• 2 years ago
A woman sobbed ugly tears when her sister used an ingenious game to announce her pregnancy and reveal she was set to become an auntie. Beth Sharp, 25, is extremely close to her sister, Bronwyn, 18, and so when she found out she was pregnant, she knew she wanted to surprise her in a special way. Having looked around online for idea, Beth settled on a unique take of a game called Home Bargains Challenge – where each person buys the other a gift based on what they know about them. Beth suggested this to Bronwyn, and each sister was tasked with buying an item that was, for example, the other's favorite color or favorite snack. Sitting in her sister's car outside a shopping center in Aberdeen, Scotland, where the siblings are based, Beth set her camera rolling as they each took turns to reveal their gifts. Hidden as part of Bronwyn’s last gift, though, was "Something You'll Love,” for which Beth decided to purchase a baby grow for her big announcement. Beth then pulled out the baby grow to give to her sister which read, "See you in April."
00:00 This is all I've wanted my whole life.
00:02 - Bronwyn has always wanted to be an auntie.
00:06 - I was like waiting for it to happen
00:08 and she just kept being like,
00:08 "No, not yet, not yet, not yet."
00:11 - So when her sister Beth found out
00:13 she was having a healthy pregnancy.
00:15 - She was one of the first people
00:16 that I was excited to tell.
00:18 - And she came up with a fun way to tell her too.
00:21 A video challenge where they buy each other gifts
00:23 to prove just how well they know one another.
00:27 - Something that's our favorite color.
00:28 - Ready?
00:29 - Three, two, one.
00:31 - That's good.
00:34 - Next up, favorite snack.
00:36 - Yes, I love these.
00:37 These are my favorite crisps.
00:38 - Can't forget about the drink either.
00:40 - Ooh.
00:42 - And when it was finally time to reveal the big news.
00:46 - I just remember my heart was pounding so fast.
00:50 I was so nervous.
00:51 I knew that that would change our relationship forever.
00:53 - Something you'll love.
00:55 - Okay, ready?
00:56 - Three, two, one.
00:57 (upbeat music)
01:00 - What's up?
01:04 - I'm having a baby.
01:06 - Are you pregnant?
01:09 - Yeah.
01:09 (laughing)
01:12 - No, you're not.
01:13 - Yeah, I am.
01:15 - Is that what it's supposed to be for?
01:17 (screaming)
01:19 (laughing)
01:22 - Oh my God, no.
01:25 (laughing)
01:27 - No, you're not.
01:28 I'm dreaming, no you're not.
01:29 I'm dreaming, no you're not.
01:31 No you're not.
01:33 There's a baby in your tummy.
01:35 No, no, no you're not.
01:38 No you're not.
01:39 Oh my God.
01:41 (laughing)
01:42 - Are you actually?
01:43 - Yeah.
01:44 I'm gonna be an auntie.
01:46 (screaming)
01:47 - Until she actually said the words.
01:49 That's when I clocked my head and I was like,
01:50 oh my goodness, like this is.
01:51 - This is happening.
01:52 - This is happening, this is real.
01:54 - Her reaction was even better than I expected it would be.
01:57 So I think I was laughing because I couldn't believe
02:00 how good your reaction was.
02:02 - Oh my God.
02:03 (crying)
02:08 Stop it.
02:12 Oh my God.
02:16 This is all I want in my whole life.
02:19 (crying)
02:21 Is for you to have a baby.
02:23 - She's crying.
02:25 - I shouldn't have put makeup on, did I?
02:27 - I know.
02:29 - Well thanks for the presents anyway.
02:31 (laughing)
02:33 - Wait, what did you get me?
02:35 - Mommy's socks.
02:36 (laughing)
02:39 - When you're in the moment,
02:40 it's you're full of excitement and joy
02:43 and it's sometimes really hard afterwards
02:45 to remember exactly what happened.
02:47 So having videos and things to look back on is so special
02:50 and I can share that with my baby one day, hopefully.
02:54 - And Bronwyn is really looking forward to...
02:58 - Just like being the auntie that the kids can look up to.
03:01 You're like the fun auntie that can take out
03:03 and do things that you maybe wouldn't like.
03:04 - You're definitely gonna be the fun auntie.
03:06 (laughing)
03:08 - And the sensible one.
03:09 - Yeah.
03:09 - Yeah.
