• last year


00:00 On your feet. One by one.
00:03 So, hold the flag.
00:05 Take off your shoes.
00:07 If you take off your shoes,
00:09 move the flag to the person next to you.
00:11 Then, take it off again.
00:13 Until the next person.
00:14 Do you understand?
00:16 But, there's a challenge.
00:17 On your feet, there's a bucket and water.
00:20 Don't fall.
00:23 Even if you fall, it doesn't stop you from being a champion.
00:27 Understand? That's just a challenge.
00:29 Sir, where's your hair?
00:31 It's gone.
00:34 Okay.
00:36 Do you understand?
00:38 Yes.
00:39 The first winner will get...
00:41 2 million rupiah.
00:44 The second winner will get 1 million rupiah.
00:49 The first winner will get a bonus.
00:52 That's right.
00:53 Let's see the fun between the two teams.
00:56 And the two of you.
00:58 Let's go.
00:59 Okay.
01:04 We'll start the third game.
01:05 Let's count together.
01:06 The first person who hold the flag.
01:08 Okay.
01:09 One.
01:10 Two.
01:12 Three. Go.
01:15 One by one.
01:17 Don't use your hands.
01:24 Move the flag.
01:28 Move the flag. Good.
01:31 Next, sir.
01:33 Let's go, sir.
01:34 Add one more bucket.
01:42 Add one more bucket.
01:44 Add one more bucket.
01:46 Okay.
01:50 Come on.
01:52 You can do it, sir.
01:53 You're the only one who's already been pulled.
01:56 You can still win.
01:58 Calm down. Concentrate.
02:00 You can't.
02:01 Come on.
02:03 You're the only one who's already been pulled.
02:06 You can do it.
02:08 Okay.
02:10 The time limit is one minute.
02:13 So, you have three minutes.
02:15 You have three minutes to pull the flag.
02:20 Good, sir.
02:24 Hurry up.
02:26 Good.
02:28 Come on, sir.
02:31 Guys.
02:33 You have two flags. Hurry up.
02:36 Hurry up.
02:37 Hurry up.
02:38 Hurry up.
02:39 Use your head.
02:42 One.
02:46 Two.
02:47 Three.
02:48 (The flag is pulled)
02:50 Keep going.
02:58 Keep going.
03:00 Four flags.
03:02 (The flag is pulled)
03:08 Keep going.
03:10 Keep going.
03:12 You have two flags. You can still win.
03:16 You're almost done.
03:18 You're almost done.
03:20 Concentrate.
03:22 You can open it.
03:23 Again.
03:30 Here. Hold it.
03:32 Keep going.
03:34 (The flag is pulled)
03:36 Here.
03:40 Hold it.
03:42 Hold it.
03:43 Keep going.
03:46 (The flag is pulled)
03:48 You can still win.
03:54 Hurry up.
03:56 Hurry up.
03:58 You can still win.
04:04 You can still win.
04:05 Hurry up.
04:06 Keep going.
04:07 You can still win.
04:11 You can still win.
04:12 You can still win.
04:15 (The flag is pulled)
04:17 Keep going.
04:20 You can still win.
04:23 You can still win.
04:26 (The flag is pulled)
04:28 (The flag is pulled)
04:34 (The flag is pulled)
04:41 You can still win.
04:43 (The flag is pulled)
04:45 One more. Hurry up.
04:51 Hurry up.
04:53 The flag is pulled.
04:55 (The flag is pulled)
05:01 (The flag is pulled)
05:05 Keep going.
05:10 You can still win.
05:12 (The flag is pulled)
05:14 Thank you.
05:19 I'm playing with water.
05:21 She's the one who made it take so long.
05:27 She took so long.
05:30 Here.
05:36 Here.
05:37 The challenge is...
05:39 We'll fill the water again.
05:41 We'll add the prize later.
05:43 As long as you make it in two minutes.
05:46 Two minutes.
05:58 Two minutes.
06:00 I'll add the prize.
06:02 Okay.
06:07 Two minutes.
06:09 We'll give you the prize.
06:11 Two minutes.
06:15 Two minutes.
06:17 If you make it in two minutes, we'll give you the prize.
06:24 Come on.
06:28 Two minutes. We'll add the prize.
06:30 Two minutes.
06:33 (The flag is pulled)
06:35 (The flag is pulled)
06:38 Two minutes.
06:50 The time is on your head.
06:52 You have 30 seconds.
06:53 30 seconds.
06:56 Hold on.
07:00 What's that?
07:02 Okay. Congratulations on getting the prize.
07:28 I'm sorry.
07:29 It's amazing for you and your siblings.
07:31 Please face the camera.
07:33 Okay.
07:35 Congratulations on getting the prize.
07:38 2 million rupiah plus 510 rupiah.
07:40 And it's in the bonus.
07:44 The prize is huge.
07:45 It's great.
07:46 2.5 million rupiah.
07:48 Congratulations.
07:50 For the loser, we'll give you the prize.
07:52 1 million rupiah.
07:54 Here it is.
07:56 Plus, it's in the bonus.
07:58 For the winner, we'll show you the comment.
08:00 It's in the bonus. Check it out.
08:02 Congratulations for your team.
08:04 It's in the bonus.
08:06 You have to choose one of the five cups with coffee.
08:13 To know the contents of the cup, we'll pour milk.
08:17 You have to choose one of the five cups with coffee.
08:21 There are the contents of the cups.
08:24 For the winner, we'll ask you to choose one of the cups with coffee.
08:30 Each of you have your prize.
08:32 Please choose one.
08:33 Just choose one.
08:36 Which one?
08:38 The first one from here.
08:40 Which one?
08:41 The third one.
08:43 This one?
08:44 You can't see it.
08:48 You'll see it when we pour milk.
08:50 Deal?
08:52 How many cups?
08:54 Two.
08:55 No, you have to choose four.
08:57 Which one?
08:58 Three.
08:59 How many?
09:00 Two.
09:01 Three.
09:02 Don't be sad. You have to choose one.
09:07 Which one?
09:09 Two.
09:10 Two people.
09:11 Two people, three people.
09:13 Three people.
09:14 Okay.
09:15 Three people.
09:16 Deal?
09:17 Deal.
09:18 Okay.
09:19 For the third cup, we'll give you 400.000 rupiah.
09:24 400.000 rupiah.
09:26 Do you want 400.000 rupiah or coffee?
09:29 Coffee.
09:31 Coffee.
09:32 400.000 rupiah for coffee is expensive.
09:34 Usually, one cup is 10.000 rupiah.
09:36 But this one is 400.000 rupiah.
09:37 But there are many contents.
09:38 There are many contents.
09:39 Okay, I'll give you 500.000 rupiah.
09:41 Still coffee.
09:42 Coffee.
09:43 Which one?
09:44 Cash or coffee?
09:46 500.000 rupiah.
09:47 Coffee.
09:49 Okay.
09:50 To make you more curious, let's prove one of the cups.
09:54 The first cup.
09:56 The prize is 500.000 rupiah.
10:05 500.000 rupiah.
10:07 Okay.
10:08 Do you still choose the third cup or 500?
10:11 Coffee.
10:12 Okay.
10:13 Coffee.
10:14 Coffee or 500?
10:15 Coffee or 500?
10:17 Coffee.
10:18 Coffee.
10:19 Coffee.
10:20 The last one.
10:21 The last one for you.
10:23 I'll give you 100.000 rupiah.
10:24 So, it's 600.000 rupiah.
10:25 It's a little expensive.
10:27 Still coffee.
10:28 Coffee or cash?
10:30 Coffee.
10:32 Coffee or cash?
10:34 Which one?
10:36 Huh?
10:37 Coffee.
10:39 Coffee.
10:40 Do you still choose coffee?
10:41 Coffee.
10:42 To make you more curious, let's open the second cup.
10:46 Please open it.
10:48 1 million rupiah.
10:59 So, which one do you choose?
11:05 So, which one do you choose?
11:11 Which one?
11:12 The last one is 600.000 rupiah.
11:14 600.000 rupiah or the third cup?
11:16 Coffee or cash?
11:17 Cash.
11:18 If you choose coffee, we'll prove it.
11:21 If you choose money, we'll take it.
11:23 Coffee or cash?
11:24 What?
11:25 What?
11:26 Come on.
11:27 More.
11:28 More.
11:29 More.
11:30 More.
11:31 Is it enough?
11:32 More.
11:33 Is it enough?
11:34 Bring it to me.
11:35 It's not over 600.000 rupiah.
11:38 It can be under 600.000 rupiah.
11:41 I'll offer you 600.000 rupiah.
11:44 Where?
11:45 Money?
11:46 Money. Okay.
11:47 Money.
11:48 You don't want the third cup?
11:49 Money.
11:50 If you choose money, the coffee is for me.
11:53 Please.
11:54 You don't regret it?
11:55 No.
11:56 Salaman.
11:57 Here.
11:58 600.000 rupiah.
12:00 We'll prove it.
12:03 Here it is.
12:06 Milk.
12:07 100.000 rupiah.
12:08 2 million.
12:09 Jong.
12:10 If the coffee is for you, it's for 600.000 rupiah.
12:12 It means you're right.
12:14 If it's for 600.000 rupiah, it means you're wrong.
12:16 300.000 rupiah.
12:24 Congratulations.
12:30 You've won 3.1 million rupiah.
12:34 Don't go anywhere. Stay tuned.
12:36 Who will be the winner?
12:37 I'm Ashan.
12:38 The winner is...
12:39 Don't go anywhere.
12:46 Stay tuned on...
12:47 Insert.
12:48 Still a bit chubby.
12:52 What should I do?
12:53 Wear new panty.
12:54 Formula with micro-pro-vitamin that absorbs.
12:57 Stronger hair from the inside.
12:59 Up to 10 times stronger.
13:01 Against chubby.
13:03 New panty.
13:04 Stay in shape.
13:10 Make sure you're pure.
13:14 Drink one can of Bear Brand every day.
13:17 Bear Brand.
13:18 Feel the purity.
13:20 Guys.
13:21 Al, introduce him.
13:22 He must be a cool guy.
13:23 New.
13:26 Men's Puree Bright Expert.
13:27 Soft foam with 5 times vitamin B3.
13:29 Clean your black spots.
13:31 Bright face.
13:32 Auto-bright.
13:33 Men's Puree.
13:34 Bright face expert.
13:35 Attention.
13:36 Buy Better.
13:37 Free Better.
13:39 Yay.
13:42 I got Better again.
13:43 I want to trade.
13:44 Me too.
13:45 Stay in shape.
13:47 Buy it now.
13:48 Free Better.
13:50 I thought mineral water is the same.
13:53 But it's different.
13:55 It's hot outside.
13:56 After drinking mineral water, it's so smooth.
13:58 Not good.
14:00 Yes.
14:01 It smells sweet.
14:03 Mineral water is different.
14:05 Every drop contains balanced essential minerals.
14:09 Which is important for the body.
14:10 And also makes the water taste fresher.
14:13 Wow.
14:14 So fresh.
14:15 Makes the body lighter.
14:17 Mineral water.
14:18 Mineral's goodness is protected.
14:20 Are you sure you're clean after washing your face?
14:22 Use Garnier's number one water mist.
14:25 With a mist like a magnet.
14:26 99% makeup.
14:28 Even the dirtiness is gone.
14:31 Still smooth.
14:32 No dryness.
14:33 Use Garnier's water mist.
14:35 Bang Bang Share.
14:36 It's one-half challenge.
14:37 Put it in your mouth.
14:38 In one go.
14:39 Say Bang Bang Share it.
14:41 So good.
14:42 So good.
14:44 The chocolate and caramel melt in your mouth.
14:47 Bang Bang Share it.
14:48 It's that good.
14:50 Galon Le Mineral.
14:51 100% free of BPA.
14:53 Safe for children and family.
14:55 Galon's characteristic is free of BPA.
14:56 Clear and transparent.
14:57 Signed by the third icon number one.
15:00 Galon Le Mineral.
15:02 For the health of your family.
15:04 Celebrate the 22nd anniversary of Transmedia.
15:09 The first appearance on national television.
15:12 Super Group Korea.
15:13 Super Junior LSS.
15:15 With Raisa.
15:17 Judika.
15:18 Risky Fabian.
15:19 Ayu Ting Ting.
15:20 Dewi Persik.
15:21 Nasar.
15:22 Tiara Andini.
15:23 Wally.
15:24 Putri Ariani.
15:25 And Nosia Bhanid.
15:27 Transmedia 22 Power Up.
15:29 Friday, December 15th.
15:30 Starting at 7 PM.
15:32 Live on Transmedia.
15:34 In my opinion,
15:39 there's nothing that can stop a girl
15:42 who's not afraid of the heat of the sun
15:44 to achieve her dreams.
15:46 It's not easy,
15:48 but she must not give up
15:50 and not let the heat and sweat
15:53 break her spirit.
15:54 That's why I only believe in DETOGO.
15:57 Make her fresh again
16:01 and be enthusiastic all day long.
16:03 They can prove that
16:09 a girl can overcome the heat and sweat
16:12 to realize her dreams.
16:15 DETOGO.
16:18 DETOGO.
16:19 The great thing about Bebelag is that
16:21 it's enriched with a clean phosgos,
16:23 supports good digestion,
16:25 and triple A with higher DHA.
16:27 It stimulates the creative mind of the little one.
16:29 Both of them can grow a big heart.
16:32 Bebelag, all the great things.
16:35 It's not tasty.
16:37 Yes, it's like there's a sweet taste.
16:40 Mineral oils are indeed different.
16:42 Each drop contains a balanced essential mineral
16:45 that is important for the body
16:47 and also makes the water taste fresher.
16:49 Mineral oils.
16:50 Dauni, dry this in your room.
16:52 It will give you a beautiful smell.
16:54 Wow, it's so fresh.
16:55 Is this the smell of flowers?
16:56 Smell it closer.
16:57 Surprise!
16:59 Dauni Sunrise Fresh Formula 2 in 1
17:01 helps to remove the smell of...
17:03 ...freshness.
17:04 Dauni.
17:05 The weather makes me sick.
17:07 Be thankful.
17:08 There's a virus everywhere.
17:10 Be thankful.
17:11 Give milk 7 times a day.
17:12 The goodness of sterile milk and dates
17:14 becomes one.
17:15 Give sterile milk 7 times a day.
17:17 God willing, double the benefits.
17:19 We feel like Italy.
17:24 Waffel!
17:25 The cream melts, it can be shaken.
17:28 Choose Waffle, Waffle.
17:30 Italy!
17:31 Waffle!
17:33 Write 10 extra 3 for more.
17:35 Energy is really important.
17:36 But energy is more important for the brain.
17:38 It's time to change the champion.
17:40 More complete with milk and egg protein.
17:42 Not only gives energy to the body,
17:44 but also energy for the brain.
17:46 Energy for the body, energy for the brain.
17:48 9 out of 10 mothers choose the champion
17:52 because more than just energy.
17:54 Helps physical growth and brain children.
17:56 More complete with milk and egg protein.
17:58 Delicious!
17:59 Not only physical, but also brain.
18:01 Energy for the body, energy for the brain.
18:04 Yeah, where's the place?
18:06 Just point it.
18:08 Only Teh Pucuk Harum from Pucuk Teh Pilihan.
18:11 Keep your spirit up to face the challenge.
18:16 Make your day more exciting.
18:18 Teh Pucuk Harum.
18:19 Black Flags is back.
18:21 New Garnier Vitamin C Serum Morning and Night.
18:23 Every morning, brightens quickly.
18:25 Every night, 10% pure vitamin C.
18:28 Night Serum, provides black flags twice as fast.
18:31 Now available at a higher price.
18:33 Experience at Garnier.
18:35 Galon Le Mineral 100% free of BPA.
18:38 Safe for children and family.
18:40 Galon Le Mineral 100% free of BPA.
18:42 Clear and transparent.
18:43 Signed by the third-party icon number one.
18:45 Galon Le Mineral.
18:47 For the health of the family.
18:49 In my opinion,
18:54 no one can stop a girl
18:57 who is not afraid to face the heat of the sun
18:59 to achieve her dreams.
19:01 It's not easy,
19:03 but she must not give up
19:05 and let the heat and sweat
19:08 stop her spirit.
19:10 Because of that,
19:13 I only believe in Detol Cool.
19:15 Make it fresh again
19:18 and be excited all day.
19:20 They can prove
19:26 that girls can overcome heat and sweat
19:29 to realize their dreams.
19:33 Detol Cool.
19:34 Glowing means brightening.
19:38 Fragrant skin all the time.
19:41 Glowing means...
19:43 Scarless.
19:44 Always glow on the go.
19:46 Now available at your favorite store.
19:49 Welcome back to "Who Wants to Be a Champion?"
20:00 I feel like a champion.
20:02 For both teams,
20:04 the boys and girls,
20:06 where's the spirit and the voice?
20:08 So, it's time to play a game.
20:12 The name of the game is...
20:13 Rock-Paper-Scissors.
20:15 That's right.
20:16 There are two teams here.
20:17 One team consists of boys and girls,
20:19 and the other team consists of boys and girls.
20:21 The rules are very easy.
20:23 Listen carefully.
20:24 The boys and girls,
20:25 in one minute,
20:27 the boys and girls
20:29 will take a ball,
20:30 using a hoop.
20:32 The ball will be put into the hoop.
20:34 Then,
20:35 they will use their feet to drag it.
20:37 Until the white line.
20:41 Your task is to stand on the white line,
20:44 and then,
20:45 you will throw the ball to the boys.
20:48 In one minute,
20:50 the team that collects the most balls,
20:53 will be the winner.
20:54 The first winner will get a big prize.
20:57 It's Rp. 800.000.
20:59 Let's go to the boys.
21:01 Bono.
21:02 The second winner will get Rp. 400.000.
21:06 Are you ready, boys and girls?
21:09 Yes.
21:10 Okay, the judges.
21:16 It's time to start the third count.
21:18 One.
21:21 Two.
21:24 Three.
21:25 Three.
21:27 Take it.
21:31 Take it.
21:32 Put the ball in.
21:33 A lot.
21:34 Keep going.
21:35 A lot.
21:36 Put it in.
21:37 Put it in.
21:38 Put it in.
21:39 Use your hands.
21:40 Put it in.
21:41 A lot.
21:44 Slowly.
21:45 Slowly.
21:47 Slowly.
21:49 Use your feet.
21:51 Slowly.
21:53 Put it in.
21:54 Put it in.
21:55 Put it in.
21:57 Put it in.
21:58 Throw it.
21:59 Throw it.
22:00 Good.
22:01 Keep going.
22:02 Keep going.
22:03 Keep going.
22:04 Again.
22:06 Keep going.
22:07 Again.
22:08 Again.
22:11 Smart.
22:12 A bit higher.
22:18 Again.
22:21 Keep going.
22:22 Again.
22:23 Again.
22:28 Again.
22:31 Slowly.
22:33 Slowly.
22:34 Higher.
22:35 Good.
22:36 Good.
22:37 Smart.
22:38 Take it.
22:39 Hurry up.
22:40 You have 30 seconds left.
22:41 Take it.
22:42 Take it.
22:43 A lot.
22:44 Take it.
22:45 From there.
22:47 Take it.
22:48 Again.
22:51 Again.
22:52 Take it.
22:53 From there.
22:54 Again.
22:56 Again.
22:58 Smart.
23:00 Keep going.
23:01 Keep going.
23:02 Keep going.
23:03 Again.
23:04 Slowly.
23:05 Slowly.
23:06 Higher.
23:07 Throw it.
23:08 Smart.
23:09 Again.
23:10 Smart.
23:11 Again.
23:12 Again.
23:13 Smart.
23:14 30 seconds left.
23:15 Take it.
23:16 Take it.
23:17 Hurry up.
23:18 Take it.
23:19 Take it.
23:20 Take it.
23:21 Take it.
23:22 A lot.
23:23 Put it in.
23:26 Again.
23:28 Take it.
23:29 Again.
23:30 Time's running out.
23:32 Slowly.
23:33 Slowly.
23:34 20 seconds left.
23:37 20 seconds left.
23:38 It's okay.
23:41 It's done.
23:42 Throw it.
23:43 30.
23:44 9.
23:45 8.
23:46 7.
23:47 6.
23:48 5.
23:49 4.
23:50 3.
23:51 2.
23:52 1.
23:53 Time's up.
23:54 Okay.
23:55 Please give a round of applause for the girls.
23:56 Smart.
23:57 Let's see the prize that the girls have won.
23:58 It's a ball.
23:59 Let's count.
24:00 Raja and Rudi's team.
24:01 1.
24:02 2.
24:03 3.
24:04 4.
24:05 5.
24:06 6.
24:07 7.
24:08 8.
24:09 9.
24:10 10.
24:11 11.
24:12 12.
24:13 13.
24:14 14.
24:15 15.
24:16 16.
24:17 32 balls.
24:18 Next.
24:19 Let's count.
24:20 1.
24:21 2.
24:22 3.
24:23 4.
24:24 5.
24:25 6.
24:26 7.
24:27 8.
24:28 9.
24:29 10.
24:30 11.
24:31 12.
24:32 13.
24:33 14.
24:34 15.
24:35 16.
24:36 32 balls.
24:37 Next.
24:38 Let's count.
24:39 1.
24:40 2.
24:41 3.
24:42 4.
24:43 5.
24:44 6.
24:45 7.
24:46 8.
24:47 9.
24:48 10.
24:49 11.
24:50 12.
24:51 13.
24:52 14.
24:53 15.
24:54 16.
24:55 17.
24:56 16.
24:57 19.
24:58 20.
24:59 21.
25:00 22.
25:01 23.
25:02 24.
25:03 The winner is Raja's team.
25:04 Raja's team won Rp. 800.000.
25:05 You still got the prize.
25:06 The second winner got Rp. 400.000.
25:07 What is this for?
25:08 Wait.
25:09 For the morning.
25:10 For the needs.
25:11 What?
25:12 For the needs.
25:13 What?
25:14 For the needs.
25:15 What do you need?
25:16 For the needs.
25:17 What do you need?
25:18 For the needs.
25:19 What do you need?
25:20 For the needs.
25:21 What do you need?
25:22 For the needs.
25:23 What do you need?
25:24 For the needs.
25:25 What do you need?
25:26 For the needs.
25:27 What do you need?
25:28 For the needs.
25:29 What do you need?
25:30 For the needs.
25:31 What do you need?
25:32 For the needs.
25:33 What do you need?
25:34 For the needs.
25:35 What do you need?
25:36 For the needs.
25:37 What do you need?
25:38 For the needs.
25:39 What do you need?
25:40 For the needs.
25:41 What do you need?
25:42 For the needs.
25:43 What do you need?
25:44 For the needs.
25:45 What do you need?
25:46 For the needs.
25:47 What do you need?
25:48 For the needs.
25:49 What do you need?
25:50 For the needs.
25:51 What do you need?
25:52 For the needs.
25:53 What do you need?
25:54 For the needs.
25:55 What do you need?
25:56 For the needs.
25:57 What do you need?
25:58 For the needs.
25:59 What do you need?
26:00 For the needs.
26:01 What do you need?
26:02 For the needs.
26:03 What do you need?
26:04 For the needs.
26:05 What do you need?
26:06 For the needs.
26:07 What do you need?
26:08 For the needs.
26:09 What do you need?
26:10 For the needs.
26:11 What do you need?
26:12 For the needs.
26:13 What do you need?
26:14 For the needs.
26:15 What do you need?
26:16 For the needs.
26:17 What do you need?
26:18 For the needs.
26:19 What do you need?
26:20 For the needs.
26:21 What do you need?
26:22 For the needs.
26:23 What do you need?
26:24 For the needs.
26:25 What do you need?
26:26 For the needs.
26:27 What do you need?
26:28 For the needs.
26:29 What do you need?
26:30 For the needs.
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26:32 For the needs.
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51:01 What do you need?
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51:03 What do you need?
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51:05 What do you need?
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51:07 What do you need?
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51:09 What do you need?
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51:15 What do you need?
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51:19 What do you need?
51:20 For the needs.
51:21 Okay, Mirza.
51:22 It's time to start.
51:23 Each participant...
51:24 has to spin 5 times.
51:26 Are you ready?
51:27 Yes.
51:28 Okay. 1, 2, 3.
51:30 Spin.
51:31 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
51:39 Count it.
51:41 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
51:59 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
52:17 Abang.
52:28 Abang.
52:48 Abang.
53:08 Abang.
53:28 Abang.
53:48 Abang.
54:08 Okay, Mirza.
54:09 Let's see who's the winner.
54:13 And...
54:14 It's decided by the team.
54:16 We've explained the rules.
54:18 If you miss the ball, you'll be counted.
54:21 If you miss, you'll be counted.
54:23 Okay.
54:24 For the team,
54:25 who's the winner...
54:28 who hit the ball the most?
54:30 Okay.
54:32 Let's see.
54:33 And we know...
54:35 For the ladies team,
54:37 who hit the ball the most...
54:39 8 balls.
54:45 And for the men team,
54:47 who hit the ball the most...
54:49 7 balls.
54:51 So, the winner is...
54:53 Ladies team.
54:54 And the ladies team got the prize,
54:56 900.000 rupiah.
54:59 And the men team still got the prize.
55:02 We'll give you...
55:04 600.000 rupiah.
55:06 Thank you.
55:08 Okay, congratulations.
55:09 And the ladies team,
55:10 get into the bonus box.
55:14 Okay, congratulations.
55:16 Get into the bonus box.
55:17 And the men team,
55:18 get into the bonus box.
55:20 Okay, ladies team.
55:22 Let's play with the ladies team.
55:24 Get into the bonus box.
55:26 So, ladies team.
55:27 Choose one of the boxes.
55:29 There are four boxes.
55:30 Which one do you want to choose?
55:32 There are prizes for all of them.
55:34 One person.
55:36 Representative.
55:37 Which one?
55:38 Are you sure?
55:39 This one?
55:41 The big one?
55:42 From the top to the bottom.
55:44 Okay, the big one.
55:45 Okay, good.
55:47 So,
55:48 the big box or the fourth box,
55:50 we'll give you...
55:52 500.000 rupiah.
55:55 Box.
56:00 Box.
56:02 Box.
56:07 So, representative.
56:09 Let's open the box.
56:12 The small box.
56:14 Let's see how many prizes.
56:15 200.000 rupiah.
56:23 So, you still choose the box or 500?
56:27 Box.
56:29 Box.
56:34 I'll add 100.
56:35 So, it's 600.
56:37 Box.
56:41 Let's use the mic.
56:42 Box or 600?
56:43 Box.
56:45 Are you afraid that the prize will be less than 600?
56:47 I'm not afraid.
56:49 Are you sure?
56:50 Let's open the next box.
56:52 The one that you didn't choose.
56:54 750.000 rupiah.
57:02 So,
57:04 box or money?
57:06 Box or money?
57:08 Box.
57:09 Okay, if you choose the box,
57:10 you'll get the money.
57:11 If you choose the money, you'll get the money.
57:13 I'll take it.
57:14 I'll take it.
57:16 600.000 rupiah is enough.
57:18 I'll take it.
57:20 I'll take it.
57:21 You'll keep the box.
57:22 If you choose the box,
57:24 I'll add 600.000 rupiah.
57:26 I'll take it.
57:27 If you want 600,
57:28 take the 600.000 rupiah.
57:29 The box is for me.
57:30 It can be more than 600.000 rupiah.
57:32 You'll take it?
57:33 Deal?
57:34 Deal.
57:36 Okay, we'll take the 600.000 rupiah.
57:38 Let's see the box that you didn't choose.
57:41 1 million rupiah.
57:50 And this is the box that you chose.
57:55 I'll give you the money.
57:56 600.000 rupiah, but you'll keep the box.
57:59 And the prize that you'll get is...
58:03 The prize is...
58:04 500.000 rupiah.
58:15 Congratulations.
58:18 It's okay, I'll take it.
58:19 I hope it's a useful prize.
58:21 How is it, winners?
58:23 It's fun, right?
58:24 Sharing the prize of today's episode.
58:26 But, we'll be back tomorrow at 10 AM.
58:30 Only on TransTV.
58:31 Don't miss it.
58:33 Who wants to be the winner?
58:35 I think I'll be the winner.
58:36 The link between Asmara, Torek and Aliah
58:50 will slowly connect the heart of the couple
58:53 with the Halilintar family.
58:55 When they attended an Islamic study event,
58:58 Aliah seemed to be in agreement with Torek's brother,
59:01 Atta Halilintar.
59:03 He was wearing a black hijab and a black busana.
59:07 Atta's face looked so happy
59:10 when he saw his new girlfriend
59:12 who looked so different.
59:14 As if the coldness filled the atmosphere
59:16 and the busyness in the place.
59:18 Moreover, Atta said that he would give the blessing
59:22 to Aliah Masaid to continue his relationship with Torek
59:26 until they got married.
59:28 [Music]
59:31 [Indistinct chatter]