Ranking The Top 5 Best GIFs in Internet History

  • last year
Eddie | The Dog Walk
00:00:00 All right, today is Monday.
00:00:01 It's December 4th.
00:00:02 Welcome to the Dog Walk presented by Barstool Sports.
00:00:04 Snake Draft Monday.
00:00:05 We got two guests on Zoom.
00:00:06 We're joined by the movie guys.
00:00:08 We got Jeff Delow.
00:00:09 We got Ken Jack.
00:00:10 We're not doing movies, though.
00:00:12 This is a little different internet sector here.
00:00:15 Ken Jack, we'll start with you.
00:00:16 How are you?
00:00:16 Are you excited for this draft?
00:00:18 Oh, no.
00:00:22 Sorry, my feet just cut out.
00:00:23 Sorry.
00:00:24 All right, Jeff, we'll start with you.
00:00:25 How are we doing?
00:00:26 I'm excited.
00:00:26 I'm assuming Ken Jack's excited as well.
00:00:28 There we go.
00:00:29 There we go.
00:00:29 You pitched us memes.
00:00:31 You pitched us memes, which I think
00:00:32 would have been fun as well.
00:00:34 Memes are tough.
00:00:34 But this is a daunting one.
00:00:36 Ken Jack's very logged on.
00:00:38 So it's like-- and I am too, but not as much as Ken Jack.
00:00:41 It's tough.
00:00:42 It's going to be tough.
00:00:43 How many--
00:00:43 One of the things with GIFs is that they've almost
00:00:45 gone the way of the dinosaur in a little bit.
00:00:48 Like, they used to be you needed to respond with GIFs
00:00:50 because it maxed out your engagement.
00:00:51 But they've definitely subsided over the years.
00:00:54 Also, I'm going to say it right now,
00:00:56 because I heard Eddie saying it before.
00:00:58 We ain't saying GIF here, my friend.
00:01:00 It just ain't happening.
00:01:01 It's GIF.
00:01:02 It's graphic.
00:01:03 It's graphic interchange format.
00:01:05 It's a hard G. Graphic interchange format.
00:01:07 And you're going to be like, oh, the founder,
00:01:09 the guy who made it said it's GIF.
00:01:10 That guy's wrong.
00:01:11 He's wrong.
00:01:11 It's graphic, hard G.
00:01:13 That is true.
00:01:13 Honestly, I called it GIF forever.
00:01:15 And then once I heard that, for some reason I changed.
00:01:18 And then I haven't been able to go back since.
00:01:20 GIF is a peanut butter.
00:01:21 Yes.
00:01:22 Yes.
00:01:22 J.
00:01:23 Correct.
00:01:25 GIF is a peanut butter.
00:01:26 That's what a GIF is.
00:01:27 Yeah, so here's where we're at.
00:01:31 I do think this is memes we would have struggled with.
00:01:34 You guys would have been better with memes.
00:01:35 Oddly enough, too, Jeff, when I was talking to Kenjake,
00:01:37 I was like, who else is like super in the internet game?
00:01:40 He's like, Jeff is super logged on, too.
00:01:41 So I think he would be great at this one.
00:01:43 So you guys, that's how this came about.
00:01:45 How many are on here?
00:01:46 We probably have the same mind on this.
00:01:48 So it's going to be interesting.
00:01:48 Yes, exactly.
00:01:49 How many are on your big board?
00:01:51 Wait, say it again.
00:01:54 I don't know.
00:01:56 How many are on your big board?
00:01:58 Oh, I got.
00:01:59 Let's see.
00:02:00 I have probably like 3540.
00:02:03 No, shit.
00:02:04 Yeah.
00:02:04 Fuck.
00:02:05 I got like 20, but like 10 main ones.
00:02:09 Okay.
00:02:09 Yeah.
00:02:10 Yeah.
00:02:11 Where are you going to say, Kenjake?
00:02:14 I'm right at the same.
00:02:16 I'm at like 25, but if I don't get a majority of my top 10,
00:02:20 I'm going to be very unhappy.
00:02:21 I will say, too, this is one of those drafts where you could
00:02:24 have prepared for a week and you still would have been like,
00:02:27 oh, fuck.
00:02:28 How did I forget that one?
00:02:29 I had a couple come.
00:02:30 I was doing it this morning and I was saving them all to my
00:02:33 phone, and I had a couple come to my brain right before we're
00:02:37 about to go on.
00:02:37 So it's just, and I don't know how to rank them.
00:02:40 You guys have a clear top 10.
00:02:41 I really don't.
00:02:42 I kind of feel like there's a couple areas, too, where when
00:02:45 you see one, it unlocks a floodgate.
00:02:48 Like there was one thing I won't say.
00:02:49 I know people got mad at me tipping stuff last time.
00:02:51 Not going to say it.
00:02:52 But there was one section that I found and I was like, oh,
00:02:54 shit.
00:02:54 I just started hammering out like 10 of them.
00:02:55 I was like, oh, my God, they're all.
00:02:57 Yeah, I think it's tough.
00:02:58 I think I have three unanimous first rounders, like just
00:03:01 okay, full blown first.
00:03:02 I got two.
00:03:03 I want that.
00:03:04 Like I would take first overall, maybe three.
00:03:08 I have a couple that I feel like are mine and I will be mad
00:03:16 at Dave specifically if he takes one.
00:03:18 Yeah, we'll probably do it.
00:03:21 Yeah.
00:03:22 All right, then we get into this.
00:03:23 We'll do the order.
00:03:24 Congrats to me for winning the worst minor injury draft.
00:03:26 51% of the poll.
00:03:29 All right, Ken Jack, Harry has one through five behind his
00:03:33 back. What number do you think it is?
00:03:34 Two.
00:03:37 Yes.
00:03:38 Well, what spot?
00:03:42 I got two.
00:03:42 It's a bucket.
00:03:45 Let's do one.
00:03:46 All right, Jeff, one through four.
00:03:49 One.
00:03:50 No, three.
00:03:53 Yes, I'll go third.
00:03:55 White Sox.
00:03:57 Dave, one through three.
00:03:59 Two.
00:04:00 No, one.
00:04:02 Yes, I'll go second.
00:04:04 One or two, Jeff.
00:04:07 Two.
00:04:09 Yes, just not last.
00:04:13 Whatever is available.
00:04:14 Don't go last.
00:04:15 All right, Jeff, White Sox, Dave.
00:04:18 All right.
00:04:18 So the order is Ken Jack, Eddie, Chief Jeff, White Sox.
00:04:21 I'm officially angry.
00:04:22 Why?
00:04:23 I also feel like there's a gift that I associate with Dave
00:04:27 that I would not take that I use a lot.
00:04:30 That's the way.
00:04:32 Are you about to do an Adrie dead?
00:04:33 Yeah.
00:04:34 Okay, let's do that.
00:04:35 Why?
00:04:35 You could say something.
00:04:36 Well, I'm just saying, are we going with, like, most frequently
00:04:40 used funny?
00:04:40 There's, like, a whole bunch of different ways you can attack.
00:04:43 I think yours is very draftable that I have in my head for
00:04:47 you, and I would not draft it because I'm like, that's Dave.
00:04:50 We're just going to the top gifts.
00:04:52 Yeah.
00:04:52 The top gifts.
00:04:53 Like, what do people use the most?
00:04:54 Like, make your argument for.
00:04:56 Yeah.
00:04:56 Like Dave said, though, I do want to talk about the game
00:04:59 time app before we continue.
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00:05:08 Listen, you've ever been in a situation where you get to
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00:05:16 there was just some confusion or some discombobulation.
00:05:19 Always.
00:05:20 It's the worst.
00:05:20 That doesn't happen with game time, which is nice.
00:05:22 No, they're the best.
00:05:24 I will be using them next tomorrow against the Preds.
00:05:28 I'm going to go to the game with Big T, Little Hawks Preds
00:05:31 action at the United Center, and then I'm going to use them
00:05:33 Thursday against the Ducks, too.
00:05:35 So I'm going to be living at the United Center all thanks
00:05:37 to game time.
00:05:37 Beautiful.
00:05:38 I'm seeing Joe Flacco maybe make his first start for the
00:05:40 Cleveland Browns on Sunday in LA because of game time.
00:05:43 I saw that.
00:05:43 The stones are now.
00:05:44 I'm right now.
00:05:45 Yeah, I saw that they're on game time.
00:05:46 I got that notification.
00:05:47 Was that this morning I woke up to it or last night?
00:05:50 Whatever.
00:05:50 I'm using game time tomorrow for Purdue versus Northwestern
00:05:54 and Evanston number one ranked Purdue.
00:05:56 That's a hot ticket.
00:05:57 That's a hot ticket.
00:05:58 It is a hot ticket.
00:05:59 People just need to take note here.
00:06:00 We're talking NFL, NHL, college football, Rolling Stones.
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00:06:25 Download game time today.
00:06:27 Last minute tickets, lowest price guaranteed.
00:06:29 All right, here we go.
00:06:31 Lead us off Ken Jack, the gift draft.
00:06:34 Okay, so there were a couple of things I kind of thought
00:06:36 about when I was making my list.
00:06:38 Number one is that I want to make a very concentrated effort
00:06:42 to avoid just scenes from movies and TV, if that makes sense.
00:06:46 Like I was trying to think of things that were a little bit
00:06:49 more, I guess, kind of unique.
00:06:51 And the second is that as much as this is the best gift draft,
00:06:55 I also am accepting that I need to do
00:06:57 a lot of personal picks for this.
00:06:59 And with that being said, I'm going to pick number one
00:07:01 overall.
00:07:02 It's definitely probably not a consensus top one
00:07:05 in an overall pick.
00:07:07 Alonzo Morningshake and his set.
00:07:08 Oh, I love it.
00:07:09 Great one.
00:07:10 Just going.
00:07:11 That was my one one.
00:07:12 That was my one one.
00:07:14 It's my all time favorite gift.
00:07:15 It is so usable in so many different situations.
00:07:18 It's just it's perfect.
00:07:19 It is a perfect gift.
00:07:20 The range of emotions in that.
00:07:22 Yeah, he's like, well, actually, it might not be that bad.
00:07:27 That one, that's a great one.
00:07:29 I'm embarrassed to say that it was not on my list,
00:07:33 but it absolutely should have been.
00:07:34 I love that gift.
00:07:36 You spelled, I believe you spelled morning wrong.
00:07:39 And Alonzo.
00:07:42 Yeah.
00:07:42 Wow, Jeff, you had this one one.
00:07:45 Yeah, it's definitely first round pick, I'd say.
00:07:48 Like, so I don't know if this was behind the scenes
00:07:51 or right when we first started recording, but we were talked
00:07:54 about how it might be hard to describe these verbally.
00:07:58 This one, it's not.
00:07:59 That's how you know it's such a home run.
00:08:01 You just know exactly what it is.
00:08:02 Yeah.
00:08:03 You know, like a lot of these are going to have to like,
00:08:05 oh, well, it's that little kid doing this
00:08:07 and people are going to be scratched, not this one.
00:08:10 Mm hmm.
00:08:11 Yeah, that's that's why it's got to go to one of all.
00:08:13 And again, I was kind of afraid you guys were going to shit
00:08:16 on it a little bit, but I'm glad to see that we all appreciate it.
00:08:18 No, it's it's great.
00:08:19 Say top tops, probably maybe top sports gift like the big four sports.
00:08:23 You know what I want to do?
00:08:26 I want to start a podcast where we look, there's this too,
00:08:29 where we interview people that made gifts like that
00:08:34 or viral gifts or memes or something and just like be like, hey,
00:08:37 what's it like to be that guy?
00:08:38 Obviously, he was already famous, but I want to interview
00:08:40 like some of these people that we have no idea who they actually are.
00:08:42 Sometimes I wonder if the famous people are aware that.
00:08:46 Oh, that's like, yeah, like I can't.
00:08:48 I actually saw an interview.
00:08:49 I read the interview today with Alonzo Mourning.
00:08:51 He talked about it.
00:08:51 Somebody like just a write up.
00:08:53 It wasn't anything crazy or somebody I like was.
00:08:55 I was going to make sure I knew the names of them.
00:08:58 And somebody did ask him about it.
00:08:59 Like, what was the thought process?
00:09:00 And he went into like how bad the glow was and all that.
00:09:03 So how bad the what was?
00:09:05 How bad the blow to the game was kind of why he was reacting.
00:09:07 All right. Yeah. Good pick. Good pick.
00:09:12 I still like my top three better, but I think it's I think it really is.
00:09:15 Yeah, I don't know.
00:09:17 I think this is that unanimous.
00:09:19 Won't you think it's one one?
00:09:21 We got three guys. I think I do love this gift.
00:09:24 I really do.
00:09:25 I don't think that there's a clear cut one one or even one through five.
00:09:28 Really? That's how many gifts there are that are just like so prevalent
00:09:32 in everything on the Internet.
00:09:34 This one can definitely compete for one.
00:09:36 One could have been a 10th pick.
00:09:37 I wouldn't have said anything.
00:09:38 You know that draft. Yeah.
00:09:40 And that gift not being on my board.
00:09:42 I'm I'm already spiraling a little bit.
00:09:45 Really? Because it's like that makes me because that's
00:09:48 that might be my favorite one.
00:09:50 And I just didn't think of it.
00:09:51 Wow. And it's a lot of love for this gift.
00:09:53 Oh, it's a great gift.
00:09:55 It's great because it's like making me organic.
00:09:57 Eddie might have some bad gifts.
00:09:59 No, I think I have bad gifts.
00:10:01 I think I've got bad gifts.
00:10:02 I think I'm going to I think. All right.
00:10:04 I'm up. So I think I'm going to I was going to play strategy here
00:10:07 and not take what I think is probably the best one.
00:10:10 But I'm going to just going to take it because I want to show
00:10:15 what I think is competes with it and beats it.
00:10:17 And it's the Undertaker rising. Yeah.
00:10:20 That's top five gift for me, too. Yeah.
00:10:22 I had that right up there.
00:10:23 Classic. I mean, it plays in so many various forms, obviously for sports.
00:10:28 It's a great one.
00:10:30 Down by 12 ed, you just, you know, kicked a little field goal.
00:10:33 Keep it in with, you know, two score game.
00:10:35 Eight minutes left.
00:10:37 The official get the over and gambling, gambling.
00:10:39 Yes, exactly. Yeah, yeah.
00:10:42 Elite elite.
00:10:44 The coffin one is probably the preferred one.
00:10:47 So yeah. Yeah, it's got to be.
00:10:49 It's got to be the coffin, not the one where I like.
00:10:51 I do like the one where they zoom in on his face to that one.
00:10:54 But yeah, this is this is this is not that this is high on my heart.
00:10:58 Yeah. So this is Jeff made me like double thing for a second.
00:11:02 But I had such a fun. I'm happy about that. Why?
00:11:05 I was firm in it, though.
00:11:07 I said, I thought, what makes me weak about that?
00:11:09 He said that Ken Jack, I said at the point, I said, I think my top three are better.
00:11:13 Yeah, you did say that you you were hesitant, though.
00:11:16 No, I wasn't. No, right there.
00:11:18 It was right there.
00:11:19 I said, I overthought for a bill a second. Yes.
00:11:21 But he's still you said, I want to drop the hammer because I think I get this later.
00:11:25 But I'm going to go with it because I think it's better.
00:11:27 You just said that.
00:11:28 I think you just agree with me.
00:11:30 There's a weekly.
00:11:32 Not not in this instance.
00:11:34 But it's an audio audio audio.
00:11:39 I was weird.
00:11:41 No audio gifts.
00:11:42 I guess I think those are called videos.
00:11:45 That would. Yeah. Yeah.
00:11:49 All right, then, chief, you could take it.
00:11:50 I'm nervous, but I'm going to take the this is fine dog in the burning house.
00:11:57 That was one of my three.
00:11:58 Oh, number two. This is bad.
00:12:00 OK, yes. I think of them.
00:12:02 Obviously, this was going to be debated in the first few picks.
00:12:08 But I think of it more as a me.
00:12:10 But their flames are moving.
00:12:11 I know. I know. I understand.
00:12:12 But it's like he does bring up a good point.
00:12:14 And that was a tough thing is that there are some on here,
00:12:18 which I don't know if will veto them.
00:12:20 I think this one's fine.
00:12:21 Like this one, this one clears.
00:12:22 It was my it was my number two.
00:12:24 But there are some where I'm like, I,
00:12:26 I search like best gifts just to see.
00:12:28 And there was like a one listicle that had gifts.
00:12:31 And I pointed out a couple like, no, that's a still image like that.
00:12:34 Exactly. I mean, I can't wait for the first person who takes a still image.
00:12:38 Me can't wait.
00:12:41 It's going to be a fucking massacre.
00:12:43 Great pick. Like I said, all right. Good.
00:12:45 One of my top three.
00:12:46 I was feeling like the this is fine dog sitting here when Ken Jack made the.
00:12:51 I got a dumb question.
00:12:54 Is this from like a TV show or something or a cartoon or I don't know,
00:12:58 it's like a web comic.
00:13:00 OK, yeah, there's a bunch on here from things.
00:13:03 I don't necessarily know where they're from, but I still use them.
00:13:05 And that's kind of the beauty of it.
00:13:07 Yeah, exactly.
00:13:09 Their own world. Great pick.
00:13:10 This one plays a lot.
00:13:12 Definitely. I'm towards the echelon of one of the most posted gifts on Twitter,
00:13:17 for sure. Jeff, you're up.
00:13:19 I'm going to stop losing your to your like top three.
00:13:25 I'm going to go with now I got to think about what Dave won't pick.
00:13:29 I'm going to go Homer Simpson into the bushes.
00:13:32 Yeah, yeah. I was between those two.
00:13:34 Also has a unique angle of being people editing it to be different things
00:13:39 like a sports team logo and they go in at a different team.
00:13:42 So I'm going to go Homer Simpson Bush.
00:13:44 It's a versatile gift.
00:13:46 So many things. Staple.
00:13:48 Yeah, I love when like the Cubs get eliminated and it backs up
00:13:51 and it comes back out as a Blackhawks.
00:13:53 Like that's that's like that's a that's a great.
00:13:55 That's a great gift. Yeah.
00:13:58 Very strong.
00:13:59 Shout out to Clem remaking the gift.
00:14:01 He's like, yeah, I think I do.
00:14:04 I do. Ken Jack, though, I didn't want to put too many like TV show
00:14:06 and movie stuff on here, but I feel like this one,
00:14:08 this was like a bit of a different league where it's like, yes, exactly.
00:14:11 Yeah, there are exceptions.
00:14:13 There are exceptions that rule.
00:14:14 Like there's definitely TV and movie ones that have just kind of become
00:14:18 more gift formed. Definitely.
00:14:22 For sure. Yes, it's I think that there's like a dividing line
00:14:25 that it's like, well, what's the the bill?
00:14:27 There was a Clarence Thomas like porn.
00:14:30 I know what I want to see it. Yeah. Yep.
00:14:32 Yeah, it's kind of like that, it's just like I know which one lives
00:14:37 more as a TV clip than it does as a gift, and I just know when I see it.
00:14:40 This is strong.
00:14:42 This is strong.
00:14:44 White Sox, Dave.
00:14:46 Wrong.
00:14:49 Donald Trump wrong when it zooms into his face.
00:14:52 It makes me laugh every time.
00:14:55 Are you guys fucking crazy?
00:14:58 You don't know what gift I'm talking about.
00:15:01 I love it. It's perfect.
00:15:02 It's a good gift. I actually, you know, it specifically has to be the one
00:15:06 where it like quickly zooms into his mouth.
00:15:08 You know what I'm talking about?
00:15:11 I think you're getting too specific.
00:15:12 I won't. I will save my comment on and it's not like an anti Trump thing.
00:15:17 I just there's a lot of Trump gifts.
00:15:18 That's all. That's all. Yes.
00:15:20 Yeah. The one on the right. That's the one. I love it.
00:15:22 I love it. Just if someone fucking says some, you know, like Dylan
00:15:27 Cease is getting traded, just hit him with the wrong.
00:15:30 It's like if someone says that to me, it gets under my skin so much.
00:15:34 It is the perfect response on the Internet to piss someone off.
00:15:38 I actually don't like when it zooms in as much as I like seeing his face.
00:15:41 So like the other like that's what I think is funny.
00:15:43 Or like how the one where it's just his face and then the the the O's
00:15:47 are going across the screen.
00:15:49 That's the one that I associate with.
00:15:50 And that when I do like, hmm.
00:15:53 Yeah, this is strong. Solid one. Yeah, for sure.
00:15:55 I love that gift. That's why I would have taken one one. Really?
00:15:59 Yeah, I know. Was it?
00:16:01 She had the first pick, though. Yeah, I bet you guys do.
00:16:03 And then the second one, I'll take the blinking guy gift.
00:16:06 Yeah, that was my that was my third first rounder.
00:16:09 I like how you all probably had it like listed differently.
00:16:13 I just said like white guy doing the face.
00:16:15 Like I didn't even know what I was writing down.
00:16:16 That was some of these were really fun Googles this morning.
00:16:19 Or I'm like, how the fuck do I even type this in right now?
00:16:21 Yeah, I had I just had like sad or shocked blinking guy.
00:16:26 But yeah, this is a great one, dude.
00:16:30 It plays for like you just see something fucked up.
00:16:32 You see like Alec Baldwin holding a six four year old six, five, six, four son.
00:16:36 You know what I mean? Like, yeah, yeah.
00:16:38 Severed head or whatever.
00:16:39 Yeah. Like what? It's just like, what's going on?
00:16:42 It's like, OK, then. Yeah. Yeah.
00:16:46 Yeah. You said what?
00:16:48 Yeah, this is a good I feel like this one.
00:16:51 Had a stretch where it was like my entire Twitter feed, like,
00:16:57 but I want to know what this guy's up to this like at this very moment.
00:17:00 What's this guy doing to interviewed him?
00:17:02 I remember reading something like they talked to him,
00:17:04 the caught up with him and something, the guy from that gift,
00:17:06 because it was from something like I forget what.
00:17:08 But they talked to him. I know that much.
00:17:11 I don't I wish I remember more, but I know they talked to him.
00:17:14 And that was like one A, one B crying Jordan, like in that 2017.
00:17:17 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever.
00:17:18 It was like that was the two memes people were using.
00:17:21 Yeah. Strong pick here.
00:17:24 What would crying will crying Jordan go one one in the memes draft
00:17:27 whenever that happens?
00:17:28 I think I feel like you never say it anymore.
00:17:30 See it anymore.
00:17:32 Not anymore. But no, no mean I can think of had a longer life.
00:17:35 Oh, yeah. I was like two.
00:17:36 Three. Three warning that there's you take that as a gift today.
00:17:39 You're immediately vetoed.
00:17:40 Oh, I'm vetoing so fast. If you take that's a meme.
00:17:44 Bad. Not a gift.
00:17:46 Eddie's reaction. Eddie was on your list.
00:17:47 No, no, no, no. OK, OK.
00:17:49 I was like, no, it's a tip and a pick.
00:17:51 Like, I'm tipping a veto.
00:17:52 Like, if you do that, that's a thousand percent of me.
00:17:55 Thousand percent.
00:17:56 Jeff, you're up.
00:17:58 So the next one's one of those ones where I didn't know exactly how to describe it
00:18:02 or say it, but it's the YouTube battle rapper Superhot Fire when he he has
00:18:07 like he's kind of leaning back with his friends.
00:18:10 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:18:11 Screen like holding his face. Yeah.
00:18:12 I didn't know how to describe that one.
00:18:14 I just downloaded it and I was going to try to act it out.
00:18:16 Because I had no idea.
00:18:19 It goes across. Yeah, yeah.
00:18:21 There's variations of it where it's the kid just on loop,
00:18:23 like in a circle with the reaction. Yeah.
00:18:26 That's another one. It's like the blinking guy.
00:18:28 You see that below a tweet.
00:18:29 You know, someone just got their fucking life dunked on like they're on.
00:18:32 Yeah, I over one of like my favorite moments of the internet.
00:18:36 I can't remember like what spurred it, but like a random student
00:18:39 put my head on that guy's body
00:18:41 like the guy who like won the argument or whatever.
00:18:43 And I was like, this is this is amazing.
00:18:45 Like, this is the best day I've ever had on the Internet. Yeah.
00:18:48 Really good.
00:18:51 I just that's a timeless one.
00:18:52 Yeah, it could have been first overall.
00:18:54 Again, it could have been first of all, I think.
00:18:56 I'm glad you explained.
00:18:58 I learned something.
00:18:59 I could have taken it for but I actually banked on maybe I was like,
00:19:03 honestly, it's not even just like a Dave thing.
00:19:04 I just banked on Dave or anyone ahead of me, just not knowing
00:19:07 what to describe it as like that might be why it maybe falls to me.
00:19:11 Correct. Correct.
00:19:12 Chief, you're up.
00:19:15 I feel like I'm going to get hate on this one, but I love this one.
00:19:17 It's a little bit older.
00:19:18 It's I don't again, not exactly sure how to describe it.
00:19:22 I'm pretty sure it's just a prairie dog that looks like utterly stunned
00:19:27 by what he's seeing.
00:19:28 Do you guys know what I'm talking about?
00:19:29 Oh, yeah, that was an OG. Yeah.
00:19:31 That that was yeah, that's something with it.
00:19:33 Dun dun dun.
00:19:35 And there's like, yeah, yeah, but like it's it's like zooms in on a prairie dog,
00:19:39 but it's like surprise chipmunk, isn't that what they call it?
00:19:42 Chipmunk, I believe, is the name.
00:19:43 That was like a very OG viral YouTube video from like the days of like
00:19:46 Star Wars kid and evolution of dance.
00:19:48 Oh, yeah. I had a chipmunk.
00:19:50 Emphatic chipmunk.
00:19:51 They did it on this in like two thousand that one on the far right.
00:19:54 Yeah, yeah.
00:19:55 And like 2010, they yeah, I don't know what it is about that.
00:19:58 Look, it makes me laugh every single time.
00:20:01 So, yeah, that what do we call it?
00:20:04 Surprise chipmunk, dramatic chipmunk, dramatic, dramatic chipmunk.
00:20:07 Yeah, OK. Yeah.
00:20:09 I I love this one.
00:20:10 It's O.G., but it never had.
00:20:13 It's it's obsolete. It stinks.
00:20:15 No, I think of the draft. Oh, no, no.
00:20:17 You're wrong. Definitely the worst.
00:20:20 Come on. No.
00:20:21 We're sick of the draft so far. I agree. Yeah.
00:20:23 Well, that's how drafts are supposed to go.
00:20:25 You dummy. I'm just saying.
00:20:27 Oh, but there's there you left a million heavy hitters on the board is.
00:20:30 Now this is on mine.
00:20:32 This is this is a great one.
00:20:34 You guys just don't appreciate things.
00:20:37 You're in your haters. That's not true.
00:20:38 I just don't know.
00:20:40 I think I think Dave's one was worse, too.
00:20:42 And I'm like, I'm excited to shit on whatever that drafts now.
00:20:45 You can't do that.
00:20:47 You can't appreciate it.
00:20:48 Chief's ready to go.
00:20:49 He's ready for tipping your shit.
00:20:51 Yeah. Go ahead. Go ahead. Make your pick.
00:20:53 All right. I'm going to go with one that is like usable for me.
00:20:56 Probably my most used draft.
00:20:57 My my issues most use gift
00:21:00 because of how bad the bears are and it's family guy.
00:21:03 The Griffin's puking all over the front room.
00:21:06 Oh, yeah. I didn't even think about that.
00:21:07 That's a good one.
00:21:08 That's Eddie.
00:21:09 That is a fucking great point, because chief, you took one that this is fine.
00:21:14 And I guess we can all relate.
00:21:15 We root for routinely stupid or bad football teams.
00:21:18 I feel like if you were for bad sports teams, you got a couple real like
00:21:22 like the this is fine.
00:21:24 Giff is using more of your team state.
00:21:26 Yeah. I mean, it's just perfect.
00:21:29 The whole family is just profuse vomiting all over the place.
00:21:33 It's a little gross.
00:21:35 I've seen that episode, actually.
00:21:37 I forget the plot behind it or why they're puking, but I have seen that episode.
00:21:40 Well, I forget, too.
00:21:42 I do remember watching that episode whenever I was obviously much younger,
00:21:45 but I thought it was like the funniest thing I'd ever seen.
00:21:47 I was like, look at them. They're puking everywhere.
00:21:48 It's so funny. Yeah.
00:21:49 Like I've never I'm not haven't seen much family guy in my life.
00:21:52 But that's one of those gifts where I just keep going back to the well,
00:21:56 because like the our teams consistently do shit that is barf worthy.
00:22:00 So that's it.
00:22:01 I think one. Yeah.
00:22:04 Can Jack, you got to come, Jack, you're up.
00:22:07 I'll start with one.
00:22:08 This is like an OG one that I think you have to put in best consideration
00:22:12 just because it was used so much.
00:22:14 And I know I was talking about not using too many movie ones.
00:22:16 I don't think this one people associate back.
00:22:19 I would say outdandered.
00:22:20 Ninety five percent of people don't even know the movie it's from.
00:22:23 But just Grizzly Adams nodding just.
00:22:26 I had no idea.
00:22:28 I was going to say like Mountain Men.
00:22:29 You know who it is?
00:22:31 No, it's Robert Redford.
00:22:32 Robert Redford. Is it? Yeah.
00:22:34 It's a user, Zach Galifianakis, though.
00:22:36 Jeremiah Johnson. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:22:38 Great one. So I never knew what that was from either.
00:22:41 And this is one of those
00:22:42 gifts where I it makes me feel like I'm not in on the joke
00:22:47 because I'm like, I don't know what's so great.
00:22:49 I never understood what was so great about this.
00:22:51 It's very popular. People use it all the time.
00:22:53 I never.
00:22:54 Well, it's not for me.
00:22:56 It's just subtle approval.
00:22:58 Just fucking what do you call it?
00:23:00 Yeah, what did I even I think I said, I think I said Grizzly Adams.
00:23:03 I already I already fucked up my head.
00:23:04 It's like but Robert Redford is doing that little nod.
00:23:07 Just it was one that everyone used for almost anything.
00:23:09 It could be.
00:23:10 I feel like that's another one with a lot of universal.
00:23:12 Like, obviously, you need to have some sort of sentiment of agreement.
00:23:15 But I think it just it's good.
00:23:16 You can even use it when you're conceding a point to an enemy on Twitter.
00:23:19 Yeah, that's that's where it's used.
00:23:22 There's been a yeah, like there's a bunch of White Sox fans
00:23:25 who we fucking hate each other, like me versus them.
00:23:28 And over the years, we have been in agreements
00:23:32 like enemies, enemies, friends, blah, blah, blah, where I've used that gift
00:23:35 in that exact situation.
00:23:37 Yeah, so I feel like it's worthy of being on the list, at least for today.
00:23:41 Yeah, it's classic.
00:23:42 It's classic.
00:23:43 Little high, maybe for my liking, but it's classic.
00:23:45 I don't know that it's high.
00:23:47 I think for the for the popularity. Yes, it's definitely.
00:23:50 That's not saying as much as usage.
00:23:52 Personal preference for me. Sure.
00:23:54 Third round, come, Jack.
00:23:56 Yeah, this one, I think I'll have to do at least one
00:24:01 personal here, and it's another movie one.
00:24:05 I know I fucking went off and saying not going to do any movie ones,
00:24:08 but again, one where I don't think it is associated with a movie scene.
00:24:11 But just Antonio Banderas.
00:24:14 Yeah. And assassins doing the lean bag.
00:24:17 Just let go.
00:24:17 Yeah, that's more of a that's more of a gift than a movie scene, for sure.
00:24:23 Yeah. And I believe that's assassins with Stallone.
00:24:25 It is. Yeah.
00:24:27 Nobody knows.
00:24:28 This is my next pick.
00:24:29 I was I thought I might get it.
00:24:31 Yeah. And that was and that was him doing that funky noise to do.
00:24:34 Like, you get that weird bit in that movie or whatever. Yeah.
00:24:37 But I love that one.
00:24:38 That's just that's another classic one, because you can use it
00:24:40 on a lot of different situations as well.
00:24:42 And I just I love it.
00:24:43 It's good. I love that one, too.
00:24:46 Got Harry giggling his ass off over here.
00:24:47 What do you like this one or something?
00:24:49 It's a great thing.
00:24:50 That's it.
00:24:53 That's all. Yeah.
00:24:54 I've never seen this guy.
00:24:57 What are you thinking about?
00:24:58 Like, what's it makes you laugh so much?
00:25:00 And there is referencing in your head right now.
00:25:03 I don't know. It's just funny when he goes back.
00:25:04 He's like biting. He's like, God, we've all been there, too.
00:25:08 Yeah. Yeah.
00:25:11 Harry gets it. Yeah.
00:25:12 No, I think it's a good pick, especially saying, like, I think it's more of a gif.
00:25:15 You didn't know what movie it was from confidently.
00:25:18 So, nope. And, you know, a shit ton about movies.
00:25:20 So it's as simple as that.
00:25:22 All right. I'm up before I make my pick, though.
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00:26:56 All right. My pick. This is
00:26:58 I think it's another classic.
00:27:00 It's kind of the same meaning as the actually it's very much the same meaning
00:27:03 as the family guy one, but it's the it's a dumpster fire
00:27:07 that's floating in the water. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
00:27:09 No, it's good. When I was on my list. Pretty self-explanatory.
00:27:12 Just it's very usable.
00:27:14 I've used it many times in my life.
00:27:16 And I distinct the floating in water because there's some I don't even know how.
00:27:20 It's better than just a regular dumpster.
00:27:22 That's probably like Hurricane.
00:27:23 Oh, yeah. OK, so I was going to say it, but there
00:27:26 are two dumpsters. That's the one that dumpster.
00:27:29 Is that the one you're talking about?
00:27:30 Yes. I said floating in water. Yeah.
00:27:33 I said, I think Eddie has the better dumpster fire.
00:27:35 Yes, I agree. For sure.
00:27:37 Like how they got one floating.
00:27:39 I don't know. Is that what it's from? Really?
00:27:41 I don't know. Katrina. Oh, I just made that up.
00:27:43 Oh, well, I'm pretty confident that it's not a real fire in the dumpster.
00:27:48 But I mean, that looks pretty CGI there, Jeff. Yeah.
00:27:51 Jeff. Yeah. I'm all internet.
00:27:53 Catch you have those spots.
00:27:56 Green on Jeff. Put him in the crow's nest. That's right.
00:27:58 But it's a great it's it's it's the superior dumpster because there is the
00:28:02 there's the very iconic one where it's the big long blue one in the back alley.
00:28:05 Now that we've talked about it, I mean, yeah, I guess somebody could take it.
00:28:08 But I just had the Mandela effect.
00:28:10 I always thought it was a big green one in the back alley.
00:28:13 Yeah. Oh, really?
00:28:15 But yeah, obviously, you might be colorblind.
00:28:18 I don't know. I think that also maybe the Mandela effect.
00:28:22 No, it's a good one.
00:28:23 Dumpsters can be even if it wasn't on fire, just a floating dumpsters unique.
00:28:27 You don't see that every day.
00:28:30 No, it's rare. Yeah.
00:28:33 Chief, you're up.
00:28:34 I'm taking the sad walk guy.
00:28:37 All right. I like what with the blanky.
00:28:40 Michael Cera in my. Oh, it's the development.
00:28:42 Yeah. Rest of development. Yeah.
00:28:43 So sad walk. That's another one like that.
00:28:46 I've used as in reaction to sports a million times.
00:28:51 I've actually never seen a rest of development.
00:28:53 I know it's like a it's a it's a great show.
00:28:56 Or at least I actually didn't put any on my list
00:28:59 because I am a super fan of that show.
00:29:02 And I felt like I would start getting into inside baseball. It is.
00:29:06 It's a must watch your profile forever.
00:29:10 I've made a huge mistake. Will Arnett. Yeah. Yeah.
00:29:12 Is it still on Netflix?
00:29:14 I know they like rebooted it, but is the original on?
00:29:16 They like they like had their own version of the show, like they said.
00:29:20 And then they took some seasons off.
00:29:21 I actually don't know where it is right now, but it's a must watch.
00:29:23 OK, it's it's the smartest comedy I mean, I think ever made.
00:29:28 But way, way too before its time.
00:29:31 Like that was the biggest issue.
00:29:33 It was just it was way too early.
00:29:35 When did it come out originally?
00:29:37 That's 2000. Yeah. Three or four.
00:29:39 Four, I think. OK.
00:29:40 Have the writers and producers went on to do other Bruce.
00:29:43 So Bruce did the fucking Avengers directors helped create it.
00:29:46 Whoa. Do not.
00:29:48 And every actor in that show is a big deal.
00:29:50 And then a lot of it like episode directors were a big deal.
00:29:53 Yeah, it's just crazy.
00:29:54 It's it's that show is as funny as anything ever.
00:29:58 Ron Howard helped create it.
00:30:00 Brian Glazer. Yeah, it's insane.
00:30:01 Yeah, he's the narrator.
00:30:02 I guess I got to get on it.
00:30:04 Yeah, people that are diehards about arrested.
00:30:07 They swear by very like not like a sit down and kind of relax
00:30:11 and half pay attention, like pay attention because you are missing everything.
00:30:14 You can say it's like the littered with shit.
00:30:17 Yeah. You could say it's like, is it the wire of comedies?
00:30:20 I feel like it's the number one culty comedy.
00:30:22 Yeah. Yeah. Like, like, yeah.
00:30:23 Like the people, it's a it's a cult following.
00:30:25 Yeah, but it's small. Yes.
00:30:27 And it's way like people try to act like I feel like after there's a resurgence
00:30:31 of shows that were like, like, you know, NBC stuff like office or whatever.
00:30:34 They're like, oh, I'm like a cult fan of The Office
00:30:36 because I got into it like 10 years after it was over.
00:30:38 It's like, yeah, yeah, you're not. It's not a cult show.
00:30:40 Like I would say Arrested Development is more of that
00:30:43 because it just like wasn't really available to watch for a while.
00:30:46 And then like once it was, people were getting back into it.
00:30:49 So while I appreciate this one more, if I watch it, Jeff.
00:30:51 Oh, yeah. You don't like the gift.
00:30:54 It's OK. Oh, I think it's a great gift.
00:30:56 There's a couple there's a couple Michael Cera character gets from that show.
00:30:59 But the actually the video, the context of the scene and like what they're doing
00:31:03 while he's walking makes it even funnier.
00:31:05 Like it's yeah, I won't spoil it.
00:31:06 Arrested Development is a must watch.
00:31:08 Oh, and another great one from Mr.
00:31:10 Development, the dove in the launchpad.
00:31:12 I don't know what I was expecting.
00:31:13 And that is another that's a great one.
00:31:14 I use it pretty frequently. Yeah.
00:31:16 There's a lot from that show.
00:31:18 Jeff, you're back up.
00:31:20 Tough one now because I just I just had a run on a bunch of mine.
00:31:23 Make sure I get dumpster fire off my board here.
00:31:27 I'm going to go.
00:31:29 We've had a we've had a WWE, so I'm going to go with that.
00:31:31 I'm going to go with this big man falling back in his chair.
00:31:33 It's just an all time. That's a good one.
00:31:35 Like and another like I've actually so I've taken
00:31:38 like gifts that are are have been edited into other things.
00:31:42 It's great when they use the McMahon moment where it's like McMahon.
00:31:46 Something happens, gets crazier and crazier, and he just like falls back more.
00:31:50 Are he like he it's kind of like shocked and then eventually falls back.
00:31:53 So I think that whole universe of like that moment of Vince McMahon's
00:31:57 falling back in his chair, Giff, Vince McMahon. Yeah.
00:32:00 Yeah, this is this is a good one.
00:32:02 It was high on my board, so I was probably if I didn't take Undertaker,
00:32:05 I don't want to be too wrestling heavy.
00:32:07 It's a great wrestling.
00:32:08 You could I mean, this this is what I referenced beginning of the show.
00:32:11 I didn't think about WWE.
00:32:13 And then once you do, you're like, holy shit.
00:32:16 Yeah, it's got all the draft of just that. Yeah.
00:32:19 You know, you're right now.
00:32:21 Do you worry about that, though, Jeff, because it has been memed.
00:32:25 It has been mean pretty heavy.
00:32:27 No, because I think of the gift and it's also a meme format.
00:32:30 You are right. Yeah.
00:32:31 But I think of I think of the gift.
00:32:34 The highest quality ones are usually the gift.
00:32:36 And I feel like the meme format has been proliferated into like the other things
00:32:41 like the galaxy brain shit and like all those other ones.
00:32:44 But like the no one does that in gift form.
00:32:46 And that's only for Vince McMahon.
00:32:49 This is like a real blind spot for me.
00:32:50 I don't think I've seen this gift.
00:32:52 What really? I'm serious.
00:32:53 Yeah. Yeah. How?
00:32:55 I don't know.
00:32:56 Like I've been on the Internet a long time.
00:32:58 I don't know how I just I don't know.
00:32:59 It's not ringing a bell.
00:33:00 A great one.
00:33:03 And now I mean, Vince is back.
00:33:04 He's a gift based school.
00:33:05 You're not a gift anymore, I guess.
00:33:06 More of a video, the reaction video of Vince McMahon, like crying.
00:33:09 That's what we what are we calling those like the three minute audio video?
00:33:13 Like what do we call them? Those three minute, three second videos, I guess.
00:33:17 You talk like that or he's like, cut.
00:33:20 Yeah, but they're not memes.
00:33:21 They're not that.
00:33:23 But they're a gift for him, though.
00:33:24 They're definitely not a gift.
00:33:25 But you hear him, though.
00:33:27 It's not always
00:33:29 it like there's reaction videos like that right there.
00:33:32 Yeah, it's reaction videos.
00:33:34 Yes. White Sox, Dave, you're up.
00:33:37 I'm going to go with Eric Cartman
00:33:41 licking Scott Terman's tears.
00:33:43 Mm hmm.
00:33:45 That's a good one for the sports sphere, too.
00:33:47 That's a really good one.
00:33:48 It's a great one.
00:33:50 Someone says something like all this game's over on the Internet and then,
00:33:53 you know, 13 blows the game later on that game.
00:33:56 Just hit him with the lick in the tears gift after their start crying
00:33:59 on the Internet. I love it.
00:34:02 I get it a lot.
00:34:04 Like as a dig at me.
00:34:06 Or I cry on the Internet almost perpetually.
00:34:10 Yeah. Like when the team like your your team's rivals
00:34:14 are doing something stupid and you just go to the replies of them
00:34:17 crying their eyes out.
00:34:19 Yeah, I'm going. Oh, yeah.
00:34:20 Oh, yeah.
00:34:21 That's good stuff.
00:34:23 It's a good one.
00:34:23 Don't know if it's the best South Park one, though.
00:34:26 It's my only problem.
00:34:27 Interesting. Yeah.
00:34:30 Well, I'm sure Dave's got like four more.
00:34:32 I don't. That was the only one from South Park I got, I think.
00:34:34 I'm sure there are a million of them just like everything else.
00:34:37 But the next one I'll go with is the blink.
00:34:39 When he to what the fuck gift from, I think it's all the small things.
00:34:44 Music video.
00:34:45 Strong, it's it's great.
00:34:49 I mean, you see a lot of fucked up things on the Internet.
00:34:51 That's a really good one.
00:34:53 Oh, yeah, this is a great one.
00:34:54 Yeah. Oh, yeah.
00:34:55 I never knew what this was from.
00:34:57 Yeah. All the small things.
00:34:58 It's not all the small things.
00:34:59 I think it's something else.
00:35:01 I guess this is growing up.
00:35:03 I think that's a great. Yeah.
00:35:06 Yeah. That's a lot like eight pick, I think.
00:35:09 That's yeah, I know that's like when he to you.
00:35:11 Yeah, that's great. It's Tom Delong.
00:35:13 I think it's all the small things. Are you looking it up?
00:35:15 Yeah, I forget what it's.
00:35:18 Damn it.
00:35:19 I don't know.
00:35:22 Well, that's a good one, though.
00:35:23 That's a really good pick.
00:35:24 Very good fourth rounder.
00:35:26 I think it's damn it.
00:35:28 Is it damn it?
00:35:29 Now I'm wrong.
00:35:31 I don't know whatever.
00:35:32 It's like we're ready to.
00:35:34 And it's a very good fourth rounder.
00:35:35 That should have been on my board.
00:35:36 Yeah, yeah. I overlooked that one a lot.
00:35:39 I use that one regularly as well.
00:35:41 I mean, I got so many that I can use for my last pick that I want to.
00:35:45 But I'm fucking I'm going to have to debate with myself
00:35:48 as you guys pick these next ten picks.
00:35:51 But I love my board right now, I must say.
00:35:53 I'm debating myself, too.
00:35:55 I'm just like, look, I have like 15 left on my board and I'm just like.
00:35:58 I don't know what to do.
00:36:00 And I'm going to have doubles coming up.
00:36:04 You are up, Jeff.
00:36:07 I'm from first.
00:36:08 I'm going to go with one of the
00:36:11 I'm looking at right now.
00:36:11 I'm laughing.
00:36:12 One of the funniest gifts ever is the gift of P.
00:36:15 Diddy staring at the contestant on that reality competition.
00:36:18 Oh, yeah. He's just like he just just like this.
00:36:22 We don't talk about him on this podcast anymore.
00:36:25 This it's just it is.
00:36:26 We did it.
00:36:27 Wait, so funny.
00:36:29 Wasn't that he's in big trouble right now?
00:36:30 Yeah, he's in big trouble.
00:36:32 Yeah, big time trouble right now.
00:36:33 But again, this we're not doing the artist.
00:36:35 We're just doing the gift.
00:36:35 Yeah, we are.
00:36:37 It's staring.
00:36:39 Harry, there you go.
00:36:42 That's a really good way.
00:36:43 I totally forgot about that.
00:36:44 Oh, I feel like this.
00:36:46 These are have almost become separate, too.
00:36:48 Yeah, they have.
00:36:50 They have.
00:36:50 I didn't I didn't know this is two separate gifts.
00:36:52 I don't think I don't think I do.
00:36:55 Or the same gift, rather.
00:36:57 I've always seen it as two separate ones.
00:36:59 Yeah, it's a really good pick.
00:37:01 Yeah, it's never thought about.
00:37:02 Very funny.
00:37:02 It's just ridiculous.
00:37:05 And the contestant's face is just as insane.
00:37:07 You just can't believe it.
00:37:09 Or a reality show.
00:37:11 Nobody cares or knows.
00:37:12 But the four from Fox.
00:37:15 The four.
00:37:15 Yeah, that's that's that's my next pick.
00:37:17 Fuck, it's a good one.
00:37:18 Yeah, this guy, this guy, this fucking O'Dell Buckham guy.
00:37:22 Like he's yeah, just like so confused.
00:37:26 Chief, you're up.
00:37:29 All right.
00:37:29 I'm doing the same thing.
00:37:30 I feel like this is going to be the one that gets me left off the pole.
00:37:33 I have to have it on my board.
00:37:34 It might be my favorite gift.
00:37:35 It's Stone Cold Steve Austin.
00:37:37 He's on the reality show Tough Enough talking to a contestant.
00:37:41 And he's just like absolutely like dejected, frustrated.
00:37:45 Like he like just pauses.
00:37:47 See if you can find that, Harry.
00:37:49 These guys have to look for.
00:37:50 Give me.
00:37:51 I know it's very it's like a rare one.
00:37:52 But yeah, you have to find it.
00:37:54 It's a great gift.
00:37:55 Do you like say tough enough?
00:37:59 This is a very good gift.
00:38:00 Very good gift.
00:38:01 Would not know what that was from.
00:38:03 I only know what it's.
00:38:05 Oh, yeah.
00:38:06 I only know what it's from.
00:38:07 It's none of these sneaky gift.
00:38:10 That's the right.
00:38:11 That's a very, very good.
00:38:12 I never watch the show.
00:38:14 I wasn't a wrestling guy.
00:38:15 The only reason I know is from Tough Enough is because I've had to search for it
00:38:18 on Google so many times because I love this gift.
00:38:21 So I'm thrilled to have it.
00:38:23 So I was going to think about drafting it just out of spite.
00:38:26 That's what I was saying off the top.
00:38:28 I know what you're thinking about.
00:38:29 That was exactly it.
00:38:30 It is a great gift.
00:38:31 Fantastic gift.
00:38:32 It just has no popularity for what I know.
00:38:34 And I feel like it should be way better.
00:38:36 Yeah.
00:38:37 Yeah.
00:38:37 Underappreciated.
00:38:38 Yeah.
00:38:39 I did know you love this one, too.
00:38:40 Yeah.
00:38:41 So I was I was prepared for you to take it.
00:38:44 It is a good one.
00:38:45 Why is it so underused?
00:38:46 I don't know.
00:38:47 You can't even find it.
00:38:48 I mean, there's a like we're.
00:38:49 Yeah, but to have.
00:38:51 But you put it.
00:38:51 Yeah.
00:38:52 Try Stone Cold.
00:38:53 Tough enough.
00:38:53 Maybe I found it.
00:38:56 I searched Stone Cold Tough Enough gift.
00:38:58 Yeah.
00:39:00 It might just not be in.
00:39:02 Yeah, it might not.
00:39:03 Yeah.
00:39:04 Type in frustrated instead of tough enough.
00:39:05 That's what I've always done.
00:39:07 Stone Cold frustrated.
00:39:10 I just found it on Google.
00:39:11 The gift.
00:39:11 Yeah.
00:39:12 Yeah.
00:39:12 Yeah.
00:39:12 We all whatever.
00:39:13 Yeah.
00:39:13 Yeah.
00:39:14 But I feel like the audience probably doesn't.
00:39:16 I don't think this takes you.
00:39:18 No.
00:39:18 Well, OK.
00:39:19 Better pick than dramatic chip.
00:39:20 No dramatic chip.
00:39:21 It's fucking great.
00:39:22 I love that chipmunk.
00:39:24 Chipmunks are fucking invasive.
00:39:26 Are they?
00:39:27 Probably.
00:39:28 Have you heard of some cat attack?
00:39:30 Those weren't chipmunks.
00:39:31 Chipmunks killed.
00:39:32 I mean, they're all rodents.
00:39:32 They're all the same.
00:39:33 They're in the Sacramento area.
00:39:35 Yeah.
00:39:35 All right, back to me.
00:39:37 That wasn't a chipmunk either in that.
00:39:38 That was like a beaver or something.
00:39:39 I just said that it wasn't a chipmunk.
00:39:42 Yeah.
00:39:42 It was a gopher.
00:39:42 It was a gopher.
00:39:43 Groundhog.
00:39:44 Gophers.
00:39:44 Gophers.
00:39:45 Is a groundhog a gopher?
00:39:47 It's gopher.
00:39:48 There's a famous line.
00:39:48 You're going to have to kill all the gophers.
00:39:50 Well, if I kill all the gophers, you're
00:39:51 going to send me straight to jail.
00:39:54 All right, back to me.
00:39:56 I'm going to have to do it to you, Dave.
00:39:57 If you're head coach, he goes for it on fourth and one.
00:40:00 In a situation he's not supposed to,
00:40:02 you hammer down that Randy Marsh wheelbarrow
00:40:04 gif of him with the big ass testicles.
00:40:07 Yeah, yeah.
00:40:08 Damn, that's a good one.
00:40:08 Fuck, I didn't even think about that.
00:40:10 That's what we had in my list.
00:40:12 I didn't have any soft bar gifs.
00:40:12 Yeah.
00:40:13 That was it.
00:40:14 You just fucking bring those big ass balls out.
00:40:18 I forget the exact episode, but Randy Marsh
00:40:21 was trying to get testicular cancer so he could get access
00:40:24 to medical marijuana.
00:40:25 So he kept like microwaving his balls.
00:40:29 Yeah, that's what it was.
00:40:30 That's what it was.
00:40:30 Yeah.
00:40:32 That was a good episode, too.
00:40:33 All the dads in the town had massive balls
00:40:35 because they kept microwaving them to get the weed.
00:40:37 Yep.
00:40:39 Type of wheelbarrow.
00:40:40 Oh, fuck.
00:40:41 I mean, we're spoiling right now.
00:40:46 I thought this was American gif.
00:40:48 That's a classic I didn't think about.
00:40:53 Incredible.
00:40:53 That one I associate more with the show than as a gif,
00:40:56 but I do get it.
00:40:57 I think people just say it, too.
00:40:58 You know what I mean?
00:40:59 It's like a IRL gif.
00:41:02 Without-- I would say a lot of people, yeah,
00:41:04 they don't know that exact episode.
00:41:07 It's an all time great episode, by the way.
00:41:09 But I thought this was American.
00:41:11 They even kind of mimic his voice
00:41:13 after his face is all swollen from getting in the fight.
00:41:16 Yeah.
00:41:17 And they don't even know why he was in a fight
00:41:19 or why he's talking like that.
00:41:20 Was that-- it was the election episode, right?
00:41:22 No, no, no.
00:41:23 It was a baseball episode where they
00:41:25 try to lose the baseball games and Randy
00:41:27 keeps getting in fights with the other team's dads.
00:41:30 I actually saw that one.
00:41:31 It's a hilarious episode.
00:41:34 Yeah, I think I was thinking of the other one.
00:41:36 I think it's when Obama gets elected.
00:41:37 They have an election special episode with--
00:41:40 they made two episodes, I think, for that--
00:41:42 whoever had won the election, him or McCain.
00:41:44 And it was a good episode.
00:41:45 I don't remember what happened, but I remember liking it.
00:41:48 All right, happy to get the wheelbarrow.
00:41:51 Barrow?
00:41:52 Yeah, barrel, sorry.
00:41:53 You're a wheelbarrow guy.
00:41:54 Barrel, barrel.
00:41:56 It came up when I typed in that.
00:41:57 So Ken Jack, you're up.
00:42:01 Fuck, this is really tough.
00:42:03 Because there's-- I want really badly three left on this board.
00:42:09 I'll go with the simple one first.
00:42:12 And I know, again, right off the bat,
00:42:13 said I don't want to do too many movie ones.
00:42:15 But there's another one where I don't think
00:42:16 people associate it with a movie.
00:42:18 Just Jack Nicholson in "Anger Management"
00:42:20 just doing the yes and the zoom in on him going yes.
00:42:24 And another one you could apply to a bunch of different stuff.
00:42:27 It could be sports.
00:42:28 It could be someone posts a hot chick, doesn't matter.
00:42:32 You get the Jack Nicholson doing that,
00:42:33 trying to egg on bad behavior.
00:42:35 And I just did something about that.
00:42:37 It's from "Anger Management" when they have--
00:42:39 It is, yeah.
00:42:40 Yeah, Adam Sandler trying to get him to hit on someone
00:42:42 or something like that.
00:42:43 But yeah, I really like that one.
00:42:45 And I think it's one that you still see used very often.
00:42:47 So I think I got to throw it up there.
00:42:49 That was high on my list.
00:42:51 Great pick.
00:42:52 I am an idiot.
00:42:53 I, for some reason, thought it was "Departed."
00:42:55 That's what I thought, too.
00:42:56 And I've seen it "Departed" a million times.
00:42:59 He looks very similar.
00:43:00 Age, wise, and look, yeah, they're pretty similar.
00:43:05 Now it gets really hard, too, because there's
00:43:07 ones that I know are more popular
00:43:11 and should be in a best gift one.
00:43:14 And there's one that I know Jeff wants really bad,
00:43:17 I'm fairly certain.
00:43:19 So I don't want to take it because I want you to get it.
00:43:21 Because it's yours.
00:43:22 No, no, no.
00:43:23 There's one that belongs to Jeff.
00:43:24 That's not how we do it on this show.
00:43:25 No, but this is one that belongs to him.
00:43:28 And I don't want it enough to the point
00:43:29 where I want to just steal it from him for the point
00:43:31 of stealing from him.
00:43:34 I'll do one-- fuck, this is so hard.
00:43:38 I don't think I'm going to take what you're saying,
00:43:41 though I do think I know what you're getting at.
00:43:43 But I won't say it.
00:43:44 Yeah, yeah.
00:43:46 Let's do "50 Cent Laughing and Driving Away
00:43:48 in the Convertible."
00:43:50 That's one that's on my list.
00:43:51 Oh, it's so good.
00:43:51 So good.
00:43:52 It's been used a ton.
00:43:53 Just him doing the little chuckle and then drive away.
00:43:56 That's been another one great in the sports world.
00:43:58 Someone says something stupid, someone says something whatever.
00:44:01 And instead of just giving him any sort of worthy response,
00:44:04 you're just like, you're an idiot.
00:44:05 And you move on.
00:44:06 And that's exactly what 50 Cent looks like.
00:44:08 He's doing that gif, and I just love it.
00:44:09 So I'm going to go with that.
00:44:12 It's such a fun-- a very high quality gif, too.
00:44:14 It's always very HD.
00:44:16 From Entourage, if I'm not mistaken.
00:44:19 I think you're right, yeah.
00:44:20 It's actually from when he's outside the barstool office
00:44:22 and drives away after everyone tried to get him on--
00:44:24 Yeah, Trent tries to hunt him down.
00:44:26 Yeah.
00:44:27 Yeah.
00:44:28 It's a good one.
00:44:29 Good fifth rounder.
00:44:32 All right, to me, I'm going to go with the sports one.
00:44:35 I'm going to go with Swaggy P missing a three.
00:44:38 Oh, great one.
00:44:39 Great one.
00:44:40 Great one.
00:44:40 Great one.
00:44:41 Not the best Swaggy P one.
00:44:42 Not the best Swaggy P one.
00:44:44 There's a different Nick Young one.
00:44:46 Yeah, I know which one you're talking about.
00:44:48 But this one is great.
00:44:49 He just turns around, he celebrates him.
00:44:53 That's a good one.
00:44:53 I really like that one.
00:44:55 It wasn't on my board, but I wish it was.
00:44:58 Same with me.
00:44:59 Completely forgot about it.
00:45:00 I had a different Nick Young one on my board.
00:45:02 Not that one.
00:45:02 What's he doing nowadays?
00:45:07 Swaggy P?
00:45:08 Yeah.
00:45:09 Great question.
00:45:10 He should be on a podcast.
00:45:11 You guys ever listen to Jeff Teague's podcast?
00:45:13 It's hilarious.
00:45:14 I feel like he'd be great on that.
00:45:16 People talk about it all the time, about how good it is.
00:45:18 I've never caught it, though.
00:45:20 I mean, Jeff Teague might be the funniest human being on Earth.
00:45:23 He's hysterical.
00:45:24 I could listen to him talk for hours.
00:45:26 He's playing for the Macaw Black Bears.
00:45:28 Oh.
00:45:29 He's in Macau?
00:45:30 Yeah, he's in Macau.
00:45:31 The Macau Black Bears, like in China?
00:45:33 Like in--
00:45:34 Yeah.
00:45:35 The fuck?
00:45:36 And his Wikipedia is 2018 Denver Nuggets, 2023
00:45:40 to present Macau Black Bears.
00:45:42 So he took a good five years off and then went to--
00:45:46 Needed some more money.
00:45:47 Good for you, Nick.
00:45:47 Yeah, for real.
00:45:49 What year was that shot taken?
00:45:53 The Lakers shot?
00:45:54 I guess--
00:45:55 Is Jeremy Lin on the floor there?
00:45:57 Is that what I'm looking at?
00:45:58 It was a bad fucking team.
00:45:59 Yeah.
00:46:00 Yeah.
00:46:02 It was a bad team.
00:46:03 That's what Kobe fucking hated.
00:46:04 I mean, taking bad shots.
00:46:06 I loved how much Kobe hated those teams.
00:46:08 Oh, yeah.
00:46:08 Yeah.
00:46:09 Chief, you're up.
00:46:10 All right, this is--
00:46:13 I think this is Chappelle at the White House doing a sketch--
00:46:16 God damn it.
00:46:17 Great one.
00:46:18 Yeah.
00:46:19 Great one.
00:46:20 And he just knocks over the jug of water,
00:46:23 and then sprints away.
00:46:24 Fuck!
00:46:25 I thought I was going to have the greatest
00:46:27 misser of it in history.
00:46:29 I don't know why you didn't take it sooner.
00:46:30 I had you pegged for this as well.
00:46:32 This is not the one I was talking about, too, though,
00:46:34 for you.
00:46:34 I have a few that I really use regularly.
00:46:37 This is one of them.
00:46:38 I use this--
00:46:38 I love this one.
00:46:39 I used this in a blog the other day.
00:46:41 It's Black Bush is what it is.
00:46:43 Yeah, it's Black George Bush.
00:46:44 It's Black Bush.
00:46:45 It's a great skit.
00:46:46 It's fucking piss pants funny, ab workout funny,
00:46:49 the entire skit.
00:46:50 And the gif is maybe the best gif on the internet.
00:46:53 When you know you're saying something stupid--
00:46:55 they're like, did you just invade the Middle East for oil?
00:46:58 And he's like, for oil?
00:46:59 For oil?
00:47:01 And then he gets out of there.
00:47:03 What's the guy's name to an hour left in the video
00:47:07 with the white cap on?
00:47:09 I forget his name in real life.
00:47:10 But his reaction is so funny when all the water's like--
00:47:16 it's a get out of jail free card for the internet.
00:47:18 You know you're about to say something super outlandish,
00:47:21 super stupid.
00:47:22 You throw that gif in the tweet with it,
00:47:25 you're absolved of all stupidity.
00:47:27 No one can say anything to you.
00:47:29 No one can say that was a fucking dumb comment.
00:47:31 You know it was.
00:47:32 You're good.
00:47:33 It's like a pop-it doc.
00:47:34 It's a self pop-it doc on the internet, this gif.
00:47:37 That's a really good one.
00:47:38 It could have gone 1-1.
00:47:40 God damn it.
00:47:42 Stunned you didn't take it.
00:47:43 I had you on call.
00:47:44 I didn't think anybody would fucking even sniff it
00:47:46 on their board.
00:47:49 God damn it.
00:47:51 Jeff, you're up.
00:47:53 Off last one, it's Kendrick.
00:47:55 Were you getting a gif from a TV show?
00:47:58 From an award show.
00:47:59 Interesting.
00:48:04 Yeah.
00:48:05 I am going to take it.
00:48:07 I thought you might be thinking about something else, though.
00:48:09 OK, so you were thinking about the one I'm going to do.
00:48:11 It's the Brendan Fraser clap gif.
00:48:13 Yeah.
00:48:14 That's what I'm talking about.
00:48:14 Yeah.
00:48:14 Yeah, OK.
00:48:15 OK.
00:48:16 I thought you're talking about a different show.
00:48:18 So OK.
00:48:18 OK.
00:48:19 Yeah, no, it's a Brendan Fraser clap gif.
00:48:21 It's one of my favorite gifs ever.
00:48:23 It's so awkward.
00:48:24 It's so weird.
00:48:26 There's others I could have taken here, but I can't let that not get taken.
00:48:29 The Globes, right?
00:48:31 Yeah, it's the Golden Globes.
00:48:32 He's kind of like--
00:48:33 like he does this-- like it's really awkward.
00:48:35 He doesn't know how to clap or react.
00:48:38 Not a popular gif.
00:48:39 No, it's a good one.
00:48:40 This is one that I feel like I rarely see, but every time I see it, I laugh.
00:48:44 So good.
00:48:44 Yeah, there's a couple others I could have taken that were like slam dunk,
00:48:47 always pick, but I have to take the Brendan Fraser gif.
00:48:50 It's just like my--
00:48:50 Yeah.
00:48:51 Just so awkward.
00:48:52 And it's so him.
00:48:53 It's just so him.
00:48:56 Yeah.
00:48:56 It's perfect.
00:48:57 And it's like that's--
00:48:58 I wonder what year that was.
00:48:59 That had to be like Mummy 3 or some shit.
00:49:01 You know what I mean?
00:49:02 Did you guys ever interview him?
00:49:04 Yeah, we asked him about the gif.
00:49:05 We asked him about the clap.
00:49:07 And he said he knew the camera was there,
00:49:08 and it was really awkward, uncomfortable, and he clapped like a weirdo.
00:49:12 A bit.
00:49:13 That's good to know.
00:49:15 There you go.
00:49:15 Love it.
00:49:16 That's a fun interview.
00:49:17 He thought we were like fucking with him because we loved him so much.
00:49:19 We were like, obviously, yeah, we're really big fans.
00:49:21 And I think he thought we were just like messing with him.
00:49:23 So he was like very on guard at first.
00:49:25 But by the end, I think he kind of like put it together
00:49:27 that we just genuinely do like him a lot.
00:49:28 And he was like tearing up.
00:49:30 He gave us a big hug after.
00:49:31 It was amazing.
00:49:32 Really?
00:49:33 Yeah, it was a really fun interview.
00:49:34 When was it again?
00:49:36 Was it before?
00:49:37 Had to be like end 2018 or maybe start 2019.
00:49:41 Ah.
00:49:42 So well before The Whale, well before Batgirl and all that shit.
00:49:45 Oh, yeah.
00:49:47 Oh, yeah.
00:49:48 I wrote him a script for Star Wars because we were trying to get him
00:49:50 cast in the last Star Wars movie.
00:49:52 And he read it.
00:49:52 And he was a good read.
00:49:53 He did a good job.
00:49:55 Good guy.
00:49:58 All right. White Sox, Dave. Mr.
00:49:59 Alvin, there are so many good ones that are going to unfortunately go undrafted.
00:50:05 They have a long list of honor roll mentions.
00:50:09 Man, I'm so all right.
00:50:11 I got the politics one with the Donald.
00:50:13 I got the viral one with the blinking guy.
00:50:15 I got the cartoon South Park music.
00:50:18 Blink 22. I'm going to go sports.
00:50:19 I'm going to go James Harden.
00:50:20 I roll.
00:50:21 Oh, Mr.
00:50:22 Alvin.
00:50:23 Damn, that one, I think, has gone down in popularity with James Harden
00:50:28 himself going down in popularity.
00:50:30 Yeah. Yeah, I don't like this one.
00:50:33 You don't like it?
00:50:35 No, I think it's OK.
00:50:36 I don't think I've ever used it.
00:50:37 I looked at it.
00:50:38 I came across it when I was making my board and I didn't put it on my board.
00:50:41 Yeah, same.
00:50:42 I want to know what she it's a she, right?
00:50:45 Asked him to induce this response
00:50:48 because it had to have been just the dumbest fucking question on Earth.
00:50:51 Big question. It's a very sassy.
00:50:54 I could. Yeah, because that's like, are you fucking serious?
00:50:57 I roll like you that that was meant to tell that person you're a fucking moron.
00:51:03 Let's see.
00:51:06 What did he get into?
00:51:08 I really want to know what the question is.
00:51:09 Asking James Harden if his if his rhythm is a preposterous question.
00:51:15 Oh, I guess they asked if James Harden could lose his rhythm.
00:51:18 That's it.
00:51:20 You don't like it.
00:51:21 Guess he did. Oh, wait. No.
00:51:22 OK, so they asked if he had found his rhythm
00:51:24 after he had just scored 40 points for the second consecutive game.
00:51:27 And he's like, yeah, no shit.
00:51:30 Just scored 40 points to two games in a row.
00:51:32 Duh, duh, duh.
00:51:36 All right, let's do honor roll mentions and then we'll do we'll run through it.
00:51:40 We'll vote someone off. We'll get out of here.
00:51:42 Let's start with you, Jeff.
00:51:45 Um, so the one that I almost I would have if I didn't take Frazier and get it,
00:51:49 I think Big Bird, Big Bird knocking down the door gift was probably next.
00:51:53 Yeah, that's a good one.
00:51:54 My the Trump one that I talked about was the one where he's kind of like this.
00:51:57 He's like rolling his eyes. Yeah.
00:51:59 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
00:52:01 That's a great. That's my favorite.
00:52:03 The office. I thought Kendrick thought I was like an office gift.
00:52:05 Michael Scott. No.
00:52:06 Kevin's bill chili.
00:52:08 But I fuck I hate Brian Baumgartner.
00:52:10 So he's he's my he's our rival.
00:52:12 Why did he snub us on Cameo once?
00:52:14 He just described it as a bum.
00:52:16 Yeah, he fucking snubbed us.
00:52:19 What did you pay him for that cameo that he just didn't deliver?
00:52:21 I didn't fucking do it.
00:52:22 The worst. What do you mean he snubbed you?
00:52:24 He just didn't do it.
00:52:26 Just didn't do it. Did he?
00:52:27 He took no, he did it.
00:52:29 He fulfilled. He did it.
00:52:30 And it was like a shit cameo with a terrible cameo.
00:52:32 It was a zero star review.
00:52:34 Yeah. Went off book.
00:52:36 Just terrible.
00:52:37 Russell Westbrook sneaking food. Very funny.
00:52:40 Kanye laughing, then being serious.
00:52:43 Judge Judy, like tapping your watch to her.
00:52:46 Yeah, that's a good one.
00:52:47 Yeah. Nicole Kidman clapping like a weirdo.
00:52:50 Yeah. Oscars, which also not is usual on movie stuff.
00:52:53 Chris Pine crying and looking very serious is very funny to
00:52:56 a good. There's a couple that were taken.
00:52:59 I thought they were too similar, like the rock saying shut up, bitch.
00:53:02 The eyebrow. Yeah.
00:53:04 Team America puke is a very funny puke one.
00:53:06 That was the better puke one.
00:53:07 I thought I think the family got one.
00:53:09 Kim K in the bushes.
00:53:11 Gatsby raising the glass.
00:53:13 Yeah. The other battle rap gift that I didn't take was the one conceded
00:53:17 where he has the solo companies like when he walks away.
00:53:19 He's like the Red Solo Cup.
00:53:22 Donald Glover and Community, the fire.
00:53:24 And the last two might one of my favorites, but I just think it's too way
00:53:28 too niche is the the kid nodding his head going like this.
00:53:32 Brent Rambo. Yeah, I got one.
00:53:34 I got that. Yeah.
00:53:36 And then the last one, my favorite sports gift.
00:53:38 And I didn't take it because I also feel like it's kind of hard to like
00:53:42 pause it and show it on the graphic to this shack
00:53:45 donkey and then pushing Chris Dudley just like the shove.
00:53:48 And that's like my favorite gift. Yeah.
00:53:50 Ken Jack, you go.
00:53:53 Yeah, I had a lot of those same ones.
00:53:55 I think another one on here, Andy and Parks and Rec, when like they do the zoom
00:53:59 in, when like in the in the scene, it's like he had told him
00:54:01 that someone's pregnant and like they zoom in on him going.
00:54:04 Yeah. Yeah. Is that's Chris Pratt, right?
00:54:06 Yeah. Yeah.
00:54:07 So I've never seen that show for a single second.
00:54:09 It's good show. I know that.
00:54:10 Yeah, I know that gift. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
00:54:13 The one I used a lot, which I don't I think it might be too niche
00:54:16 is the Gundam boner one where it's like, you know, yeah, the transformer.
00:54:22 Yeah, well, it's like in that same vein.
00:54:24 But like it's a guy, he almost has like a lightsaber.
00:54:26 Yeah, a mech suit.
00:54:27 And it like lights up a boner, basically.
00:54:29 Oh, no, that's a Nick Young one.
00:54:31 I'm thinking it's like a transformer or something with like the metal
00:54:35 thing going up and down.
00:54:36 It looks like a big ass hard on, you know, I'm talking.
00:54:39 Yes, that one's in that same vein. Yeah.
00:54:41 No pun intended.
00:54:42 The Nick Young one I had was the confused one.
00:54:45 Yeah, he's like there's like the math going off that one.
00:54:48 I think I use a ton.
00:54:49 The Zach Alcock is on that one. Yeah.
00:54:52 Yeah. The rock rolling his eyes.
00:54:55 I was like a lot and shut up, bitch.
00:54:57 And to credit Jeff, like I like the video one better than I like the one.
00:55:01 But both achieve a great effect.
00:55:04 Wrap it up from Chappelle.
00:55:05 Yep. The guy's pointing at the box. Wrap it up.
00:55:08 I like that one. Yeah, it's a really I didn't have that one down.
00:55:10 Damn. Another great.
00:55:13 That one I love.
00:55:14 The Princess Bride, the witch booing.
00:55:17 I love a ton.
00:55:19 Michael Jackson eating.
00:55:22 Michael Jackson. Yeah.
00:55:23 Even popcorn. Yeah. Yeah.
00:55:24 That was a big one.
00:55:25 And then like Jay-Z just nodding his head.
00:55:27 Yeah, I was on that.
00:55:30 Yeah. The rest of my board, Jeff had a ton of overlap with me.
00:55:32 Like we were guessing right off the bat.
00:55:34 But yeah, those are some of the other ones I have.
00:55:36 Chief, the one I thought you were going to take is where like Kobe and the Lakers.
00:55:42 I was I love that one.
00:55:43 Oh, that's a great. That is a great one.
00:55:46 It's it's very niche. Yeah. Is it?
00:55:48 No, I think I think it's that's that's like my guess.
00:55:52 That's which one?
00:55:53 The Kobe Kobe and like the Lakers, I think it's all in the in the picture, too.
00:55:57 And they're looking up at the jumbotron.
00:55:59 It's something you don't know what they're like. Oh, yeah.
00:56:01 Oh, yeah. Yeah. So. Oh, yeah.
00:56:03 And Dave Kobe won.
00:56:04 It's that one. Yes, that. Yeah.
00:56:06 That's what there's there's one that's a lot slower than that.
00:56:09 There's one that's like it's it's way more drawn out than that.
00:56:13 And but the first time I ever saw that gift,
00:56:18 you can look this up if you want, Harry.
00:56:21 It was after the Hawks won in 2015.
00:56:23 And you know how KFC has that bit like, oh, today's the worst day of the year.
00:56:27 Yeah. I was like, this is when we had office jobs like full time.
00:56:30 And we the Hawks won the cup.
00:56:33 It was middle of summer.
00:56:34 Everybody got shitfaced before I had to go to work at 7 a.m.
00:56:37 or whatever.
00:56:37 And I tweeted KFC is the day after winning a championship,
00:56:41 the worst day of all time or whatever.
00:56:43 And he's obviously never seen a single championship.
00:56:46 And Clem just responded with that gif.
00:56:49 And I'm like, that's the best response I've ever got.
00:56:51 Yeah. You got to you got to look for KFC.
00:56:55 Yeah. I mean, I think it's probably going to be tough to find.
00:56:58 I'll be able to find it.
00:57:00 But that one, I feel like you use that the most
00:57:03 when you witness someone else get murdered online.
00:57:06 Yeah. Yeah.
00:57:07 I like the one with the dunk contest one where they edited on like an L
00:57:11 onto the onto the paper.
00:57:13 I like a lot. Yeah.
00:57:14 Or even the one, two, three, four, five.
00:57:16 You know that one where you know the five.
00:57:20 Not sure about that one.
00:57:23 Oh, no one picked the Floyd Mayweather handing out L's gift.
00:57:25 That's another. Yeah, that's a good one.
00:57:28 And I like the I do like the Forrest Gump running somewhere
00:57:32 like when he's when he comes right at you and takes a takes a left down the street.
00:57:35 I feel but I feel like the captions are usually what make that gif go.
00:57:40 Like whatever the tweet. Correct. I agree. Yeah. Yeah.
00:57:43 OK, Dave, are you want me to go?
00:57:48 You can go. All right.
00:57:49 I got another family guy, Peter Griffin, snapping his neck.
00:57:52 I don't know if you guys have seen that one, but I like it. It's funny.
00:57:56 Michael Scott, please. Dear God.
00:57:59 No. Yeah, that. Yep. As a place.
00:58:02 The rock clapping at some award show might be the Hall of Fame.
00:58:05 And he just like got his gum and he's just like, yeah, just a great standing
00:58:09 ovation. Vince McMahon just straight up walking out and doing the Vinnie
00:58:13 Mack walk is great. Yeah.
00:58:15 Tony Soprano smoking a cigar.
00:58:18 Godfather, right. We said, well, he's walking, right?
00:58:22 Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
00:58:24 Godfather two. You broke my heart, Fredo.
00:58:26 Like, that's just. Yeah, that's a classic one.
00:58:29 Leo dancing in a Wolf of Wall Street.
00:58:32 Yeah. And I don't know if this is more meme or gif, but how do you do fellow kids?
00:58:36 The I thought that was more meme.
00:58:38 More meme. Yeah, that's fair.
00:58:40 Yeah. And then I saw some people calling it a gif.
00:58:42 I would I would never associate that as a gif.
00:58:44 That's for me. Yeah. Yeah.
00:58:45 And the last one, I don't know.
00:58:46 This is super niche, but I remember like way back in the day.
00:58:49 This guy Sobel wrote for Barstool Chicago and he put a gif in of Robocop.
00:58:57 And do you know which one I'm talking about?
00:58:59 I hope you guys do. What's he do?
00:59:01 He's like he does some like that.
00:59:03 I don't know. It's like funny.
00:59:04 And I forget what the caption was like.
00:59:06 Oh, nothing but you.
00:59:07 I forget what it was, but it was so funny.
00:59:09 And it is a great gif, but
00:59:12 Robocop. Is that the right one right there? Yes, that's it.
00:59:15 I don't think I've ever seen that before.
00:59:16 Yeah, it's super niche.
00:59:17 Like I said, I remember he put it in.
00:59:20 That's why it made me laugh.
00:59:22 Dave Denzel. Boom.
00:59:25 I like doing that one when I correct.
00:59:28 You're not allowed to like that one.
00:59:29 I am. I don't hate Denzel.
00:59:31 I've always said I enjoy Denzel very much.
00:59:33 I just don't think he I think he's the same guy in every movie.
00:59:35 Peter Griffin done
00:59:39 the Obama mic drop the fresh gif, fresh prints gif where he's like
00:59:44 James being thrown out the windows.
00:59:48 Really good one, too.
00:59:49 Yeah, like the Jazzy Jeff out the front door.
00:59:51 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:59:54 Mm hmm. There it is.
00:59:58 There it is. That was the first time.
01:00:00 That was it was tough.
01:00:01 Not easy. I would like to do to.
01:00:03 I would like to do a meme one.
01:00:04 I'd like I think it's another I think it's even harder.
01:00:07 Run it back to the memes.
01:00:09 Probably do that.
01:00:10 Memes are tough. Yeah.
01:00:11 Yeah, this is where you can dig deep and old for that one. Yeah.
01:00:14 Yeah, no, you're right.
01:00:16 All right. I'll run them down and then we'll vote someone off.
01:00:19 What we thought was the worst Ken Jack Alonzo morning shaking his head.
01:00:22 Grizzly Adams nodding Antonio Banderas fist.
01:00:26 Nicholson, yes. 50 Cent laughing in a car.
01:00:29 Eddie Undertaker rises.
01:00:31 Family guy puking in front room.
01:00:33 Dumpster fire floating in water.
01:00:34 Randy Marsh wheelbarrow swaggy P mystery chief.
01:00:38 This is fine. Burning dog.
01:00:40 Dramatic chipmunk.
01:00:41 Sad Michael. Sarah walk.
01:00:43 Stone cold, confused.
01:00:45 Chappelle knocking over water.
01:00:46 Jeff Homer Simpson in a bush.
01:00:49 Super hot fire.
01:00:51 Vince McMahon chair.
01:00:52 P Diddy staring.
01:00:55 Brennan Fraser clap.
01:00:57 White Sox Dave Trump wrong.
01:00:58 Blinking guy.
01:01:00 Eric Cartman licking tears.
01:01:01 Blink. Ready to what the fuck?
01:01:02 James Harden. I roll.
01:01:05 All right, so write it down.
01:01:07 You guys ready?
01:01:13 One second. I got to use notes.
01:01:16 You just didn't let me go last.
01:01:19 Chief, I voted for you.
01:01:21 Okay, Dave Chief.
01:01:22 I would have chief as well.
01:01:24 Fuck.
01:01:25 Ken Jack.
01:01:28 Yeah.
01:01:29 OK, Jeff, who you got?
01:01:31 Well, you can't see it, but I wrote Dave.
01:01:35 Oh, all right.
01:01:36 So you're the tiebreaker.
01:01:37 Two votes for chief.
01:01:38 Two votes for me. Who do you got?
01:01:40 I could read them out again if you want to.
01:01:42 Read them out one more time.
01:01:46 This is mine.
01:01:47 Undertaker rises.
01:01:48 Family guy puking in front room.
01:01:50 Dumpster fire floating in water.
01:01:52 Rainy marsh wheelbarrow.
01:01:53 Swaggy PMS three chief is this is fine.
01:01:57 Burning dog.
01:01:57 Dramatic chipmunk.
01:01:59 Sad walk.
01:01:59 Michael Sarah.
01:02:00 Stone cold, confused.
01:02:01 Chappelle knocking over water.
01:02:02 I see that's tough.
01:02:07 Can I help?
01:02:08 No. Persuade.
01:02:10 Sure. No, I.
01:02:12 I have to.
01:02:18 I have to only because I think it's just the least.
01:02:21 It's just two niches because of Stone Cold.
01:02:23 I feel chief.
01:02:24 Oh, that's fine.
01:02:26 I thought so. It did sink me.
01:02:27 That was one that sank me.
01:02:28 But I think it did because I it's that's like I like both those.
01:02:32 I mean, I didn't vote for either of you. So.
01:02:35 Yeah, I think it's just an underused gift.
01:02:37 I think I think it's something I think if that one had been
01:02:40 because I like the chipmunk one, so I'm not I was against you on that one.
01:02:44 But I think I think that one sunk you.
01:02:46 You know what?
01:02:47 Being a tiebreaker, that's OK.
01:02:48 I'm fine with that because I wanted that gift on the board.
01:02:51 If that's the one that sank me, then so be it.
01:02:53 Maybe you're maybe you'll make it more popular now.
01:02:55 Maybe that's why I might just start.
01:02:56 I might use it a lot this weekend and see if you should are upset.
01:03:00 I like both your list. I like the dramatic chipmunk.
01:03:02 That's very myspace Facebook like. Yeah, it's very that.
01:03:05 I guess if you're looking for nostalgia, but it's like lost.
01:03:07 It's it's still kind of makes me.
01:03:10 Your last pick is you.
01:03:11 You have one of the best fifth round picks in the history of this show.
01:03:14 Yeah. I'm so mad.
01:03:16 I'm stunned to even be in there.
01:03:17 I think I could win this thing.
01:03:19 I think my draft is good.
01:03:21 I yeah. Nobody.
01:03:23 Nobody picked an office gift.
01:03:25 And that is proud of us.
01:03:26 I'm happy we didn't do that.
01:03:28 I think it was you.
01:03:28 Whoever did that would have won.
01:03:30 Really?
01:03:31 Because I feel like I see those and I'm like, eh.
01:03:34 And I like the people used to think I hated the office.
01:03:38 I like the office, too.
01:03:39 But but I did a rewatch of it, though.
01:03:41 I've I I fucking hate Andy Bernard so much.
01:03:45 It's the fucking worst.
01:03:47 Just the worst.
01:03:49 Good at one point.
01:03:50 His first season, I liked him when he was like, super.
01:03:53 Yeah, no good. Yeah.
01:03:54 It was after he came back from filming The Hangover and all started going down.
01:03:57 Yeah. Yeah.
01:03:58 I love when he calls him to another.
01:04:00 For some reason, I'm next to him.
01:04:01 What's up, Tudor?
01:04:03 It's also funny how bad Gabe is in that show.
01:04:07 But that character, Zach Wood's character in Silicon Valley is the same character.
01:04:11 But he's so funny.
01:04:13 He's so funny in Silicon Valley.
01:04:15 He's so, so weird.
01:04:17 Yeah. More people need to watch Silicon Valley.
01:04:19 That's what a great show.
01:04:19 That's I recently re-binged that that show is just fucking fantastic.
01:04:23 Very agreeable draft.
01:04:25 I know people like when last week, like when we're at each other's throats.
01:04:28 But hey, sometimes it's just guys chopping it up, having fun,
01:04:30 talking about the Internet. Yeah.
01:04:32 I liked all of our teams.
01:04:33 Yeah, every time. Yeah, they're all good picks.
01:04:34 I was looking for a weakness and like I didn't even really want to vote for you.
01:04:37 Yeah, I don't like I don't think yours was that bad either.
01:04:39 Yeah. To be honest.
01:04:40 That was the first time I ever done one where I didn't have a clear,
01:04:43 a clear cut didn't love. Yeah.
01:04:46 All right, then we can wrap this up.
01:04:49 Thank you guys for hopping on. Appreciate it.
01:04:51 Thanks, boys. Of course. Thank you.
01:04:53 All right, everybody. That's it.
01:04:54 Thank you for listening. Thank you for watching.
01:04:56 We'll be back tomorrow. See you then.
01:04:57 [MUSIC]
01:05:00 (whooshing)
