00:00 @hildatulhami commented, "Sooner or later, their material will be defeated by the truth that is revealed."
00:08 Even though they are a fan of money, they pay a lot of money just to create truth in their lies.
00:13 @Tagar_Julid_Fizabilillah
00:15 Next, @titi_razak commented, "Oh my God, there is a term, Julid, how come Fizabilillah?"
00:22 Lastly, @bang_jemi commented, "As long as you can still make a voice in X, just let it be, don't have to be considered, just gimmick."
00:30 @elon_musk_will_not_be_bold_to_say_that_he_is_a_Palestinian_voice_blocker.
00:32 Support the Israeli's bright light, afraid of new competitors on the platform like this, if possible, the opportunity will be taken by @Pavaldur_Optentic.
00:41 Okay, that's it for this week's Trending Corner. We will meet again next week's Trending Corner when we are back to Rizki.
00:50 Okay, thank you Tiffany. And of course, CNN Indonesia Connected will be back with other information. Stay with us.
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01:54 for the Sultan. The Messi jersey of the World Cup winner in Lelang is offered for Rp 80 billion.
02:01 This is a package of Nass Argentina jersey worn by Lionel Messi in the 2022 World Cup in Lelang
02:07 and also receives an initial offer of US $ 5.2 million or around Rp 80.9 billion.
02:15 One set of this jersey in Lelang contains six shirts and two of them are the jerseys worn
02:20 by Messi in the World Cup 2022 group stage.
02:24 Meanwhile, the other four jerseys are worn by La Pulga from the 16th round to the quarter-finals,
02:29 then the semi-finals, and then the finals of the 2022 World Cup.
02:34 Then there is also the Cop 28 that is held today. There are four issues that have become a hot topic.
02:40 What is it? The COP28 high-level conference that started to be held on Thursday in Dubai,
02:45 the Arab Emirates, discusses a number of steps to limit climate change in the future.
02:51 There are four main topics that are highlighted in the discussion,
02:55 including the transition of energy from fossil fuels to renewable energy,
02:59 then the compensation and punishment to countries that are vulnerable to climate change,
03:05 the imposition of climate funding, as well as the methane and food system.
03:09 The COP28 will be the first conference to focus on the food system.
03:15 Next, this is sad news from the world of entertainment in Indonesia.
03:19 Kiki Fatmala passed away at the age of 56.
03:23 The artist who is also the model of Kiki Fatmala passed away due to complications due to cancer.
03:28 The sad news was announced by the family through a survey on social media.
03:33 Kiki, played by Mariam in the series "Semanji Sembatan Ancol" passed away at the age of 56.
03:39 And through a survey on Instagram, the family asked for privacy and understanding to the public during sad times.
03:47 The funeral will be held in a closed manner and only attended by the family and close friends.
03:59 The ceasefire between Israel and the Hamas group ended on Friday morning.
04:04 And the Israeli military also stated that it has resumed its attack on Gaza.
04:09 And we will update how the situation in Gaza is with the Indonesian mercy volunteers.
04:15 There is Mas Vickry Roviulhak. Good evening, Indonesia, and good afternoon, Gaza.
04:20 Mas Vickry, how are you?
04:22 Alhamdulillah, I'm fine.
04:27 Alhamdulillah. Mas Vickry, the ceasefire ended this morning at 7 o'clock in Gaza.
04:34 And your position can be informed, what city are you in now and what is the situation there now?
04:40 Yes, now we are in a school near the European Hospital in the city of Honiulis, Gaza Strip, South Gaza Strip.
04:52 As we reported yesterday, we were successfully evacuated from the Indonesian hospital,
04:58 from the north Gaza Strip to the south Gaza Strip.
05:02 Because as you know, the Indonesian hospital at that time was really, really, very, very, not conducive.
05:07 Where the Israeli military and the Bajel tankers have been attacking the hospital in Indonesia.
05:15 And also several times they have also attacked the hospital in Indonesia.
05:19 A few hours before the arms race on Thursday night, they also attacked the hospital in Indonesia.
05:24 Destroyed some of the hospitals in this hospital.
05:27 And also the place we live, Dr. Wisma Jose Rizal.
05:30 However, the update I got so far, we are very grateful that the Ashifa hospital has also started operating.
05:39 Although not all of them are operating, only a few points,
05:44 and also the Indonesian hospital is very likely to also operate.
05:48 Because this second hospital is the main point of contact in the whole Gaza Strip.
05:55 And also, if it is already operating, we hope,
06:00 hopefully we can also return to the north Gaza Strip to continue to update the victims who were evacuated from the Indonesian hospital.
06:07 And also the latest updates in the north Gaza Strip.
06:09 Because before, there was information that the Israeli military banned the residents of the north Gaza Strip
06:14 who were evacuated to the north Gaza Strip to return to the north Gaza Strip.
06:20 Yes, then, Mr. Fikri, yesterday we welcomed the arms race well, which also took place in Perpanjang.
06:27 For this time, Mr. Fikri, why can't the arms race be held in Perpanjang?
06:32 Yes, the arms race has actually been tried by the Palestinian fighters and also foreign transport coordinators.
06:43 Countries like Qatar, America, and Egypt, who continue to try to carry out arms races
06:49 because the crisis that the community is experiencing is really too bad.
06:55 Where in this war, for 40 days there was no arms race, no food, no gasoline, or other supplies.
07:03 What we need to know is that the Indonesian hospital is using cooking oil to replace solar, because there is no more.
07:11 I think it's just the generators that are used as cooking oil, but many cars use cooking oil to replace solar.
07:22 Because many people have queued up in all the aid places, but I have also interviewed several times
07:29 that they still haven't had enough of the aid.
07:33 Because the crisis that is experienced, especially in the war,
07:37 there are also many houses that have been destroyed, 230,000 houses have been destroyed.
07:44 Those who are not fit to use it, it means that 60% of the residents do not have a place to live.
07:50 And they are evacuating to schools, both hospitals and schools, or places that they consider safe.
07:55 Yes, then, we also know that the arms race ended this morning there.
08:03 Then, the information we receive here, Israel attacked again,
08:07 with the excuse that there was a Hamas rocket that broke through the arms race earlier.
08:12 Can this information be confirmed?
08:15 Yes, the information is that Israel rejected the arms race again.
08:21 And for information, whether there was an attack from the Hamas military first, I don't know.
08:29 But the information I got was that at 7 in the morning, the arms race was over.
08:37 But a few hours before, the Israeli military had attacked the Gaza Strip.
08:44 This means that they broke the agreement at 7,
08:50 but they had attacked before the arms race ended and attacked all the points on the Gaza Strip.
08:57 And after 7 o'clock, they still attacked the entire Gaza Strip.
09:02 And it should be known that there are many civilians who should not be the target of the Israeli military.
09:11 Then, if you can describe, yesterday, when the arms race, what was the atmosphere like there?
09:18 Yes, in the arms race, the atmosphere of the people was very active,
09:25 like shopping, they also looked for food supplies,
09:29 and also looking for help that had been sent by troops who entered the Gaza Strip.
09:37 However, as I said, these aids are still not enough for the people,
09:42 because the people are in a very difficult situation, plus they also lost their homes.
09:47 And also, they are actually in the southern Gaza Strip, they are mostly from the north Gaza Strip,
09:53 so they don't know what they are doing,
09:56 difficult food, clean water,
09:58 let alone we are still having a hard time finding clean water and also eating for the daily,
10:03 where we can only eat once or twice to save food supplies,
10:09 if the war still continues for a long time.
10:13 However, we hope that this war will be over soon,
10:16 and the people can be active and return to their homes.
10:19 We are also grateful to be able to return to our homes in Gaza.
10:23 Amen, amen.
10:24 Of course, there are many prayers from not only the Indonesian people,
10:27 but also from all the people of the world, so that this war can end soon.
10:30 But, Mr. Fikri, the atmosphere there is certainly not comfortable, not good, it's limited.
10:37 We can see that you are also currently in a condition,
10:40 from the appearance, you may be not healthy or not feeling well.
10:43 Can you inform us, for now or in the future, how you maintain your health condition there?
10:49 Yes, of course, actually, health, we pray too much,
10:57 hopefully God and Allah will also give us health so that we can continue to do our job.
11:03 And actually, to buy vitamins, there are not too many stocks,
11:10 but we can still get it.
11:13 But the main thing is to sleep, even though sleep is still lacking.
11:19 And also, of course, eating habits.
11:22 Actually, I only do that every day, and just pray, depending on Allah SWT.
11:30 Amen, of course we pray for your safety and also your two colleagues there,
11:34 but your two colleagues, how are they now, and how is the evacuation process of Farid Al Ayyubi?
11:40 Yes, indeed, at the moment, their condition is healthy,
11:46 and also our volunteers, Farid and Gabil, are still waiting for the decision from the Kemenlu,
11:52 to wait for his name to be released in Mabarapa.
11:56 When it's out, God willing, it will be evacuated to Indonesia.
12:02 Yes, of course, stay positive, stay healthy,
12:07 our prayers will always be with you there,
12:10 hopefully you will stay safe and hopefully this war can end soon.
12:14 Thank you, Fikri, for your time for CNN Indonesia Connected.
12:17 Stay healthy.
12:18 Yes, CNN Indonesia Connected will return with other information.
12:26 Stay with us.
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12:34 See you this morning on Trent TV.
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14:13 After the flood had collapsed and the residents began to clean the house,
14:17 the residents of Kebonpala, East Jakarta, were again flooded by the flood on Friday morning.
14:22 One meter high water flooded the residents of this dense population.
14:26 A number of police personnel were provided with assistance to help the residents who had to cross the flood
14:31 by carrying the residents using a rubber boat.
14:34 The water leak at the water door of Manggarai, Menteng, Central Jakarta, increased on Friday morning.
14:39 The water leak reached a height of 770 cm or entered the category of 3rd flood.
14:46 This increase occurred due to the high intensity of rain that has been pouring into the Hulu area of ​​the Ciliwung River since Thursday night.
14:53 Head of the BPPB of East Jakarta, Isnawa Aji, asked the residents who live near the riverbank to always be on guard
15:03 so that the residents can prepare themselves to face the potential flood that can happen at any time.
15:10 Starting from Menteng Agung, Rawajati, Pengadegan, Kebonbaru, in the area of ​​China, in this area right now, right?
15:17 And this is proven, after that at 11.30 at night, at 11.00 it started to rain there,
15:24 this morning it started to dawn,
15:27 so of course the areas that were in the Ciliwung River bank will experience an increase in water deficit there.
15:33 Meanwhile, meteorology, climatology and geophysics predict that the Jabodetabek area is still potentially
15:40 hit by light to heavy rain for the next few days.
15:45 The concentration of heavy rain is generally in the southern area, including the Depok area,
15:55 Bogor area, then some areas of Jakarta, Jakarta's DKI, the southern and eastern parts,
16:03 then the Tangerang area and the southern part of Bekasi.
16:08 The BPPB also urged the public to anticipate the flood until the land is flooded,
16:15 considering the weather conditions in early December, which is starting to enter the rainy season.
16:20 CNN Indonesia Jakarta coverage team.
16:25 What happens if Irfan and Alshad go to the island?
16:39 What unique animals do they see there?
16:43 Everything is in the savannah, just like the island of 1000.
16:48 If there are animals, there must be food.
16:51 Which one has the mouth? Which one has the anus?
16:53 The one outside is the only one.
16:56 Huh?
16:57 So, the food is from there?
17:06 Next, this is...
17:14 -Carp. -Carp.
17:16 -Carp. -Carp.
17:20 -Carp. -Carp.
17:22 -Savannah! -Savannah!
17:42 -Savannah! -Savannah!
17:44 Hi!
17:52 -Hi, Alshad! -Hello, Irfan. How are you?
17:54 I'm good.
17:56 If Alshad is not with me, I'll poison other hobbies.
18:00 But if I meet Alshad, I'll be the one who is poisoned by the sea.
18:04 -Irfan loves the sea. -But the color is black.
18:11 -Yes, it's been burnt for a long time. -That's right.
18:13 But we'll have fun in Savannah.
18:15 Welcome Irfan!
18:17 Let's go!
18:18 -We're at... -Island of 1000.
18:20 -That's right. -We're at...
18:21 -Pramuka Island. -We'll explore...
18:23 Pramuka Island in the island of 1000. Let's go.
18:26 The sea is fine.
18:31 But I'll still poison you.
18:34 -What? -I'll poison the fish.
18:36 -The fish is usually the freshwater fish, right? -Yes.
18:38 -And now, the freshwater fish is the decoration. -Oh, there's a shop.
18:43 -Yeah. Hi, bro! -Hello!
18:45 -How are you? What's your name? -Hello, bro!
18:47 -I'm Julian. -I'm Alshad.
18:49 -Bro, I brought Alshad here. -Yeah?
18:52 I want to see the color of the freshwater fish.
18:57 -The color, huh? -Yeah. For example.
18:59 -What else do you have? -We have...
19:01 -Nimong! -Nimong!
19:03 This is the most famous fish.
19:06 -The most famous. -What's the name of the fish?
19:08 -There's Gironemo. -Gironemo?
19:10 -And there's also a green fish. -Oh, Keling.
19:12 -It's often seen in the island of 1000. -Oh, it's called Keling but it's green.
19:16 Yeah, it's called Keling. The color is a bit green.
19:19 It's a bit green. So, it's called Keling Hijau.
19:22 But Keling is black.
19:24 How deep is it found?
19:31 It's usually found in the middle of the sea.
19:34 -But where is it found? -It's found in the sea.
19:36 -It's also found in the sand, right? -Yeah.
19:38 -This is the small one? -Yeah.
19:40 -This is the big one? -Yeah.
19:42 -This is a good one. The one with the scales. -Yeah.
19:44 -What's that? -It's called...
19:46 -It's called... -It's called...
19:48 Butterfly Fish.