Top 10 Hardest Video Game Bosses of the 90s

  • last year
The 90s gave us some of the hardest bosses in gaming! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today, we’re looking at video game bosses from the 90’s that gave us a hard time.
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're looking at
00:12 video game bosses from the 90s that gave us a hard time.
00:16 (evil laughing)
00:26 Number 10, Death, Castlevania III, Dracula's Curse.
00:30 (upbeat music)
00:32 Death has had a notorious reputation
00:38 throughout the Castlevania franchise,
00:40 not just Dracula's Curse.
00:42 Although, we're outing this iteration because of two things,
00:46 the design of the arena and the projectiles.
00:54 On top of the awkward layout of the stage,
00:56 you'll have to predict Death's next moves
00:59 while dodging all of the scythes flying around.
01:02 Even though you can destroy the scythes,
01:04 they will eventually spawn back in and at random points
01:07 with different patterns than before.
01:10 Be mindful of your position and prioritize the scythes
01:13 before trying to well on Death.
01:22 Number nine, Ridley, Super Metroid.
01:24 The first encounter with Ridley wasn't as much of a hassle
01:34 compared to many other Metroid villains.
01:37 No, the second encounter is where the tension rises.
01:41 Samus and the giant lizard fight in a vertically narrow room
01:45 and our bounty hunter is forced to stay
01:47 somewhat close to the center in order to avoid a fiery death.
01:51 (dramatic music)
01:54 But with Ridley's massive amount of health
01:59 and vicious attacks that can kill you quick,
02:02 you'll be itching to bum rush him
02:04 just to get out of there ASAP.
02:06 Number eight, Lavos, Chrono Trigger.
02:16 Lavos is tough from the get-go,
02:18 thanks to the typical you haven't even seen
02:20 my final form bosses we've come to expect from JRPGs.
02:25 First form, of course, isn't going to be super tough
02:27 as he simply reuses attacks from bosses prior.
02:31 The second form requires you to target his head and arms
02:42 to lower his body defense and prevent it from recovering HP.
02:46 (dramatic music)
02:48 In the final form, 30,000 HP
02:57 and the ability to absorb elemental attacks,
03:00 you might want a guide for this fight.
03:02 Number seven, Airmode Weapon, Final Fantasy VII.
03:13 (dramatic music)
03:16 You were expecting maybe Cipheroth
03:23 or perhaps Ozma from Final Fantasy IX.
03:25 Oh, absolutely not.
03:28 Tough bosses, but not as tough as the Airmode Weapon,
03:31 a mech that is only weak to lightning-based attacks,
03:34 boasts one million HP and sits at level 99.
03:38 (dramatic music)
03:41 That is the thing you are fighting against.
03:48 And may God have mercy on your soul
03:50 when it uses its Airmode Shoot ability
03:53 or counters with Revenge Stamp.
03:55 This fight is why many JRPG fans advise
03:58 that you farm every chance you get.
04:00 Never back out of a fight so you can get that XP
04:03 because you got dudes like this running around.
04:06 (dramatic music)
04:09 Number six, Whiz Pig, Diddy Kong Racing.
04:17 (dramatic music)
04:19 Interestingly enough, Whiz Pig is arguably the hardest
04:26 of the first part of N64 games we all typically play.
04:30 Diddy Kong Racing overall gets oppressive
04:33 with its rubber banding
04:34 after the first third of the campaign.
04:36 Whiz Pig makes it 10 times worse.
04:39 (dramatic music)
04:41 In order to beat him in both races,
04:47 you will need to hit almost every zipper
04:49 while using the trick of letting off the gas
04:51 before hitting the zipper for maximum boost.
04:54 Should you accidentally drive off the road,
04:56 you may as well restart the whole race.
04:58 (dramatic music)
05:04 Number five, Akuma, Super Street Fighter II Turbo.
05:08 (dramatic music)
05:10 Akuma to this day still sends a chill down the spines
05:18 of Street Fighter players.
05:20 Even his debut game makes him ridiculously hard.
05:23 First off, this is Super Street Fighter II Turbo.
05:26 Emphasis on turbo because you need to be fast
05:29 with your inputs to get through most of your fights.
05:32 (dramatic music)
05:35 As for Akuma, he has many moves similar to Ryu and Ken's,
05:41 but he does deal more damage and can use Demon Dash
05:44 to essentially negate attacks
05:46 while simultaneously closing the distance between you two.
05:49 Better bring your A-game.
05:51 (dramatic music)
05:54 - You win!
05:55 - Number four, Death Egg Robot, Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
05:59 (dramatic music)
06:03 (guns firing)
06:05 Whereas most of the bosses on this list are here
06:07 because of massive health pools
06:08 and insane tech powers and patterns,
06:10 the Death Egg Robot is here for a different reason.
06:14 See, just about every boss fight usually comes
06:17 after running through a course.
06:18 Standard video game fear, right?
06:20 Well, the Death Egg Robot is de-leveled.
06:24 (dramatic music)
06:30 There is nothing preceding it,
06:32 meaning you have no chance of grabbing rings
06:34 before reaching Robotnik's mech.
06:36 In other words, you will have to fight this thing
06:39 without getting hit a single time.
06:42 Good luck.
06:43 (dramatic music)
06:46 Number three, Shao Kahn, Mortal Kombat 2.
06:53 - Prepare to die.
06:55 (dramatic music)
06:59 - When it comes to fighting games of the '90s,
07:01 Shao Kahn always rears his ugly head into the conversation.
07:05 The emperor of Outworld has always been
07:07 one of the most difficult bosses in gaming in general,
07:10 and to this day, his debut in Mortal Kombat 2
07:14 is still arduous.
07:15 (dramatic music)
07:18 - Is that your best?
07:22 - This is the kind of guy that will rush you down
07:25 and quickly hurl an insult before you can get back up.
07:28 And yes, he pulls the same BS input reading
07:32 that so many fighting game bosses are given.
07:35 Super fair fight.
07:36 (dramatic music)
07:39 Number two, Wily Capsule Mega Man 7.
07:44 (dramatic music)
07:47 When a developer says, "Let's make a crazy hard boss,"
07:53 you can almost guarantee they are about to make something
07:56 wildly grueling.
07:58 Case in point, the Wily Capsule.
08:01 Wily uses this machine to turn invisible
08:03 and utilize a plethora of different attacks
08:06 that can make the screen look like a madhouse.
08:09 Plus, if an attack hits, there's a good chance
08:12 it will freeze you long enough for another hit to register.
08:15 (dramatic music)
08:18 You are going to need to utilize every power you've nabbed
08:24 from the robot masters.
08:26 And even then, don't be surprised if you have to rely
08:29 on your standard pea shooter of an arm cannon.
08:32 (dramatic music)
08:34 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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08:53 Number one, Kulix, Super Mario RPG,
08:56 Legend of the Seven Stars.
08:58 (dramatic music)
09:01 Funny enough, you can play through all of Super Mario RPG
09:10 and never see Kulix a single time.
09:13 This malevolent being lies behind a secret door
09:16 awaiting your arrival for a fight of epic proportions.
09:19 Should you choose to challenge him,
09:21 you might find yourself severely underpowered.
09:24 (dramatic music)
09:26 Kulix boasts 12,000 HP and holds no weaknesses.
09:34 On top of that, the four crystals that sit in front of him
09:37 can grant monumental boosts to his attack power and defenses.
09:41 Despite defeating Smithy, you may want to try and grind
09:44 even more before facing this big baddie
09:46 from another dimension.
09:48 (dramatic music)
09:51 (upbeat music)
09:54 Who do you think was the hardest boss of 90s gaming?
09:57 Did it make our list?
09:58 Let us know in the comments and subscribe to WatchMojo
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10:03 (dramatic music)
10:06 In the mood for more awesome gaming content?
10:13 Be sure to check out this video here on Mojo Plays.
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10:20 (dramatic music)
10:23 (upbeat music)
10:26 (dramatic music)
10:28 you