00:00 The world will collapse at any moment because he is in his happy times after only one year officially married to a man with blood, Scottlandia Christopher
00:10 He also had to do a few check-ups to make sure the first doctor's phone number and the results were the same
00:18 So the bad news can only be accepted with tears of sadness, not only by Kiki but also by Christopher, the husband
00:29 To be honest, the first time I heard about it was my husband who took the PEP scan results
00:37 And he was the first one to know about the cancer of the 4th stadium
00:41 I didn't go with him, I just waited at the gym
00:47 My husband was crying when he got home
00:51 We both were shocked and we couldn't even speak, we just cried
01:05 And we thought that the worst thing that could happen was the 4th stadium
01:13 It was a 4th stadium, it was hard for people to recover from the 4th stadium cancer
01:26 So when I heard about the 4th stadium, I couldn't say anything but just cry
01:32 Kiki and her husband then found a way to get back to Singapore
01:41 And after 6 times of chemotherapy, there was a hope that would come true
01:45 Because the doctor said that the cancer cells in Kiki's lungs were already sleeping
01:50 I heard that I had cancer in November
02:00 November, the end of November, I knew
02:04 But cancer is something that we have to treat quickly, we can't delay it
02:11 In December, I went to Singapore to do chemotherapy
02:20 From December to January, February, March
02:26 In March, I had my 6th chemotherapy, so for 5 months I had 6 chemotherapy
02:34 After 6 months, the doctor said that the chemotherapy could be stopped
02:43 Because my cancer was sleeping
02:46 It turned out that the cancer in Kiki's lungs was secretly attacking other parts of her body, including her brain
02:54 This is the most difficult to cure, forcing the actress to undergo chemotherapy up to 25 times
03:01 Kiki's chemotherapy was still going on, but the cancer had spread
03:10 Kiki's chemotherapy was 25 times, but the cancer spread to her brain
03:17 The cancer spread to her brain in Jakarta
03:20 In Jakarta, December, February
03:23 After almost 3 years of fighting against the disease, Kiki Fatmah finally gave up on fate
03:28 She actually accepted the reality
03:31 So together with her husband, a plot of land for a house bought at the elite court in San Diego Hills, West Java
03:38 Already prepared, including writing a will for the distribution of inheritance
03:44 If people have studied for 4 years, there are many things that need to be prepared
03:51 My husband said, prepare first, if you have anything, where do you want to bury it?
03:57 Because if someone dies, the difficult thing is what is left
04:07 So you have to make, if there is anything, where do you want to bury it?
04:10 Then the inheritance must also be written from now
04:14 My husband said, if someone dies, what is the person who is in charge of?
04:19 Inheritance, so everything should be written in the notary
04:24 So I have made a will
04:26 In San Diego Hills Court, because it was from Kiki's own will
04:30 The news of Kiki Fatmah's departure left deep sorrow for the family and fans
04:36 The friends also drowned and melted in sadness
04:39 Ozzy Sahputra, a friend of Kiki Fatmah in the film and the Sinetron Simanis Jembatan Ancol
04:44 Really, really hit by the news of the departure of the Sahabat gang
04:48 Especially the last meeting with Kiki Fatmah
04:51 Ozzy suspects that the Sahabat gang has recovered
04:54 Apparently Kiki Fatmah is a person who does not want to make his friends sad
04:58 So often covering the pain of his suffering
05:01 And the saddest thing for Ozzy, the news of the departure of the Sahabat gang
05:05 Must be accepted when he himself celebrates his first moment of age to be 61 years old
05:11 I assume this is a special gift on my birthday
05:18 That if we have a birthday, this is a message from the wisdom we get now
05:23 The message is, it turns out that the birthday is
05:27 We don't need to be too euphoric, too pessimistic, or anything
05:31 We have to be calm, that the age is getting shorter, death is getting closer
05:38 So for me, I have to be confident, I have to know myself
05:43 Maybe Kiki's message is there
05:46 Kiki is always good
05:51 Since getting to know each other through Sinetron and the film Simanis Jembatan Ancol
05:58 Kiki Fatmah is no longer worthy of being a Sahabat but a soulmate for Ozzy
06:03 Because even though he was more matured a few years older than Kiki
06:07 But it turns out that Ozzy, who was originally just a craftsman
06:10 Learned more acting from Kiki Fatmah
06:13 Including learning how to maintain existence through discipline
06:18 And attitude in the shooting location
06:21 Sometimes he likes to give me input
06:26 In the early days of Simanis, I didn't really play around
06:32 Because I was so into Sinetron
06:35 I was a dancer and I played Sinetron
06:38 Kiki gave me a lot of input
06:40 Kiki doesn't like to hang out
06:42 Kiki is a very introverted woman
06:45 She doesn't like to waste time
06:48 She's fun, not serious
06:52 She's fun, but she doesn't like to waste time
06:57 That's her life principle
06:59 And maybe because she's a family member
07:05 So since she was a child, she's been responsible for the family
07:10 The age limit is a mystery that will be explored
07:15 Humans are only given the ability to prepare their fate
07:18 Just like what Kiki Fatmah did before she left for God
07:23 Good luck Kiki, may you be happy forever
07:27 We, the Insert and TransTV family, would like to say
07:34 We are here to defend Sungkawa for Kiki Fatmah's return
07:37 Who is 56 years old
07:39 And this is not only a sad news for the family
07:43 But also for the friend, Ozzy Saputer
07:45 Who just celebrated his birthday, but received a sad news
07:48 Or a sad gift, one of his friends passed away
07:51 Good luck Kiki, may you be accepted
07:55 Thank you for all the works, stories, and memories that we will always remember
08:00 And may the family that was left can be given strength and also added
08:05 Amen
08:06 Okay, viewers, of course there are still many more news that we will deliver to you
08:09 We will meet again on Insert Party
08:11 I'm Astrid Tiar
08:12 And I'm Oke Alparesy
08:13 For the next hour, we will tell you the news about the celebrities in Indonesia
08:18 And also about the viral events in Indonesia
08:21 Absolutely
08:22 Next, we have some news that we have summarized in Insert News Highlight
08:28 One of them is
08:30 What is this?
08:31 It is reported that Fuji and Alya Masaid are on vacation together to Singapore
08:36 Is this a beast?
08:38 Why is it a beast?
08:39 Why are they suddenly on vacation together to Singapore?
08:43 What is this?
08:45 Even though they are on vacation, but it looks like they are still a bit busy
08:49 Maybe they still have to have a conversation first
08:51 Maybe they have to have a Makrab
08:53 Yes, there must be a Makrab night
08:56 Maybe there is a night jury too
08:58 It will be more visible
08:59 Or sharing session first
09:01 How is the ex-boyfriend like?
09:03 Yes, yes, yes
09:04 Maybe he can give tips on things that Torik doesn't like
09:09 Okay, what is the complete news?
09:10 Stay tuned on Insert Party
09:14 [Music]
09:26 [Music]
09:27 I want to encourage them to support the free lunch and milk program
09:33 For Indonesian children with PAN
09:37 Prabowo Gibran
09:39 PAN
09:40 Mom, I often feel tired and dizzy
09:43 You look pale too
09:45 Maybe that's a sign of iron deficiency
09:48 Drink Sangobion when necessary
09:49 Sangobion, multivitamin and mineral with iron, red blood cell form
09:54 Sangobion
09:56 Troublesome and tiring, bring a lot of shopping
09:58 Use Probaby cleanser powder
10:00 Just TKC, pour, shake, wash
10:03 Only 40 bottles at once
10:05 Light weight, light money
10:08 Only 6,900 at Alphamart
10:11 Still dizzy, what should I do?
10:14 Use Pantene Baru
10:15 Formula with micro-provitamin that absorbs
10:18 Stronger hair from inside
10:20 Up to 10 times stronger against dizziness
10:23 Pantene Baru
10:25 Antangin JRG
10:27 With ginger, royal jelly, ginseng
10:30 Help reduce the symptoms of wind and warm the Indonesian nation
10:36 Antangin JRG
10:38 WC-WC-WC, 14 winds
10:41 Acne scab, can be a sign of uric acid damage
10:44 Because of a lack of neurotropic vitamin B
10:46 Neurobion, overcome uric acid damage to its source
10:50 Stop acne scab so it doesn't bother you anymore
10:54 Neurobion
10:56 Antangin JRG
10:58 With ginger, royal jelly, ginseng
11:01 Help reduce the symptoms of wind and warm the Indonesian nation
11:06 Antangin JRG
11:08 WC-WC-WC, 14 winds
11:10 I want to go home
11:15 Not afraid of a mosquito?
11:17 My secret, antiseptic detol in the water of the Batu River every day
11:22 Let my child and my house be protected from mosquitos
11:28 Antiseptic detol has been tested against 100 types of diseases
11:32 Protect family and home
11:34 That's why family and home rarely get sick
11:37 Detol, sure to be protected every day
11:40 Want to be as cute as them?
11:44 Support the free lunch and milk program
11:48 For Indonesian children with PAN
11:52 Prabowo Gibran PAN
11:56 New, Korean chameleon apple
11:59 Combination of chameleon and apple
12:02 Give a fresh smell of the summer in Korea
12:05 Clean clothes, the smell of the summer every day
12:09 Wingscare
12:10 To stay happy
12:16 It's time for Pocky
12:18 With thick chocolate and contains fiber
12:21 A bite of Pocky, immediately happy
12:24 Pocky, happy
12:26 LactoGro
12:27 The only milk with L-reuter
12:30 Enriched with omega 3 and 6
12:33 Support smart and active body
12:36 LactoGro
12:37 The amazing little thing starts from the inside
12:40 ABC Clepon coffee
12:42 New sensational that you can't finish
12:44 Coffee mixed with savory coconut, sweet palm sugar and pandan aroma
12:47 Practical, immediately use cold water
12:49 New ABC Clepon coffee
12:52 Lusantara taste
12:55 Clean, no smell, no smell
12:57 No need to wash
12:59 You need Fix Formula 44
13:01 Light syrup warming the nose
13:03 Relieve the nose, clean, no smell, no need to wash
13:06 Fix Formula 44
13:08 Four steps, relaxed
13:10 Meria Bareng Mega 2023 is here with the winners
13:14 Bamega invites the winners to Hong Kong and Macau
13:18 I'm really surprised, because I've never won in my life
13:22 Surprise, this is my first time going to Hong Kong and Macau
13:26 I can have a duet holiday, feel like a honeymoon again
13:29 So save at Bamega
13:31 Get a gift around the world
13:33 Free to choose the destination
13:35 Only Bamega can make you smile
13:38 Meria Bareng Mega
13:40 Mom, the aroma is delicious
13:43 Without using your favorite soy sauce
13:45 Wow, soy sauce
13:47 Because it has been made using the same ingredients
13:49 Never changed
13:50 Yes, Malika, who is taken care of wholeheartedly
13:53 Became one of the four natural ingredients
13:56 That's why it always tastes good
14:02 Hmm, always delicious, mom's cooking
14:05 Because the taste never lies
14:08 Bango, because the taste never lies
14:10 Want to be as cute as them?
14:14 Support the free lunch and milk program
14:18 For Indonesian children
14:20 Together, bang
14:22 Prabowo Gibran
14:25 Pepsoden Herbal, fresh nafas, 18 hours
14:28 Even after breakfast, sambal terasi
14:30 Yes, Pepsoden Herbal, fresh nafas, 18 hours
14:34 Even after lunch, using butter
14:36 Yes, Pepsoden Herbal, fresh nafas, 18 hours
14:40 Wow, even after dinner, using goat meat
14:43 Yes, Pepsoden Herbal, fresh nafas, 18 hours
14:46 Pepsoden Herbal, natural halal ingredients
14:48 With cilantro and lime
14:50 Fresh nafas, 18 hours
14:53 Pepsoden Herbal, fresh nafas, 18 hours
14:55 Using new Raffica Bian Luxury Collection
14:57 Smoothing your skin with a perfume booster
14:59 Smooth skin for a moment
15:01 Clean with a luxurious fragrance
15:03 Free from wrinkles, fragrance for up to 7 days
15:05 Clean and smooth with Raffica Bian Luxury Collection
15:09 Wing Scare
15:10 There's a new one, K-Natural White Jeju Lemon
15:13 With Korean rice milk and Jeju lemon
15:16 Against the bacterial body acne
15:18 Wow, pretty, pretty
15:20 Bye, be careful, K-Natural White Jeju Lemon
15:23 New
15:24 Wing Scare
15:25 New delicious broth powder
15:27 New standard, delicious cooking
15:29 This is the first class taste of broth powder
15:31 From quality choice spices and real meat
15:34 Through the slow cook process, produce a golden broth
15:37 The broth is not greasy
15:39 This is my secret broth powder
15:41 Delicious cooking, so effortless
15:43 Hmm, delicious
15:45 Delicious, delicious
15:47 Great, add more
15:48 All approved
15:50 Chef approved
15:51 Delicious broth powder
15:52 Delicious cooking everyday
15:53 Buy 2 get 1 extra
15:54 From Beastfood
15:55 The hot news of the broken relationship between Korean and Ria Ricis
16:09 Now has the name of Auklin Fia as the third person among them
16:13 Welcome the good news from Kiki and Alia who are pregnant with their first child
16:17 And more routinely exercise
16:19 Talking about children, Kemal Pahlevi also brought the fresh wind
16:23 From the birth of his first child that he has been waiting for a long time
16:27 And how is the news updated from Alia Masaid and Fujian
16:30 Who said it's getting closer but still in a hurry
16:33 We have summarized everything in the following Insert News Highlight
16:38 [Music]
16:41 The news of the broken marriage that has been built by Ria Ricis and the Korean for two years
16:50 Sign by sign, the gap between them has begun to be seen
16:54 Without a little bit of the support provided by both parties
16:57 Then a rumor emerged that there are three parties that make their relationship as it will begin to crack
17:04 Like one of them, the name of Auklin Fia, a slapgum who was viral because of the vulgar content he made before
17:11 I don't know why it can be accused of netizens as the third person who succeeded in tempting Ria Ricis' husband
17:17 Not accepting the news, Auklin made a clarification and said
17:22 He doesn't know these two celebrities at all
17:28 After I read the comments, it turns out that many people still believe that I am the third person from that relationship
17:39 Even though it turns out that I don't know that person at all
17:45 I don't know the girl or the boy of that couple at all
17:50 So I beg you not to blame me for them because I don't know
17:57 Kiki Amalia
18:00 Kiki Amalia has long been waiting for her first child's pregnancy
18:04 Finally came to bring good news at the age of 42
18:08 Officially a year married to Agung Nugraha
18:11 Kiki said that she is pregnant with a baby who is only 7 months old
18:16 However, for gender and name itself, Kiki and her husband agreed to keep it a secret first
18:21 To normalize the process of birth, this is how Kiki Amalia prepares herself for her birthday which is a few months away
18:31 I'm happy to be pregnant, yoga, yoga, pregnant, it's already started
18:37 How many times do you do yoga?
18:38 Once a week
18:39 Once a week?
18:40 Yes, so I started yoga, because for normal delivery, there must be a lot of preparation
18:47 I'm grateful and I pray for all of you who are at my age, don't be discouraged
18:54 Many artists who don't have children at my age, don't be discouraged, don't be sad
19:00 There is a God who will arrange everything, Allah will give us the strength to have a pure heart
19:06 Stay away from conflict, really, as much as possible, that's all
19:14 The first time Kemal Palevi was made a mess when his wife entered the delivery room on Friday
19:20 Kemal has officially become a father to his first child, a female male
19:25 Through a photo posted on his official social media account, it seems Kemal is hugging the baby and as if he is praying with full of love
19:34 The baby named Kinami has an interesting fact that once made Kemal panic
19:39 Like the appearance of the number 6 on several occasions, starting from the weight of the baby, which is 2.6 kg, 46 cm long and was born at 7.16 am
19:51 This beautiful number is like a lucky number that will continue to give blessings in the family of Kemal Palevi
20:00 Kemal Palevi
20:03 From the video, the short video was made a mess, among the two women who were in the heart of the torik helilintar, namely Alia Masaid and Fuji Ann, recorded together
20:23 The two of them were walking in an airport alley to find their destination to Singapore
20:29 But what is the netizen here, without Fuji and Alia, even fun with their own cell phones, fill a fairly wide distance between the two
20:37 And as if a tense aura was created when the two chose to hug without interacting a little
20:44 Maybe Fuji and Alia still feel uncomfortable with the torik choice that caught their attention
20:50 But apparently, there are a few netizens who also believe that the relationship between the two women is really good
20:58 Yes, it must be good, if it's not good, why are you going on vacation together to Singapore?
21:08 Or maybe there is a cat too, no problem
21:11 But it looks like if it was like there was a fight, the camera is on
21:17 Just pretend, if there is no camera, it's close
21:20 Who knows a room, who knows a roommate, we never know, sharing at night
21:25 And of course, I also saw the posting from Rafi Ahmad
21:28 Why?
21:29 Mixed the two, Fuji and Alia are united by Rafi Ahmad
21:33 Maybe tomorrow, maybe invited by Rafi Ahmad to make a baby
21:37 Okay, I'm very happy to tell the story there, I hope it also affects the holiday
21:42 But talking about happiness, today there is the happiest, okay
21:47 Congratulations to Bunga Citarestari who is getting married to Tikob Pradipta today on the island of Bali
21:55 Wow, I'm really happy, hopefully given a good weather
21:59 All the events went smoothly, while beautiful
22:04 What kind of curiosity? Stay tuned on Insert Pagi
22:10 [Music]
22:38 Are you sure after washing your face you're clean?
22:40 Use the number one water mist from Garnier
22:42 With a mist like a magnet, 99% makeup, even dirt that is not visible, is removed
22:48 Stay soft without feeling attracted, use the water mist from Garnier
22:52 Want to be as beautiful as them? Support the free lunch and milk program for Indonesian children with PAN
23:04 Prabowo Gibran, PAN
23:08 We feel Italy, actually
23:12 Waffel
23:14 Cream can be shaken
23:17 Choose Waffer, Waffer
23:18 Italy
23:20 Waffel, write 10 extra 3 for more
23:23 [Music]
23:33 [Music]
23:37 Hey, check your hair, keep it insecure with your hair, use Rejoice 3 in 1
23:44 Hair becomes soft, fragrant, nourished, free of insecurity all day
23:49 Buy Dramarambut, just Rejoice 3 in 1
23:52 Dear Tasya, I will grow up to bring the warmth of longing for us
23:59 Good evening Tasya
24:00 I promise to tell our story
24:04 Until the end, happy
24:07 New, Chap Enak Pouch
24:10 Practical and economical
24:12 Everything is more delicious
24:14 See, it's delicious
24:18 Delicious, delicious, delicious
24:19 Make the delicious more delicious
24:27 To stay happy, it's time for Pocky
24:30 With thick chocolate and contains fiber
24:33 A bite of Pocky, immediately happy
24:36 Delicious
24:37 Soften the heart with the kindness of Catbury Dairy Milk
24:48 Feel the softness of kindness, buy now
24:54 I want all of them to support the free lunch and milk program
25:00 For Indonesian children with PAN
25:04 Prabowo Gibran
25:06 There is a new one, K-Natural White Jeju Lemon
25:10 With Korean Rice Milk and Jeju Lemon
25:13 Fight against the bacteria of fire
25:15 Wow, it's pretty, beautiful
25:18 Buy K-Natural White Jeju Lemon now
25:23 Complicated and heavy, bring a lot of shopping
25:25 Use Probaby Cleansing Powder
25:27 Just PKC, God, shake, wash
25:30 Only 40 pieces, wash
25:32 Light weight, light money
25:35 Only 6,900 in Alphamart
25:37 Ketchup Sedap Kedelai Hitam Special 200ml
25:40 Price down to 8,500
25:43 There is a return, more economical
25:45 Ketchup Sedap Kedelai Hitam Special 200ml
25:48 Price down to 8,500
25:50 Enough to cook for a week
25:53 Implora Day to Day Series 2Way Cake
25:55 That provides the poring
25:56 Kitchen Lip Balm, easy to bring anywhere
25:59 ProPop for your natural eyebrows
26:02 Light Matte Lip Cream, moist lips with light formula
26:05 Implora Day to Day Series, beautiful every second
26:08 Keep your condition
26:13 Make sure purity accompanies you
26:17 Drink one can of Bear Brand every day
26:20 Bear Brand, taste the purity
26:24 Headache?
26:25 Drink Paramex
26:27 I'm a boss
26:28 Paramex, quick to work, no need to wait
26:30 Quick to relieve headache, safe according to the dose of the pill
26:33 For a relief of itchiness, headache, Paramex, the medicine
26:36 Produced by Konimex
26:37 If you have a heartache
26:39 Ouch!
26:40 Itch, itch, itch, itch, itch, itch
26:42 Drink Paramex, itch your muscle, reduce muscle itch, acne and calluses
26:47 Itch your muscle, Paramex itch your muscle
26:51 Produced by Konimex
26:52 Tempo Scan Group
26:54 Opened by a magazine
26:57 Many people think that we only produce pharmacy products
27:01 In fact, we also produce consumer products, nutritional products, and cosmetics
27:07 Our brand equity has become a market leader
27:10 Tempo Scan also has dozens of production facilities spread across Indonesia
27:16 Almost all of our products are produced in Indonesia
27:19 Our distribution network can reach all parts of Indonesia
27:24 And Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, even Africa
27:29 Provide high quality products at affordable prices
27:32 For 70 years, we have built an integrated business ecosystem
27:36 With hard work and dedication of 12,000 Tempo Scan employees
27:40 Tempo Scan continues to develop its business with unlimited innovation
27:46 70 years Tempo Scan
27:48 Building the next frontier
27:50 Wow, Mr. Firman, let me help you
27:59 Help, help, help
28:01 Here, put the key in the pocket
28:03 I'm proud of you, active and caring
28:06 But the key is yellow
28:08 Don't worry, there is a new Rinso formula
28:11 With smart clean system, effectively remove dirt and remove yellow key
28:16 Rinso Anti-Key, free clothes, yellow key
28:22 Now, fried chicken is practical and delicious
28:25 Just use one seasoning, just Royco
28:27 My favorite, right, mom?
28:28 Yes, because Royco is made from chicken boiled for a long time
28:31 Like a mixture of spices, immediately reveal the perfect flavor
28:34 Fried chicken is savory, just Royco
28:36 Cooking seasoning number one
28:37 Normal shampoo, not only reduce hair loss, but dry
28:41 Ouch
28:43 Tantin Anti-Hair Loss with micro-provitamin nourishes hair
28:46 Hair loss, hair loss, dry
28:49 Double solution, new Tantin
28:52 Rinso and every day, prevent hair loss 10 times
28:57 10 times?
28:58 Ask for new Pepsoden, free consultation from Dr. Gigi
29:01 Hi Zee
29:02 New Pepsoden, fix small eye-hole
29:05 10 times stronger, prevent eye-hole
29:07 Yes, it's almost official and officially changed the username from Becel Sinker to It's Me Becel
29:20 Means it's going to be healthy
29:24 Yes, it's still early, still breakfast, still preparation
29:29 Hopefully we all see the event today can be held well and live
29:34 Because we really don't know
29:36 Even until now, the place is still suspected in the elite area in Bali
29:41 This is the most expensive restaurant
29:43 Cool, right?
29:44 But why didn't we invite?
29:45 Yes, because it's not the best
29:47 We just know it
29:49 But of course, Tiko and Noah are already quite close
29:53 Go out together, spend time together with Noah
29:57 So maybe it's a path for the child, so that the mother can be close to the child first
30:01 Like that, but if we look back
30:05 It turns out that Tiko is also the senior of BCL at that time
30:10 Even the place of residence in Pejaten is a neighbor
30:14 BCL number 9, Tiko number 10
30:16 Neighborhood, just make a special path for you
30:19 My girlfriend is close because it's only 5 steps
30:21 5 steps from home
30:23 This is for you, BCL and Tiko
30:25 So happy, what is being felt by BCL and Tiko
30:31 Today, December 2, BCL officially released its own time with the beloved Tiko Aryawardana
30:37 Together with the air of Bali
30:39 BCL rewrites the history of the mining in his life after leaving the Asraf
30:45 So far, the rumour of BCL and Tiko's marriage is still silent on social media
30:51 Only the atmosphere of a motorcyclist in a decorated vehicle passing by around the luxurious resort
30:56 Aman Kila, Karang Asem, Bali
30:58 Which is reported to be the location of BCL and Tiko's marriage
31:02 I'm still at the Aman Kila hotel in Karang Asem, Bali
31:07 And I've tried to talk to one of the security guards of this hotel
31:13 I tried to get permission to cover outside the Aman Kila area
31:18 But unfortunately, we still can't cover this area
31:22 But I've seen it earlier
31:26 This area, right in front of the security post
31:30 It seems that there are already many cars and trucks
31:34 Which is probably a decoration of BCL and Tiko's wedding
31:40 And I've had a little interview with one of the florist
31:48 And he also confirmed that there will be a wedding on December 2, 2023
31:54 However, the florist did not know if this wedding was true
32:02 But that's the story of BCL and Tiko
32:07 Both are willing to not share the happiness they feel
32:11 I don't know why
32:13 But for sure, it's all about the same decision
32:16 Previously, this wedding news slowly spread from various parties who participated
32:20 As stated by the head of KU, Amen Ngui Badung, Bali
32:24 Not only that, the portrait of Tiko and BCL's wedding is also widely spread around the world
32:32 As stated by the head of KU, Amen Ngui Badung, Bali
32:36 So, BKS is the only one head of KU
32:39 The head of KU and the head of KU are only me
32:43 So, you've already prepared yourself?
32:46 Of course, if I don't come, it won't be a wedding
32:49 When will the registration be done?
32:53 The registration has been done for a long time, about 2 weeks ago
32:57 Everything is ready, the documents are ready
33:00 The wedding is ready, everything is done
33:02 It's just the implementation
33:04 The implementation will be done
33:06 They asked not to be informed
33:10 For privacy
33:11 Although there is no news from BCL and Tiko
33:15 Some of the postings of relatives and friends are not hidden from the audience
33:19 Such as Maya Estianti, Vidi Aldiano
33:22 And also some MUA and designers who are frequently present at the wedding of BCL and Tiko
33:28 All of them are secretly posting their activities in Bali
33:31 The more they post, the more they will prove
33:34 That they will attend the wedding reception of BCL and Tiko today
33:39 Apart from the news that keeps making the audience curious
33:42 There are also other news that are not less exciting
33:45 Yes, BCL changed its Instagram name to "It's Me BCL"
33:51 Before, BCL was seen hiding the names of the sang mendiang, Asraf Sinclair, BCL Sinclair
33:57 But now it has changed
33:58 Of course, this proves that BCL is ready to start a new chapter with Tiko Arya Wardana
34:05 Before that, at the beginning of November
34:07 BCL was seen posting a picture of himself next to the statue of the sang mendiang, the beloved husband
34:12 With the caption "8 November 2023" and the emoticon "LOVE"
34:17 BCL will ask for a blessing to step again on the marriage track with Tiko Arya Wardana
34:23 Indeed, as far as the story of the marriage between Tiko and BCL rarely posted their togetherness
34:29 So it's not surprising if this wedding news also had a blast in the Maya world
34:34 But apart from that, who would have thought if Tiko and the BCL's son Noah were so close
34:41 This has been seen several times from the photos that have been spread on social media
34:45 Like when BCL's birthday moment
34:47 Tiko's presence in the warmth of the BCL family
34:50 As a response to Noah's prayer for the mother to step on the marriage track
34:55 Noah, who is now an adult, is more often seen spending time with his mother
35:01 Both in his free time and at work, Noah is always by BCL's side
35:05 Of course, this is not without Noah's role who will always take care of his beloved mother
35:10 Not only that, his talent in singing is now slowly beginning to show
35:14 As recorded by the camera warganet
35:16 When BCL held a concert, Noah was present to accompany his mother on stage
35:22 Noah, sing with us!
35:25 Noah, sing with us!
35:27 This is my mother, she'll keep her
35:29 When he's alone, she always stays up
35:31 In the light, it shines within
35:33 She's a bird, let's kick it
35:35 To the hall where she sits
35:37 When she sings, it's brilliant, yeah
35:39 The rules make her, break them, break her
35:41 What's so great, 'cause they just make her
35:43 Watch her prayer, stay her prayer
35:45 She knows better, won't fall never
35:47 She can't break, no, no, she misses
35:49 She can't go back, miss, miss, miss
35:51 She's a devil, she won't ever miss
35:53 I call her, "Mama"
35:55 Now, until forever
36:00 I want to be a happy woman
36:03 So sincere, the love between mother and child
36:11 Both BCL and Noah are eager to be together
36:15 No wonder this closeness got a positive response from warganet
36:18 Like what BCL did when they invited Noah to school
36:22 Hello, hello
36:25 How's your first day at school?
36:30 It was good
36:32 High school student
36:36 Besides that, in spite of their busy schedule
36:43 BCL never missed to maximize their time with Noah
36:46 Like one of the videos that was spread in Jakarta
36:49 With their happiness, BCL and Noah also had a great time for karaoke
36:54 You and me
37:00 We are
37:05 Two of my love
37:10 Let go of your feelings
37:18 I've been single for 20 years
37:20 I've been single for 3 years
37:23 And that's all the moments and stories about the marriage of Tiko and BCL
37:29 Of course, the best prayers will always come to this couple
37:32 Once again, congratulations to BCL and Tiko Aryawardana
37:35 I hope you'll be a married couple that is always loving and compassionate
37:44 We've seen how the BCL family is so close
37:49 And now, there's a new couple, Tiko and BCL
37:53 I hope they can be accepted as a family of two
37:57 But now, it's Saturday, December 2, 2023
38:02 The wedding of BCL and Tiko will be held in Karangasem, Bali
38:07 People are wondering if this is the right place for the wedding
38:12 The hotel or villa that Tiko and BCL chose
38:16 According to CCTV from Netizen, in Karangasem, Bali
38:21 They said that the weather there is not good
38:24 But it's raining now
38:26 Usually, it's raining at this time
38:28 I hope Riri will be there
38:30 No, Rara
38:32 Riri is Umbrella
38:34 Yes, Riri is Umbrella
38:36 I hope Rara will be more active
38:39 So it won't rain anymore
38:41 I hope the wedding will be successful
38:43 And the atmosphere of the wedding
38:47 And the weather will be brightened by God
38:51 Amen
38:52 We'll see our friends in the village
38:55 Who are already there
38:57 To see what the development of the BCL and Tiko's wedding is like
39:04 Right now, I'm still in Karangasem, Bali
39:09 But unfortunately, our team is stuck
39:12 Because it's raining since early morning
39:15 So we're still on the road
39:18 And we're trying to go around
39:21 To eat first
39:22 Because the weather in Bali is not good
39:26 Because it's raining continuously
39:28 So I'm here since Thursday until now, Saturday
39:32 And it's still raining
39:35 So, for my previous followers
39:38 I've checked on my social media
39:41 There are many BCL artists who have arrived in Bali
39:46 One of them is Fideliano
39:48 And Yuki Kato
39:50 I've seen that they're already in Bali
39:52 So, I think
39:54 It's possible that BCL artists have arrived in Bali
40:01 So, for this trip, I'm sorry
40:03 Because we're still stuck
40:05 Because it's raining quite heavily since Thursday until now
40:09 So, for the information, I've checked on my social media
40:12 So, I'll report this to Astrid and also to Kaup
40:17 Thank you, Darius
40:23 Even though we don't have the time
40:25 Even though we can't see the auras
40:28 We can also go to BCL's stories
40:33 Sorry, the story will be in a while
40:36 Congratulations
40:38 We also want to see the outfits of BCL
40:41 What are their outfits?
40:43 What are their nuances?
40:44 Because they said that the flowers that were dropped
40:47 There are pink nuances
40:49 The favorite color of BCL
40:51 Darius has seen that yesterday
40:55 Let's pray for everything to go well
40:57 Please stop the rain
40:59 It can rain again at night
41:01 It's getting colder, you can hug me
41:03 Yes, yes
41:04 Don't go anywhere
41:06 Stay tuned on Insad Pagi
41:09 [Music]
41:17 I've made peace with myself
41:20 [Music]
41:22 [Music]
41:23 I want to encourage them to support the free lunch and milk program
41:29 For Indonesian children with PAN
41:33 Prabowo Gibran
41:35 PAN
41:36 Something sweet to chill with friends
41:38 Fresh and natural dessert collection
41:40 Spray cologne and body wash
41:41 Pink cupcake smells so sweet and cheerful
41:44 The foam is so fluffy and fresh
41:46 Indulge yourself with fresh and natural dessert collection
41:50 Be sweet, be you
41:51 Wingscare
41:52 Your body is more flexible, don't get sick
41:55 Your body must be strong
41:57 Drink Adem Sari
41:59 Adem Sari has a lot of vitamin C
42:01 Strong body, not hot inside
42:05 Drink again, Adem Sari
42:07 Just fill your stomach, it's empty again
42:09 A little bit hungry
42:11 Just ate, but still hungry
42:14 A little bit hungry
42:15 Sari Gandum
42:16 With white rice and chocolate cream
42:18 Make you full longer
42:19 Sari Gandum
42:20 As delicious as it is
42:22 [Music]
42:23 Le Mineral
42:24 Very different, smoother, fresher
42:26 Le Mineral is indeed different
42:28 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals
42:31 Important for the body
42:32 And also make the water taste fresher
42:34 And lighter
42:35 Le Mineral
42:36 [Music]
42:38 Want to be as fresh as they are
42:40 Support the free lunch and milk program
42:44 For Indonesian children
42:46 With fun
42:48 Prabowo Gibran
42:50 [Music]
42:52 Be a disco because of wet armpits
42:54 The problem is not just on the surface
42:57 Move on to Head & Shoulders
42:59 Enter up to five layers
43:01 Defeat wet and itchy armpits
43:03 Head & Shoulders
43:05 [Music]
43:07 Troublesome and heavy, bring a lot of shopping
43:09 Use Probaby cleanser powder
43:11 Just take a shower, pour, shake, wash
43:14 Only 40 bottles at once
43:16 Lightweight, lightweight money
43:19 Only 6,900 in Alphamart
43:22 Look, the screen
43:24 Poor thing, can't play because of the wind
43:27 Fix Vape Prop with eucalyptus oil
43:29 Menthol and Camphor
43:31 Give a warm sensation
43:33 Help relieve five symptoms of wind and stone
43:35 Fix Vape Prop
43:37 [Music]
43:39 Want to be as fresh as they are
43:41 Support the free lunch and milk program
43:44 For Indonesian children
43:46 With fun
43:48 Prabowo Gibran
43:50 [Music]
43:52 Hey fun, there's still something moving
43:54 Who doesn't know how to keep a distance
43:56 Better to be chased
43:58 [Music]
44:00 Not so, get rid of the fear
44:03 Try Sprite Zero Sugar
44:05 Fresh and sugar-free
44:07 Implora Day to Day Series 2A Cake
44:09 Which provides a free
44:10 Kitchen Lip Balete
44:11 Easy to bring anywhere
44:13 ProPop for natural eyebrow
44:16 Light Matte Lip Cream
44:17 Moist lips with light formula
44:19 Implora Day to Day Series
44:20 Beautiful every second
44:22 [Music]
44:25 Keep your condition
44:27 [Music]
44:28 Make sure purity accompanies you
44:31 Drink one can of Bear Brand every day
44:34 Bear Brand, feel the purity
44:37 It's been a long time since my parents reminded me
44:39 For Umroh worship
44:41 But I haven't had time because of the busy at the office
44:43 I was very surprised
44:45 I was told to win the Grand Prize around the world
44:48 Even though I'm a new customer at Bank Mega
44:50 Like being opened
44:52 I dedicate this gift to my parents
44:55 And my family for Umroh worship together
44:58 Bank Mega is what makes my dream come true
45:00 To make people I love happy
45:03 [Music]
45:06 Dry your clothes in the night
45:09 I'm not worried
45:11 I use Dauny
45:13 Aroma that lasts longer than Perfumewa
45:16 Prevents the smell of dust
45:17 Aroma that lasts longer than Perfumewa
45:20 Dauny
45:21 Is there anyone who can help?
45:23 Me!
45:25 Let's cook chicken soup
45:27 Let's use traditional recipe
45:29 Better use this Kurol recipe
45:32 Must use the right ingredients
45:34 Seriously
45:35 Don't forget to use exciting vegetables
45:37 And the secret that makes it delicious
45:39 Royco
45:40 Royco New Formula
45:41 With chicken that has been mashed and mashed
45:43 Make a great broth
45:45 Make the difference still delicious
45:47 Wow, it's broken
45:49 [Music]
45:50 Royco
45:51 Enjoy the spring sensation
45:53 From the Korean Soclean series
45:55 Camellia Apple
45:56 And Japanese Sakura Strawberry
45:58 Lively Sense Technology
46:00 Presents floral fragrance
46:02 And seasonal fruits in wear
46:04 Camellia Apple
46:06 Gives a fresh scent of the summer in Korea
46:09 Soft scent of Sakura Strawberry
46:11 Cool summer in Japan
46:13 Clean clothes
46:14 Fragrant summer fragrance every day
46:17 Soclean Experience Series
46:19 [Music]
46:20 Wingscare
46:21 Something sweet to chew with your hands
46:23 Fresh and natural dessert collection
46:25 Spray cologne and body wash
46:26 Pink cupcake fragrance
46:27 So sweet and cheerful
46:29 The foam is so fluffy and fresh
46:31 Indulge yourself with fresh and natural dessert collection
46:34 Be sweet, be you
46:36 Wingscare
46:37 New delicious broth seasoning
46:39 New standard, delicious cooking
46:40 This is the first class taste of broth seasoning
46:42 From quality choice spices
46:44 And real meat
46:45 Through the slow cook process
46:46 Produce a golden broth
46:48 The broth flavor is so good
46:50 This is my favorite broth seasoning
46:52 Delicious cooking, so effortless
46:54 [Music]
46:55 Hmm, delicious
46:57 Delicious, delicious, great
46:59 Add more, everything approved
47:01 Chef approved, delicious broth seasoning
47:03 Make it delicious every day
47:05 Buy 2 get 1 extra from Wingsfood
47:07 I used detergent powder before
47:09 So even though my clothes are clean, my hands are dirty
47:11 No, I don't want
47:12 Detergent is made from plants
47:14 Then international certification
47:16 Clean, fragrant, and still soft
47:19 Just move to Gentle Gen
47:21 Bang Bang Share Eat One Hub Challenge
47:23 Put it in your mouth in one bite
47:25 Say Bang Bang Share Eat
47:27 Hmm, delicious
47:28 Hmm, delicious
47:30 The chocolate and caramel melt in your mouth
47:34 Bang Bang Share Eat, delicious as fun
47:36 Regular shampoo, seems to reduce the hair loss
47:39 But dry
47:40 Ouch
47:42 Later, the hair will be nourished with micro-pro vitamin
47:45 Bye cutie, bye dry hair
47:48 Double solution, new shampoo
47:51 [Music]
48:00 Bang, bang, bang, bang
48:02 [Music]
48:14 More than 12 years of wandering in the world of roles
48:17 Actor Vergy Riyandi has a strong memory
48:20 With the times of starting his debut in 2011
48:24 At that time, he was just competing for acting for a film on the Malaysian screen
48:28 But really felt a shooting that really hit the adrenaline
48:32 In the film Azab, which made his name so famous
48:35 Well, after that continued
48:38 And I met Andhitya Azab
48:40 Well, this Azab is the first time shooting that made my adrenaline really hit
48:48 Wow, this shooting is different from others
48:51 Usually, if the shooting is interesting and other
48:54 But here the scene is really challenging
48:57 So there I went into the pool
49:02 Poked, dug, put in the pool
49:07 And I felt, wow, this is a real challenge
49:11 I've never done a shooting like this before
49:15 And this is the first time I do it
49:17 And I feel, wow, I'm really happy
49:19 This is the first time I do it
49:21 I feel, wow, this is the opportunity I have to do
49:26 And I maximize it to make it better as a result
49:29 For the roles that make the audience emotional
49:34 Vergy is really good
49:36 His acting can really stir emotions and test the patience of the audience
49:41 My acting can make people angry and hate
49:51 But in reality I'm not like that, I'm a good person
49:55 Because of his P.O.I. in this one matter
49:59 Vergy has experienced the following unpleasant experiences
50:02 Intent to meet fans
50:04 Once met, he got a gift of a red lipstick
50:09 There are fans who want to take a picture together
50:15 Suddenly I was slapped
50:17 I was slapped because I was so angry
50:21 That's what I mean
50:23 I was really emotional because he finished watching
50:25 That can make the patience of the audience as thin as a tissue
50:30 This is the proof that Vergy Riyandi accepts the challenge of Insert
50:33 To show his acting skills
50:36 Be careful, don't get emotional
50:39 Hey, Nardo, come here
50:42 You're new here, right?
50:46 Do you know who I am?
50:49 I'm the one who has a slap here
50:51 If you want to slap here too, answer me
50:57 How much is 5 + 5?
51:00 10, right?
51:02 How much is 50 + 50?
51:04 100
51:05 I'll borrow 100 first
51:08 Indeed, if the netizens and the audience at home are already emotional
51:18 Even though it's just acting, it's good
51:21 Vergy's acting is approved by the Indonesian community
51:24 I was slapped when I met people outside
51:27 It's really cool
51:29 If you're a candidate, you'll get a prize
51:32 While we're talking, we'll go to the house of Enol Netral and Nadila Ernesta
51:41 Even though Enol is a metal band drummer
51:46 But the house is different, it's very classic
51:48 There are a lot of antique items
51:51 That's right, if you like to play around, the house must be metal
51:56 There must be a lot of metal items
51:59 There are a lot of trees in the house
52:02 It's very true
52:04 The house is classic and the drummer's room is definitely
52:08 There's no room for playing around
52:10 It's for the drums
52:12 This concludes our interview this morning
52:14 Thank you for being with us for an hour
52:16 We'll be back again on Wednesday at 11 PM
52:21 Only on TransTV
52:23 Stay tuned, bye!
52:26 Who doesn't know Enol Netral?
52:31 It's said that he's one of the best drummers in Indonesia
52:37 Fans must know how he plays the drums with full of energy
52:43 Let's see Enol's action
52:49 And a switch
52:51 Cool, right?
53:10 No wonder Enol is called the best drummer in Indonesia
53:16 He's been a drummer for more than 20 years
53:20 He's a metal drummer
53:23 But who would have thought that behind his cool appearance
53:28 Enol Netral's house is much more friendly and elegant
53:33 Look, Mr. Haji Andre has put a green screen outside
53:39 It makes the house cooler
53:44 Let's go inside
53:46 There's a fish pond
53:49 Why is it called a fish pond?
53:52 Because it's full of fish
53:55 Peace be upon you
53:57 Anybody home?
53:59 Spada?
54:01 Hello?
54:04 Peace be upon you
54:06 Hi!
54:09 Enol!
54:11 How are you?
54:13 And this is Enol Netral's house
54:19 The house is greeted by a minimalistic living room
54:22 With a big aquarium and a white wall
54:26 With a modern and super homey interior concept
54:30 Enol Netral's house is also equipped with an open living room
54:34 From the living room, family room, to the kitchen
54:38 Speaking of aquarium, it seems like Enol also likes to collect fish
54:43 Aquarium
54:47 That's right
54:48 This is an old fish, Mr. Haji
54:50 Is this a fish?
54:51 Oscar
54:52 Oh my God, Oscar!
54:54 Oscar
54:55 It's so vintage
54:56 Yes
54:57 The fish is like the one in front of you, Kolar
55:00 I really like fish
55:01 Oscar fish used to be very popular, right?
55:03 It used to be popular
55:05 It was in the old days
55:08 Oscar fish was in the 90s
55:09 I thought, before this, aquarium was a sea aquarium
55:16 This is it?
55:17 Yes
55:18 This is a red tail candy
55:21 Oh my God, this is a legend, a legend fish
55:25 Not only Oscar fish, Enol also collects Arowana fish
55:31 Which can be priced up to millions of rupiah
55:34 Speaking of collecting things, Enol is right to discuss it with Mr. Haji Andre
55:40 He even prepared a special collection for his action figure collection from his junior high school
55:47 How long have you been collecting this?
55:50 Since my junior high school
55:52 So you're his senior
55:53 I just started collecting this
55:55 Just started?
55:56 Yes, just started, 2-3 years
55:58 But I'm happy, I used to collect some of them
56:03 I still have them in my box
56:04 You haven't opened it yet?
56:05 No, I haven't
56:06 I'm the same, I'm the same
56:07 What's the difference?
56:09 I'm the one who opens it
56:11 Or, if you open it, it's a waste
56:14 We take it off the plastic, so the value will go down
56:16 Yes, that's right
56:17 So you just put it in the box
56:18 This is it, what I was talking about
56:20 Wow, it's real
56:30 Wow, so many action figures
56:33 I don't know how many of them you have collected
56:37 Of course, as a professional drummer, you have your own drum collection
56:42 Look, you even have to go through a special hole to enter the drum collection room
56:48 Wow, if you're a musician, you have to have a special room
56:58 You have a bar?
56:59 Yes, a smoking room
57:01 But there's also a terrace
57:03 Let's take a look at the drummer's room
57:24 There's also this, right?
57:26 Yes, this is Star Wars
57:28 Oh, this is Star Wars
57:29 Yes, Star Wars
57:30 Boys will be boys
57:33 An artist should be good at painting, drawing, and music
57:41 If there's something that makes him interested to focus
57:51 The mud flood in Sidoarjo, Meripal, caused a fight in the middle of the city
57:56 The mud flood happened in the house of the residents on Thursday night
58:00 According to the residents, before the flood happened, there was a loud noise
58:04 A few moments later, the ceramic was broken and the mud came out, and the smell of gas was strong
58:09 On Friday afternoon, the energy and mineral resources officers from Jateng came to the flood location and took mud samples
58:16 With special equipment, they found four types of gas from the mud flood with the category of "Burned Mud"
58:22 From the results of the temporary investigation, the location used to be a bore well 108 meters deep
58:28 It has been closed for 20 years
58:31 Meanwhile, the gas that came out with the mud was included in the category of "Burned Mud"
58:41 A three-year-old boy was crying when his hand was stuck in the closet
58:46 The incident that happened on Friday afternoon made the family panic
58:49 The damkar officer in the city of Jimahi was finally called to take out the boy's hand
58:54 The officer had to tear the closet so that the boy's hand could be released
58:58 According to the parents, the incident happened when the boy was playing in the bathroom
59:04 After two hours, the boy's hand was released and only suffered a minor injury
59:08 A motorcycle thief dared to throw himself into the mud of the Pesanggerhan to Ponjeruk, West Jakarta
59:17 The heavy mud flow made him hold his hand on the tree trunk
59:21 After half an hour, the thief released himself from the tree trunk and finally surrendered to the mud on the edge of the river
59:29 The officer said he was afraid of being hit by a car so he dared to throw himself into the river
59:34 The police officer who was at the scene immediately took the thief to the Ponsai Keponjeruk
59:40 Reported by CNN Indonesia
59:42 Thank you for watching!