Big Brother 25 Champion Jag Bains Says His Gameplay 'Sucked' Early in the Season: 'I Was a Dumb Player'

  • last year
Big Brother 25 Champion Jag Bains Says His Gameplay 'Sucked' Early in the Season: 'I Was a Dumb Player'
00:00 Do you think, you know, you obviously were such a comp beast this season, I mean, you
00:03 won so many comps.
00:04 Do you think your social game was equally as strong as your physical game?
00:10 I think my social game got better and better as the season went on.
00:14 Obviously, I got evicted at the beginning of the season.
00:17 Like I will never stand here and claim that I was the best player in the house at the
00:21 beginning of the game.
00:22 Like I frankly think I sucked.
00:24 Like I'm very self-aware of that.
00:25 I think I was a dumb player, but for me, I became more and more intentional about that.
00:31 And so I think my social game got better.
00:33 And the fact of it is, like, I also knew I had a target on my back.
00:36 And I knew that people were going to take shots at me eventually.
00:40 So winning competitions was a way that I could protect myself and protect my allies.
00:47 And so I knew I had to step up to the plate every single time when it came to competitions.
00:52 But outside of that, I had to have social relationships with everyone to ensure that
00:57 if I don't win a competition, will I still be good?
01:01 Yeah, absolutely.
01:03 And you know, we saw you being so confident during that final speech.
01:07 But when you picked Matt to come to the Final Two with you, you told him that you thought
01:11 he might win it all.
01:13 Did you really believe that?
01:15 Yes.
01:16 I think Matt has had an incredible game as well.
01:21 And he has really great relationships with the entire jury.
01:25 And so when I made that decision to go to the very end with him, there was a very real
01:34 chance that he won everything.
01:36 And I was aware of that.
01:37 And that's why the decision had so much weight for me.
01:40 And that's why, you know, I even made the speech beforehand that I did, which is I have
01:43 to make the decision that I will be proud of.
01:47 Something that I can hold my head high if I look back at it later.
01:50 You know, this was all very real because I thought sitting next to him would be the more
01:56 challenging thing to do.
01:59 And it's taking the high road.
02:03 And that's what I chose to do.
02:05 And I'm grateful that it worked out.
02:07 But that's also why I felt like I had to fight so hard in my speech.
02:11 You know, I thought that like, I had a lot of ground to make up as I was sitting there
