This High-Tech Robotic Surgery Uses Magnets To Manipulate Tissue, Reducing Invasiveness and Recovery Time

  • last year
Surgeries can be invasive and scary processes for patients, involving invasive cuts and long recoveries. However, this new robot could make serious surgeries more efficient by letting doctors see better during operations and letting them manipulate tissue in wild new ways.
00:00 (soft music)
00:02 Surgeries can be invasive and scary processes for patients
00:07 involving intense cuts and long recoveries.
00:10 However, this new robot could make serious surgeries
00:13 more efficient by giving doctors a way to see better
00:16 and manipulate tissue in wild new ways.
00:19 This is Dr. Alberto Rodriguez Navarro,
00:21 surgeon and founder of Levita Magnetic,
00:23 the company behind the new mechanism.
00:25 According to him, it gives surgeons an unprecedented view
00:28 inside a person's body during surgery,
00:30 which he says is critical,
00:31 not only letting them make fewer cuts,
00:33 but also speeding up the process
00:35 and allowing for more surgeries in a single day.
00:37 And if you're wondering about
00:38 the company's magnetic nomenclature,
00:40 it's named that because the new surgical process
00:42 involves a robot, which is equipped with high-powered magnets
00:45 allowing magnets to be attached to body tissue and organs,
00:48 which doctors can then manipulate
00:50 more safely than other methods.
00:52 With Dr. Rodriguez Navarro saying,
00:53 "This process reduces incisions, pain, scars,
00:56 "and time in rehab,
00:58 "the robotic surgical platform was just cleared for use
01:00 "by the USDA this past fall,
01:02 "with its first commercial surgery recently taking place
01:05 "at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio."
01:08 (gentle music)
