Community pushback hindering net zero targets

  • last year
This week world leaders are meeting in Dubai for the United Nations cop-28 climate conference. Australia is keen to spruik its progress on renewables but the road to net-zero has been full of hurdles. In some regions where critical green energy projects are slated communities are pushing back saying not in my backyard.
00:00 In regional Victoria, fifth generation potato farmer Joey Agonetti-Fraser has mowed a very
00:07 clear message into the hill on her family farm.
00:10 We've got a right in our own land and they should hear us.
00:14 Power company AusNet plans to build transmission lines through this property and others as
00:19 Australia ramps up renewable energy production.
00:22 It will completely destroy the way we farm and operate. We can't use any sort of machinery
00:27 under them.
00:28 The proposed Western Renewables Link will move electricity from solar and wind farms
00:33 to a terminal station in Melbourne.
00:34 At the moment we're not on track to achieve 82% renewables by 2030 across the country.
00:41 Australia's racing to get back on track. The government is expanding a taxpayer funded
00:45 scheme to subsidise and underwrite new projects. But community pushback to some of them is
00:50 proving to be a significant hurdle.
00:53 If we don't get this done, then not only are our renewable energy targets at risk, but
00:58 our climate change targets are at risk.
01:00 AusNet admits initial consultations didn't go as planned. It's offering landholders compensation.
01:05 It can vary from $100,000 up to millions and millions.
01:10 There's no negotiation at all with AusNet or the VNI West. No amount of money in compensation
01:15 would make up for it.
01:17 That leaves a stalemate.
01:19 Energy acquisition is a mechanism and is available. However, as I say, we're working through with
01:26 landholders. We speak to them regularly.
01:29 Experts say if Australia's to reach its renewable energy targets, community support for projects
01:34 like this will be critical. And for some communities it will be a long road ahead to reach a solution.
