Moms and Daughters Debate Botox, Naughty Lingerie & Gender Dynamics

  • last year
In this episode of "Mommy Issues," four mother-daughter pairs will answer truthfully about their opinions on feminist topics such as gray hair, abortion, cosmetic injections and so much more. Will anyone be surprised at the answers? Take a look!

Director: Claire Buss
Director of Photography: Hil Steadman
Editor: Estan Esparza
Talent: Jazzmyn, Monica, Denver, Sidni, Gillian, Jacki, Leslie, Tiffani
Coordinating Producer: Kevyn Fairchild
Line Producer: Jen Santos
Associate Producer: Shelby Boamah
Production Manager: Natasha Soto-Albors
Production Coordinator: Tania Jones
Casting Producer: Nicole Ford
Camera Operator: Rebecca Van Der Meulen
Gaffer: Yessica Curiel - Montoya
Sound Mixer: Phillip Kim
Post Production Supervisor: Christian Olguin
Post Production Coordinator: Scout Alter
Supervising Editor: Erica DeLeo
Additional Editor: Jason Malizia
Assistant Editor: Lauren Worona
Graphics Supervisor: Ross Rackin
Designer: Léa Kichler
Animation: Samuel Fuller
00:00 - I always joke with her that she wants
00:02 to look more like me.
00:03 So she was getting the filler to have my lips
00:05 and then she got my eyebrows after.
00:07 - Why would I need to look like her?
00:09 I look fine the way I am.
00:11 - Today, I'm gonna be debating my mom
00:18 on different feminist hot takes.
00:20 - Yeah, I think it's gonna be fine.
00:22 I think we'll still be friends at the end.
00:24 - I think we're ready.
00:25 - Pornography is a bad influence in our culture.
00:30 - I think in the right sense, in the right way,
00:35 in the right use, like anything else, it's fine.
00:39 - It kind of can reinforce harmful gender stereotypes.
00:43 I feel like when, if kids start watching it at a young age
00:47 and that becomes their, how they learn sex.
00:51 - Parental controls.
00:52 - I know, but in this day and age,
00:54 I feel like it's so easy to just find whatever
00:58 and like consume it.
00:59 - When were you first exposed?
01:01 - I would guess maybe like around middle school
01:03 or sometime.
01:04 - What?
01:05 - Probably middle school.
01:06 - Really, how?
01:07 - How? - Yeah.
01:08 - The internet. - What was the context?
01:10 - You go into like private browsing
01:12 and you just, you Google things
01:14 and you try to find out what things are.
01:16 I don't know.
01:16 - Okay.
01:17 - Have you ever watched porn?
01:18 - Yeah.
01:19 Like when me and dad and I first got married,
01:23 watched it, but then afterwards it's like,
01:26 you know what, no.
01:28 - What type of porn do you watch?
01:30 - Men and women.
01:31 - What do you search on the search?
01:33 - I'm not free porn.
01:34 I'm paying for it.
01:36 I refuse to pay for it.
01:39 - I think that the earth is completely doomed.
01:42 - I mean, everything is a nightmare, right?
01:46 Like it's like 80 degrees in October.
01:49 I also think that like bad things are happening societally.
01:54 And if humans don't wipe out the earth,
01:56 we'll wipe out each other.
01:58 Does that sound pessimistic to you?
01:59 - Yes.
02:00 - Okay.
02:01 - I feel that people will step up and the world will change.
02:07 - I think your generation and the generation before yours
02:11 are making it very difficult to make changes.
02:14 - What do you mean by that?
02:15 - If you look at the lawmakers,
02:17 you'll notice that many of them have been in office
02:22 a very long time and are very reticent to make changes.
02:27 And it impacts kind of everything,
02:30 the fate of the earth being one of them.
02:32 - Every like three months I'll see a news article like,
02:35 we only have 20 years left on earth
02:37 if we don't make a change.
02:38 I'm like, is anybody gonna do anything about this?
02:41 - I don't worry about it.
02:42 'Cause I mean, like I'll do my part.
02:44 - What would your part be?
02:46 - Just recycle and do all the good stuff they want us to do.
02:48 - Having an abortion is normal and okay.
02:51 - Totally normal and totally okay.
02:55 And I never questioned it or thought otherwise
02:59 or equivocate on that.
03:01 Nothing, zero.
03:02 - I am pro-choice, yet I don't think abortion is normal.
03:07 It's not a form of birth control.
03:09 I think it should only be used if necessary,
03:12 such as like rape or something like that.
03:15 - I would never condemn anyone for getting an abortion
03:19 or thinking about it, but I can't,
03:22 it's not okay to me that an innocent child
03:26 has no agency over their life.
03:28 - I just think that it's an individual decision,
03:31 but I'm not okay with it, you know, for me.
03:35 - I also don't think it should be politicized.
03:37 - I agree.
03:38 - Women should have control over their bodies.
03:42 And I don't think that men should be able to tell us
03:46 what we can do with our bodies
03:47 because they don't go through the hormonal changes.
03:51 They don't understand how difficult it is.
03:54 I think everyone should have a right to choose.
03:56 - Have you guys had this discussion before?
03:58 - No. - No.
03:59 - We've never talked about abortion before.
04:01 - Why is that?
04:02 - I don't know.
04:03 - I grew up in the church.
04:04 So when you're in the church, normally,
04:05 you know how they teach you,
04:07 whatever they teach you from the Bible.
04:08 So you, something in your head, you're sort of that.
04:10 But once you become enlightened
04:13 and now you realize the world is not in a little box
04:15 and people make choices that they have to live with,
04:18 'cause I'm pretty sure it's not an easy choice,
04:20 but sometimes you gotta do what you have to do.
04:23 When women go gray, they should dye their hair.
04:26 Dye it away.
04:29 - She said dye it away.
04:30 - My hair's black and it's like, oh no, stay away.
04:34 - I feel like gray is like a natural part of aging.
04:37 - I didn't say it wasn't.
04:38 - I know, but I feel like it's pretty.
04:40 Like I feel like when people let their gray hair grow out,
04:42 it looks so pretty.
04:43 - Let yours grow out, okay?
04:45 - Women with full gray hair are super beautiful.
04:49 Like, and it's very chic.
04:50 If I went gray, I would gray all the way.
04:54 It's beautiful. - No, you wouldn't.
04:55 - I really would.
04:56 - I think if you are a professional woman in the workplace,
05:01 gray hair is a career ender.
05:04 - Oh.
05:05 - Professional Denver at work, no.
05:08 Nobody wants to take advice from a little old lady at work.
05:13 - Really?
05:14 - Yeah, no.
05:15 - Why did I say yes when I know that I should say no?
05:18 - I don't know, I just think it looks better.
05:19 I don't think anybody should say
05:21 women should not dye their hair
05:22 and you should just go natural
05:23 because it's part of the aging process
05:25 and you should embrace it and you should love it, et cetera.
05:28 I think that if you want to, you should,
05:30 and if you don't want to, you shouldn't.
05:31 'Cause mine's all natural, you know.
05:33 - I need my mom to like my romantic partner.
05:37 (bell dings)
05:38 Absolutely not.
05:39 I want her to dislike my partners
05:42 because she likes them so much that when it's over,
05:46 I would be surprised if she's not still in contact with them.
05:50 - No, you have to work through the issues
05:53 and understand what the issues are
05:56 so that you don't keep reliving it.
05:58 - I know how she feels about this person.
06:00 I feel how I feel and then there's no, I don't know,
06:04 she's not gonna take my side on it
06:06 or understand where I come from on certain topics.
06:10 So no, I'm okay if she doesn't like my boyfriend.
06:13 I think it's better if she doesn't.
06:15 - I have a boyfriend.
06:16 Jasmine hasn't met him yet.
06:18 And we've been dating for two years.
06:19 Sorry, Jasmine.
06:20 She was away at school.
06:21 She's been busy.
06:22 - I have been busy,
06:23 but whenever you wanted me to introduce him to you.
06:26 - If it gets to the point, if I get engaged,
06:28 then I'll say, okay.
06:29 - You're gonna wait until you already have the ring
06:31 on your fingers?
06:32 - Well, I get her all attached and she'll be like,
06:34 "Oh, my new daddy," and then he's gone.
06:36 - I think I'm like past that.
06:38 - Am I intimidating to your partners?
06:41 - Yes.
06:42 - Really?
06:43 - Yeah.
06:43 - Now looking back, there's nothing wrong
06:46 with you being intimidating to my partners.
06:48 Like when you're meeting someone for the first time,
06:50 you have that face that you have right now.
06:53 It's gonna be an impression.
06:54 - No.
06:56 I have considered getting Botox.
07:03 So I look in the mirror and I see some lines getting
07:07 where they shouldn't be.
07:08 And I'm like, why?
07:10 So I'm thinking just a little, but I've never done it,
07:13 but I've thought about it.
07:14 - Who says that they're not supposed to be there though?
07:16 - I don't wanna just get old.
07:19 I want to fight it all the way to the end.
07:21 - Not really, because I don't think I would ever do Botox,
07:24 but not for the reasons that it sounds
07:26 like I wouldn't do Botox.
07:27 It's more like I'm afraid of Botox.
07:28 - You'd be more likely to go for a filler.
07:31 - Exactly.
07:32 We had the filler discussion.
07:34 - You had filler?
07:36 - I did.
07:37 When I lived in Europe, I did.
07:39 I had filler in my lips.
07:41 - But you should agree.
07:43 - No, I don't because it was painful.
07:45 And I had my eyes tattooed.
07:48 - She did, yeah.
07:49 She gets cosmetic stuff done.
07:51 - No, but look, I had one done and then I realized in hurry,
07:55 but I was forced to get the second one done
07:57 'cause you can't be uneven.
07:59 I would never do it again.
08:00 - I would try it.
08:01 I've never done it, but I would try like a little lip,
08:04 like a slight lip filler.
08:06 - There's nothing wrong with your lips.
08:08 No, perfect lips.
08:09 - Are you sensitive about aging?
08:11 - I don't think I am.
08:12 I mean, I went through decades.
08:14 I think when I turned 30 and 40, I was freaking out.
08:19 I'm getting old.
08:20 But then when I hit 50, I was happy.
08:22 I felt like I'm in good health.
08:26 And you see people my age that are not in good health.
08:29 So I count my blessings.
08:31 - I would wear this if my partner asked me to.
08:34 This being, oh.
08:36 - Oh!
08:37 - I knew we had to get to something like this
08:42 at some point.
08:43 - No, I haven't.
08:44 But I'm always like the creative one.
08:47 So I was, too much information for you?
08:49 [laughing]
08:51 - Of course, why not?
08:53 Nothing but fun in my house.
08:55 No kids anymore.
08:56 - Oh no.
08:57 - I have some questions about
08:59 the structural integrity of this.
09:02 And I'm just gonna be honest here.
09:04 I would never be asked to wear this.
09:06 - This is a hypothetical question.
09:06 - This is the tiniest thing I've ever seen in my life.
09:09 - I'm shocked.
09:10 I was, I was.
09:11 - I'm not bad.
09:12 - My peripheral vision was expecting that red flag.
09:15 - You're here, aren't you?
09:18 Yeah.
09:19 - That's true.
09:20 That's true.
09:21 Women ultimately want someone to take care of them.
09:27 We're kind of taught by, you know, rom-coms
09:30 and just society in general
09:32 that you're supposed to be taken care of.
09:34 So that's your expectation as you get older.
09:36 But then the more you just live life and step into reality,
09:39 it's like, actually, I can be content on my own.
09:42 And so I think a lot more women
09:44 are starting to unlearn those myths.
09:47 - Yeah, I agree.
09:48 And I used to think that, you know,
09:50 having a partner, you know, was necessary.
09:54 But the longer I lived and lived my life and was okay,
09:59 I'm pretty content.
10:00 - My parent had like seven kids.
10:02 We were very independent.
10:03 Everyone did their, you know, ironed their clothes,
10:05 made their food.
10:06 So I think after I got divorced,
10:08 I figured everybody needs to know how to do the laundry.
10:11 Even though, guess who messed up the laundry yesterday?
10:14 - Oh.
10:15 - Oh, sorry.
10:16 I should not have said that.
10:18 Her white clothes became pink.
10:19 - Did you do anything new about your mom?
10:22 - No, she types "free porn" into the search bar.
10:25 - That's exciting.
10:26 - I think the biggest shocker for me was the candy bar.
10:30 I did not expect that one, but I'm not mad at it.
10:33 - Thanks for doing this with me.
10:36 I had a good time.
10:37 - Me too.
10:38 - Thanks for watching.
10:41 (upbeat music)
