Great Man of the Universe 2023 winners, kilalanin!

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Great Man of the Universe 2023 winners, kilalanin!
00:00 On the same weekend, November 25, the Grand Finals Night was held.
00:03 A pageant for great causes and that is the Great Man of the Universe for 2023.
00:07 Now we will be joined by the Great Man of the Universe title holders
00:11 Mr. João Emilio from Brazil, the Great Man of the Universe 2023,
00:15 Ryota Saito from Japan, the Great Man World, and Connor Rigney from Australia, the Great Man International.
00:22 And we also have here, Stephen Harold Lillard Jr. from Philippines, the Great Man Earth,
00:27 and the two ambassadors of the Great Man of the Universe, Niro Ahuja from India,
00:32 and Emmanuel Moreno from Rome, Italy.
00:34 Good morning to each one of you and welcome here. Rise and shine, Filipinas.
00:37 Rise and shine!
00:40 Congratulations to all of you.
00:42 Alright, how does it feel to be a title holder in this male pageant?
00:47 Very happy. Everyone here is very happy.
00:49 Philippines is amazing. It's my first time here and we are very, very happy.
00:56 It's good to know that you enjoy your quick stay here in the Philippines.
01:01 So, what comes after Great Man of the Universe?
01:05 I think we have plans together and alone.
01:10 In Brazil, I will keep doing what I did before, events, 4Challenge, like we did in this competition.
01:19 I think I will keep doing this in Brazil.
01:23 Alright, I understand this is the first time you join a pageant.
01:28 So, how does it feel like all of you are title holders now?
01:32 Yeah.
01:34 He knows the English.
01:36 It was an incredible experience. It was really good. It was a good learning experience.
01:42 We learned a lot. We saw a lot of the country.
01:45 We were in Boracay, we were here in Manila, we were in Baguio City, we were in Pampanga as well.
01:51 We got to do a lot of charity work and also a lot of promotion.
01:56 Okay. Nero and Emmanuel.
01:58 I understand also you are both the ambassadors of the Great Man of the Universe.
02:03 What would you like people to know about beauty pageants?
02:07 Also, we want to know your advocacies as well.
02:10 People should know that it requires a lot of hard work.
02:16 It doesn't happen overnight.
02:17 There's a lot of months of preparation from making videos to working on your fitness, your diet.
02:24 Just pageant walking is so different to fashion show walking.
02:28 So, just little things like that. There's a lot of preparation that goes into this.
02:32 But at the end of the day, it's quite rewarding.
02:34 So, I think that's the best thing.
02:36 It's not that you're gaining nothing out of this. It's extremely rewarding.
02:40 And my advocacy now is self-care.
02:43 So, last time I was on the show, I discussed my advocacy which is self-care and self-development.
02:47 Obviously, a lot of people in their lives are going through things after COVID.
02:52 Especially myself as well.
02:55 And what I've realized is that you don't need to have a reason to go through something.
03:00 And it's okay to not be okay.
03:03 Actually, it's not the usual advocacy that you have.
03:05 But it's really important that you have to take care of yourself.
03:09 How about you, Emmanuel?
03:10 For me, Nero is the...
03:12 Nero is the same thing. You have to take care about yourself.
03:16 And I'm really young, so this is really important.
03:21 Alright.
03:22 Of course, our Filipino sister is a kid.
03:24 Yes, of course.
03:25 And she's here. Congratulations.
03:27 What would you advise to our fellow Filipinos who would like to join NILPACET?
03:32 What I can say to our fellow Filipinos who would like to join these campaigns is
03:38 don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.
03:43 This will be a way for you to reach your goals.
03:47 From Baguio, is that right?
03:49 Benguet.
03:50 Benguet.
03:51 One proudie, right?
03:52 Yes.
03:53 Of course, we have Riota.
03:55 And of course, we have Joao.
03:58 So, what are your future plans as you guys are now title holders?
04:02 He needs to join NILPACET.
04:06 Oh, you can't understand.
04:08 He wants to speak Japanese.
04:09 Japanese only.
04:10 Japanese is okay.
04:11 He's a designer.
04:12 He's a designer.
04:13 That's all we can say.
04:15 So, how about Joao? So, what are your future plans after this pageant?
04:19 Firstly, I want to come back here and keep doing what he did in the competition.
04:27 And keep with my model career and sport because I'm a football player.
04:33 Oh, a football player.
04:35 Okay.
04:36 And I will still be doing these two things in my life.
04:42 While walking as the great man of the universe, you also kick some…
04:46 Can you teach us some?
04:48 If you have a ball.
04:50 Okay, as long as we have the ball next time.
04:52 Anyway, do you have any advice to the youngsters who would like to become the next great man of the universe?
05:00 How about you?
05:01 Preparation.
05:02 Definitely.
05:03 There's a lot of preparation that goes into it.
05:05 So, definitely start to prepare, work on your runway skills, work on your modeling skills, work on your communication abilities.
05:14 That would be the best piece of advice I have.
05:16 How about Stephen?
05:17 I'll just do C.
05:19 It's more preparation.
05:21 Congratulations and thank you again for being here in the show.
05:24 And we wish you all good luck in your future endeavors.
05:27 Thank you to our winners and great man of the universe.
05:31 And have a safe flight going back to your respective countries.
05:34 Thank you so much.
05:35 And you can give good word about the Philippines.
05:38 And good luck to all their endeavors, of course.
05:43 And we hope to see you again some other time.
