• last year


00:00:00 intensively before a special action like surgery.
00:00:04 He has started his career as an actor at the age of 9.
00:00:13 Ciccio Manassero is willing to lose his childhood moment to chase his dream.
00:00:17 He dared to look different from most of his peers at that time.
00:00:21 But who would have thought, if the star that has now grown up in the world of entertainment
00:00:26 had a miscarriage in his elementary school days.
00:00:30 Although time has passed for a long time, Ciccio still remembers
00:00:34 how his friends were rude to him.
00:00:37 And even at his teenage years, the actor still had a trauma
00:00:42 when he was in the middle of a crowd.
00:00:45 Maybe I had a trauma.
00:00:50 How to say it?
00:00:52 Until I was 17 or 14, I was subconsciously having a trauma.
00:00:57 Maybe if I met a friend who I didn't know,
00:01:02 I would have a little bit of a trauma.
00:01:05 Not afraid, but maybe uncomfortable.
00:01:08 But when I was 13 or 12, I started to grow up.
00:01:16 I started to practice judo.
00:01:21 I was more confident.
00:01:23 Now everyone is used to it.
00:01:25 Mom, the mother, the mother must love her child.
00:01:31 Fortunately, she took care of him and helped him find his solution.
00:01:37 As time went by, slowly Ciccio began to make friends with his old memories
00:01:44 which became his worst experience at that time.
00:01:46 He was able to accept the situation and forgive his friends with a full chest.
00:01:51 I don't remember how long it was, but maybe a few years.
00:01:57 I don't know the details.
00:01:59 Now I already forgive and I already forget.
00:02:01 Some of my bullied children have become my friends now.
00:02:06 I apologize.
00:02:08 Some don't apologize, but it's fine.
00:02:12 Ciccio's story
00:02:15 Ciccio's story
00:02:17 Ciccio's story
00:02:19 Ciccio's story
00:02:21 This is proven that bullying can happen to anyone.
00:02:26 Ciccio who is handsome can be bullied,
00:02:28 especially handsome men like Kandi.
00:02:30 I mean handsome rich men.
00:02:32 But bullying is definitely not good
00:02:36 because the effect can be seen in the long run.
00:02:38 Ciccio who was bullied for 9 years
00:02:41 is still feeling the benefits of bullying.
00:02:45 His friends apologized to him.
00:02:47 He also said that he already forgave and forget.
00:02:51 But it's not certain that he can still forgive 100%.
00:02:54 Because he was already beaten.
00:02:57 It's like a broken plate,
00:02:59 even though it can be put back together,
00:03:01 there is still a crack or a crack from the broken plate.
00:03:04 But hopefully it can be moved on.
00:03:06 Ming, if you get married again,
00:03:09 please invite us.
00:03:10 If Aming gets married again, I'll be there as a good friend.
00:03:13 Of course, it's like that.
00:03:15 But if you look at the appearance of Aming,
00:03:18 it's very different from the past.
00:03:21 He looks handsome, neat, and wearing glasses.
00:03:25 What did he look like before?
00:03:27 Yes, there is a different fashion.
00:03:30 Maybe there is a different stylist behind him.
00:03:33 The different style of Aming is always shown in various events.
00:03:37 Bye, Mimir. See you this afternoon.
00:03:39 This is Insert with Serian Ibram.
00:03:41 And with me, Jaislyn Lim.
00:03:43 As usual, in 60 minutes,
00:03:45 we will accompany you with information about celebrities
00:03:48 and everything that has gone viral.
00:03:50 Including, there are people who match.
00:03:52 As usual, Netizen +62.
00:03:54 If you see two people combined in one project,
00:03:57 you will be matched.
00:03:59 This is shipping.
00:04:00 Nowadays, it's a match between one artist and another artist.
00:04:03 We talked to Zivak Manolia and RCW Dianto.
00:04:06 They have a new project on December 11th.
00:04:09 They will release a project or a song called "Hujan".
00:04:11 This is not "Hujan"
00:04:13 That's the song.
00:04:15 That's the song.
00:04:17 This is the latest one.
00:04:18 Maybe the chemistry looks very suitable
00:04:21 in some photos that have been published.
00:04:23 So, it's directly shipped.
00:04:25 Are we directly shipping?
00:04:27 Don't. Hold on.
00:04:28 Stay with us on INSERT.
00:04:31 [Music]
00:04:39 [Music]
00:04:44 [Music]
00:04:59 [Music]
00:05:14 [Music]
00:05:29 [Music]
00:05:43 [Music]
00:05:59 [Music]
00:06:14 Galon Le Mineral 100% Free of charge.
00:06:17 Safe for children and family.
00:06:19 The characteristic of the free gallon is clear and transparent.
00:06:22 Signed by the icon on the third corner, number one.
00:06:24 Galon Le Mineral.
00:06:26 For the health of the family.
00:06:28 [Music]
00:06:31 Wow, it's so cool.
00:06:32 It's so hot, but you still look cool.
00:06:34 I drink it with a cool taste.
00:06:35 The coolness makes it fun.
00:06:37 JustJuice, the cool taste.
00:06:39 The granulated protein dissolves immediately.
00:06:41 The sweet taste of the coolness is soft in the mouth.
00:06:44 It's cool. The coolness is cool.
00:06:47 [Laugh]
00:06:48 [Music]
00:06:59 World-class movies are on your screen.
00:07:02 [Music]
00:07:06 The safety of the president depends on it.
00:07:08 [Music]
00:07:09 Can he save the president while defeating the terrorists?
00:07:13 We're talking about the safety of the president of the United States.
00:07:18 The United States of America doesn't negotiate with terrorists.
00:07:21 On Bus Has Fallen.
00:07:23 Rabu 6 December at 9pm on TransTV.
00:07:28 [Music]
00:07:32 Stay in good condition.
00:07:34 [Music]
00:07:35 Make sure the purity accompanies you.
00:07:38 Drink one can of Bear Brand every day.
00:07:41 Bear Brand, taste its purity.
00:07:44 [Music]
00:07:45 I want them to support the free lunch and milk program for Indonesian children with PAN.
00:07:55 Bravo, happy, brave.
00:07:57 PAN.
00:07:58 Attention, buy better.
00:08:01 Free, better again.
00:08:03 [Music]
00:08:05 Yay, I got better again.
00:08:07 I want to trade.
00:08:08 [Music]
00:08:10 I want to trade.
00:08:11 Buy it now, you can get better for free.
00:08:13 Energy for the body is important, but energy for the brain is more important.
00:08:17 It's time to trade for Champion.
00:08:19 More complete with milk and egg protein.
00:08:21 Not only give energy for the body, but also energy for the brain.
00:08:25 Energy for the body, energy for the brain.
00:08:27 Champion.
00:08:28 9 out of 10 mothers choose Champion because more than just energy.
00:08:33 Help physical growth and brain of children.
00:08:35 More complete with milk and egg protein.
00:08:37 Delicious, not only physical, but also brain.
00:08:40 Energy for the body, energy for the brain.
00:08:43 New Soft Sauce Set.
00:08:45 Buy 3 get 1 free.
00:08:47 Soft in the hand, tested by dermatology.
00:08:50 Proven, the flower soaked in the Soft Sauce is still fresh.
00:08:53 Soft Sauce makes your hands shine.
00:08:55 Soft Sauce.
00:08:56 Buy 3 get 1 free.
00:08:58 Winscare.
00:08:59 Energy for the body is important, but energy for the brain is more important.
00:09:02 It's time to trade for Champion.
00:09:04 More complete with milk and egg protein.
00:09:06 Not only give energy for the body, but also energy for the brain.
00:09:10 Energy for the body, energy for the brain.
00:09:12 Champion.
00:09:13 9 out of 10 mothers choose Champion because more than just energy.
00:09:18 Help physical growth and brain of children.
00:09:20 More complete with milk and egg protein.
00:09:22 Delicious, not only physical, but also brain.
00:09:25 Energy for the body, energy for the brain.
00:09:28 Attention.
00:09:30 Buy Better, can be better for free.
00:09:35 Yay, I got better again.
00:09:37 I want to trade.
00:09:38 Me too.
00:09:39 Can be better for free.
00:09:42 Buy Better, can be better for free.
00:09:44 Whatever you cook, it's great.
00:09:46 Because using sweet soy sauce Indofood.
00:09:49 Processed for 120 days, make the ketchup,
00:09:53 Muah, sweet and savory.
00:09:55 Thank you, Ma'am.
00:09:56 Sweet soy sauce Indofood, sweet and savory.
00:09:59 New, Soft Sauce Set.
00:10:01 Buy 3 get 1 free.
00:10:03 Soft in the hand, tested by dermatology.
00:10:06 Proven, the flower dipped in the sauce is still fresh.
00:10:09 Make your hands look so soft.
00:10:11 Buy 3 get 1 free.
00:10:13 Wingscare.
00:10:14 Energy for the body, but more important energy for the brain.
00:10:17 Time to trade for Champion.
00:10:19 More complete with milk and egg protein.
00:10:21 Not only gives energy for the body, but also energy for the brain.
00:10:25 Energy for the body, energy for the brain.
00:10:27 Champion.
00:10:29 9 out of 10 mothers choose Champion.
00:10:31 Because more than just energy.
00:10:33 Helps physical growth and brain of children.
00:10:35 More complete with milk and egg protein.
00:10:38 Not only physical, but also brain.
00:10:40 Energy for the body, energy for the brain.
00:10:43 This song actually,
00:10:56 I don't know if it's related or not.
00:10:58 Sometimes, it's not about love.
00:11:01 But, if it's about things that I like,
00:11:04 but I have to let it go.
00:11:06 For example, I like working in...
00:11:09 City A.
00:11:12 For example, there are many foods that I like.
00:11:14 But, it turns out that I have to leave that city.
00:11:17 So, I'm like, "I can't do this."
00:11:20 But, I have to go that way.
00:11:23 [Music]
00:11:28 Roman, Roman, someone is getting sticky.
00:11:31 Is it true that the couple of netizens this time is right on target?
00:11:35 Successful in getting the first project,
00:11:37 now Zee Falbak is again pairing Ars Iwidianto
00:11:40 in his latest project called "Rain".
00:11:43 In the announcement of the music video that will be released on December 11th,
00:11:48 it turns out that the main attraction of the netizens here is
00:11:51 the chemistry of the two of them that looks so harmonious.
00:11:54 It's a perfect match.
00:11:56 It turns out that Zee and Ars have been in a relationship since the beginning of their relationship.
00:12:00 It was in their first song project called "Telanjur Mencintai".
00:12:05 Actually, we started dating in "Telanjur Mencintai".
00:12:11 So, we were in a relationship at first.
00:12:14 Yes.
00:12:15 Right?
00:12:16 In the days of COVID-19, we still couldn't meet in real life.
00:12:22 But, we got to know each other through Zoom.
00:12:25 Then, we often contacted each other.
00:12:30 We discussed about projects.
00:12:35 Then, we became...
00:12:37 Maybe because we are also "Chibur Pride",
00:12:41 we became more and more "besties".
00:12:44 Falling in love
00:12:46 I know how it feels sometimes
00:12:47 Because of their besties, Zee and Ars posted their moments of intimacy on their social media accounts.
00:12:53 No wonder, their fans immediately filled the comment section to connect the two hearts that may be united.
00:13:01 There was a match in the hands of the netizens.
00:13:03 It turns out that Ars himself welcomed this matter.
00:13:06 Although in the future, he will leave everything to God's decision.
00:13:11 But, if there are many people who like to ship out there,
00:13:15 it's okay.
00:13:17 We are happy.
00:13:19 Many of our friends pray for us.
00:13:21 But, as they say, "Talking about love, talking about destiny."
00:13:25 Only God knows.
00:13:27 So, we can only try here.
00:13:29 Seeing a son who has grown up,
00:13:35 as much as he hoped to have a grandchild,
00:13:38 the impact has begun to appear on the face of Yofi Widianto.
00:13:41 But, Ars is still in the process of establishing his career.
00:13:44 He wants to stay focused on his career as a famous musician.
00:13:48 There are many children.
00:13:51 I have a new child, Tiara, who is like my own child.
00:13:55 That's a cry of a baby.
00:13:58 A baby?
00:13:59 Oh, God.
00:14:01 Hopefully, I will be given a baby.
00:14:04 Ars is 24 years old.
00:14:06 Just a year old.
00:14:07 Yes, just a year old.
00:14:08 But, if you ask him,
00:14:10 "You should have married at 30 years old, bro."
00:14:14 I know.
00:14:15 Talking about the hope of the parents,
00:14:21 Yofi as a father, of course, already has special criteria
00:14:24 for the figure to determine his destiny.
00:14:26 It doesn't have to be from the artist or the rich.
00:14:29 What Yofi hopes for his child
00:14:31 is a woman who is faithful to him
00:14:34 so that he can continue to walk on the same path.
00:14:37 It's up to the giver.
00:14:39 The important thing is that the child is happy.
00:14:41 It doesn't matter who it is.
00:14:43 I have never been jealous of Ars.
00:14:45 I don't want to be jealous of anyone.
00:14:47 I don't want to be jealous of my friends, neighbors, or friends.
00:14:51 The important thing is that we are faithful to each other
00:14:55 so that it will be easier for us
00:14:57 to have a path that doesn't confuse us
00:15:01 to our faith in God.
00:15:03 Maybe Yofi deliberately leaked a little to Awak Media
00:15:09 or just wanted to spice up his curiosity.
00:15:13 But this is what he said
00:15:15 when his son often brought his two friends home
00:15:18 to introduce to his parents.
00:15:21 A woman who is sometimes in a close relationship with him.
00:15:25 Is it possible that this is a picture of Ziva Magnolia?
00:15:29 I think he looks serious when he brings his friends.
00:15:35 He used to have a friend who was a duet.
00:15:38 But I don't know which one is the real one.
00:15:40 But he said, "It's okay, just get to know each other first."
00:15:42 "So that Ars will be sure."
00:15:44 "So that Ars will be sure."
00:15:45 We don't know if there is a real relationship between them.
00:16:00 We'll wait for the clarification.
00:16:02 From A to Z, there are many duet friends.
00:16:05 They can go to karaoke together,
00:16:07 go out to eat together.
00:16:09 That's right.
00:16:10 So, we can't say that they are a duet in one project.
00:16:13 They are close.
00:16:15 No, at least they are building chemistry.
00:16:18 There are some projects.
00:16:19 Before, in 2020, there were 3 years.
00:16:21 This year, there will be another project.
00:16:23 We don't know if they have other projects.
00:16:26 It means, the more they meet, the closer the chemistry.
00:16:29 No matter what relationship.
00:16:30 If they want to date, or just be friends,
00:16:32 the important thing is that there is chemistry.
00:16:34 I agree.
00:16:35 But when it comes to chemistry,
00:16:37 there is also someone who is building chemistry.
00:16:39 Chipung and Amina.
00:16:42 What chemistry are they building?
00:16:43 Introduce them first.
00:16:45 Okay.
00:16:46 Chipung said that if we call Amina,
00:16:48 we'll show you.
00:16:49 To check in K4U,
00:16:51 if we call Chipung,
00:16:53 we'll call Amina.
00:16:54 Her name is Apung.
00:16:55 She's so confident.
00:16:56 We'll show you how she's called in K4U.
00:16:58 Here she is.
00:16:59 Hello, internet.
00:17:01 Who is this?
00:17:02 I'm Apung.
00:17:04 There.
00:17:06 Amina is there.
00:17:07 Amina.
00:17:08 Which one is Amina?
00:17:09 The red one.
00:17:10 Amina is red, too.
00:17:12 How many do you want?
00:17:13 One or two?
00:17:14 Let's go to the canteen.
00:17:16 Someone brought a candy.
00:17:19 Who is it?
00:17:21 I'm Apung.
00:17:22 Apung.
00:17:23 I'm Apung.
00:17:25 There.
00:17:26 She's giving you candy.
00:17:28 Do you want it?
00:17:29 Do you want it?
00:17:30 It's okay.
00:17:31 Thank you.
00:17:33 A bag for Amina.
00:17:35 Bag.
00:17:36 Do you want it?
00:17:40 No.
00:17:41 I want it.
00:17:43 Apung.
00:17:47 There.
00:17:48 Amina is here.
00:17:49 Amina is here.
00:17:50 Let's shake hands.
00:17:53 I'm shy.
00:17:54 You're shy.
00:17:55 I'm shy.
00:17:58 Kids nowadays are so smart.
00:18:05 They have good taste.
00:18:07 Apung is also a nickname for Cipung.
00:18:11 Cipung calls Amina, "Na, na, na."
00:18:13 She's giving you candy.
00:18:14 She said, "I don't want it."
00:18:15 Amina is so smart.
00:18:17 Let's see the comments from netizens.
00:18:20 Someone said, "Apung."
00:18:23 Cipung's chicken.
00:18:24 Cipung's hairstyle is like a lady.
00:18:27 Her hair is like a lady.
00:18:29 Spiky.
00:18:30 How is it, Mir?
00:18:32 Next, we'll see Alea.
00:18:34 She's a daughter of Ariel Noah.
00:18:36 We know that Noah held a concert before they got divorced in 2024.
00:18:41 Alea, who is the daughter of vocalist,
00:18:44 still has to sing at her father's concert.
00:18:46 That's amazing.
00:18:48 There's even a netizen who sang there.
00:18:50 She almost cried.
00:18:51 "Why is the line so long?"
00:18:53 It turns out that she's standing next to Alea,
00:18:55 who has a concert, but still has to sing.
00:18:57 She didn't cry.
00:18:58 Let's see the video.
00:19:02 I'm so embarrassed.
00:19:05 I'm also using a ticket.
00:19:07 I'm also using a ticket.
00:19:09 I bought it, not a guest list.
00:19:11 I bought it.
00:19:12 It's not from backstage.
00:19:14 It's true. You can go through backstage.
00:19:16 It's true.
00:19:17 It's cool that Alea wants to sing with the others.
00:19:20 Let's see the comments from netizens.
00:19:22 "Alea is so kind and smiley."
00:19:24 "I asked for a photo with her, but my friends still gave me a photo."
00:19:29 "She's so pretty."
00:19:31 "Alea's scream is like Ariel or you."
00:19:34 "You."
00:19:37 It's true.
00:19:38 "You're the other one."
00:19:40 "Alea's mother is Luna."
00:19:42 No comment.
00:19:44 Next, we'll see Sandra Dewi.
00:19:48 There's a moment where she's looking at the jewelry,
00:19:51 but the netizen's focus is on her skin.
00:19:55 It's so pretty.
00:19:57 Let's see how it looks.
00:19:59 Look.
00:20:03 It's white and clean.
00:20:07 It's more shiny than the jewelry.
00:20:10 No, the jewelry is shinier.
00:20:12 I'm sorry.
00:20:13 I'm sorry for the glow.
00:20:15 But it's from her birth.
00:20:16 Remember, it's not from the doctor.
00:20:18 She's glowing since she was a baby.
00:20:21 She's so pretty.
00:20:23 I agree.
00:20:24 If it's from the jewelry, the glow will be doubled.
00:20:29 But it's true.
00:20:30 If it's from the women, it will be a mess.
00:20:33 Look at her skin.
00:20:34 It's so smooth.
00:20:35 No dryness at all.
00:20:37 No pores.
00:20:38 I'm focusing on the jewelry.
00:20:40 The jewelry makes me...
00:20:42 Sandra Dewi is getting prettier.
00:20:44 With her skin, she can be an inspiration for the women out there.
00:20:49 We'll see the netizen's comment about the skin of Sandra Dewi.
00:20:53 It's so pretty.
00:20:54 Some of them said...
00:20:55 "It's so entertaining for my poor skin."
00:20:58 Hello, I'm working.
00:21:00 Someone said, "Why am I focusing on her face instead of the jewelry?"
00:21:04 "She's one of the most beautiful creatures of God."
00:21:07 "I'm not bored of looking at this sister."
00:21:10 We'll see who's the most beautiful creature of God.
00:21:13 And who's the most...
00:21:15 What's the word?
00:21:16 You decide.
00:21:17 Deddy Corbuzier.
00:21:18 He has a big body.
00:21:19 He has a big body.
00:21:21 When he's around the women, he's also skinny.
00:21:23 Let's see the video.
00:21:26 He's around the women.
00:21:31 His body is this big.
00:21:32 When...
00:21:33 He's skinny.
00:21:34 He's almost lifted or carried by the women.
00:21:38 But he's also carried by the women.
00:21:40 But if he's really fallen,
00:21:43 the people behind him will be shocked.
00:21:45 The women will think he's sick.
00:21:48 His body is so big.
00:21:50 What's the comment from the netizen?
00:21:53 "Deddy met the strongest race on earth."
00:21:57 That's right.
00:21:58 The women are the strongest race on earth.
00:22:00 "I didn't expect Deddy to lose to Ma'am."
00:22:03 The power of Ma'am.
00:22:05 That's him in KPU.
00:22:07 If it's The Power of Ma'am,
00:22:08 this time we'll see The Power of Talent.
00:22:10 From a celebrity from Indonesia who has extraordinary talents.
00:22:14 From a comedian to a singer.
00:22:18 Or vice versa.
00:22:20 Who are they?
00:22:22 Stay tuned.
00:22:24 Stay with us on...
00:22:25 INCEPT.
00:22:26 We'll be right back.
00:22:27 Your body is weak.
00:22:40 Don't get sick.
00:22:42 Your body must be strong.
00:22:44 Drink Adem Sari.
00:22:46 We can get sick easily.
00:22:48 Strong body.
00:22:50 No need to be sick.
00:22:52 Adem Sari.
00:23:10 Lime Mineral is different.
00:23:11 It's smoother and fresher.
00:23:13 Lime Mineral is different.
00:23:14 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals.
00:23:17 It's important for your body.
00:23:19 It makes the water taste fresher.
00:23:21 It's lighter.
00:23:22 Lime Mineral.
00:23:38 Support Rainer for fast, focus, flexible.
00:23:42 So you can create great ideas now and later.
00:23:45 Give S26 Prokel Gold,
00:23:47 formulated by Wyatt's Nutrition Expert.
00:23:50 Be a great kid now and later.
00:23:52 Stay in shape.
00:23:59 Make sure purity accompanies you.
00:24:03 Drink one can of Bear Brand every day.
00:24:06 Bear Brand. Taste the purity.
00:24:08 Normal shampoo?
00:24:09 I think it's less sticky.
00:24:11 But dry.
00:24:12 Oh, no.
00:24:14 Sticky Tantin with micro-provitamin nourishes hair.
00:24:17 Bye, sticky.
00:24:18 Bye, dry hair.
00:24:20 Double solution.
00:24:22 New Tantin.
00:24:23 For dry skin,
00:24:25 I give you new softness, Sweet Sal.
00:24:28 First, with 4 times premium thick moisturizer,
00:24:31 which moisturizes and smells soft.
00:24:33 Make a bath moment,
00:24:35 and the bonding moment is meaningful.
00:24:37 Sweet Sal Hair & Body.
00:24:39 Cook for everyone.
00:24:41 Mom, I want to eat sama.
00:24:43 Sama?
00:24:44 Use Royco Special Mushroom.
00:24:45 Because it's without preservatives,
00:24:47 it's made from mushrooms and rice,
00:24:49 which are both spicy and gives natural flavor.
00:24:51 It's good.
00:24:52 Royco Special Mushroom without preservatives.
00:24:54 Have a good fortune with Ekimobile.
00:24:56 There's BMW,
00:24:57 All New Suzuki Jimny,
00:24:58 Vespa,
00:24:59 smartphone,
00:25:01 and Imas savings account.
00:25:03 Anyone can win at BSP Mobile.
00:25:07 Bank Syariah Indonesia.
00:25:08 Galon Le Mineral 100% Free BPA.
00:25:11 Safe for children and family.
00:25:13 Galon Free BPA,
00:25:15 clear and transparent.
00:25:16 Marked with a triangle icon number 1.
00:25:19 Galon Le Mineral.
00:25:21 For the health of family.
00:25:23 Tempo Scan Group.
00:25:26 Opened with a magazine.
00:25:28 Many people think,
00:25:30 we only produce pharmacy products.
00:25:32 In fact,
00:25:33 we also produce consumer products,
00:25:35 nutritional products,
00:25:37 and cosmetics.
00:25:38 Our brand equity has become a market leader.
00:25:41 Tempo Scan also has dozens of production facilities
00:25:44 spread across various regions of Indonesia.
00:25:47 Almost all of our products are produced in Indonesia.
00:25:50 Our distribution network can reach
00:25:53 all parts of the Indonesian archipelago.
00:25:55 And Malaysia, Thailand,
00:25:57 the Philippines,
00:25:58 even Africa.
00:26:00 We provide high quality products
00:26:02 at affordable prices.
00:26:04 For 70 years,
00:26:05 we have built an integrated business ecosystem
00:26:07 with hard work and dedication
00:26:09 of 12,000 Tempo Scan employees.
00:26:11 We don't stop here.
00:26:13 Tempo Scan continues to develop its business
00:26:15 with unlimited innovation.
00:26:17 70 years Tempo Scan.
00:26:19 Building the next frontier.
00:26:22 TransTV.
00:26:24 TransTV.
00:26:25 Always accompanied by an amazing program.
00:26:28 Deliberately lowering the plane landing gear
00:26:30 to use the maximum impact force
00:26:32 as soon as it falls into the sea.
00:26:34 Here, everything exceeds the limits of human ability.
00:26:37 The story is very exciting.
00:26:39 Special package for you who love to excite adrenaline.
00:26:42 Without limits.
00:26:44 Now available every Monday to Friday
00:26:46 at 8 pm past 15 minutes.
00:26:48 As well as Saturday and Sunday at 8 pm past 45 minutes.
00:26:51 At TransTV.
00:26:53 Want to be as excited as them?
00:26:57 Support the free lunch and milk program
00:27:01 for Indonesian children
00:27:03 with PAN.
00:27:05 Bravo Hogi Berani.
00:27:07 PAN.
00:27:08 Wow, cool, cool.
00:27:12 The drink is just as cool.
00:27:13 The granulated particles are immediately dissolved.
00:27:15 It's crazy.
00:27:16 Feel the coolness in your heart.
00:27:19 Just as cool.
00:27:20 The coolness is refreshing.
00:27:21 The coolness makes it exciting.
00:27:23 Black Flags is back.
00:27:24 New Garnier Vitamin C Serum Morning and Night.
00:27:27 Every morning, brightening quickly.
00:27:29 Every night, 10% pure vitamin C.
00:27:32 The night serum provides black flags twice as fast.
00:27:35 Now available at a more affordable price.
00:27:37 Natural at Garnier.
00:27:38 The great thing about Bebelag is that it is enriched with phosgos that is clinically tested.
00:27:41 Support good skin and triple A with higher DHA.
00:27:45 Stimulation of the creative mind of the child.
00:27:48 Both help grow a big heart.
00:27:51 Bebelag, all the great things start with you.
00:27:53 We feel Italy, actually.
00:27:57 Waffel.
00:27:59 The cream is melting, it can be moved.
00:28:02 Choose Waffer, Waffer.
00:28:04 Italy.
00:28:05 Waffel.
00:28:06 Write 10 extra 3 for more.
00:28:08 Sarimi.
00:28:09 New Sarimi at a price of Rp. 2,500.
00:28:12 Sarimi beef ribs, it's so good.
00:28:14 The crispy chicken sari, it's so good.
00:28:18 Sarimi, new at a price of Rp. 2,500.
00:28:21 It's so good, you can't stop eating.
00:28:23 It's so complicated from the sun.
00:28:25 But it still smells like the sun.
00:28:28 Maybe it's the wet towel.
00:28:30 Move on to Hair & Shoulders Lemon Cigar.
00:28:32 Effective, lose to the wet towel.
00:28:34 100% confident, fresh all day.
00:28:37 Hair & Shoulders.
00:28:39 [Music]
00:28:48 Have talent as a singer, but this star is a blessing from the comedy stage.
00:28:55 Some failed many times after many times participating in talent search auditions.
00:29:00 There are also those who were once famous as singers.
00:29:07 Calling Rina Nose as the best artist,
00:29:10 certainly not superfluous when looking at her talent.
00:29:14 A talent in the comedy world, nicknamed the queen of impersonation.
00:29:17 Rina Nose was once a lucky charm in the world of voice acting.
00:29:21 Although Doyen has been singing since childhood,
00:29:23 Rina Nose admitted that she had no fortune in the world of voice acting.
00:29:27 If some people are broke when they fail once or twice in a singing competition,
00:29:32 Rina Nose actually participated in talent search auditions up to 5 times
00:29:37 to show her talent as a singer.
00:29:39 Although she failed in one field,
00:29:41 but Rina Nose can be proud when in another field,
00:29:44 she managed to bring home a lot of awards.
00:29:47 She may fail as a singer,
00:29:50 but she was once a champion in the world of modeling,
00:29:52 until the champion was eliminated.
00:29:54 4 or 5 times I forgot, basically all failed.
00:29:58 But from there I started to participate in talent auditions,
00:30:03 audition for talent in the world of voice acting.
00:30:07 And I was actually the champion in the talent auditions.
00:30:11 Because what I said before, comedy represents
00:30:14 a place for all my potential and assets in this art.
00:30:22 So everything is in comedy.
00:30:26 I like comedy because life is comedy.
00:30:30 So I think comedy represents all my potential.
00:30:36 And when I was eliminated as the champion,
00:30:40 I had to be responsible for this title.
00:30:45 I had to learn comedy from seniors,
00:30:50 how to get the material for comedy.
00:30:56 I learned from everyone, not just the seniors.
00:30:59 Sometimes the new juniors,
00:31:01 I didn't even know who they were, but they were funny.
00:31:03 So I got a lot from them.
00:31:06 Not only did she succeed as a singer,
00:31:10 Rina Nose was also a talent as a model,
00:31:13 and even got close to the queen of impersonation.
00:31:16 Her name was even copied by Rina.
00:31:20 There was Nacwa Sihab, Inno Daratista,
00:31:23 and many more names that Rina Nose impersonated.
00:31:27 Her actions were not just for fun,
00:31:29 her tone was also a way of speaking.
00:31:32 Who would have thought this hobby was being done by Rina Nose
00:31:36 since she was still in high school.
00:31:39 The profession of a talent can be compared to basketball.
00:31:43 It will bounce when the target is not focused,
00:31:46 or it will slip.
00:31:48 Rina Nose's talent is only a cassette that is a popular choice,
00:31:51 which is often copied.
00:31:53 But Rina Nose's profession must be respected,
00:31:56 so that it doesn't run like a monkey.
00:32:00 So that it doesn't become a target for Rina Nose,
00:32:03 the way out is not through the sand,
00:32:06 but you have to know how they act when they steal the ball.
00:32:10 The impersonation of a certain character
00:32:14 is actually new.
00:32:19 But I've always liked to imitate people's voices,
00:32:22 movements, and gestures.
00:32:25 Sometimes when I was in high school,
00:32:27 I also liked to imitate the way of a teacher.
00:32:32 It started from there.
00:32:34 But it wasn't serious back then.
00:32:37 Now, I'm more into research,
00:32:41 and I'm also looking for more references.
00:32:45 The fortune in the world of comedy also belongs to Andre Taulani.
00:32:53 He used to be a singer,
00:32:54 but now he is recognized as a world-class comedian in this country.
00:32:58 Who is not excited to see Andre's talent,
00:33:01 with all his spontaneous and funny moments?
00:33:04 But before he got into the profession as a comedian,
00:33:07 Andre Taulani was a star on the screen,
00:33:10 playing the sinetron until many television movies.
00:33:14 Andre was also famous with the band Stingy,
00:33:17 with the song "Mungkinkah" which is still played until now.
00:33:21 There are many applications that have been sent,
00:33:24 but it's okay if there is no call.
00:33:27 Once there is, it becomes a sales.
00:33:30 Maybe we will always be together,
00:33:36 even though we are far apart.
00:33:41 Maybe because when I was a kid, my father liked to...
00:33:44 Even though the voices must be good.
00:33:47 The tone is the same.
00:33:49 Maybe I have blood from there.
00:33:51 Every time there is Andre,
00:33:54 everyone around him laughs.
00:33:57 Comfortable with comedy, Andre even affirms his heart.
00:34:00 There is no term for retirement from the world of comedy.
00:34:03 Not just because he can wander around,
00:34:06 but the world of comedy seems to be the cradle of his life now.
00:34:10 But if you are asked, do you want to retire from the world of comedy?
00:34:15 Don't.
00:34:16 The limit is, we can't be like when we were young.
00:34:20 We can take stripping from morning to night.
00:34:22 We also have to measure ourselves, our health.
00:34:25 We take it, but it's still there.
00:34:29 Even though it's not like when we were young.
00:34:32 From a girl, to a top singer,
00:34:37 this is the beginning of Ayu Ting Ting's story on the stage of entertainment.
00:34:40 Facing the tenor, because of the song "Alamat Mausu",
00:34:43 Ayu was able to prove herself standing in line with other top singers.
00:34:47 She has been singing since she was a child,
00:34:49 until she has tasted the profession as a singer from stage to stage.
00:34:53 At an age still in the fingers count.
00:34:56 This mother of one child also has a talent for laughing.
00:34:59 Not just a joke in a coffee shop,
00:35:02 Ayu even borrowed two awards as the favorite female comedy actress.
00:35:07 And the selected female comedy actress was awarded the Indonesian Comedy Award in September 2023.
00:35:14 I sing since I started singing.
00:35:17 How old am I?
00:35:19 From about 11 years old.
00:35:23 11?
00:35:24 No, 9 years old.
00:35:26 9 years old? You've started singing?
00:35:28 I've started to show off my stage.
00:35:30 I like it, I'm happy, I'm happy.
00:35:34 Because that's the only way that makes me happy.
00:35:40 I'm just happy.
00:35:42 I've always loved watching comedy.
00:35:44 I don't know why.
00:35:45 But my hobby is to watch people laughing, it's just funny.
00:35:50 For me, it's a pleasure.
00:35:52 And finally, even if I can do it myself, I'm happy.
00:35:55 That's so cool.
00:36:06 There are people who are from singers to comedians, and vice versa.
00:36:10 We never know what the future will be like,
00:36:12 where the fortune will come from.
00:36:14 We are entrepreneurs.
00:36:15 Just like us, we used to be singers, now we are host and infotainment.
00:36:18 We never knew we were host and insert.
00:36:19 I'm not a singer, I'm a backup dancer.
00:36:22 But because I'm too tall, sometimes clients don't want me.
00:36:26 "You're too tall, bye!"
00:36:28 So we rely on other talents.
00:36:30 But the point is, our fortune is already set.
00:36:34 That's right.
00:36:35 The important thing is we keep trying,
00:36:37 keep feeling the ability,
00:36:39 and there's always room to learn.
00:36:41 There's room to grow.
00:36:43 For example, Rina Nose, even though she's been labelled as the queen of impersonation,
00:36:47 she once said that she had a failure when she impersonated Beyonce in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
00:36:54 Failure is a very common thing, but how can we learn from every failure?
00:36:58 I totally agree.
00:36:59 But if we want to challenge one of the bands,
00:37:05 aespa, to play the "I Dare You" challenge,
00:37:07 do you think they dare?
00:37:09 We'll see.
00:37:10 Will it be a success?
00:37:11 This is Insert Challenge.
00:37:13 Hi, Insert viewers.
00:37:36 Insert Challenge is brought to you by a South Korean girl group,
00:37:40 the S.M. Entertainment,
00:37:42 known for their iconic songs,
00:37:44 one of them is called "Next Level".
00:37:47 Can you guess who it is?
00:37:48 These four beautiful girls are aespa.
00:37:51 They've just released a new song called "Glamour".
00:37:54 And this time, Insert team will challenge them to play a game.
00:37:59 The name of the game is "I Dare You",
00:38:02 where aespa has to do every challenge given.
00:38:05 Are you curious about what they can do?
00:38:09 Here's the challenge for the viewers.
00:38:11 Hi, Indonesia. We're aespa.
00:38:20 Let's play "I Dare You" with Insert Live.
00:38:23 Let's go!
00:38:32 Show hidden talents, except for dancing and singing.
00:38:35 Sing a line from a drama.
00:38:40 Three things you liked about the drama.
00:38:51 Hair, makeup, and styling.
00:38:54 Promote this album in 10 seconds.
00:38:57 Start!
00:38:58 The drama is really good.
00:39:01 Aespa worked really hard on it.
00:39:03 Please show a lot of support.
00:39:06 The end!
00:39:07 If aespa is a song,
00:39:09 choose the best song for each member.
00:39:13 I choose "Winter", "You",
00:39:17 "Diesel", "Drama",
00:39:20 and "Ning Ning Don't Blink".
00:39:23 And you?
00:39:24 Me, "Trick or Treat".
00:39:28 Show your facial expression when you first hear the drama.
00:39:31 Explain the emoticons.
00:39:33 Guess the favorite scene from the drama music video.
00:39:41 First, Giselle's car accident scene.
00:39:49 And Ning Ning...
00:39:53 There's that part.
00:39:56 Ning Ning's lip-sync scene.
00:39:59 The wink?
00:40:00 Yes, the red car.
00:40:02 I'll guess that scene.
00:40:05 And Karina's action scene.
00:40:12 I got it right.
00:40:14 Okay, good.
00:40:15 And the second one.
00:40:17 Send a message of support to MY.
00:40:22 MY, we're always cheering for you.
00:40:27 We're always cheering for you as much as you are.
00:40:32 I hope you know that we're always by your side.
00:40:36 Thank you.
00:40:37 We played "I Dare You" game with "Insert Live".
00:40:42 Did you have fun?
00:40:43 We had a lot of fun playing various challenges with the members.
00:40:48 And I have something to tell you.
00:40:50 We, aespa, came back with our 4th mini album.
00:40:54 This 4th mini album has a lot of charms.
00:40:58 So please show us a lot of support and love.
00:41:01 See you next time.
00:41:03 How was "Insert"?
00:41:08 It's fun to play "Insert Challenge" with aespa.
00:41:11 So watch "Insert Challenge" only on "Insert Siang".
00:41:14 [Insert Siang]
00:41:25 [Insert Siang]
00:41:33 [Insert Siang]
00:41:38 Hello.
00:41:40 I'm home.
00:41:42 You're on a vacation, right?
00:41:44 I checked the date.
00:41:45 Don't worry, no loss.
00:41:46 Order with free guarantee.
00:41:48 You can change the schedule without additional fee.
00:41:51 Thank you.
00:41:53 [Insert Live]
00:41:55 We hope they can support the free lunch and lunch and lunch program for Indonesian children with fun.
00:42:05 Congratulations, Gibran.
00:42:08 Mitsubishi X-Force.
00:42:10 Bring joy to life.
00:42:13 Go for new excitement.
00:42:18 Mitsubishi X-Force. Infinite excitement.
00:42:23 [Ad]
00:42:38 [Ad]
00:42:53 [Ad]
00:43:08 Don't forget.
00:43:13 Friday, 15th December, 2023.
00:43:16 Watch "Festa Ulang Tahun Transmedia 22".
00:43:19 Power up!
00:43:22 [Ad]
00:43:24 [Ad]
00:43:38 Anti-stress shampoo can make your hair strong.
00:43:40 We test new Duff Micellar with calcium that makes your hair strong.
00:43:44 With Duff, hair is not easily broken.
00:43:47 Proven hair is stronger and without tangles.
00:43:51 Try Duff Micellar now.
00:43:53 I'm ready.
00:43:54 My mom is different.
00:43:57 But, she's great.
00:43:59 Since I was a kid, she always knows what I need.
00:44:03 Nutrisi and you always support mom's love.
00:44:07 Still tangled. What should I do?
00:44:11 Use new Pantene.
00:44:13 Formula with micro-pro-vitamin that absorbs.
00:44:15 Stronger hair from inside.
00:44:17 Up to 10 times stronger against tangles.
00:44:21 New Pantene.
00:44:23 New Pond Skin Institute.
00:44:25 Pond's Bright Miracle Facial Foam.
00:44:27 Combination of niacinamide and erythrocyanol.
00:44:29 Produce niacinamide.
00:44:30 Clean 20 times stronger.
00:44:33 Brighten and nourish.
00:44:34 Your best smooth skin.
00:44:36 Miracles happen.
00:44:38 Stay in good condition.
00:44:44 Make sure your companion's purity.
00:44:48 Drink one can of Bear Brand every day.
00:44:51 Bear Brand. Taste the purity.
00:44:53 I think all mineral water is the same.
00:44:55 Mineral tea is different.
00:44:57 Mineral tea is different.
00:44:59 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals.
00:45:02 Important for the body.
00:45:03 And also make the water taste fresher.
00:45:06 So fresh.
00:45:07 Mineral tea.
00:45:08 Pollution and blue light make the skin dull.
00:45:11 Word Ultimate Bright Solution.
00:45:13 Double serum vitamin C and niacinamide.
00:45:15 Brighten and prevent hyperpigmentation.
00:45:17 Moisturizer.
00:45:18 Serum.
00:45:19 Ultimate Bright Skin.
00:45:20 Now.
00:45:21 Now.
00:45:23 Indomie Hebabis that is hot.
00:45:26 Hot Kua Sebelah that is literally viral.
00:45:29 Crunchy and chewy.
00:45:32 Hot Geprek and crispy.
00:45:34 Indomie Sebelah Hot Jeletot and Naim Geprek that is viral.
00:45:38 Kacap Sedap Kedelai Hitam Special 200 ml.
00:45:41 Price down to 8500.
00:45:44 There is a return.
00:45:45 More economical.
00:45:46 Kacap Sedap Kedelai Hitam Special 200 ml.
00:45:49 Price down to 8500.
00:45:51 Enough for a week.
00:45:53 Eat savory and find the Pucuk Harum tea.
00:45:56 The thirst is gone.
00:45:58 What else to eat spicy?
00:46:00 The studio is making.
00:46:03 Only Pucuk Harum tea from Pucuk Tea Pilihan.
00:46:06 Pucuk Harum Tea.
00:46:08 Whatever you cook, it's great.
00:46:11 Because using sweet soy sauce Indofood.
00:46:13 Processed for 120 days.
00:46:16 Make the ketchup.
00:46:17 Muah.
00:46:18 Sweet and savory.
00:46:19 Muah.
00:46:20 Thank you.
00:46:21 Sweet and savory Indofood Ketchup.
00:46:23 Baru.
00:46:24 Racik Flour.
00:46:25 Crispy up to 5 hours.
00:46:26 From noon to evening.
00:46:29 Until dad comes home.
00:46:31 Still crispy.
00:46:33 Because it is made from quality flour and Pilihan spices.
00:46:36 Baru.
00:46:37 Racik Flour.
00:46:38 Buy the Internet Home Sale package, you can get free.
00:46:41 Yes, I'll help.
00:46:44 Free.
00:46:46 Buy the Internet Home Sale package, you can get free.
00:46:50 BuiTV.
00:46:52 We feel like Italy.
00:46:58 The cream is melting.
00:47:02 Choose Waffle, Waffle.
00:47:04 Italy.
00:47:05 Waffle.
00:47:06 10 extra 3.
00:47:07 For more.
00:47:08 I thought mineral water is the same.
00:47:11 But it's different.
00:47:13 It's hot outside.
00:47:14 After drinking mineral water, it's so smooth.
00:47:17 Not greasy.
00:47:18 Yes, like the sweet aroma.
00:47:21 Mineral water is different.
00:47:23 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body.
00:47:28 And also make the water taste fresher.
00:47:31 Wow, so fresh.
00:47:33 Make the body lighter.
00:47:35 Mineral water, the protection of minerals.
00:47:39 [Music]
00:47:47 Sat-Sat, Sat-Sat.
00:47:52 Nathalie Holscher seems to be ready to make a move on Ladislao Camara.
00:47:57 The happy moment when she was proposed to at the top of the mountain last November.
00:48:01 Not hidden from the netizen's gossip.
00:48:03 Some say Nathalie is in a hurry to make an important decision.
00:48:07 Not long ago, Nathalie was also reported to have engaged with a Spanish content creator.
00:48:14 There was a scene that then crossed the road.
00:48:17 Slowly, Mr. Driver.
00:48:18 As a sign that Nathalie is not in a hurry to make an important decision in her life.
00:48:24 It's called, "It's too late to get married."
00:48:26 Nathalie doesn't get dizzy with the sound of a horn on the Mayan channel.
00:48:30 Keep smiling.
00:48:31 Nathalie even asked for the best prayer for their relationship.
00:48:35 When asked about her second action, she was chasing this new ring.
00:48:39 But, for a man, it's very simple.
00:48:41 Wow.
00:48:46 Turn it on first.
00:48:50 Turn it on first, Nath.
00:48:51 While holding what?
00:48:55 For you to get married.
00:48:57 So, we have...
00:49:04 Wow.
00:49:05 Still a few...
00:49:07 When?
00:49:11 It's okay.
00:49:12 Just stay still.
00:49:14 Just pray, okay?
00:49:16 When is our wedding?
00:49:18 In the middle of the month.
00:49:20 Shaking, about Asmara.
00:49:27 Nathalie seems not to want to lose to her ex-husband, Sule.
00:49:31 When Sule was back to his normal life, when he was making Asmara with Sandika Fauzia,
00:49:36 a woman who is much younger than him,
00:49:38 Nathalie also moved quickly to show her seriousness of the relationship.
00:49:42 Then, maybe Nathalie was too excited to remove her marriage status.
00:49:46 Because her ex-husband also said that he is ready to get married next year.
00:49:51 Just wait and see.
00:49:52 But, for your own challenge...
00:49:54 Just pray for the best.
00:49:55 Just pray.
00:49:57 Next year, right?
00:49:58 Yes, pray.
00:50:00 Just pray.
00:50:01 If people pray for the best, it will be good for all Indonesian citizens.
00:50:07 But, you have been introduced to your children and had a dinner, right?
00:50:11 How was the response of your children?
00:50:12 Why?
00:50:13 The response of your children?
00:50:14 It's just normal.
00:50:16 Maybe...
00:50:17 Nothing else.
00:50:18 Just relax.
00:50:19 We can't be happy if only people know.
00:50:25 Kindness also has to be known by people.
00:50:27 Sometimes we are happy, but people think that we are bitter.
00:50:31 If we are bitter, people will be happy.
00:50:34 So, just relax.
00:50:36 For now, it's not too much.
00:50:39 Just go on.
00:50:40 Between a quick quarrel or a love triangle between the couple.
00:50:47 Nathalie also shared the story about her ex-husband's relationship with Ladislao.
00:50:53 She said there was no problem between them.
00:50:55 Nathalie and Sule refused to pray for each other.
00:50:59 Sule also said Nathalie wished him a happy birthday.
00:51:02 But, Nathalie was afraid that he would fail to rebuild his marriage.
00:51:06 When she saw Asmara, she came back to her senses after he was in a relationship.
00:51:11 We prayed for Sule yesterday.
00:51:16 He said happy birthday to his ex-wife, Nathalie.
00:51:22 He also said happy birthday to Ladislao.
00:51:25 I also said happy birthday to him.
00:51:27 So, you guys support each other.
00:51:29 You both said you wanted to get married.
00:51:31 We support each other.
00:51:32 Life is a journey.
00:51:34 It's a learning.
00:51:35 It's a happiness.
00:51:37 There are sad and happy moments.
00:51:39 Just go on.
00:51:40 I hope next year, we will be happier.
00:51:44 Amen.
00:51:45 On Maya's channel, Nathalie Holshir never hid her relationship with Ladislao.
00:51:52 They both love to travel.
00:51:54 Nathalie rarely shared beautiful moments in many beautiful places.
00:51:58 But, will this portrait be a sweet memory later on?
00:52:02 When they became husband and wife.
00:52:05 Or, will it be a bitter memory because they failed to rebuild their marriage?
00:52:09 Like the story with her ex-husband.
00:52:11 One thing for sure.
00:52:13 When asked about their wedding preparation next year, Nathalie asked for the best wishes from the audience.
00:52:18 We really love to travel.
00:52:23 We love it.
00:52:24 February's convo.
00:52:25 What?
00:52:26 You're talking for me?
00:52:27 He's so good at it.
00:52:29 Next year.
00:52:31 Will Nathalie get married first?
00:52:36 Or, will Sule get married first?
00:52:39 Time will tell.
00:52:41 Because, the relationship is not just about two hearts.
00:52:45 There are children that must be included.
00:52:48 Even though Nathalie admitted that her children called Ladislao "brother".
00:52:52 But, it's a commitment that must be proven through action.
00:52:56 Then, how about the action with Sule?
00:52:59 Is it true that this one-man-portrait is not easy to make a choice?
00:53:04 It's okay. I'm used to it.
00:53:07 I read all the comments.
00:53:11 It's okay.
00:53:13 It's not a problem.
00:53:14 Maybe, the comments are not that fast.
00:53:18 I'm not fast.
00:53:20 I'm fast.
00:53:21 Nathalie's move-on is so fast.
00:53:27 Like a photocopier.
00:53:28 So fast.
00:53:29 Sule is the same.
00:53:32 You have to open a casting, audition, and choose the one you want to be with.
00:53:36 If you don't want to be with them, just be a fake.
00:53:38 Right.
00:53:39 But, for the audience, we should not see who will get married first.
00:53:43 Because, it's not about who will get married first.
00:53:44 It's about who can last the longest.
00:53:46 That's a bit difficult.
00:53:47 But, when we talk about marriage,
00:53:49 we should find out what happiness can be the quality time together.
00:53:54 It turns out that there are some couples who choose sports as the quality time for their family.
00:54:00 We will see how Ibnu Jamil and Ririn's wife like tennis.
00:54:06 We know that Ibnu likes football.
00:54:07 But, this time, we will see two couples.
00:54:09 One is Ibnu Jamil and the other is Ririn.
00:54:11 There are also Junika and Duma Riris.
00:54:13 They are both good at tennis.
00:54:16 Who will be the winner?
00:54:17 The answer is in the next segment.
00:54:20 (Tennis)
00:54:22 Are you still in a hurry to watch the show?
00:54:35 Explore!
00:54:37 Here are some tips from Papa Judika.
00:54:39 Nowadays, you don't just need to watch the show,
00:54:43 but you can also exercise together.
00:54:46 Hmm, that's a good idea.
00:54:49 You can exercise, play tennis, or whatever.
00:54:54 The important thing is the couple.
00:54:56 So, apart from watching movies together,
00:55:00 you can also exercise together.
00:55:02 For couples, exercising together is not only a quality time,
00:55:07 but also saves your wallet from being stolen.
00:55:11 If you are in a hurry, you can't get the medicine.
00:55:14 Look at Junika and Duma,
00:55:16 who are usually with their children during the exercise session.
00:55:20 But, there is one secret that can't be missed,
00:55:23 which is coffee.
00:55:25 Have you had coffee yet?
00:55:27 But, remember to have enough.
00:55:30 So, you won't be sleepy.
00:55:34 What is that?
00:55:35 Sleep.
00:55:36 I'm sleepy, Sir.
00:55:38 You can sleep like this.
00:55:39 You can sleep like this.
00:55:40 One.
00:55:45 Two.
00:55:47 Three.
00:55:48 Four.
00:55:49 Hey, hey, hey.
00:55:50 Don't do that.
00:55:51 Let's go inside.
00:55:55 Coffee, coffee, coffee.
00:55:56 Okay.
00:55:57 We are entering the changing room, guys.
00:56:01 Look.
00:56:02 It's matching, right?
00:56:03 Matching.
00:56:04 Matching.
00:56:05 What is it?
00:56:07 T, T, three, two.
00:56:09 The main goal.
00:56:11 Yes, Junika and Duma often spend their time exercising together.
00:56:18 Tennis is a new hobby for this couple.
00:56:21 We are ready, but we are not sleepy.
00:56:32 But, whatever it is, it's our hobby.
00:56:34 We like this sport.
00:56:36 So, we want to use this opportunity to get the best result.
00:56:42 If there are more people who want to challenge, I don't know how to do it.
00:56:51 This is the way to practice.
00:56:52 I want to play tennis with him.
00:56:55 Moreover, my wife likes it.
00:56:57 So, we have the same sport.
00:56:58 She doesn't want to play football.
00:57:00 She doesn't want to play motorbike, either.
00:57:03 So, this is one of the sports we can do together.
00:57:06 Junika and Duma's couple, Ibnu and Ririn, also like sports.
00:57:13 Look at their posts.
00:57:15 They often share their favorite sports on social media.
00:57:20 Ibnu is a football fan.
00:57:22 Ririn is a yoga and pilates lover.
00:57:26 But, since they met Ibnu, especially when they got married,
00:57:31 Ririn became addicted to other sports.
00:57:35 Isn't it great?
00:57:36 They had a marathon together.
00:57:38 And, they had a tennis competition.
00:57:40 Junika is right.
00:57:42 Ibnu and Ririn also admit that sports are the best quality time for them.
00:57:47 They are smart.
00:57:49 I have been asking for practice since yesterday.
00:57:53 "Can I have a practice?"
00:57:57 "When will I have a practice?"
00:57:58 Without realizing it, Ririn became addicted to other sports.
00:58:02 As Junika said, sports are quite addictive.
00:58:07 And, when we have a good ball,
00:58:11 the sound of the ball hitting the ground is great.
00:58:13 That's what makes us addicted.
00:58:15 So, now, the problem is the court.
00:58:18 Ririn is now a bit more serious.
00:58:22 Just like when I got married.
00:58:27 I told him that we will practice together.
00:58:31 Until Ririn really got the ball and hit the ground.
00:58:34 Because, I threw the ball.
00:58:37 The racket.
00:58:38 You're so excited, right?
00:58:39 I'm so excited.
00:58:40 I hope we can practice together again.
00:58:43 He's right.
00:58:44 The quality time for us is not only for sports but also for safety.
00:58:49 If you don't believe it, just watch the next episode of So Sweet.
00:58:55 It doesn't matter.
00:58:57 In tennis court, you can also have a partner like Ibnu and Ririn.
00:59:02 They can do it.
00:59:05 For this kind of thing, Ibnu and Ririn are the best.
00:59:09 From dating until now, they're the most popular couple.
00:59:14 Speaking of Junika Duma, where is she?
00:59:18 It's okay if she's expressive in romantic matters.
00:59:21 But, as the result, Junika Duma is the most aggressive.
00:59:25 In mixed doubles, Ibnu and Ririn have to fight to admit Junika Duma's advantage.
00:59:32 Junika Duma!
00:59:35 Junika Duma!
00:59:37 Junika Duma!
00:59:39 Junika Duma!
00:59:41 Junika Duma!
00:59:44 Junika Duma!
00:59:47 Junika Duma!
00:59:49 Junika Duma!
00:59:51 Junika Duma!
00:59:53 Junika Duma!
00:59:55 [Applause]
01:00:02 [Camera shutter]
01:00:03 [Music]
01:00:17 [Music]
01:00:31 [Music]
01:01:01 [Phone ringing]
01:01:02 Hello?
01:01:03 I'm going home on the 9th.
01:01:05 You're going on a date, right?
01:01:06 I'm going to check the date.
01:01:07 Don't worry, no loss.
01:01:09 Order with free reservation on the schedule.
01:01:11 You can change the schedule without additional fee.
01:01:13 Ma'am, I'm going home.
01:01:15 I thought mineral water is the same.
01:01:19 But, it turns out mineral water is different.
01:01:21 It's hot outside.
01:01:22 After drinking mineral water, it tastes smooth.
01:01:24 It's not greasy.
01:01:26 Yes, it has a sweet aroma.
01:01:29 Mineral water is different.
01:01:31 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals,
01:01:35 which are important for the body.
01:01:36 It also makes the water taste fresh.
01:01:39 Wow, it's so fresh.
01:01:41 It makes the body lighter.
01:01:43 Mineral water, the protection of minerals.
01:01:46 [Music]
01:01:50 Stay in good condition.
01:01:52 Make sure the purity accompanies you.
01:01:55 Drink one can of Bear Brand every day.
01:01:58 Bear Brand, taste its purity.
01:02:02 TransTV always accompanies you with the eye-opening news.
01:02:07 The world has a lot of amazing stories.
01:02:11 The elements of Indonesian culture in a Hollywood movie.
01:02:14 From the unique to the interesting.
01:02:16 Everything will expand our chakrawala and knowledge.
01:02:21 Dunia Punya Cerita is now available every Monday to Friday at 8.30 pm
01:02:26 and Saturday and Sunday at 8 pm on TransTV.
01:02:31 Black Flags is back.
01:02:32 New Garnier Vitamin C Serum for morning and night.
01:02:35 Brightening your skin every morning.
01:02:37 10% pure vitamin C every night.
01:02:40 Black Flags Serum for night.
01:02:43 Now available at a better price.
01:02:45 Garnier.
01:02:46 Still chubby. What should I do?
01:02:49 Use the new Pantene.
01:02:51 The formula with micro-pro-vitamin that absorbs.
01:02:53 Stronger hair from the inside.
01:02:55 Up to 10 times stronger against chubby.
01:02:59 New Pantene.
01:03:00 Just got a stomachache, and now I'm empty.
01:03:03 A little bit hungry.
01:03:05 Just ate, but still hungry.
01:03:08 A little bit hungry.
01:03:09 Sari Gandum.
01:03:10 With white rice and chocolate custard cream, make you full longer.
01:03:13 Sari Gandum.
01:03:14 As good as it is.
01:03:15 As full as it is.
01:03:16 We want to win for the nation.
01:03:17 The sun that makes the skin shine will not stop us.
01:03:20 New Vaseline UV Extra Brightening.
01:03:22 With Glutaslow, 30 times the strength of antioxidants.
01:03:25 For brighter skin and moisturized in 3 days.
01:03:28 Bring your brightness back with new Vaseline.
01:03:31 Welcome.
01:03:32 Is there a time for a headache?
01:03:36 Panadol Extra.
01:03:38 Quickly relieve headache and nausea.
01:03:41 Panadol Extra.
01:03:42 Quickly relieve headache.
01:03:44 Can be taken before eating.
01:03:45 Galon Le Mineral.
01:03:47 100% free of BPA.
01:03:49 Safe for children and family.
01:03:51 The characteristic of Galon BBA is clear and transparent.
01:03:53 Signed by the icon in the third corner, number 1.
01:03:56 Galon Le Mineral.
01:03:58 For the health of family.
01:04:00 Ouch, it's hard.
01:04:03 Come here, let me show you how.
01:04:05 SGM Explore.
01:04:07 One by one with Iron Sea.
01:04:09 Support 2x intake.
01:04:11 Help the baby grow to the maximum.
01:04:13 Let me do it.
01:04:19 I have an idea.
01:04:20 Let's tie it here.
01:04:22 Wow, cool.
01:04:24 Ready to fly.
01:04:25 SGM Explore.
01:04:27 Support the next generation who think fast and brave.
01:04:31 Ketchup Sedap Kedelai Hitam Special 200 ml.
01:04:33 Price down to 8,500.
01:04:36 There is a return, more economical.
01:04:38 Ketchup Sedap Kedelai Hitam Special 200 ml.
01:04:41 Price down to 8,500.
01:04:43 Enough for cooking a week.
01:04:45 Galon Le Mineral.
01:04:47 100% free of BPA.
01:04:49 Safe for children and family.
01:04:51 The characteristic of Galon BBA is clear and transparent.
01:04:53 Signed by the icon in the third corner, number 1.
01:04:56 Galon Le Mineral.
01:04:58 Safe for family.
01:05:00 Sir, let me help.
01:05:07 Help, help.
01:05:09 Put the key in the pocket.
01:05:12 He is proud, active and caring.
01:05:14 But his hair turns yellow.
01:05:17 Don't worry, there is a new Rinse-off formula.
01:05:20 With Smart Clean System.
01:05:21 Effective, remove dirt and remove yellow hair.
01:05:24 Rinse-off formula.
01:05:25 Free of yellow hair.
01:05:27 Rinse-off formula.
01:05:28 Free of yellow hair.
01:05:30 Stay in good condition.
01:05:36 Make sure purity accompanies you.
01:05:40 Drink one can of Bear Brand every day.
01:05:43 Bear Brand, feel the purity.
01:05:45 I used to use detergent powder.
01:05:48 So even though the clothes are clean, my hands are rough.
01:05:50 No, I don't want.
01:05:51 Detergent is made from plants.
01:05:54 International certification.
01:05:56 Clean, fragrant, and still soft.
01:05:59 Just move to Detergent.
01:06:01 Galon Le Mineral 100% free of BPA.
01:06:04 Safe for children and family.
01:06:06 The characteristic of Galon BBA is clear and transparent.
01:06:09 Signed by the icon in the third corner, number 1.
01:06:11 Galon Le Mineral.
01:06:13 For the health of the family.
01:06:17 [The next episode]
01:06:21 Hi, viewers. What's up, Jazlyn?
01:06:25 This time we're going to see John Pantau or John Martin.
01:06:29 We're going to see his origin.
01:06:31 What's the occasion?
01:06:33 He said he went to the Old Town.
01:06:35 In the Old Town, there are some legends.
01:06:40 Spooky, old buildings.
01:06:42 And this time, there's a haunted house.
01:06:45 We're curious.
01:06:47 But don't forget, the Old Town is an amazing place.
01:06:49 You can invite your family to take photos.
01:06:51 Or enjoy the unique culinary in the Old Town of Jakarta.
01:06:54 It's full of history.
01:06:56 And it makes us more curious.
01:06:58 What else is there?
01:06:59 If you've been to the Old Town, have you seen a place that big?
01:07:02 A big square.
01:07:04 Where we can take photos.
01:07:06 And you can borrow clothes like Dutch women.
01:07:10 Wow.
01:07:11 It's exciting.
01:07:12 You can spend time in the Old Town.
01:07:14 And if you like mysticism, there's a haunted house.
01:07:16 If you like taking photos, there's an Instagrammable area.
01:07:19 This is the end of our interview.
01:07:22 We'll see you again on Wednesday at 3 PM.
01:07:24 Only on TransTV.
01:07:26 See you.
01:07:29 To be continued.
01:07:33 A ghost.
01:07:36 A ghost.
01:07:39 A ghost.
01:07:47 A ghost.
01:08:00 A ghost.
01:08:02 Hello. Welcome back to Asal Locil.
01:08:05 You're with me, Jawan Martin.
01:08:07 I'm at a place that's trending in everywhere.
01:08:12 This is...
01:08:14 I don't want to go inside.
01:08:17 Is there any other option?
01:08:18 Why do Indonesians run when they see a ghost?
01:08:26 Look.
01:08:29 Where are you?
01:08:31 His brain.
01:08:32 Why do Indonesians run when they see a ghost?
01:08:37 They see an artist.
01:08:39 They see a musician.
01:08:41 That's it.
01:08:42 But, they see a ghost.
01:08:44 I'm confused.
01:08:45 I'm going to the toilet.
01:08:46 Hi.
01:08:58 We're going to meet a girl.
01:09:01 How are you?
01:09:02 I'm fine.
01:09:03 How about you?
01:09:04 I'm fine, too.
01:09:05 Is your father gone?
01:09:07 No.
01:09:08 What are you doing?
01:09:12 We're waiting for a queue.
01:09:14 You're waiting for a queue?
01:09:15 Yes.
01:09:16 You want to see a ghost?
01:09:17 I don't know.
01:09:18 Why do you have to be so religious?
01:09:21 We're just walking.
01:09:24 You're just walking.
01:09:25 Come in.
01:09:27 Look.
01:09:28 Ma'am.
01:09:30 What do you want to see?
01:09:38 I want to see a ghost.
01:09:39 You want to see a ghost?
01:09:40 You really want to see a ghost?
01:09:42 You've never seen a ghost in your life?
01:09:44 No.
01:09:45 You're afraid of seeing a ghost.
01:09:46 Why do you come here?
01:09:47 I'm just curious.
01:09:49 I want to see a barricade.
01:09:52 Who are you going with?
01:09:54 My brother.
01:09:56 Oh, my God.
01:09:58 Is he your brother?
01:09:59 Yes.
01:10:00 What if your brother is traumatized?
01:10:04 He'll see a ghost.
01:10:05 You've seen a ghost before?
01:10:08 No.
01:10:09 How much is the ticket?
01:10:13 30.000 rupiah.
01:10:14 30.000 rupiah?
01:10:15 We've bought the ticket.
01:10:16 Okay.
01:10:19 I'm in the middle of the street.
01:10:22 I'm looking for money.
01:10:24 I want to buy a ticket.
01:10:25 Do you have it?
01:10:26 I'm a beggar.
01:10:31 I don't have 30.000 rupiah.
01:10:32 So, we have to find a way to get in for free.
01:10:36 We're looking for a game.
01:10:37 I want to promote you.
01:10:39 Hello, sir.
01:10:41 Hello.
01:10:42 Good.
01:10:43 You're the one who's taking care of this place?
01:10:45 Yes.
01:10:46 I want to help you promote this place.
01:10:50 Thank you.
01:10:51 It's getting crowded.
01:10:53 Thank you.
01:10:54 But, I can get in for free, right?
01:10:56 Yes.
01:10:57 Can I?
01:10:58 Yes.
01:10:59 Is there a rule when you want to get in?
01:11:06 There's a rule.
01:11:07 You're holding it by yourself. I'm tired.
01:11:09 The rule is...
01:11:10 You can't push or run inside.
01:11:14 Is it really crowded?
01:11:15 Because the place is crowded.
01:11:17 Okay.
01:11:18 You can't push or run inside.
01:11:21 But, you can push or run.
01:11:24 What's the function?
01:11:27 What's the function?
01:11:29 I want to promote this place.
01:11:32 So, you can enjoy it.
01:11:34 Sir.
01:11:35 Can I ask Liodra to be quiet?
01:11:37 Liodra.
01:11:39 I want to promote this place.
01:11:42 Can I?
01:11:43 I want to get in.
01:11:44 Okay.
01:11:45 How long will it take?
01:11:47 It'll take 5 to 7 minutes.
01:11:49 How many ghosts are there in here?
01:11:52 The one who has talent is 5.
01:11:55 The rest is 100.
01:11:57 But, I just want to say...
01:12:03 You've already made the rule.
01:12:05 I'll make a disclaimer.
01:12:07 Tell your friends that...
01:12:09 I'll slap them if I'm surprised.
01:12:11 Just tell them.
01:12:13 I just want to say it.
01:12:14 If I slap them, I don't mean it.
01:12:16 But, I'll slap them if I'm surprised.
01:12:19 We'll make them friends.
01:12:35 No one is afraid, right?
01:12:37 If you're afraid, it's okay. I'm here.
01:12:39 I'm here. Don't worry.
01:12:40 We have to protect these girls.
01:12:45 You can't touch the ghost.
01:12:47 We'll protect you.
01:12:49 The ghost won't touch me, right?
01:12:52 Let's go.
01:12:57 We're going forward.
01:13:02 Forward.
01:13:04 I can't do it?
01:13:06 Forward.
01:13:14 I'm shy.
01:13:15 Come on. Get in.
01:13:23 Come on.
01:13:25 Why are you screaming?
01:13:27 Come on.
01:13:28 Hurry up.
01:13:31 Hurry up.
01:13:33 I'm going to get slapped.
01:13:36 No.
01:13:37 I don't want to.
01:13:43 I'm scared.
01:13:44 It's coming out.
01:13:51 It's coming out.
01:13:53 Who's the ghost?
01:13:57 I'm scared.
01:14:01 I'm scared.
01:14:03 I'm scared.
01:14:04 Where are we going?
01:14:11 Hey!
01:14:12 There's no ghost.
01:14:20 Should we go out?
01:14:26 I'm scared.
01:14:28 Hey!
01:14:29 Hey!
01:14:31 Help.
01:14:37 Don't follow me.
01:14:39 You!
01:14:41 Why are you following us?
01:14:43 You're not invited, right?
01:14:46 Go away.
01:14:47 I want to be slapped.
01:14:51 My wife is fat, not fat.
01:14:53 It's a boy.
01:14:56 It's a boy.
01:14:58 It's all...
01:14:59 What's the sound of the third syllable?
01:15:07 What's the name of our president?
01:15:09 What's the name of our president?
01:15:12 What's the name of our president?
01:15:15 What's the name of our president?
01:15:18 To be continued...
01:15:20 Next episode...
01:15:22 Next episode...
01:15:24 Next episode...
01:15:27 Next episode...
01:15:29 Next episode...
01:15:31 Next episode...
01:15:34 We want to support them.
01:15:36 Support the free lunch and milk program...
01:15:40 For Indonesian children with PAN.
01:15:44 Prabowo Gibran.
01:15:46 Drink Milo.
01:15:48 It's nutritious.
01:15:50 Milo with 2 times extra milk, vitamin and mineral.
01:15:53 Come on.
01:15:54 With nutritious energy, everything will be fine.
01:16:00 Milo, energy for everyday activity.
01:16:03 I used detergent powder.
01:16:05 Even though my clothes are clean, my hands are dirty.
01:16:07 No, I don't want it.
01:16:08 Detergent is made from plants.
01:16:10 And it's an international certification.
01:16:12 Clean, fragrant, and your hands are still soft.
01:16:15 Just move to detergent.
01:16:17 It's not tasty.
01:16:19 Yes, it has a sweet aroma.
01:16:22 Mineral milk is different.
01:16:24 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals.
01:16:27 It's important for your body and makes the water fresh.
01:16:32 Mineral milk.
01:16:33 I want to go home.
01:16:37 I'm not afraid of mosquitoes.
01:16:39 My secret is to apply antiseptic on my bath everyday.
01:16:44 So that my child and my house are protected from mosquitoes.
01:16:50 Antiseptic has been tested on 100 mosquitoes.
01:16:54 It protects your family and house.
01:16:56 So, your family will never get sick.
01:16:59 Detergent.
01:17:00 Protected everyday.
01:17:02 Attention!
01:17:04 Buy better, get better for free.
01:17:07 Yay, I got better again.
01:17:11 I want to trade.
01:17:12 Buy it now, get better for free.
01:17:18 New, Citra Body Serum.
01:17:21 Natural fermented rice with niacinamide and hyaluronic acid.
01:17:26 Effective in brightening.
01:17:28 For glowing skin.
01:17:30 Citra Body Serum.
01:17:31 Effective in face care.
01:17:33 Still chubby.
01:17:34 What should I do?
01:17:36 Use Pantene Baru.
01:17:37 Formula with micro-pro-vitamin that absorbs.
01:17:40 Stronger hair from inside.
01:17:42 Up to 10 times stronger.
01:17:44 Against chubby.
01:17:45 Pantene Baru.
01:17:47 Mom, it smells good.
01:17:51 You use my favorite soy sauce.
01:17:53 Wow, it's so soy sauce.
01:17:54 Because it's been made with the same ingredients.
01:17:57 Never changed.
01:17:58 Yes, Malika, who is taken care of with all her heart,
01:18:01 becomes one of the four natural ingredients.
01:18:03 That's why it always tastes good.
01:18:10 Mom's food is always delicious.
01:18:13 Because the taste never lies.
01:18:15 Bango, because the taste never lies.
01:18:18 Galon Le Mineral 100% free of BPA.
01:18:21 Safe for children and family.
01:18:23 Free of BPA.
01:18:24 Clear and transparent.
01:18:25 Signed by the third-degree conditioner number one.
01:18:28 Galon Le Mineral.
01:18:30 For the health of the family.
01:18:32 Wow, it's crazy.
01:18:36 It's hot like this, but you're still cool.
01:18:38 I drink it with a taste of cincau.
01:18:39 The smell makes it fun.
01:18:41 Just juice with cincau flavor.
01:18:43 The granulated particles immediately dissolve.
01:18:45 The sweetness of cincau is soft in the mouth.
01:18:48 Cool, the smell is crazy.
01:18:52 Brrrrrr.
01:18:53 Feel the coolness of cincau.
01:18:55 Just juice, cincau flavor.
01:18:59 Cool, fresh.
01:19:00 The coolness makes it fun.
01:19:02 From Wings Food.
01:19:03 The weather makes me sick.
01:19:05 Be grateful.
01:19:06 Every day is soft.
01:19:07 Be grateful.
01:19:08 Give milk, seven dates.
01:19:10 The goodness of sterile milk and dates becomes one.
01:19:13 Give sterile milk, seven dates.
01:19:15 Inshallah, double the benefits.
01:19:17 Indomie Hababis, the hot one, is viral.
01:19:21 The hot one next to it is literally viral.
01:19:23 Crunchy, wide, chewy.
01:19:26 The hot one is crunchy and the crunchiness is great.
01:19:28 Indomie next to it is jelly-like and when you bite it, it's viral.
01:19:32 Milk energy is important, but brain energy is more important.
01:19:36 It's time to replace the champion.
01:19:38 More complete with milk and egg protein.
01:19:40 Not only gives energy to the body, but also energy for the brain.
01:19:44 Energy for the body, energy for the brain.
01:19:48 9 out of 10,000 choose the champion.
01:19:50 Because more than just energy.
01:19:52 Helps physical growth and brain.
01:19:54 More complete with milk and egg protein.
01:19:56 Delicious.
01:19:57 Not only physical, but also brain.
01:19:59 Energy for the body, energy for the brain.
01:20:02 New.
01:20:04 So Soft Sucet.
01:20:05 Buy three, get one free.
01:20:07 Soft in the hand, tested by dermatology.
01:20:10 Proved, the flower dipped in So Soft is still fresh.
01:20:13 So Soft makes the hand so soft.
01:20:15 Buy three, get one free.
01:20:17 Wingscare.
01:20:45 I want to pee.
01:20:48 There's no toilet.
01:20:50 Oh my God.
01:20:53 Hurry up.
01:20:54 Go, go, go.
01:20:56 Wait in line.
01:20:58 Wait in line.
01:20:59 It's annoying if you're with girls.
01:21:02 It's slow.
01:21:04 Where's Adi?
01:21:08 He's behind.
01:21:09 Hurry up.
01:21:10 Come on.
01:21:11 Come closer.
01:21:14 Don't push.
01:21:16 I said don't push.
01:21:18 Oh my God.
01:21:21 My body is sweating.
01:21:30 Oh my God.
01:21:34 Where is it?
01:21:40 It's a graveyard.
01:21:42 It's a graveyard.
01:21:44 I'm like a pig.
01:21:48 To the right.
01:21:58 Oh my God.
01:22:03 My body is so sweaty.
01:22:05 Oh my God.
01:22:10 It's better to focus on the body of the camper.
01:22:16 Because we...
01:22:18 Hey, you're scary.
01:22:20 What are you doing?
01:22:25 Are you doing karate?
01:22:27 Your body is so blue.
01:22:38 Calm down.
01:22:40 It's okay.
01:22:42 It's safe, right?
01:22:45 It's hard if you're with girls.
01:22:47 You're only behind.
01:22:50 I don't dare to look at you.
01:22:52 It's dangerous.
01:22:54 What's wrong?
01:22:59 Why are you crying?
01:23:01 What's wrong with you?
01:23:05 You wanted to be in the video.
01:23:07 What are you afraid of?
01:23:09 I'm scared.
01:23:11 Who invited you to the haunted house?
01:23:16 Who invited you?
01:23:18 No one invited you. You want to be alone?
01:23:20 You want to be alone?
01:23:22 What's the sound of the third syllable?
01:23:29 What's the name of our president?
01:23:32 What?
01:23:33 What's the name of our president?
01:23:36 What's the name of our president?
01:23:38 That's enough.
01:23:46 Calm down.
01:23:48 Calm down.
01:23:50 So, what's the name of our president?
01:23:54 I don't know.
01:23:56 We don't have a president.
01:23:58 I'm sorry.
01:24:04 I'm sorry.
01:24:06 What's the sound of the second syllable?
01:24:29 What's the sound of the second syllable?
01:24:32 That's enough.
01:24:34 What's the name of our president?
01:24:36 That's enough.
01:24:38 What's the sound of the third syllable?
01:24:49 What's the sound of the third syllable?
01:24:54 I don't know.
01:24:55 What's the name of our president?
01:24:57 I don't know.
01:24:58 That's enough.
01:25:00 That's enough.
01:25:02 I'm so scared.
01:25:05 I'm stressed.
01:25:06 Calm down.
01:25:11 Drink it.
01:25:13 Calm down.
01:25:14 Calm down.
01:25:20 What's the date of our Independence Day?
01:25:25 What's the date of our Independence Day?
01:25:28 What's the date of our Independence Day?
01:25:30 August 1st.
01:25:31 What's the date of our Independence Day?
01:25:33 That's enough.
01:25:35 What's the name of our president?
01:25:37 That's enough.
01:25:38 That's enough.
01:25:40 What's the name of the statue in the middle of the street?
01:25:45 That's enough.
01:25:47 That's enough.
01:25:49 What's the name of the three animals that you're most afraid of?
01:25:54 All of them.
01:25:56 All of them.
01:25:58 All of them.
01:26:01 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:26:05 The elephant.
01:26:07 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:26:10 The lion.
01:26:12 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:26:15 The tiger.
01:26:17 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:26:20 The lion.
01:26:22 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:26:25 The tiger.
01:26:27 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:26:30 The lion.
01:26:32 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:26:35 The tiger.
01:26:37 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:26:40 The lion.
01:26:42 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:26:45 The tiger.
01:26:47 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:26:50 The lion.
01:26:52 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:26:55 The tiger.
01:26:57 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:27:00 The lion.
01:27:02 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:27:05 The tiger.
01:27:07 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:27:10 The lion.
01:27:12 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:27:15 The tiger.
01:27:17 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:27:20 The lion.
01:27:22 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:27:25 The tiger.
01:27:27 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:27:30 The lion.
01:27:32 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:27:35 The tiger.
01:27:37 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:27:40 The lion.
01:27:42 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:27:45 The tiger.
01:27:47 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:27:50 The lion.
01:27:52 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:27:55 The tiger.
01:27:57 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:28:00 The lion.
01:28:02 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:28:05 The tiger.
01:28:07 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:28:10 The lion.
01:28:12 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:28:15 The tiger.
01:28:17 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:28:20 The tiger.
01:28:22 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:28:25 The lion.
01:28:27 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:28:30 The tiger.
01:28:32 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:28:35 The lion.
01:28:37 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:28:40 The tiger.
01:28:42 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:28:45 The tiger.
01:28:47 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:28:50 The tiger.
01:28:52 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:28:55 The tiger.
01:28:57 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:29:00 The tiger.
01:29:02 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:29:05 The tiger.
01:29:07 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:29:10 The tiger.
01:29:12 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:29:15 The tiger.
01:29:17 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:29:20 The tiger.
01:29:22 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:29:25 The tiger.
01:29:27 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:29:30 The tiger.
01:29:32 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:29:35 The tiger.
01:29:37 What's the name of the animal that you're most afraid of?
01:29:40 The tiger.
01:29:42 I'm afraid of the tiger.
01:29:44 Where are you going, Yurika?
01:29:46 I'm going to the car.