• last year
Io Capitano Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Io Capitano is the epic story of a teenage boy who, together with his cousin, decides to leave Dakar in Senegal and make his way to Europe. A contemporary Odyssey in which the protagonist must overcome a series of obstacles and in the process is transformed from a human, to a commodity, to an animal, finally becoming a hero. A grand adventure through the dangers of the desert and the sea, the ambiguities and contradictions of human beings, in which dreams, the hopes and the ambitions of the main characters turn into a struggle for survival, where there is no space for piety.

A film by Matteo Garrone, with Seydou Sarr, Moustapha Fall and Issaka Sawadogo.
00:00 (gentle music)
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00:18 (dramatic music)
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00:40 (shouting)
00:42 (singing in foreign language)
00:53 (speaking in foreign language)
00:58 (singing in foreign language)
01:02 (speaking in foreign language)
01:11 (speaking in foreign language)
01:22 (speaking in foreign language)
01:28 (speaking in foreign language)
01:32 (speaking in foreign language)
01:47 (singing in foreign language)