Gov't Sees China's Hand in Indian Migrant Worker Row

  • last year
Taiwan is working to keep relations with India on track after public opposition to a plan to admit Indian migrant workers.
00:00 Should Taiwan allow in migrant workers from India?
00:03 That's become a hot topic as Taipei prepares to sign an MOU with New Delhi
00:08 to pave the way for just that.
00:11 Taiwan already has more than 700,000 migrant workers.
00:15 They come mostly from Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines.
00:19 They take care of the ill and disabled and working factories.
00:23 There's an urgent need for such low-wage labour.
00:27 But opposition to the introduction of Indian migrant workers has grown.
00:31 That's after online rumours that said Taiwan could allow in 100,000 migrant workers,
00:37 which Taiwan's foreign ministry says sparked racist comments
00:41 and bears the hallmark of Chinese cognitive warfare.
00:45 A legislator from the ruling party organised this event in the legislative UN
00:50 to explain to Taiwanese why it's important to Taiwan to have migrant workers from India.
00:57 In 2025, the population of Taiwan will be over 65 years old,
01:00 which is 20% higher than the population of the rest of the world.
01:03 We don't have the population red line anymore.
01:05 We need more friends to help us.
01:08 We know that the labour in India is very good.
01:14 The quota for Indian workers can't be discussed till the MOU is signed,
01:20 which should happen before the end of 2023.
01:23 Bringing in migrant workers is seen as a way for Taipei and Delhi to get closer.
01:28 A big help to Taiwan as it's pressured and isolated by China internationally.
01:35 Justin Wu and Louise Watt at the legislative UN for Taiwan Plus.
