The Good Housewife in Her Kitchen | movie | 1950 | Official Featurette

  • last year
Short public information film showing housewives' efficient and hygienic methods of food storage. | dG1fazc1NjdGQXpjZFE
00:00 [Music]
00:10 Food has a far nicer flavor as it's well stored.
00:13 Good food is too often spoiled by bad storage.
00:16 It's quite easy to avoid this.
00:18 Let's consider the week's shopping.
00:26 Meat should be taken out of its wrappings, placed in a covered dish,
00:30 and put in a cool place away from flies.
00:34 Fish should also be covered.
00:36 Greaseproof paper will do.
00:38 It keeps the fishy flavor from spreading to other foods.
00:41 Fats should be left in their wrappings.
00:44 Root vegetables should be stored in the rack.
00:47 But green vegetables shouldn't be kept exposed to air for more than two or three days.
00:53 Salad vegetables may be kept for short periods in the refrigerator,
00:57 as far as possible from the freezing unit.
01:00 They should be carefully covered.
01:03 Soft fruits such as raspberries, blackcurrants, or even plums
01:07 should be laid out on a tray if they're not to be used immediately.
01:13 Preserves and jams should be stored so that each variety is kept together.
01:18 And newly purchased tins should go at the back of the store cupboard
01:21 so that the oldest tins are used first.
01:28 Proper airtight tins are essential for storing some things properly,
01:32 otherwise the flavor soon disappears and they become unpalatable.
01:37 Bacon should be wrapped.
01:41 Plastic is ideal for the surface.
01:48 And then put in the fridge.
01:50 Not in my house it wouldn't.
01:53 I beg your pardon.
01:54 Excuse the interruption, ma'am.
01:57 But do you know, this film would be a waste of time for my missus.
02:00 A waste of time?
02:02 Yes.
02:03 The customers haven't all got places like this, you know.
02:06 Refrigerators and posh cupboards.
02:09 You ought to show them how to do without it.
02:11 But it isn't in the script.
02:12 No, we thought it wouldn't be.
02:14 So me and the boys have organized it for you.
02:17 Here.
02:18 Sit over here a minute.
02:19 And I'll show you why my wife does the job.
02:22 Come on.
02:23 Sit down.
02:25 Get packing, boys.
02:27 Now, just you watch.
02:29 Hey, Bill.
02:31 Give us a hand, will you?
02:33 Come on, boys.
02:34 Help us out, will you?
02:35 Take an end, Harry.
02:36 Mind that fridge.
02:37 Where do you want it?
02:39 Take it right out.
02:40 Clear the whole set.
02:45 That looks more like a real kitchen.
02:50 Now, this is the sort of place I live in.
