Postecoglou on Tottenham's 3-3 at Man City

  • last year
Ange Postecoglou on Tottenham's 3-3 at Manchester City
00:10 >> Ali.
00:14 >> You must be delighted with the point and the spirit shown by your players.
00:19 >> Yeah, pleased for the players that the effort they put in,
00:22 they get a reward for it, because sometimes you don't.
00:26 First half, we're lucky to still be in it, to be honest.
00:32 The city could have blown us away through that period.
00:35 Certainly had enough chances to do so, and
00:39 we had no sort of real conviction belief in what we were doing.
00:43 We're giving the ball away a lot.
00:45 But we hung in there, I guess.
00:48 It's similar to us last week, we've missed a lot of chances.
00:50 And sometimes in football, you give the opposition a chance.
00:53 And we had to sort of just calm down at halftime.
00:57 And I thought that the effort the boys put in the second half was outstanding.
01:01 Just cuz again, it's very easy to get blown away at this arena against such
01:05 a great team.
01:06 But we hung in there, we made it uncomfortable for
01:09 the city, I thought, the whole second half.
01:11 And they never really got total control of the game.
01:15 And it's a key to sort of trying to get something out of it.
01:17 And it's called three quality goals, which again,
01:20 you have to do against a team like that.
01:22 So, I said, pleased for the players that the effort they put in the second half,
01:27 they get a reward for it.
01:28 >> Excuse me, Charlie.
01:31 >> You made that change, as you say, at halftime.
01:32 Do you think that did make a big difference to the pattern of the game, or
01:35 was that just one of many factors?
01:37 >> I think it helped.
01:39 I thought Pierre was excellent in the second half.
01:42 Obviously, his experience out there, and
01:46 I just thought we had, just as a group in general, though,
01:48 I thought we had a lot more conviction about our football.
01:53 Just passing it and not second guessing ourselves,
01:56 not being hesitant with our passes.
01:57 It's just in the first half, we just, and look, I'm on the touchline, and
02:03 everything outside looks easy.
02:04 But when you're out there, you're facing a world class team in a venue where
02:09 they don't give up too many things.
02:11 It's understandable in many respects, but at the same time,
02:17 as I said to them at halftime, look, whatever sort of,
02:21 if there's any fallout or bad outcome, I'll take responsibility.
02:24 I'm the one that's putting them out there, but let's at least go out there and
02:28 show a little bit more conviction about the kind of football team we wanna be.
02:32 And I thought they did that in the second half, and
02:36 you're never gonna tell you're gonna dominate a game of football here.
02:38 But in the second half, I thought we were very much in the game,
02:43 like I said, against a very, very good football side.
02:46 >> Joe, over the years, plenty of people have criticized the character of
02:51 Tottenham Hotspur as a club.
02:53 You've lost three, or you had lost three games in a row.
02:57 Would it have been easy for the players' heads to go down when you went down twice,
03:01 but they had the character to come back.
03:03 That must say a lot about them, isn't it, Joe?
03:06 >> Yeah, look, to be fair to this group, I think they've shown that from the first
03:10 game, I think the last three games has masked that a little bit.
03:13 And I don't think it's been a question of character.
03:15 It's been more a question of just sort of lacking a bit of conviction.
03:20 Cuz certainly, whether that was the Chelsea game or
03:24 Wolves away or Villa at home, we were well on top in those games,
03:30 particularly the Villa and Chelsea game.
03:33 So the quality of football, we just lacked a bit of conviction.
03:35 But we're going through a tough period, absolutely, in terms of the personnel,
03:41 players playing in positions they're not familiar with.
03:44 And at the same time, me not wanting them to compromise on the kind of team we
03:48 wanna be.
03:49 So it's not easy, but I always feel that through these tough periods,
03:53 if you can get through them in the manner which I think you need to.
03:58 And that is, like I said, staying true to what you started trying to work on and
04:03 sort of the team you wanna become.
04:06 You come out of it stronger,
04:07 irrespective of sort of whatever knocks you get along the way.
04:12 So I guess a day like today, if nothing else, gives the players a little bit more
04:16 belief in themselves as people more than players.
04:19 That you know what, they do have that character and
04:22 belief that even in the toughest of circumstances to not lie down.
04:26 >> And you had what looked like quite a nice exchange at the end with Pep on
04:31 the touchline.
04:32 Can you say what was said?
04:34 Are you just reflecting on it?
04:35 >> Yeah, just, I mean, we promise goals.
04:40 We delivered, so it was entertaining.
04:43 He's got a fantastic team.
04:44 He's had a fantastic team for such a long time.
04:46 They're, obviously wanna beat him, but
04:51 you can appreciate just what a fantastic football team they are.
04:54 So, and yeah, I guess from his behalf,
04:59 he's always been not just publicly but privately.
05:03 Always sort of been very complimentary about me and my work.
05:09 Not directly to me, but I found out through other sources which,
05:13 coming from someone like him, I have great respect for.
05:16 >> And your performances against the top teams in the Premier League or
05:23 the teams that you'd expect to be the top teams in the Premier League,
05:25 been really impressive this season.
05:27 Does that more than anything else show to you or maybe give the confidence to
05:30 Tottenham fans that this is a proper challenge to be at the top of the table?
05:36 >> Well, yeah, I mean, I think they're always the measure, but I think more
05:40 important than that is, like I said, how you deal with the inevitable challenges and
05:46 tough times, cuz every time we'll go through them.
05:48 Now, we've gone through a fairly extreme and we're still gonna go through it.
05:51 I mean, we'll get Romero back this week, which will be great for us.
05:55 We've obviously missed him in the back four.
05:59 Richie got some game time and then hopefully,
06:04 I guess by the end of the week will be hopefully available.
06:07 But the rest of them won't be back till sort of the new year.
06:10 So we're going through a tough time and
06:12 I think how you deal with tough times is just as important, I really do.
06:15 And that's why I've been really strong on us,
06:18 not wavering from playing the football that we wanna play.
06:22 We have fallen short at times, which considering the personnel out is
06:26 understandable, but if we can get through this period and
06:30 still be in a decent position table wise, then when we do get the players back and
06:36 we get a bit of momentum, which I'm confident will happen.
06:40 I don't think, unless it's just gonna be one of these extraordinary years where
06:44 we're consistently kind of got this kind of attrition right in our squad,
06:48 we can battle with the best.
06:50 >> [INAUDIBLE]
06:54 >> Yeah,
07:00 I guess so.
07:09 >> [LAUGH]
07:15 >> Okay, we'll leave it at that.
07:17 >> Thank you.
