You know, we were just having a conversation
00:13 so we didn't notice the time.
00:16 It's good that Bong is there.
00:18 If he didn't show up,
00:20 you might have ruined my head
00:23 in waiting for that CJ.
00:26 Camila, I'm really sorry.
00:28 I hope you'll agree to go out with me later tonight.
00:30 I promise, I'll make up for it.
00:32 Don't let Aunt Ivy and Daddy Bong
00:35 bond.
00:36 Remember, we have to do everything
00:39 so Aunt Camila can continue with your dad.
00:42 I don't know about that girl.
00:43 You know, her biggest problem
00:45 is Bong and Daisy's psychological state.
00:48 We have to do something about this.
00:51 Daphne, what are you thinking?
00:53 I don't want to go with you. I don't want to.
00:55 Why are you so stubborn?
00:57 Huh?
00:59 You can't force what you want.
01:01 [music]
01:04 I just want him to go back to the date.
01:08 Because that's what Aunt Camila and her family talked about.
01:13 Right?
01:14 It's bad if it doesn't match
01:17 the conversation.
01:20 But she's mad at me.
01:23 She's mad at me
01:26 because she thinks she's Aunt Ivy.
01:29 She's mad at me.
01:32 Daisy, stop it.
01:34 Stop crying.
01:36 Daddy Bong is just going through something right now.
01:40 What?
01:42 It's hard to explain.
01:44 But it's like a curse.
01:47 He's just confused.
01:49 He's feeling different things.
01:52 Sometimes, his head just gets hot.
01:55 Maybe, Daddy is really blaming me.
01:59 That's why he's mad at me.
02:02 It's really my fault.
02:04 I'm the one who's responsible
02:07 if a curse happened.
02:10 Don't think about that.
02:13 He's just confused
02:15 with what he's feeling.
02:17 He's not blaming you.
02:19 You're just in love.
02:21 Let's just wait for him to cool down.
02:25 Bong, are you okay?
02:34 You seem so stressed.
02:36 Actually,
02:40 I'm just mad at Daisy
02:42 because she's forcing me to go there.
02:44 I really don't want to.
02:45 She's so annoying.
02:46 You're right.
02:48 I'm just mad at Daisy.
02:51 But don't think about her.
02:53 You're just being mad at her.
02:55 Bong, it's a beautiful night.
02:57 Relax.
02:58 Let me take care of you.
03:00 Ivy, please don't.
03:03 What?
03:04 Why are you crying?
03:06 We've been together for so long.
03:08 You know that's what I want.
03:10 I want to serve you.
03:12 I will do anything and everything
03:14 just for you.
03:15 I'll help you.
03:17 Ivy,
03:18 you really want to help me?
03:20 Of course.
03:21 That's what I always do.
03:23 Really?
03:24 Yes.
03:25 You'll do anything?
03:26 Of course.
03:27 I'll do anything for you.
03:28 Okay, you're the one who will help me.
03:31 I was planning to go to the general clinic.
03:33 I thought it would be easy.
03:34 But it's so hard.
03:35 I'm so tired.
03:36 You're the one who will help me.
03:38 All of these?
03:39 Yes.
03:40 Sure.
03:41 Okay.
03:42 Don't worry.
03:43 I'll finish it.
03:46 You're the best girl.
03:48 You're so full.
03:54 Daisy,
03:58 come here.
04:00 Did you talk to your dad?
04:04 You know,
04:07 we talked earlier.
04:09 He was so nice to me.
04:11 He said he's tired of you and your nagging.
04:14 I told you not to be so nagging.
04:17 But you're still not listening.
04:19 There.
04:20 Your dad is still mad at you.
04:22 Do you like that?
04:23 No.
04:24 I don't want him to be mad at me.
04:27 Especially, dad.
04:29 I know that.
04:31 But do you want him to be mad at you?
04:35 I'm thinking of a way.
04:37 There.
04:39 What is it?
04:40 You're thinking of a way?
04:41 Do it.
04:42 I'm sure your dad will be happy with you.
04:44 Do it.
04:45 But, this is too much.
04:47 You can do it.
04:49 Just think of it.
04:51 This is your way to get back at your dad.
04:53 He won't be mad at you.
04:56 He'll be happy with you because he knows you're hardworking.
05:00 Do it for your dad.
05:02 Do it for your dad.
05:03 Okay?
05:04 Okay.
05:05 Bye.
05:06 [door opens]
05:07 Is someone looking for me?
05:18 Ah, Rose?
05:22 Is that you?
05:24 Don't fool me.
05:27 I'm just washing Daisy.
05:30 She can't be harmed by house chores, right?
05:34 If you don't want to do it, I'll do it.
05:36 I'll do it.
05:37 Don't be afraid of me, Rose.
05:39 What Rose?
05:41 I'm the one who's afraid.
05:42 Daphne?
05:45 In the flesh.
05:47 Daphne, what are you doing here?
05:51 I'm checking if you're working properly.
05:55 Because you're wasting your money if you're just here.
05:59 How did you know the address?
06:03 We gave you the address, right?
06:05 Yes, you did.
06:07 Why didn't you tell me you're coming here?
06:09 Let's just go inside. I'm so bored.
06:11 Let's just have fun.
06:12 We're just having fun.
06:15 Bong can't see us together.
06:18 Do you want to think about why we're so close?
06:21 Think about it.
06:22 I came here to check if you're not wasting your money on the plan.
06:27 If you're not working properly.
06:29 No, I'm not.
06:30 Look, I'm here in a faraway place in Tagaytay Mountain with Bong and Daisy.
06:35 Instead of playing games in the fort.
06:37 Don't you have enough proof that I'm useful to you?
06:40 What are you saying?
06:42 That there might be a difference if Bong and you are going to be together?
06:45 Hey, hey.
06:46 That's not what we're talking about.
06:47 You're not going to get married to Bong.
06:49 That's not what we're talking about.
06:50 You're going to be a family or you're going to have a child.
06:52 Do you understand?
06:53 That's not what we're talking about.
06:54 Get it?
06:55 Get it.
06:56 You're just going to make him mad.
06:57 Come on, go inside.
06:59 Wait, don't tell me that you're just going to go outside to tell me that.
07:03 And then, are you going home again?
07:05 Do you need to sleep here?
07:07 Go inside.
07:08 Okay, you're too hot.
07:10 You're doing your job.
07:12 Where's Daisy?
07:19 She doesn't want to go inside the room.
07:23 She's afraid of you.
07:25 She's afraid that you might get mad.
07:28 Well, that Camila is really annoying.
07:31 I thought we're friends.
07:35 But Daisy is the one who's affected.
07:38 She's just thinking about my feelings.
07:41 She's just thinking that I'll be hurt if she's with CJ.
07:46 I know that.
07:48 I know that you're jealous that's why you didn't go to the date.
07:52 That's why you're mad at Daisy's rebuttal.
07:55 I don't know.
07:57 I'm just really mad.
07:59 I'm really mad when they're sweet.
08:02 But daddy, I hope you won't be mad at Daisy because you're jealous of CJ and Aunt Camila.
08:10 I hope you won't shout at her because she felt your shouting earlier.
08:15 What can I do? That's what I feel.
08:18 You're really watching me, right?
08:23 You were with me earlier and now you're calling me.
08:26 You're really annoying.
08:27 Hey Ivy, I want to make sure that you're in your room.
08:30 In the guest room? Are you sure you're in the guest room?
08:33 Are you really in the guest room?
08:35 Yes, I'm in the guest room. I just came here and I'm staying here.
08:39 Really? Okay.
08:41 I'll call Bong and Daisy.
08:43 Don't go to Daisy's house to lie to me, Ivy.
08:47 Why would I go to her house?
08:49 I'm really annoyed with her.
08:51 You know, I'm always getting scolded.
08:54 What will Bong get from you if you won't get closer to Daisy?
08:57 You're so stubborn.
08:59 Stop being so contradictory to the child and be close to her.
09:03 You need to win over Bong. Do you understand?
09:06 Yes, ma'am. I understand, ma'am.
09:09 Ma'am, I'll go now. Bye.
09:11 Fine. I'll get closer to her.
09:17 Bong is really thankful because he has a lot of money.
09:22 If it's not for my money, I won't be so arrogant.
09:26 Camila, thank you for spending some time with me.
09:51 I hope you enjoyed it.
09:52 Where's Bong? Why didn't he come earlier?
09:58 Bong said he's not feeling well. He didn't come.
10:02 Ivy is the same.
10:05 As I was saying, thank you for this date.
10:10 I hope we can meet again. I hope there's a next time.
10:17 CJ, I have something to tell you.
10:21 I'm not into deep dates.
10:24 So, I hope you don't expect a next time.
10:30 Didn't you enjoy it?
10:32 Maybe he needs it and I followed Bong's advice.
10:35 Why? What did Bong say?
10:39 He told me that you're easy to please.
10:44 He suggested a simple date.
10:47 A simple dinner. Not fancy.
10:49 Wasn't our dinner fancy?
10:51 No.
10:53 I really hope you liked it.
10:54 No. It was okay.
10:57 What did Bong say?
11:00 I'm really pissed off.
11:02 I'm really pissed off when they're sweet.
11:04 Daddy Bong, don't be mad at auntie Camila.
11:08 You know that you'll feel like uncle CJ will pass away
11:13 if you don't get married.
11:14 So, don't be jealous.
11:16 What can I do? That's what I feel.
11:19 Just endure it.
11:22 And don't blame Daisy because of that.
11:25 I'm really hurt.
11:27 You're a nice person.
11:30 You're a nice person to talk to.
11:32 That's why I wanted to have a coffee with you.
11:34 But you want to go home.
11:37 You look tired.
11:41 Maybe, we can still talk.
11:47 You're happy to talk.
11:50 We can talk here if you want.
11:52 We can talk here.
11:54 I also want to know what Bong said.
11:58 I mean,
12:00 if he trusts Daisy.
12:04 Of course.
12:06 We can talk about how much you care about Daisy.
12:10 Bong is really thankful because he has a lot of money.
12:13 If he's not rich,
12:15 I won't be able to support him.
12:17 Auntie gave daddy money.
12:21 She's really mean.
12:23 I thought she loves daddy.
12:27 Son,
12:38 Daisy,
12:39 please forgive your daddy.
12:43 I was really mad at you earlier.
12:47 I was really confused.
12:49 I went through a lot.
12:51 But I'm not mad at you.
12:54 I'm sorry.
12:56 Daddy,
12:58 I have another problem.
13:01 I heard something in Aunt Ivy's house.
13:07 I'm going to sleep.
13:08 Son,
13:10 it's not right to listen to what others are saying.
13:13 I didn't tell you to gossip.
13:15 I didn't mean to, daddy.
13:18 But daddy, Aunt Ivy is not a good person.
13:22 She's not like Aunt Camila.
13:25 Aunt Camila, Aunt Camila.
13:27 Camila again.
13:29 That's enough, son.
13:31 I told you not to force Camila to me.
13:36 I'm sorry, daddy.
13:37 I'm sorry, son.
13:41 I'm sorry.
13:43 That's enough, son.
13:44 I'm sorry, son.
13:45 I'm sorry, son.
13:47 I'm sorry.
13:49 Sir Bong,
13:56 Daisy has a surprise for you.
13:58 Daisy, take it.
14:00 Give it to your daddy.
14:01 Surprise.
14:05 [music]
14:06 It's for you, daddy.
14:11 Wow!
14:15 Daisy,
14:17 my daughter is so good.
14:19 You made that?
14:21 Oh my.
14:23 Sir Bong, I woke up early to help.
14:26 Really?
14:28 Thank you, son.
14:30 Here, this is what we're going to eat for dessert.
14:33 Cupcakes made by Daisy.
14:35 You're so sweet, Daisy.
14:37 You should always do that in your bed.
14:40 Good morning.
14:43 I brought fruits for you.
14:45 Wow!
14:47 There.
14:48 You know, I was lazy earlier.
14:50 And I also overdid it to bring it here.
14:53 Oh, we don't need that anymore, right?
14:56 If it's not obvious,
14:58 there, it's in front of you.
15:00 We have dessert.
15:02 Well, there's room for more.
15:04 And this is delicious that Camila brought.
15:07 Oh my, it's ripe.
15:08 Yes, this is good.
15:10 It's ripe.
15:11 My sister told me earlier.
15:13 She said that this is the sweetest one.
15:15 I don't believe it.
15:17 For me, you're still the sweetest.
15:20 You're so silly.
15:22 It's good that we started this.
15:23 Bong, do you want me to cut you?
15:26 I don't want to.
15:28 Oh my, Camila, don't force me.
15:30 Before I come, we decided that we will eat for dessert
15:33 the cupcakes that Daisy made.
15:35 So, don't change it.
15:38 Did I do something wrong?
15:52 No, why?
15:55 I'm being shy with Bong.
15:59 I think he got mad at me earlier.
16:01 That's how it is.
16:04 He's a bit dictator.
16:05 Of course, he's the boss.
16:07 That's why he wants his orders to be followed.
16:10 But that's personal.
16:13 He just wants us to eat Daisy's cupcake first.
16:16 Maybe, he wants to show the kid that he appreciates what he did.
16:21 I don't know about Daisy.
16:23 Daisy made it herself.
16:25 If I know, I'll be the one to eat it first.
16:29 Don't worry.
16:31 I'm sure, Bong is not mad at you.
16:33 If you want, I'll accompany you to talk to Bong so you won't worry.
16:37 And also, so you won't have your apprehensions.
16:40 But, you know, for now, don't worry.
16:43 Because I'm sure, Bong is okay with you.
16:45 Daddy, why did you get mad at Auntie Camila earlier?
16:50 She brought fruits for us.
16:54 That's not true, son.
16:56 Maybe, I was just surprised.
16:57 And maybe, I was a bit annoyed with your Auntie Camila.
17:01 You guys are always challenging us.
17:04 I was a bit distant with your Auntie Camila.
17:09 So, you're not really mad at her?
17:12 I'm afraid that you might fight with Auntie Camila again.
17:17 I hope that won't happen, daddy.
17:23 Don't worry, son. I promise you.
17:25 That won't happen again.
17:28 And I'm allowing you to play with your Auntie Camila.
17:32 Promise, daddy?
17:34 Promise.
17:35 Yay! Thank you!
17:37 Go ahead.
17:39 Go brush your hair.
17:41 Here, Kawini.
17:43 Daddy Bong, will you promise that you won't tease Auntie Camila again?
17:49 Oh, no. I can't control that.
17:52 But, I can't just be like that all the time.
17:57 Maybe, I should focus my attention on Ivy, not on Camila and CJ.
18:04 That's right. That's what I'll do.
18:06 Bong, can I talk to you?
18:11 Of course.
18:13 Camila has been worrying about me.
18:16 She wants to know...
18:18 CJ, I'll talk to her.
18:19 Bong, I was surprised that you raised your voice at me earlier.
18:26 I want to know if we have a problem.
18:31 Are you mad at me?
18:33 Me? Mad?
18:35 There's no reason for me to be mad.
18:37 That's why I'm asking.
18:40 Because I don't know, maybe, you might...
18:43 You forgot what happened.
18:46 That's all in the past.
18:48 What are you saying?
18:49 I told you, that's all in the past.
18:51 Bong is a good person.
18:54 And, he doesn't have a bad influence.
18:56 So, don't worry.
18:59 I don't want to see you in trouble.
19:02 Ivy!
19:06 I'll go to Ivy.
19:08 What?
19:10 Let's go.
19:12 Let's go.
19:14 Oh, my God.
19:15 I thought you two already talked and there's no problem.
19:20 Yes.
19:23 Oh, my God.
19:25 You know, Bestie,
19:27 the problem is just a problem when you're the one who's causing it.
19:32 I don't understand.
19:33 I don't understand, either.
19:35 Because, when we were drinking last time,
19:38 it was okay.
19:42 Then, suddenly, you didn't notice me.
19:44 It's so obvious, right?
19:45 Gross.
19:47 Hey.
19:48 So, you want to get closer and closer and closer.
19:53 I told you.
19:55 You are falling, falling and falling.
19:58 Oh, my God.
19:59 You.
20:01 You again.
20:02 You're the queen of maliciousness.
20:06 You know, Daisy is the only reason why I want to get close to her.
20:11 That's all.
20:12 There's no other reason.
20:14 You know, Bestie,
20:16 it's easy to solve that.
20:18 Right?
20:20 It's just a bonding moment.
20:22 I know.
20:25 Let's swim.
20:26 You know, so that Sir Bong and you can bond.
20:29 At the same time, Daisy will enjoy.
20:32 See?
20:33 My idea is a winner.
20:34 Yes.
20:35 Hi.
20:45 Hi.
20:46 Oh, my.
20:47 You're so talkative today.
20:49 Here's the thing. I got two points today.
20:51 First, Camila got mad in front of me.
20:54 Second, Bong left Camila and Jey to get close to me.
20:59 See?
21:00 I feel like I'm better than Camila.
21:03 Oh, my God.
21:04 You should have a better chance in prom.
21:06 But, Ivy,
21:07 that's just half of your job.
21:09 You should remember that you should win Daisy over.
21:11 You need to get her close to you.
21:13 I know, right?
21:14 That's why I'm trying to endure it.
21:15 Even if I can't get her to accept me.
21:17 Hello?
21:18 I'm not a blood relative, right?
21:20 You know,
21:21 it's a good thing that she's not bothering me too much now
21:23 because Camila is there.
21:24 It's a good thing that she's not bothering you too much now.
21:31 You're so happy, right?
21:33 You're crazy.
21:34 What's wrong with you, Ivy?
21:35 Think about it.
21:37 You should be the one who's bothering the kid.
21:39 She should be close to you,
21:40 not Camila who's in the air.
21:42 What's wrong with you?
21:43 Ivy, I know I don't have any love for the kid,
21:46 but find a way to get her close to you,
21:48 not Camila.
21:50 What should I do?
21:52 I don't know.
21:53 Think about it.
21:54 I went to Tagaytay to supervise you.
21:57 You're going to depend on me?
21:59 It's hard to find a job.
22:01 You're going to add more?
22:03 Daisy, your dad is here.
22:07 Tell him.
22:08 What does he want to say?
22:10 It's about Aunt Ivy.
22:14 Aunt Ivy?
22:16 Why?
22:18 What about Aunt Ivy?
22:20 Ivy, what a coincidence.
22:28 He's going to say something about you.
22:30 Really, Daisy?
22:32 What will you say about me?
22:35 Bong is planning to go back to Manila.
22:53 Do everything you can to stop him.
22:55 We have a resort to go to nearby
22:58 so we can band together.
23:00 Relax.
23:01 I should be there to take care of Daisy.
23:03 It's okay. I'll take care of Daisy.
23:06 Thank you for letting me stay with your family
23:08 and for helping me with Camila.
23:10 Now I notice that you're the one who's banding,
23:13 you're the one who's always seeing each other,
23:15 you're the one who's always talking to each other.
23:17 Bong, confess to me.
23:19 Are you jealous?
23:20 Do you notice, Winnie?
23:22 Aunt Ivy is kind to me now.
23:24 Because she has a different motive.
23:27 See you later, Daisy.
23:29 When you're lonely.
23:30 Help!
23:34 Help!
23:35 Help!
23:37 My dearest, my dearest daddy
23:39 Saranghae saeul eopdaneun eomni
