My Daddy Dearest: Full Episode 23 (Stream Together)

  • last year
Bong and Camilla's relationship is flourishing until Ivy shows up out of the blue and chooses to move in with them. Has she changed, or is this just for show?
00:00 [music]
00:10 I just want to fix Day.
00:13 I don't want anyone to fight because of me.
00:17 Especially me, because we're all here, Daddy.
00:20 What are you planning to do now?
00:23 Daisy is not in the room.
00:24 She's not in the classroom.
00:26 I'm okay. Even if I'm tired, I'll do everything to find Daisy.
00:29 You can do anything, sir.
00:31 What about you, Ma'am Camelia?
00:32 I'll do everything to find Daisy.
00:35 We don't have to talk anymore.
00:36 You two should just fight.
00:38 I saw in her the quality of a good mother.
00:42 That's why I think, Daddy Bo,
00:44 she's the perfect mother for Daisy.
00:47 Maybe you're just saying that because she looks like Rose?
00:51 If you want to be sure, why don't you get to know her?
00:56 I'll be thankful for what you did for Daisy.
01:02 [music]
01:06 Bong, I'm okay here. I'll just stay here.
01:11 I'll just accompany you until Gene arrives.
01:15 She lied! She lied! She lied!
01:20 Gene, what happened?
01:23 I'm going to jump here!
01:25 Wait! What happened?
01:29 My true love saw that you're with a girl.
01:33 That's why she wanted to come here.
01:35 She wanted to watch her gig.
01:37 This is life.
01:39 What did I tell you?
01:42 You're crazy.
01:44 You're just hoping for the best.
01:46 Let's go home.
01:48 What will you do with this ticket?
01:50 I bought it for a high price.
01:52 I'll just watch it. I'll just go home.
01:55 Wait, Jake!
01:57 [music]
02:03 You know, my affection for you is growing.
02:07 I think I'm starting to like you.
02:10 Let's just finish this and eat everything.
02:14 Let's go home.
02:16 What? It's a waste.
02:18 Let's take advantage. This is free.
02:21 Let's make this our bonding time.
02:24 We're family.
02:28 You're the wife of my ex-husband, Rose.
02:34 Technically, I'm your stepfather.
02:36 We're family.
02:37 Family?
02:39 Wait, did I say something wrong?
02:42 No, it's just that...
02:47 My mom died when I was a baby.
02:50 I never thought I'd have a family.
02:54 I didn't want to get married and have kids.
02:57 So I was just surprised when you said that...
03:02 Welcome to the family.
03:05 Cheers.
03:07 [music]
03:15 Are my parents and auntie still together?
03:18 That's what I heard earlier.
03:20 Oh, they might be dating.
03:23 That's so sweet.
03:25 I hope they'll be close forever.
03:29 They're a perfect match.
03:31 [laughs]
03:33 So you're saying...
03:36 You believe in...
03:38 Magic and spells?
03:42 Of course.
03:45 So you believe in...
03:48 Sirena, Capre, and Duende?
03:53 And Pixie.
03:55 What's a Pixie?
03:57 They're flower fairies...
04:01 who watch over the beautiful wishy-wishy flowers.
04:04 Really?
04:07 Okay, let me guess.
04:09 Wishy-wishy means...
04:12 you'll make a wish and it'll come true.
04:15 That's so fast.
04:17 Why? Have you seen a wishy-wishy flower?
04:20 Come on, Be.
04:22 What?
04:24 You still believe in that?
04:26 That's not true.
04:28 I've been watching over the flower farm for a long time.
04:31 I've never seen a flower like that.
04:36 What if you saw a wishy-wishy flower?
04:39 What would you wish for?
04:41 Me?
04:43 I wish...
04:48 my ex-boyfriend to be...
04:51 a human.
04:53 A human with a human body.
04:55 A human.
04:56 That's not possible.
04:58 That's against the wish commandment.
05:01 You can't make a bad wish.
05:04 It'll hurt your partner.
05:05 It's not allowed.
05:07 Is that so?
05:10 Okay.
05:12 I wish...
05:16 I wish...
05:18 I wish...
05:21 I can find someone...
05:24 who will love me.
05:27 Someone who won't hurt me...
05:33 and won't cheat on me.
05:36 Someone...
05:39 who will love me...
05:42 because I am who I am...
05:44 and will love me...
05:46 for real.
05:49 That's my wish.
05:52 Bo?
06:08 Oh my God, Bo!
06:10 It's really you, girlfriend!
06:12 Yes.
06:14 I miss you so much!
06:16 What are you doing here in Tagaytay?
06:18 I'm just relaxing.
06:21 I want to forget about the bad things that happened.
06:24 I also brought my daughter with me.
06:26 Actually, I'm here in Tagaytay too.
06:29 I'm here for vacation.
06:31 I'm here to find myself.
06:33 But guess what?
06:35 I found myself here.
06:37 I'm here with you.
06:39 This must be destiny, Bong.
06:42 Hi, V.
06:47 This is Camilla.
06:48 She's the bride of my ex-husband.
06:52 She's Rose, remember?
06:54 Hi, Camilla.
06:55 I'm Ivy.
06:56 Bong's new wife.
06:58 What?
06:59 No.
07:00 You have a husband?
07:01 No.
07:02 Our wedding is not valid.
07:05 I'm his girlfriend.
07:07 I'm Bong's girlfriend.
07:09 Girlfriend?
07:10 How are you, my child?
07:12 I miss you so much!
07:14 Bong, can I ask you to stay with me?
07:20 The room is spacious.
07:22 It's good for two of us.
07:25 I can't.
07:27 My daughter is waiting for me.
07:29 What?
07:30 What if I'm not with you?
07:33 I'm afraid to be alone.
07:36 You're not used to being alone.
07:38 Why didn't you bring your husband?
07:40 Correction.
07:41 Soon-to-be ex-husband.
07:43 I filed an annulment with Philip
07:46 so that our wedding will be valid.
07:48 Why?
07:51 Why don't you like him?
07:54 Isn't this what you want?
07:56 We're getting married.
07:58 Why?
08:01 Bong, what's the problem?
08:03 Don't you like me anymore?
08:06 Do you have another woman?
08:08 No.
08:09 I don't have another girl.
08:12 I promise.
08:13 After what happened,
08:17 I don't want to get married again.
08:21 Your annulment will be valid soon.
08:27 Why don't we take things slow?
08:31 I have a lot of things that I don't know about you.
08:36 Sir Bong is so nerdy.
08:41 He has a girlfriend?
08:43 Is he just pretending to be straight?
08:46 I don't know.
08:49 He's not that good-looking.
08:51 Well, he's a bit sexy.
08:53 But,
08:55 he's not that bad.
08:58 He has a really nice voice.
09:00 He's like a desperate man.
09:05 Are you sure?
09:06 You're so annoying, Jing.
09:10 I'm annoyed that Bong replaced a girl like that with my sister.
09:15 It's not right.
09:17 It's wrong.
09:18 What's wrong with that?
09:20 I like men.
09:22 They're macho and handsome.
09:25 It's wrong.
09:27 A man should be handsome.
09:29 He shouldn't be all showy.
09:31 He should be sexy.
09:32 Not like that.
09:33 Like what?
09:34 A lot.
09:36 He should be a good husband.
09:38 He should be good-natured and kind.
09:40 But, he should be brave.
09:42 He should fight for his principles.
09:46 And, he should be a good father.
09:49 He should have his own standards.
09:51 He should have his own standards.
09:53 So, he can get married.
09:56 And, Daisy's a good mother.
09:58 Kind, but brave.
10:01 He's not all showy.
10:03 Where can you find a girl like that?
10:06 You're the only one I know who's like that.
10:09 Really?
10:10 Good morning, Daddy.
10:19 Good morning, my child.
10:21 Hi!
10:22 Good morning to you two.
10:24 Hi!
10:25 Daisy, give me a hug.
10:27 Come here.
10:28 You're so beautiful.
10:30 I haven't seen you for a while.
10:31 How are you?
10:32 Auntie Ivy, what are you doing here?
10:35 I'm living here.
10:37 What?
10:39 You're living here?
10:41 Why?
10:42 Don't you want me to stay with you?
10:45 No, not like that.
10:47 I don't think we agreed on this.
10:52 We always plan to be together, right?
10:55 And besides, you always say that we have to get to know each other better.
10:59 So, I thought that I shouldn't live here.
11:01 And you know, I'll pay for the hotel.
11:04 And my annulment, right?
11:06 If you want, I'll pay for the hotel.
11:08 No, I don't want to pay for the hotel.
11:10 And I already talked to the dorms.
11:12 They said that they have extra rooms for me.
11:15 It's fun, right?
11:17 You'll save money.
11:18 We'll be together.
11:19 We'll be like one big happy family.
11:22 Where's my room?
11:25 I'll just look for it.
11:27 Please, just use my room.
11:28 Bye, see you.
11:30 It's fun, it's beautiful.
11:31 And what is Auntie Ivy doing here?
11:36 She fooled you before.
11:38 She didn't say that she's married to someone else.
11:42 I don't understand why Daddy Bong agreed to go back to her.
11:48 And she's really going to stay here in your house?
11:51 She's so stubborn.
11:53 Maybe Auntie Ivy has changed.
11:58 She promised us that she'll make up for it.
12:05 Let's give her a second chance.
12:10 I believe that everybody deserves a second chance.
12:14 But I have a different feeling about her.
12:18 I feel like I'm sensing something wrong with her.
12:21 It's like she's hiding something.
12:24 Really.
12:25 Hello?
12:28 Yes, Ivy.
12:30 Oh my, confirmed.
12:32 The private investigator you hired is right.
12:34 Daddy Bong and Daisy are here.
12:37 But there's a catch.
12:39 They're not the ones here.
12:40 Who are you talking about?
12:43 Bong introduced me to Camilla.
12:46 She's the ex-husband of his ex-wife.
12:48 Oh, I knew it.
12:57 I'm not lying.
12:59 I'm not seeing Royce, but Camilla.
13:01 What? What are you saying?
13:03 No, no, no. Never mind what I said. Wait a minute.
13:06 What do you know about Camilla?
13:09 Could she be a threat to our plans?
13:11 Oh, no. She's not a threat. I can handle her.
13:14 How about Bong and Daisy?
13:17 Are they saying anything about the company?
13:19 No, they're not. I think they forgot about the company.
13:23 And Madam, they seem to be enjoying here.
13:26 I think they don't have any plans to come back here.
13:29 That's exactly what I want to hear.
13:32 So, you take care of Bong, Ivy.
13:36 And I'll take care of his company.
13:40 [sad music]
13:42 [crying]
13:50 What are we doing here in Aunt Ivy's room?
13:57 We're just going to check her stuff.
14:00 Let's see if there's anything that's not good.
14:04 Isn't it bad to know what others are using?
14:08 Daisy, we're not going to steal anything.
14:11 We're just going to check if she has a secret that she's hiding.
14:15 Yuck! Yossi, it's disgusting!
14:23 Look at the bottom. There's a hole.
14:26 There's nothing.
14:31 There's only clothes here.
14:35 I told you, Aunt Ivy doesn't have a secret.
14:40 Look at the bottom.
14:48 Hey!
14:57 I still have my stuff.
15:01 [sad music]
15:05 What are you doing in Aunt Ivy's room?
15:09 I just want to check Aunt Ivy's stuff.
15:13 I want to know if Aunt Ivy is going to use our stuff.
15:18 If she's really going to be the next Monico.
15:22 I want to know if she's hiding anything.
15:26 Son, it's bad to know what others are using.
15:30 Especially if you're not saying goodbye.
15:32 What are you going to tell Aunt Ivy?
15:34 I'm sorry, Aunt Ivy.
15:37 I won't do it again.
15:39 I won't know what you're using.
15:42 Daisy, it's okay. I forgive you.
15:48 You know that I love you and your dad, right?
15:54 I understand why you're acting like this.
15:58 I guess I'll ruin my credibility without what happened during the wedding.
16:02 But I'll make sure.
16:04 I'll do anything and everything to get your trust back.
16:08 How about this?
16:10 Let's not go out.
16:13 Just the two of us.
16:15 Let's get to know each other more.
16:16 What do you think?
16:17 Okay.
16:21 Hello?
16:22 Ador, this is Camila.
16:26 Is Daisy here?
16:30 Who's with her?
16:32 Okay, thank you.
16:38 What did Ador say?
16:42 Daisy is not home yet.
16:45 She's still outside.
16:46 She's with Ivy.
16:48 Why are you so mad?
16:52 I'm not.
16:54 No.
16:55 You know what?
16:56 If I'm the beauty queen, you're the denial queen.
17:00 It's obvious that you're mad and angry.
17:05 I'm used to Daisy being here at this time.
17:12 But now, she found a new aunt.
17:16 She changed my mind so fast.
17:19 Then admit that you're jealous of Ivy.
17:23 Instead of being mad at her, go to her house.
17:29 Why?
17:31 What for?
17:33 I don't belong there anymore.
17:36 Then get to know Ivy.
17:40 Get to know her.
17:42 Make sure you're good to your aunt's girlfriend.
17:45 Bong told you that you're part of the family.
17:49 And you have a right to make sure that your nephew is good to all his relatives.
17:55 Wait, Daisy.
18:02 Auntie, let's go and get the mother fly.
18:06 Where are you going?
18:08 I'm tired of chasing you.
18:10 You'll catch up with me later.
18:11 What about the butterfly?
18:15 You'll see someone else.
18:18 Let's take a rest.
18:19 I want to play.
18:21 I thought we're going to play banding.
18:23 We can play banding.
18:26 Here, I'm just sitting.
18:28 You told me that you want to get to know me.
18:30 Let's do this.
18:32 You can ask me anything.
18:36 I'll answer.
18:37 Okay, auntie.
18:38 Auntie, is daddy still in love with you?
18:41 Of course, I'm still in love with Bong.
18:44 Why?
18:46 Why is he still in love with you?
18:47 Because he's strong.
18:50 What?
18:52 What I mean is,
18:54 the strong one is the one who has a strong appeal of your daddy.
18:58 What else?
19:00 He's rich.
19:04 What I mean is,
19:06 the rich one is the one who has a lot of love for your daddy.
19:09 That's why I love him so much.
19:11 What else?
19:12 You know, you're asking too many questions.
19:19 You know, it's better if you play there.
19:21 I'll just stay here.
19:22 You're asking too many questions. I can't answer.
19:32 Thank you for this.
19:34 Is it delicious?
19:35 Yes, it's so good.
19:37 It's a pity that you couldn't reach Daisy because Ivy and her friends left.
19:43 I'm just kidding.
19:46 Of course, I'm happy.
19:47 You know, I didn't really send Daisy here.
19:52 I came here because,
19:55 she's with you.
19:57 With me?
19:59 Why?
20:01 Bong, I'm just curious.
20:05 Ivy,
20:08 how long have you been together?
20:11 It's been two years, on and off.
20:16 But you know,
20:17 we're usually separated and we fight.
20:20 You know, couples, right?
20:21 They fight, they fight.
20:23 Really?
20:24 So, what happens when you fight? Who's at fault?
20:27 What? Are you hurting her?
20:29 Daisy?
20:30 Are you hurting her?
20:31 No, no.
20:32 In fact, when we fight,
20:34 I'm at fault.
20:37 I'm the reason why we're in a relationship.
20:40 Okay.
20:41 I'm sorry if I asked this.
20:46 Because,
20:47 I just want my niece to be fine.
20:52 I'm really concerned about my niece.
20:55 I want her to be healthy.
20:57 That's why,
20:58 I'm afraid that,
21:01 someone might take care of her,
21:04 and not take care of her.
21:06 Oh, Camila.
21:09 There's nothing to worry.
21:11 Daisy is in good hands with Ivy.
21:14 Why?
21:15 You're so mean, Bong.
21:17 Why?
21:18 You're so mean.
21:19 You're so mean.
21:20 You're so mean.
21:21 Is it good?
21:42 It's good.
21:43 Camila?
21:44 Daisy?
21:46 Daisy.
21:47 Hello.
21:48 How are you?
21:49 Are you enjoying?
21:50 Yes, daddy.
21:51 Next time,
21:52 I hope you'll be with auntie Camila.
21:54 Of course.
21:56 I'm sure you're hungry.
21:58 So, it's better if you eat this delicious buko pie that I bought.
22:02 I'm also going to buy this.
22:04 Chocolate cake.
22:06 You know, Daisy and I went to the bake shop.
22:08 She said she wants this as a snack.
22:10 Chocolate cake?
22:12 Hello.
22:15 That's so sweet.
22:17 Aren't you two too much?
22:19 You're still young.
22:20 Too much?
22:21 Tell her.
22:22 Excuse me.
22:23 What do you mean?
22:24 Can't you see that she's only 7 years old?
22:27 And you're already asking for more?
22:28 Camila, don't be so arrogant.
22:30 Look at your bag.
22:31 What's that?
22:32 It's tasteless.
22:35 And it looks so ugly.
22:38 Ugly.
22:39 What do you mean ugly?
22:40 You're ugly.
22:44 What?
22:45 Did you say something?
22:46 Nothing.
22:47 Are you saying something?
22:50 No, I'm just saying that it's ugly for a kid to eat something that sweet.
22:58 She's too young.
23:00 So, it's better if you put this aside.
23:04 Put it aside so that she can't eat it.
23:07 Because it's not okay.
23:09 Girls, can I have some?
23:10 Don't fight in front of the kids.
23:14 I'll just taste it later.
23:17 I'm still hungry.
23:19 Oh, you're still hungry?
23:21 Okay.
23:22 Let's go there first.
23:23 Go and change your clothes.
23:25 Okay.
23:26 You know what?
23:29 Not because you're the girlfriend, you can follow this behavior.
23:34 I'm just concerned about my niece's health.
23:37 Hey, you just came into Daisy's life.
23:40 I've been serving her for a long time.
23:43 That's why you have no right to question my decisions.
23:46 Bong, I'm talking to you two.
23:52 Please don't fight in front of Daisy.
23:55 I'm sorry, Bong.
23:58 Because I really feel like there's something wrong with this woman.
24:05 I'm sorry.
24:06 What's wrong?
24:07 You know what?
24:08 Wait a minute.
24:09 Don't you have a job?
24:11 You have a flower shop, right?
24:12 Maybe your clients are looking for you.
24:14 Maybe you should just go ahead and pay for it.
24:16 It's better, right?
24:17 Bye.
24:22 Bye.
24:23 Your pixie is bothering me again.
24:33 What I'm saying to Daddy Bong is,
24:36 he should pay attention to his aunt Camila and not waste time.
24:40 You two should go ahead.
24:42 Maybe Aunt Camila will see another guy.
24:45 CJ!
24:46 What do you want to drink?
24:49 Coffee, tea, or me?
24:52 Oh my!
24:53 Aunt Ivy was so confused when she arrived.
24:55 And CJ arrived too.
24:57 Daddy Bong is even more confused.
25:00 You traveled all the way from Manila just to say hi to me?
25:04 Of course.
25:05 And you know what?
25:06 I have something to tell you.
25:07 What is it?
25:08 I'm already feeling something.
25:10 Really?
25:12 You're already liking someone?
25:15 I'm sorry.
25:16 I'm sorry.
25:17 I'm sorry.
25:18 I'm sorry.
25:19 I'm sorry.
