Kisumu should lead in ODM party registration drive

  • last year
Kisumu Governor Anyang Nyong’o on Monday said that they want to make sure that the county leads in the party registration drive.
00:00 We want everybody who is in the Sumo count or voting age to have a record, an electronic record,
00:09 provable at the party's office, national party's office, that you are a member of the union.
00:13 We have very good reason for doing that.
00:15 In that, if for example you are a coalition and there is discussion on how positions are distributed,
00:23 let's say that, how many members did you bring to the election?
00:27 You can put it in your membership, which is proven, and those who have voted.
00:32 So this is a very practical thing that we should as a party do in this electronic age.
00:37 Secondly, as you know, we live in an uncertain world.
00:43 We don't be like those five foolish women in the back.
00:47 The Lord came and found their lamps not lit.
00:52 We want when the Lord comes to find us the lamps lit.
00:57 So whatever changes occur in this country, in the event of an election,
01:01 God's name must be read in the coalition, which is all as a party,
01:06 to make sure that this time we come to a state power and we can come to a state power
01:12 with the people with us, voting for us, campaigning for us, all over the Republic of Kenya.
01:19 And therefore we will be able to be as it is happening in other counties in Kenya,
01:24 where a party like Garamugui Odinga has been touring and mobilizing this registration membership.
01:32 His next stop is Kisumu on Monday next week at Garamugui Odinga Central Park in the city of Kisumu.
01:44 So we are preparing for that on Monday, the membership guide, the party leader, Honolulu Ola Momodinga will be with us.
01:52 And we want to make sure that Kisumu leads in party registration.
01:59 We have no other choice but to look like a fabulous in terms of membership.
