Some parents highlight need for support schools, despite disability royal commission

  • last year
The disability royal commission was divided on the future of support schools, with three commissioners recommending they be phased out by the end of 2051. But some parents of students with disability are struggling to imagine how mainstream schools can give their children the support they need.
00:00 Let's go.
00:01 Let's go outside for a ride on our bike.
00:02 Yes.
00:03 We're going to go...
00:04 Going.
00:05 ...for a ride on our bike.
00:06 Bike.
00:07 The four-year-old is non-verbal and still learning to walk, so he needs a lot of assistance.
00:10 He's excited to start kindergarten next year at one of only four support schools in Tasmania.
00:16 All of the teachers at the disability school understand Felix's communication device and
00:21 know that he's going to be able to communicate with his parents.
00:24 All of the teachers at the disability school understand Felix's communication device and
00:30 know how to use it.
00:31 They all also do keyword sign, and the teachers and the support aides have a much better understanding
00:40 and training of the broad complexities of Felix's disability.
00:44 A debate about the future of support schools has emerged after three of six royal commissioners
00:49 recommended they be phased out by 2051.
00:53 They say mainstream schools won't become more inclusive if support schools remain open.
00:58 I have a vision of Australia having a fully inclusive education system where there is
01:05 only one education setting with no dual and segregated settings of mainstream and special
01:12 schools.
01:13 In Tasmania, about 13% of government school students have a disability.
01:18 With so few support schools in the state, most are educated in the mainstream system.
01:22 Advocates for the closure of support schools say this means Tasmania is well placed to
01:26 make the change.
01:27 I think we've got a real opportunity to lead the country in terms of how we make inclusive
01:31 education occur here.
01:33 All agree a lot needs to change before support schools could close.
01:36 If we close special schools today, the system would fail.
01:40 It would absolutely fail, and it would fail because our mainstream system isn't set up
01:45 properly yet.
01:46 Claire would love to see a future where Felix could be educated alongside able-bodied kids.
01:51 There's just so many complexities for that to actually happen.
01:55 For now, she says support schools remain the best option.
01:58 option.
