Retrouvez toutes les émissions de France Bleu Hérault sur le site
00:00:00 Vous êtes bien sur France 3 Occitanie.
00:00:04 Ici, c'est France Bleu Héro.
00:00:09 A la radio, sur l'appli ICI, tous les réseaux, et sur France 3.
00:00:14 Bonjour, en se réveillant ensemble, nous sommes lundi le 4 décembre, il est 7h.
00:00:24 Un point sur la circulation, vos conditions de circulation sont plutôt bonnes ce matin, il n'y a rien d'exceptionnel en tout cas sur les routes éroltaises.
00:00:31 Si vous avez des infos à partager, 0467 58 6000, on n'a pas changé de numéro de téléphone.
00:00:36 Et si vous prenez le train, sachez que pour l'instant, en tout cas, tous les trains sont à l'heure. Pas de problème du côté de la SNCF.
00:00:41 Bonjour Sébastien Garnier.
00:00:42 Bonjour Vivian, bonjour à tous.
00:00:44 Pour la météo, c'est en deux temps aujourd'hui, ça va changer en cours de route.
00:00:47 C'est ça, deux salles, deux ambiances, ciel nuageux ce matin, et très ensoleillé cet après-midi.
00:00:54 Peu de vent, température maximale 14° à Béziers, 13° à 7°, Montpellier-Laudev, 12°.
00:01:00 L'ancien maire de Montpellier, Philippe Sorel, doit-il se représenter en 2025 ? C'est notre question. Bonjour Guillaume Rouland.
00:01:05 Bonjour Vivian, bonjour Sébastien, bonjour à tous.
00:01:07 Alors Philippe Sorel malheureusement ne sera pas dans ce studio, puisqu'il nous a fait savoir hier soir au tout dernier moment qu'il ne viendrait pas, sans nous fournir la moindre explication.
00:01:15 Ce n'est pas grave, on va quand même vous poser la question ce matin.
00:01:18 Vous pouvez voter, vous pouvez nous appeler pour nous dire si selon vous, il doit de nouveau être candidat en 2026.
00:01:23 Et vous répondez non ce matin, 74%.
00:01:26 0,4, 67, 58, 6 000.
00:01:29 Allez, les infos de ce lundi matin des commerçants de la vallée à Montpellier.
00:01:33 Pas content des travaux du tramway Sébastien ?
00:01:35 Les travaux de la future ligne 5, près du stade de rugby.
00:01:39 Depuis un mois, la bretelle qui relie l'avenue de Vanières et la rue Bugarelle est à sens unique.
00:01:45 Résultat, moins de clients pour le tabac, l'épicerie, le restaurant qui se trouve à cet endroit.
00:01:49 Et a priori, ce changement est définitif, Shannon Marini, ce qui inquiète beaucoup les commerçants.
00:01:54 Oui, comme le gérant du tabac Christophe Alcaraz, sur son écran d'ordinateur des graphiques, qui montre tous une activité en baisse.
00:02:02 Voilà concrètement ça, mois de novembre 2023, mois de novembre 2022.
00:02:05 Là aujourd'hui, je suis à -1% de chiffre d'affaires.
00:02:07 Et il est catégorique.
00:02:08 Ça, c'est la fermeture de l'accès de l'avenue de Vanières.
00:02:12 Parce qu'entre 30 et 40% de sa clientèle est de passage.
00:02:16 Sur le quartier, il n'y a pas assez de clients pour nous faire vivre.
00:02:19 Pour ses voisins, pas de doute non plus, le gérant de l'épicerie Saïd Eziani.
00:02:23 Je regarde les chiffres par rapport à l'an dernier.
00:02:25 Sur ce mois-ci, je suis à 15 000 euros de perte.
00:02:28 Là, on n'a plus personne. Vous pouvez le constater, il n'y a personne devant.
00:02:31 C'est le même constat pour Walid Ben Youssef, le patron du restaurant d'à côté.
00:02:36 On a beaucoup de commandes par téléphone.
00:02:38 Le plus ici est commande par téléphone.
00:02:40 Ils viennent chercher leurs commandes.
00:02:41 Avant hier, j'avais trois commandes qui s'étaient annulées.
00:02:44 Parce que les gens, en fait, ils ne peuvent plus rentrer.
00:02:46 Ils ne savent pas où rentrer.
00:02:48 Il faut vraiment faire un accès au moins à un dépôt-minute.
00:02:51 Comme ça, les clients qui peuvent rentrer, commander, ils partent.
00:02:54 Si rien ne change, tous craignent une fermeture dans les mois ou années à venir.
00:02:59 Réponse de la métropole.
00:03:01 Depuis vendredi, un marquage indique qu'un accès au commerce reste possible par l'avenue Jean-Pras.
00:03:07 Et le stationnement, très courte durée, est gratuit.
00:03:11 Des nouvelles ce matin du panier France Bleu.
00:03:14 Comme chaque premier lundi du mois.
00:03:16 Combien coûte ce panier avec à l'intérieur 37 produits du quotidien ?
00:03:20 En novembre, il coûtait 110,85 euros.
00:03:24 Dans les euros, c'est stable par rapport à octobre.
00:03:27 C'est toujours 2 euros de plus que la moyenne nationale.
00:03:29 Les prix baissent davantage dans le rayon hygiène et beauté.
00:03:33 Vous retrouvez tous les chiffres département par département sur notre site internet
00:03:39 Et également sur notre appli ici avec, comme chaque mois, notre partenaire Nils Sanaïkiou.
00:03:44 L'islamiste radical qui a tué un jeune touriste et blessé deux autres personnes à Paris est toujours en garde à vue.
00:03:49 Samedi soir, avant de passer à l'acte, il a fait allégeance au groupe Etat Islamique.
00:03:53 Une attaque qui pose aussi la question du suivi médical de certains djihadistes.
00:03:58 Un Français de 26 ans, né de parents iraniens, était en proie à des troubles psychiatriques
00:04:03 qui lui ont valu des injonctions de soins.
00:04:06 Né à Neuilly-sur-Seine, près de Paris, l'homme de 26 ans est décrit comme très instable et très influençable.
00:04:12 Originaire d'une famille non religieuse, il se convertit à l'islam à sa majorité.
00:04:16 Et selon le procureur antiterroriste, verse très rapidement dans l'idéologie djihadiste.
00:04:20 Ce franco-iranien est d'ailleurs connu de la justice pour un projet d'attaque en 2016
00:04:24 dans le quartier d'affaires de la Défense, dans l'ouest de la capitale.
00:04:27 A l'heure étudiant, il est condamné à 5 ans de prison, dont un an avec sursis.
00:04:31 Une fois sorti, le jeune homme est suivi pour des troubles psychiatriques,
00:04:34 puis soumis à une injonction de soins.
00:04:36 Après avoir arrêté une première fois son traitement avec l'accord de son médecin,
00:04:40 il le reprend avant de définitivement l'arrêter en avril dernier.
00:04:43 Inquiète, sa mère avait contacté la police fin octobre
00:04:46 et alerté sur le comportement de son fils, qui selon ses mots, se refermait sur lui-même.
00:04:50 Mais rien ne pouvait déclencher de nouvelle poursuite pénale, selon le procureur antiterroriste.
00:04:55 Hamza Arrab, le militant de justice pour le Petit Bar à Montpellier,
00:05:00 est invité à l'Elysée aujourd'hui pour le 40e anniversaire de la Marche des Beurs.
00:05:04 Elle était partie de Marseille et arrivée à Paris le 3 décembre 1983.
00:05:09 Le militant montpellierain qui prépare par ailleurs le premier festival de la mémoire
00:05:14 consacré au quartier à Montpellier.
00:05:16 La dernière ligne droite pour les villes candidate au titre de capitale européenne de la culture.
00:05:21 C'est la semaine prochaine que sera désignée la gagnante.
00:05:23 Avant cela, le jury se déplace dans les quatre villes candidates à partir d'aujourd'hui,
00:05:28 à savoir Montpellier, Bourges, Rouen et Clermont-Ferrand.
00:05:31 Cinquième victoire, cinquième match sans victoire pour les footballeurs montpellierains.
00:05:35 Cinquième victoire, on aurait bien aimé, mais ce n'est pas ce qui s'est passé hier à Monaco.
00:05:39 Battu les Montpellierains 2-0 sur le Rocher, c'était mieux que face à Clermont et face à Brest.
00:05:46 Mais ce n'est pas encore ça, Bertrand Kenneuth, l'attaque est malade.
00:05:49 Marquer des buts, c'est le plus dur pour le football.
00:05:51 Et le coach Michel Derzacarian, comme ses attaquants, l'ont encore constaté.
00:05:55 Neuf tirs, dont quatre recadrés, mais zéro but à l'arrivée.
00:05:58 Sur la première mi-temps, on a fait de très bonnes choses. Malheureusement, on ne marque pas, c'est tout.
00:06:02 Si on est efficace, comme on l'avait été l'an dernier, on aurait fait le match nul, on aurait gagné le match aussi.
00:06:07 C'est comme ça, au football, quand on a des situations, il faut marquer.
00:06:11 Des situations ultra-franches, Montpellier s'en est pourtant procuré.
00:06:14 L'une d'elles a honté les supporters toute la soirée, Tamari face aux gardiens,
00:06:18 qui plutôt que de frapper passe à Kazri, qui plutôt que de frapper,
00:06:21 sert à Corradams, lequel voit son tir être repoussé.
00:06:25 Dur à digérer, mais le défenseur Maxime Esteve refuse de leur tomber dessus.
00:06:29 Totale confiance en les gars devant, il n'y a zéro remise en cause, rien du tout.
00:06:32 Moi, comme à toute l'équipe, on donne 100% confiance en eux.
00:06:35 On sait très bien qu'ils vont retrouver le chemin à défiler, ça va faire du bien à toute l'équipe.
00:06:38 C'est donc enbergé, mais nous on doit être là aussi derrière, pour faire en sorte qu'ils soient le plus en confiance possible.
00:06:41 C'est un poste qui demande énormément de confiance. En tout cas, moi, je suis tout cœur avec eux.
00:06:45 J'espère que les prochains, ils marqueront et puis au final, on sera là tous à les embrasser.
00:06:49 Il faut faire corps tous ensemble et puis c'est comme ça qu'on retrouvera le chemin de la victoire, j'en suis sûr et certain.
00:06:53 Une victoire qui serait la bienvenue vendredi soir face à Lance et l'ancien Payadin et Liwai,
00:06:58 qui aura, c'est certain, très envie de leur montrer comment on fait pour marquer.
00:07:02 Et pour renforcer cette attaque à la peine, Tanguy Koulibaly, l'attaquant de 22 ans,
00:07:10 qui va s'engager aujourd'hui avec Montpellier.
00:07:12 Il a été formé à Paris et il jouait à Stuttgart ce matin à Montpellier.
00:07:17 13e de Ligue 1, 100% Payade l'émission, c'est ce soir entre 18 et 19h pour le débrief.
00:07:23 Léon Ballor de Montpellier ont gagné à Créteil, victoire 36 à 25.
00:07:30 Le retour de Didier Bess au MHR, le club de rugby de Montpellier,
00:07:33 qui recrute l'ancien talonneur Héroltay dans les années 90, début 2000,
00:07:38 ancien entraîneur de l'équipe première et des Espoirs, il devient entraîneur de la Mêlée.
00:07:43 Et puis on a tous une paire de lunettes dont on ne se sert plus dans un tiroir.
00:07:48 Et si vous la rapportiez, c'est ce que vous propose Harmonie Mutuelle,
00:07:52 qui organise une grande collecte dans ses agences de Bézier, Lunel, Montpellier et Sète.
00:07:57 Vos lunettes seront reconditionnées, remises sur le marché, ça fera donc plaisir à quelqu'un.
00:08:02 C'est jusqu'au 22 décembre.
00:08:05 La météo Vivian, ça commence dans la grisaille et puis ça va s'améliorer nettement.
00:08:10 Voilà, c'est ce qu'annonce Météo France effectivement pour ce lundi.
00:08:13 Nous sommes le 4 décembre, on va démarrer la journée avec un ciel bien gris.
00:08:18 Et puis ensuite le soleil va faire son apparition de la mi-journée,
00:08:21 il y aura peu de vent et les températures vont monter jusqu'à 14 degrés maximum.
00:08:25 À Lunel et Gange, on aura 10 degrés.
00:08:27 À Montpellier et Lodève, 12 degrés.
00:08:29 Du côté de Sète, Frontignan, au bord de l'étang de Thau, 13 degrés.
00:08:34 Pour les Biterois, si vous nous écoutez à Olonzac,
00:08:36 ou si vous allez vous promener à Minerve aujourd'hui, vous aurez 14 degrés.
00:08:40 C'est le maximum donc pour ce lundi.
00:08:42 Il est 7h08, ah le doux bruit du tram !
00:08:48 Vous l'entendez passer ?
00:08:50 Le tram de Montpellier, est-ce que vous êtes déjà monté dans un tram ?
00:08:53 Ah ben ça c'est pas… oui, d'accord dans un tram, mais pas dans la cabine de pilotage.
00:08:58 C'est ce qu'a fait Virginie Vivès.
00:09:00 Comment ça se passe pour de vrai ? Comment est-ce qu'on conduit un tram ?
00:09:03 Est-ce que c'est compliqué ? On conduit combien de temps ?
00:09:06 Est-ce qu'on conduit aussi des bus lorsqu'on conduit un tram à Montpellier par exemple ?
00:09:09 Est-ce qu'on gagne beaucoup aussi ? Plein de questions qu'on se pose.
00:09:12 Et que Virginie va poser au chauffeur de tram, ce sera tout à l'heure à 7h24, sur France Bleu Héros.
00:09:18 C'est pour de vrai, pour savoir vraiment comment ça se passe pour de vrai de conduire un tram.
00:09:22 Le 6/9 de France Bleu Héros. Vivian Cuguière.
00:09:27 Allez, on ouvre l'agenda de France Bleu Héros.
00:09:29 Plein de choses à faire dans le Biterois par exemple.
00:09:31 Avec vous Sylvie Marletta. Bonjour Sylvie.
00:09:33 Bonjour à tous.
00:09:34 Vous nous proposez un marché ce matin.
00:09:36 Je vous propose de vous rendre au marché paysan local de Béziers.
00:09:39 C'est un marché qui a lieu tous les samedis matin à la place de la Madeleine.
00:09:44 Moi j'adore ce petit marché. Il y a une dizaine d'étales.
00:09:47 Vous rencontrez directement les producteurs et les éleveurs.
00:09:51 Il y a un charcutier traiteur d'érépions, Michel Anina pour le citer, meilleur ouvrier de France,
00:09:58 qui m'a fait d'ailleurs découvrir la bougnette et son saucisse au lait.
00:10:01 C'est une véritable friandise.
00:10:03 Des éleveurs fromagers vous accueilleront également.
00:10:06 L'un fait du fromage de chèvre, l'autre de brebis.
00:10:08 Les volaillers du Haut Languedoc et les éleveurs de viande bovine de race au braque se côtoient sur le marché.
00:10:15 La petite cerise sur le gâteau est le paysan ménier boulanger qui fabrique ses pains au levain à l'ancienne.
00:10:22 Le marché paysan local de Béziers, c'est tous les samedis matin, place de la Madeleine.
00:10:27 C'est noté, merci en tout cas Céline Barnetta pour tous ces bons plans chaque matin dans le Bitéroi.
00:10:32 Puisqu'on parle de Béziers, il y a les spectacles du Conservatoire Béziers Méditerranée au Palais de la Mer à Valras.
00:10:39 Ça c'est vendredi, ambiance de Noël s'il vous plaît, puisque les thèmes de Noël seront revisités.
00:10:44 Les élèves des classes de cuivre trompettistes, cornistes, trombonistes, tubistes et de percussion du Conservatoire Béziers Méditerranée, swing Noël !
00:10:53 C'est vendredi au Palais de la Mer et ça se passe à Valras.
00:10:57 Vous connaissez aussi le début de cette chanson ?
00:10:59 Ça vous parle ça Sébastien ?
00:11:09 Oui, une chanson de ?
00:11:10 Charles Aznavour.
00:11:11 Charles Aznavour, exactement.
00:11:13 Charles Aznavour, alors mercredi à Latte à l'espace Latara, il y a un spectacle hommage à Charles Aznavour, unique en son genre.
00:11:18 Eric Wims, le chef d'orchestre qui a travaillé avec Charles Aznavour pendant 25 ans, est tombé sous le charme de la voix de Philippe Cavallé.
00:11:24 Il a eu envie de l'accompagner sur scène avec ses talentueux musiciens dans un spectacle unique.
00:11:29 Ce sera donc mercredi à l'espace Latara pour tous les fans de Charles Aznavour.
00:11:33 Un rendez-vous à ne pas manquer à Latte.
00:11:35 Il est 7h11, dans quelques instants, l'éco d'ici sur France Bleu Héro.
00:11:40 Nous allons accueillir la présidente de l'association Aux Enfants la Ville.
00:11:43 On va tout vous expliquer, c'est à suivre dans le 6/9 de ce matin.
00:11:47 Ici Matin, revient dans un instant.
00:11:51 Inédit, ce soir sur France 3.
00:11:53 Ça me dépasse.
00:11:54 Toute la journée j'avais l'impression d'être quelqu'un d'autre.
00:11:57 Impénétrable pour les siens.
00:11:59 Au moment du fait, vous aviez donc ?
00:12:00 16 ans.
00:12:01 Quelles étaient vos relations avec la victime Flora Dufour ?
00:12:04 On était amies, meilleures amies.
00:12:06 Insondable pour ses juges.
00:12:07 Madame l'avocat générale.
00:12:09 Vous confirmez que vous êtes bien gauchère ?
00:12:11 Oui.
00:12:12 7 coups de couteau.
00:12:13 Une adolescente est accusée du pire.
00:12:15 Mademoiselle Lisbeth, vous êtes une femme de 7 ans.
00:12:17 Vous confirmez que vous n'avez ni agressé ni tué Flora Dufour ?
00:12:21 Oui, c'est bien ça.
00:12:22 La fille au bracelet.
00:12:24 Ce soir à 21h10 sur France 3.
00:12:26 Et pendant 7 jours sur la plateforme
00:12:29 Ce programme est disponible en audio description.
00:12:32 Les amis, on se retrouve samedi à 12h55 pour une nouvelle recette qui est chef.
00:12:37 On va faire un savant mélange de lait, de crème et de pélardons.
00:12:42 On va faire une bûche de crème.
00:12:44 On va faire un savant mélange de lait, de crème et de pélardons.
00:12:47 On va faire une mousse de pélardons avec un petit jus carotte gingembre.
00:12:51 C'est une tuerie.
00:12:54 Et du coup le reste ?
00:12:55 Non, non, c'est bon.
00:12:56 À samedi.
00:13:00 À samedi, du coup.
00:13:01 12h55.
00:13:02 12h55.
00:13:03 Bonne nuit, je suis ici.
00:13:10 Bienvenue à l'émission "A qui s'aime"
00:13:12 A continuation, la découverte d'une oeuvre d'art.
00:13:15 De Perpignan à Barcelone, de la Cerdagne au Vallespir,
00:13:18 dans "A qui s'aime", on parle catalan.
00:13:20 Venez explorer toutes les facettes de la catalogne,
00:13:23 dimanche à 10h35 sur France 3 Occitanie.
00:13:26 Peut-on être ?
00:13:27 À niu !
00:13:28 À niu !
00:13:56 Le 6/9 de France Bluero avec comme chaque matin,
00:13:58 sur le coup de 7h12, 7h13,
00:14:00 les Codici,
00:14:01 où on s'aperçoit à chaque matin que les Héroltés ont de très bonnes idées.
00:14:05 Adriane Van Der Ville qui est avec nous ce matin.
00:14:07 Bonjour, bienvenue.
00:14:08 Bonjour, merci de l'invitation.
00:14:09 Je dis Hérolté, Héroltès, Adriane Van Der Ville,
00:14:11 c'est pas le nom le plus Hérolté au monde, mais enfin,
00:14:13 ça c'est pas la question.
00:14:14 Vous êtes de Montpellier ou vous êtes d'Ouvoux ?
00:14:16 Je suis Montpellierenne, 4ème génération.
00:14:18 Ah oui d'accord, ok.
00:14:19 Et je suis mariée avec un Hollandais.
00:14:20 Ah, vous êtes mariée avec Dave.
00:14:22 Alors, je ne connais pas d'autres Hollandais que Dave,
00:14:24 donc j'imagine que c'est lui.
00:14:26 Absolument.
00:14:27 Ah ben, Marco van Basten aussi quand même.
00:14:29 Va, Nina, ah, ah, ah !
00:14:31 Quel est votre... Attendez, de qui parlez-vous ?
00:14:33 Marco van Basten.
00:14:34 Marco van Basten ?
00:14:35 Ben oui, quand même, oui.
00:14:36 Il chante quoi lui ?
00:14:37 Où Johan Cruyff.
00:14:38 Ah ben, il chante pas non.
00:14:39 Ah oui d'accord, bon.
00:14:40 Sur les terrains peut-être.
00:14:41 Donc vous venez de Montpellier, très bien,
00:14:42 ça ne vous a pas fait trop long pour venir jusqu'à ce studio de France Bluero
00:14:45 pour nous parler donc d'Aux Enfants la Ville.
00:14:47 C'est une association, Guillaume ?
00:14:49 Oui, une association qui va très prochainement dans le quartier Ovalie à Montpellier
00:14:54 ouvrir une sorte de parc pour les enfants.
00:14:57 On peut appeler ça comme ça, Adriane ?
00:15:00 Absolument, en fait, on importe un concept très commun aux Pays-Bas,
00:15:04 mais aussi en Allemagne, au Royaume-Uni,
00:15:06 de lieu de nature en ville dédié aux familles.
00:15:09 Donc c'est un concept de lieu où on peut venir à tout moment pour manger,
00:15:12 boire un café, dans un petit café,
00:15:14 et jouer librement au contact du vivant dans une aire de jeu naturel.
00:15:18 Et des jardins.
00:15:19 Et ça s'appellera "Les Enfants dehors".
00:15:21 Alors ce n'est pas une injonction, attention,
00:15:24 il faut vraiment le prendre au sens propre, c'est-à-dire...
00:15:28 Enfin, on n'en sait rien, peut-être que les enfants dans la ville
00:15:31 sont quand même un petit peu insupportables
00:15:32 et qu'à un moment donné on a envie de les faire sortir.
00:15:34 On a joué un peu sur les mots,
00:15:36 parce qu'en fait c'est un concept qui répond à la fois aux besoins des parents
00:15:40 et des adultes en général, et puis des enfants.
00:15:42 Et on sait qu'après le confinement, le Covid,
00:15:45 les enfants ont vraiment perdu ce contact avec l'extérieur de plus en plus.
00:15:49 Et les parents sont de plus en plus submergés de responsabilités,
00:15:52 de travail en dehors des heures d'école ou de garde.
00:15:54 Donc voilà, c'est un concept qui répond aux besoins de tous.
00:15:58 - Et alors pour mener à bien votre projet, Adrienne,
00:16:00 vous avez créé une association qui s'appelle "Aux Enfants la Ville".
00:16:03 Vous n'êtes plus toute seule maintenant,
00:16:04 il y a d'autres mamans, papas qui vous ont rejoints ?
00:16:06 - Tout à fait.
00:16:07 On a tout un tas de membres qui arrivent de plus en plus pour nous rejoindre.
00:16:12 Par ailleurs, aujourd'hui on est soutenus par pas mal de fondations.
00:16:16 Et on a participé récemment aux Rencontres pour la Planète,
00:16:19 de 1% pour la Planète, où on a pu vraiment se rendre compte
00:16:22 qu'il y avait un écho à notre action,
00:16:24 favoriser le jeu libre en ville, partout, tout le temps,
00:16:27 et le plus possible au contact de la nature.
00:16:29 - Alors rien à voir avec un espace de jeu pour enfants traditionnel
00:16:32 comme on peut en voir dans les villes, ou même dans les petits villages maintenant.
00:16:37 L'idée c'est vraiment de créer un jardin, un grand jardin, un mini-parc.
00:16:42 A quoi il va ressembler alors ?
00:16:44 - C'est un concept qu'on appelle le "Paysagisme".
00:16:47 C'est un jardin paysager ludique.
00:16:50 En fait on a très peu de propositions de jeux manufacturés,
00:16:54 type toboggan, balançoire, tourniquet, etc.
00:16:57 - Des trucs habituels.
00:16:58 - Qu'on connaît tous.
00:16:59 Mais par contre, des opportunités de jeux libres basées sur le vivant,
00:17:03 c'est-à-dire de l'eau, du sable, des rondins de bois, des cabanes dans les buissons,
00:17:08 des balançoires dans les arbres, on aurait bien aimé, mais on ne peut pas.
00:17:11 - Pour des raisons de sécurité, j'imagine ?
00:17:13 - Oui absolument, et sur le patrimoine arboré montpelierain,
00:17:15 on a envie de le protéger également,
00:17:17 puisque ce concept vise également à renaturer la ville,
00:17:20 et nous on dit renaturer la ville par le jeu libre.
00:17:23 - Moi j'adore, il va y avoir une cuisine à bout.
00:17:25 - Oui.
00:17:26 - J'adore l'idée.
00:17:27 Et je vois que Sébastien se demande, une cuisine à bout ?
00:17:30 - Vous l'avez invité.
00:17:31 - D'après vous Sébastien ?
00:17:32 - C'est quoi ?
00:17:33 - Un espace où les enfants pourront patouiller la terre,
00:17:36 un espace où ils auront le droit de se salir en fait,
00:17:39 de ne plus devenir poterie en fait.
00:17:41 - Voilà, sans productivité attendue de la part des enfants,
00:17:44 en fait on a vraiment voulu proposer des opportunités de rencontres
00:17:49 avec les éléments en général pour les enfants de tous les âges.
00:17:52 Donc depuis le bébé jusqu'à l'adolescent,
00:17:55 on pourra expérimenter avec les éléments de la nature.
00:18:00 - Un sensoriel et potager aussi.
00:18:02 - Tout à fait, et un espace pour accueillir la classe dehors,
00:18:05 parce qu'on sait que de plus en plus d'instituteurs, d'institutrices
00:18:08 ont cette demande de pouvoir enseigner à l'extérieur.
00:18:11 - D'ailleurs il y a pas mal d'écoles qui sont intéressées par votre projet je crois.
00:18:15 - Tout à fait, on est allé à la rencontre des écoles du quartier Ovalie,
00:18:18 on sent un enthousiasme, on sent une envie de nous rejoindre
00:18:21 et bien entendu les enfants des écoles vont participer à la plantation des jardins.
00:18:25 - Alors expliquez-moi, 2000 m² c'est ça ?
00:18:27 - Tout à fait.
00:18:28 - Vous avez acheté les 2000 m² ou on les a mis à votre disposition ?
00:18:31 - Non pas du tout, en plus c'est pas à notre disposition,
00:18:33 c'est vraiment à la disposition des enfants.
00:18:35 - À la disposition de l'association, je voulais dire.
00:18:38 - Non mais je veux le dire quand même, parce qu'en fait c'est vrai qu'il y a
00:18:41 une pression foncière à Montpellier, mais en fait la ville a aussi de magnifiques parcs
00:18:45 et ce modèle-là, de prise en gestion d'un parc et d'animation d'un parc,
00:18:49 ça fait partie du modèle qu'on essaye de promouvoir avec les enfants dehors.
00:18:53 - Et donc il y a une convention de partenariat qui a été signée,
00:18:58 comment ça se passe concrètement ?
00:19:00 - Oui la ville a lancé un appel à manifestation d'intérêts concurrentiels
00:19:03 pour l'occupation d'un parc, on a répondu, on a su convaincre avec le concept.
00:19:08 Aujourd'hui on a une convention en signature actuellement avec la ville de Montpellier
00:19:12 sur l'occupation temporaire.
00:19:15 - Pour 7 ans je crois, vous avez signé pour 7 ans et vous êtes l'association et le gestionnaire.
00:19:20 - Voilà, le gestionnaire.
00:19:21 - Ça va, il va ouvrir quand ?
00:19:22 - Alors on vise une ouverture au printemps.
00:19:25 - Printemps prochain, parce que là en ce moment c'est pas très intéressant.
00:19:27 - Mars, avril.
00:19:28 Oui on sait que les mois d'hiver ne sont pas forcément les mois les plus fréquentés,
00:19:32 après c'est un endroit où on espère que les Montpellierains viendront même s'il pleut,
00:19:37 parce qu'on mettra des combis tout-terrain et des bottes à disposition pour les petits et les grands.
00:19:41 - Et un truc qu'on n'a pas dit, c'est qu'il y aura un espace convivial aussi,
00:19:44 de restauration pour les parents, qui pourront même, s'ils veulent,
00:19:47 ils viennent avec leur ordi pendant que les enfants sont...
00:19:49 Et eux ils bossent, vous avez tout prévu pour les...
00:19:52 - C'est le principe de l'ère de jeu géré, où on peut mixer les usages des grands et des petits,
00:19:56 chacun peut répondre à ses propres besoins.
00:19:58 Nous si on a besoin de travailler, de finir nos mails, de boire un café, de manger un tacos, c'est possible.
00:20:04 - Et car on a dit quartier au Valais, mais ça va se trouver, il va se trouver où exactement ce parc ?
00:20:09 - C'est Avenue du Mondial de Rugby 2007.
00:20:11 - D'accord, très bien.
00:20:12 Donc printemps 2024, on guette ça, les enfants dehors, bravo en tout cas.
00:20:17 Adrienne Van Der Veek, pour avoir exporté cette idée depuis les Pays-Bas,
00:20:21 parce qu'il y en a beaucoup là-bas je crois.
00:20:23 C'est là que vous avez eu l'idée de l'apporter en France.
00:20:26 - Un petit dernier mot, le projet est sélectionné au budget participatif de la région Occitanie,
00:20:30 vous avez jusqu'au 15 janvier pour voter pour trois projets, dont le nôtre.
00:20:34 - Et vous pouvez découvrir le projet et voter, effectivement, vous avez bien fait de le rappeler Adrienne,
00:20:39 vous allez sur le site, le replay de l'écode ici,
00:20:43 et vous aurez le lien direct pour pouvoir voter dans le cadre de ce projet de financement participatif de la région.
00:20:49 Merci !
00:20:50 - Alors on va mettre toutes les infos évidemment sur
00:20:53 Il y a Julien De Baizier qui nous dit "attention, il n'y a pas que Dave qui est hollandais, il y a aussi André Rieu".
00:20:59 - C'est vrai !
00:21:00 - Alors, à vous de voir Adrienne, vous préférez qu'on vous marie à André Rieu ou à Dave ?
00:21:05 - Mais à Julien De Baizier je pense qu'elle va dire à mon mari.
00:21:08 Elle est déjà mariée.
00:21:09 - Ça veut dire que vous préférez Dave, bon alors d'accord.
00:21:12 - Et je vous comprends quand même.
00:21:15 - Oh les clichés !
00:21:16 - Allez on arrête les clichés, c'est vrai, voilà.
00:21:18 Il s'appelle comment votre mari au final ?
00:21:20 - Nicolas.
00:21:21 - Bon ben bonjour à Nicolas, est-ce qu'il nous regarde, qu'il nous écoute ?
00:21:23 - Absolument.
00:21:24 - Il regarde ou il écoute ?
00:21:25 - Les deux.
00:21:26 - Les deux, et il est très grand et il est très musclé.
00:21:28 - Bonjour Nicolas.
00:21:29 - Bonjour !
00:21:30 - Pardon, excusez-nous, on a un truc.
00:21:31 - Bon merci d'être venu en tout cas.
00:21:33 - Merci beaucoup Adrienne.
00:21:34 - L'Écode ici, c'est chaque matin à 7h12 sur France Bleu Héro.
00:21:37 On va voir juste un instant comment ça se passe pour un conducteur de tram à Montpellier.
00:21:41 C'est quoi son boulot, qu'est-ce qu'il fait, comment ça commence, on veut tout savoir.
00:21:44 C'est juste après les Beatles avec "Help" dans le 6/9 de France Bleu Héro.
00:21:47 - Help ! I need somebody !
00:21:49 - Help !
00:21:50 - Not just anybody !
00:21:52 - Help !
00:21:53 - You know I need someone !
00:21:54 - Help !
00:21:55 - When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody's help in any way.
00:22:06 Now that, now these days are gone, I'm not so self-assured.
00:22:11 Now I find, I've changed my mind, I'll open up the doors.
00:22:16 Help me if you can, I'm feeling down, and I do appreciate you being around.
00:22:26 Help me get my feet back on the ground, won't you please, please help me.
00:22:36 Now I find, I've changed my mind, I'll open up the doors.
00:22:47 Help me get my feet back on the ground, won't you please, please help me.
00:22:57 Help me if you can, I'm feeling down, and I do appreciate you being around.
00:23:07 Help me get my feet back on the ground, won't you please, please help me.
00:23:17 When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody's help in any way.
00:23:27 Now that, now these days are gone, I'm not so self-assured.
00:23:32 Now I find, I've changed my mind, I'll open up the doors.
00:23:37 Help me if you can, I'm feeling down, and I do appreciate you being around.
00:23:47 Help me get my feet back on the ground, won't you please, please help me.
00:23:56 Help me, help me, ooooh.
00:24:01 The Beatles with Help on France Bleu Héro at 7h24.
00:24:04 The 69 of France Bleu Héro.
00:24:08 It's for real, our daily rendez-vous.
00:24:10 And in less than a month, or even 15 days, 3 weeks,
00:24:14 the free pass to the public transports in Montpellier, we talk a lot about it.
00:24:17 Virginie Vives wanted to meet those who are every day in the buses, trams, drivers, directions,
00:24:23 the theme, the transports of the Montpellier conglomeration, where there is only blue.
00:24:29 And we're going to talk about it.
00:24:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:24:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:24:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:24:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:24:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:24:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:24:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:24:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:24:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:24:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:24:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:24:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:24:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:24:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:24:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:25:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:25:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:25:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:25:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:25:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:25:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:25:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:25:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:25:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:25:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:25:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:25:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:25:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:25:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:25:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:25:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:25:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:25:35 We're going to talk about it.
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00:35:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:35:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:35:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:35:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:35:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:36:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:37:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:38:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:39:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:40:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:41:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:42:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:43:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:44:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:45:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:46:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:47:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:48:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:49:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:50:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:51:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:52:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:53:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:54:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:55:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:56:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:57:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:58:59 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:01 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:03 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:05 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:07 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:09 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:11 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:13 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:15 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:17 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:19 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:21 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:23 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:25 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:27 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:29 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:31 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:33 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:35 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:37 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:39 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:41 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:43 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:45 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:47 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:49 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:51 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:53 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:55 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:57 We're going to talk about it.
00:59:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:00:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:01:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:02:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:03:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:04:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:05:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:06:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:07:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:08:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:09:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:10:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:11:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:12:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:13:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:14:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:15:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:16:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:17:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:18:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:19:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:20:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:21:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:22:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:23:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:24:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:25:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:26:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:27:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:28:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:29:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:30:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:31:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:32:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:33:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:34:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:35:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:36:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:37:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:38:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:39:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:40:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:41:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:42:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:43:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:44:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:45:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:46:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:47:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:48:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:49:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:50:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:51:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:52:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:53:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:54:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:55:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:56:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:01 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:03 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:05 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:07 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:09 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:11 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:13 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:15 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:17 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:19 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:21 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:23 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:25 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:27 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:29 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:31 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:33 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:35 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:37 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:39 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:41 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:43 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:45 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:47 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:49 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:51 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:53 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:55 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:57 We're going to talk about it.
01:57:59 We're going to talk about it.
01:58:01 We're going to talk about it.