CBS Young And The Restless Spoilers Shock_ Nikki fled to the basement - Claire a

  • last year
CBS Young And The Restless Spoilers Shock_ Nikki fled to the basement - Claire a
00:00 The young and the restless revealed.
00:12 During the November 20th episode, this may be the first time Ashley sees Tucker again,
00:16 after that time away from Paris, but can she find a way to make him let go of his hatred?
00:20 Kyle also tries to find ways to make Audre feel more secure in himself, but is he too
00:24 immature in everything?
00:25 Claire will continue to bring new troubles in the Newman family, especially Nikki.
00:29 Nikki tries to run away from there, but when she's really successful, she realizes that
00:33 she's about to meet the aunt that Claire always talked about.
00:37 Jack certainly won't simply let Tucker go when he directly targets his family, but on
00:40 the other side, Tucker also begins to carry out his new evil plans.
00:44 Ashley will want to help her brother after all.
00:46 She herself understands that Tucker wants from their family, but Jack was worried about
00:50 her safety and didn't accept it.
00:53 However, in the November episode, he changes his mind when he realizes many things after
00:59 she changes her mind.
01:00 In the November 22nd episode, Ashley will have a new plan, especially when Tucker is
01:03 able to accept what she asked for.
01:06 The plot seems to be becoming more interesting than ever.
01:09 Audre and Kyle may still appear to care about each other on the surface, but then they have
01:15 calculations that no one knows there clearly.
01:17 She also felt pleased when Kyle accepted to work for Tucker and it brought her close to
01:21 her goal.
01:22 Maybe Kyle will soon realize that he doesn't want to disappoint Jack and lose the things.
01:26 He's not even sure if Tucker will keep his original promise after this plan is successful.
01:30 So take the time to see what might happen next.
01:34 Kyle will want to tell Diane everything and she will also have a few suggestions for her
01:38 children, but will they get there soon or will they just make things worse?
01:42 But in the end, Diane didn't hope that Kyle would develop a relationship with Audre too
01:45 far.
01:46 Even though she was captured for a while, Nikki didn't accept that knowing the clear
01:49 purpose was targeting herself.
01:51 But perhaps everything will be revealed soon.
01:53 As for the fans, what do you think about what's going on?
01:55 At this point, Claire can be happy when Anne Jordan appears in this character's play by
02:00 actress Colleen Zenk, but it seems that she was the one behind deciding Claire to do everything.
02:06 Here Nikki will have the chance to face much worse things than before.
02:09 Will Victor find out about Nikki's situation soon because he couldn't contact her or even
02:14 let the neighbors or investigators know that his wife would come to visit his sister?
02:18 Will Victor find out about Nikki's situation soon because he couldn't contact her or even
02:21 let the investigator know that his wife didn't come to visit her sister?
02:25 Perhaps Claire and her aunt are not targeting just Nikki but the entire Newman family and
02:29 who will be their next target?
02:31 Anyways up to now, people still didn't have any suspicions about Nikki's assistant.
02:34 Nikki certainly won't let anyone harm her family, but can't she be running away to protect
02:39 them?
02:40 Joe will promise to give her an advice chance to think about stopping his dangerous job,
02:43 but will it really be that easy?
02:45 But anyways, that's just the good intention that they wish for him.
02:48 Maybe we'll bring and try to make the situation better, but will Lily and Devin accept Nate?
02:53 Please leave your comments below to let us know.
02:55 Michael and Glory go back to the house for the holidays and that was ensured how to make
02:58 Lauren feel very happy.
03:00 Not only that, they also have shocking information and what could it be?
03:03 We'll see you next time.
