Suecia solicita formalmente revisión de acuerdo entre UE y régimen cubano

  • last year
El gobierno de Suecia confirmó que ha solicitado formalmente la revisión del Acuerdo de Diálogo Político y Cooperación (ADPC) de la Unión Europea (UE) con el régimen cubano, debido a las violaciones de los derechos humanos en Cuba.
00:00 The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Johan Forssell,
00:16 officially informed the Swedish Congress that the position of the government of the country
00:23 is that the agreement of collaboration and political dialogue with the communist dictatorship of Cuba
00:30 must be reviewed.
00:32 That is the official position of the Swedish government.
00:35 A success of the Cuban Resistance Assembly
00:37 because the Swedish government reported that this agreement had not produced the expected results,
00:44 that on the contrary, the situation of human rights in Cuba, instead of improving, had worsened,
00:49 and that there were alarming reports of torture and abuse in the prisons of Cuba.
00:54 For this purpose, the Swedish government and the European Union sent Mr. Rilmo to Cuba,
01:00 who is the representative of human rights of the Union,
01:03 to make the communist dictatorship of Cuba know the position of the European Union.
01:08 So this is a great victory of the people of Cuba,
01:11 the agreement of collaboration of the European Union,
01:15 which sends hundreds of millions of euros to Cuba annually,
01:19 and which is used by the dictatorship for repression,
01:22 possibly will end.
01:24 Sweden has already led this situation,
01:27 and this has been a great effort of the Assembly,
01:29 so a great victory for the people of Cuba.
01:32 The declaration made public by the Swedish Chancellor,
01:37 to the effect that this European nation has already formally requested
01:41 the review of the irresponsible and immoral agreement of financing
01:47 to the communist regime of Cuba by the European Union,
01:50 constitutes an important step in achieving that this subsidy
01:55 to the Castro-communist dictatorship by the European countries ends.
01:59 The road is still long, there is much to do,
02:02 but this formal request from Sweden,
02:04 also asking for the support of other European countries,
02:07 marks an important moment and shows solidarity with the people of Cuba
02:11 and with their resistance.
02:13 I believe that the events of the last days,
02:15 the assassination of the political prisoner Luis Barrio,
02:18 the failure of the visit of Gilmore to Cuba,
02:21 contribute to the European tone towards the communist regime of Cuba
02:25 to continue strengthening.
02:28 The European Commission on the Human Rights of the Cuban People
02:32 The European Commission on the Human Rights of the Cuban People
02:36 The European Commission on the Human Rights of the Cuban People
02:40 The European Commission on the Human Rights of the Cuban People
02:43 The European Commission on the Human Rights of the Cuban People
02:46 The European Commission on the Human Rights of the Cuban People
