Intelligenza artificiale, Poggi: “E’ chiaramente una rivoluzione”

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “La rivoluzione che è in corso è significativa: si discute se all'intelligenza artificiale sia una bolla o sia una rivoluzione. Non abbiamo alcun dubbio che sia una grande rivoluzione e come tutte le evoluzioni ha potenziali rischi”. Con queste dichiarazioni, l’Innovation Leader di Deloitte Italia, Andrea Poggi, è intervenuto a margine dell’evento di presentazione dell’ultima ricerca di Deloitte sull’Intelligenza Artificiale in Italia, avvenuta in anteprima nel corso dell’Innovation Summit svoltosi al MAXXI di Roma.


00:00 What is the future of AI?
00:03 The revolution that is underway is significant.
00:07 We are discussing whether AI is a bubble or a revolution.
00:10 We have no doubt that it is a great revolution.
00:13 Like all revolutions, it has potential risks.
00:16 The fundamental question is how to manage this revolution
00:19 so that it produces all its benefits without generating associated risks.
00:23 In our opinion, it is by changing the mode of interaction
00:27 between AI and human intelligence
00:30 that it is possible to orient this revolution in the right way.
00:34 Basically, we are moving from what was an antagonism between the two intelligences
00:40 to what was a simple collaboration and cohabitation
00:44 to a real and proper integration.
00:47 Symbiotic intelligence is precisely this joint venture
00:50 between AI and human intelligence,
00:53 where AI is the engine of human intelligence
00:57 and human intelligence has the task of directing, controlling and finalizing AI.
01:04 Three actions are necessary at the system level,
01:07 very concrete and feasible from tomorrow.
01:09 The first one is that we all citizens must open ourselves to information,
01:13 to training, to have a greater awareness of the role of AI,
01:19 because only by knowing it we can apply it and monitor for a correct application.
01:24 So, information and training.
01:27 Second, few clear rules are necessary,
01:31 a norm based on clear ethical principles,
01:35 because ethics are fundamental,
01:37 they must be a bit of a cornerstone of the development of artificial intelligence.
01:41 And here transnational institutions, ONG, G7, European and national communities,
01:46 have an important task.
01:48 Third, companies.
01:50 Companies must design their innovative solutions, products or services,
01:55 symbiotic by design.
01:57 What does it mean?
01:58 It means that from the beginning they must involve a multidisciplinary team,
02:02 not only experts in technology, algorithms
02:06 and all other skills of the organization,
02:09 and they must assess not only the economic and technological impact,
02:13 but also the social and, above all, environmental impact.
02:18 With this multidisciplinarity and with the assessment of the social and environmental impact,
02:22 innovative solutions can be clearly more oriented towards the needs of man.
02:27 So, symbiotic intelligence is realized and not only artificial intelligence.
02:32 artificial
