Ashley's Secret Alliance- A New Deal with Tucker_ The Young and The Restless Spo

  • last year
Ashley's Secret Alliance- A New Deal with Tucker_ The Young and The Restless Spo
00:00 The Young and the Restless spoilers.
00:02 Ashley secretly joins hands with Tucker.
00:05 Ashley Abbott is currently helping Jack Abbott fight against her ex-husband, Tucker McCall.
00:10 She was so against he brother, but then Tucker made a mistake, and now she doesn't want him,
00:14 which was suspicious to begin with, but she gained on us.
00:18 However now, spoilers say Ashley will try her best to mend the relationship between
00:22 Tucker and Devin Hamilton.
00:25 Why would she try to do that?
00:27 She says it's to earn his trust so that she can manipulate him more, but it may be that
00:31 she still has feelings for Tucker.
00:33 Besides, if she joins hands with Tucker again, she has a larger chance of being he owner
00:38 of the Jabot Empire than with Jack and Billy.
00:41 So will Ashley lose her mind again and betray her brother?
00:44 Especially if they get in a dispute and she seeks Tucker for solace?
00:48 Wavering decisions.
00:50 As we all know, Ashley still looks suspicious even though she says she's done with Tucker.
00:56 She wanted Jabot so bad to the extent that to piss her brother off, she decided to marry
01:00 Tucker and it quickly backfired.
01:03 That being said, now she let go of her greed and made a deal with Jack, she doesn't want
01:07 to be the sole owner of Jabot, or at least share it with just one person.
01:12 She's fine with how things are currently.
01:14 But she also has feelings residue for Tucker, and she's trying to mend the fences between
01:19 him and his dad.
01:20 I don't know about you, but this sounds a little fishy.
01:24 Of everybody else, Ashley should know Tucker the best, so trying to play him but winning
01:28 his soft side seems like a suicide mission.
01:31 So this makes us think if she will join forces with Tucker again.
01:35 Now that Kyle's joined his hands with the Abbotts, there's only Audra and Tuckerlet,
01:39 which makes Tucker the only mastermind.
01:42 Sure Audra wants to climb up the ladder but after all, she's just a puppet.
01:46 So maybe Ashley will change her mind and figure that being with Tucker is the best course
01:50 of action for now, she has already won Jack's trust and now she can act like their mole.
01:56 Better yet, what if she never did stop being Tucker's partner?
02:00 It's always possible that she was always going to betray the Abbotts when the time came.
02:05 So what do you think?
02:07 Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
02:09 Subscribe for more and we will see you again the next time.
