• last year


00:00 The closet, shower, everything is here.
00:04 They use marble.
00:06 Look, Agam, don't smile. You're happy to be here.
00:10 The more you stay here, the more you'll get burnt.
00:12 What are you burning?
00:14 What are you burning?
00:16 It's so good to get burnt, but it's not that bad.
00:18 Look, Agam's room has its own AC.
00:21 All the rooms have AC.
00:23 It's cool, right?
00:24 There's AC on the first floor.
00:26 It's cool, right?
00:28 So, ART, driver, all of them have AC.
00:32 It's cool, right?
00:33 Ata and Aurel also showed us how their two children's bedroom concept,
00:38 which is Amina and Azura.
00:40 So, the younger one can do this.
00:42 "Younger one, come in."
00:44 "Younger one, come in."
00:46 This is the younger one's room.
00:49 "Why is the younger one's room bigger?"
00:52 "The older one's room is smaller."
00:54 This is for Amina.
00:56 That's for the younger one.
00:58 "Why is my room small?"
01:00 Look at the bathroom.
01:02 It's as small as Amina's room.
01:04 The woman can't move.
01:06 It's so small.
01:08 It's okay. The baby needs a bigger bathroom.
01:10 I opened it so that she can go there when she wants to play.
01:14 It's so big. There should be a playground.
01:17 It's better to have a parent's room.
01:24 Do you know that Ata and Aurel's luxurious house has spent up to 25 billion rupiah?
01:33 Wow, is it really okay?
01:37 Of course, it is.
01:39 Hopefully, their new house can bring blessings and make a fortune, right?
01:45 [Music]
01:57 From Ata and Nour's house, let's continue to Rachel Faye's luxurious house.
02:03 Rachel Faye's success as an influencer makes her money flow.
02:08 By giving her house, she chooses to build her house from scratch according to her design.
02:16 She even makes her new house more luxurious than her previous house.
02:22 Assalamualaikum.
02:28 Waalaikumsalam.
02:31 Waalaikumsalam.
02:33 Oh my god, it's so cute.
02:35 It's so cute.
02:37 Who likes pink color?
02:39 The princesses' color is pink.
02:42 It's made by the woman, right?
02:45 Or Rachel Faye's choice?
02:47 I asked her what color she wants.
02:49 She said she wants pink.
02:51 Oh, I see.
02:53 Where is your room? Is it connected?
02:55 Yes, it's connected.
02:57 Oh, it's connected to your room.
02:59 Wow, it's so cool.
03:01 This is your room.
03:03 It's new. The design is cool.
03:05 So, there's no TV in your room, right?
03:07 No, there's no TV.
03:09 Oh, I see.
03:11 That's why it's green.
03:13 Okay, guys. This is the room.
03:17 The last room.
03:19 This is the main room.
03:21 We can see the room.
03:23 Hello.
03:25 Assalamualaikum.
03:27 Waalaikumsalam.
03:29 If you have a child, the bed should be bigger.
03:33 So, the bed is bigger.
03:35 Just like Ata and Aurel,
03:41 Rachel furnished her house with luxurious facilities.
03:45 Such as the kitchen, which is her favorite area.
03:49 And the swimming pool, which is a 5-star hotel.
03:51 It's also furnished with mineral water.
03:53 It's so beautiful.
04:01 It's Bali vibe.
04:03 It's really Bali vibe.
04:07 RTR.
04:09 Rahl Fenya Rolan.
04:11 Wow, this is not the real waterfall, guys.
04:15 The real waterfall is at Irfan Hakim's house.
04:29 The artist who is known as a fan of this animal,
04:32 never hesitate to create something,
04:34 including the aviary at his house.
04:37 Built 600 square meters,
04:39 the aviary at Irfan Hakim's house
04:41 is designed like a real forest,
04:44 including the water.
04:46 Welcome.
04:48 So, this is the concept of Indonesian tropical forest.
04:57 You use a special designer to make the design, right?
05:00 Yes, I collect the design.
05:01 So, there are pool artists, landscape artists,
05:04 and plant artists.
05:05 I collect all of them here.
05:07 If you want to go to the other side,
05:14 you can go here.
05:16 The other side of the waterfall.
05:19 Wow, it's so exciting, guys.
05:22 It's okay to get wet, right?
05:24 It's okay.
05:25 It's exciting.
05:27 I'm so excited.
05:29 It's so exciting, guys.
05:32 It's exciting, right?
05:35 I'm scared.
05:38 It's my own pleasure.
05:41 It's like watching a playground for adults.
05:45 This is the real waterfall, guys.
05:53 [Music]
05:56 After Irfan Hakim's aviary,
06:06 now we're going to the house of
06:08 the traditional Indonesian magician,
06:10 Mr. Tarno,
06:11 who is known as the charcoal,
06:13 Simsalabimjadiapa.
06:16 It was reported that he went bankrupt
06:18 after his video that was trending
06:20 on social media.
06:21 It turned out that his life was so far
06:23 from what people expected.
06:25 The famous magician who started to be famous
06:27 after being on one of the competition
06:29 on television,
06:30 he had a house that was not that big.
06:33 Not only 100 or 200 meters,
06:35 his house was 2 hectares wide.
06:39 It's crazy, right?
06:41 Not only a house,
06:43 his land was also used for various businesses,
06:46 from a restaurant,
06:48 a car dealer,
06:49 and even a fisherman.
06:51 How can you not get addicted
06:53 if you have a house like this, my friend?
06:56 Sir, what is this big house for?
06:59 For business.
07:01 This house is for sleeping.
07:04 There's still more.
07:06 This is for fishing.
07:08 This whole area was bought by Mr. Tarno.
07:10 It's crazy, Mr. Tarno is rich.
07:12 Not rich, he's a sultan.
07:14 Sultan Bekasi.
07:15 Sultan Bekasi, right?
07:16 That's right.
07:17 [Music]
07:22 Not only that,
07:23 Mr. Tarno also made his land
07:25 to be a magic shop
07:26 for children's play places.
07:29 Even though the land is very large,
07:33 but the appearance of Mr. Tarno's house
07:35 is very simple.
07:36 The life of a magician named Asli Sutarno
07:39 is as simple as his magic.
07:42 [Music]
07:47 This morning, I will start my office activities,
07:52 but this is still at home,
07:54 at Pokor's estate.
07:56 Friends,
07:58 who doesn't like to drink jamu?
08:00 For a tip,
08:01 try drinking jamu regularly.
08:03 There are many benefits,
08:05 as done by President Joko Widodo.
08:08 In his personal blog,
08:10 the president shared his daily life
08:12 before going to work.
08:14 Apparently, Mr. Joko Widodo
08:15 is a jamu drinker, friends.
08:18 He also shared the jamu recipe
08:20 that he usually drinks.
08:21 It turns out that it's simple,
08:23 only consists of tamulawak, turmeric and ginger
08:25 which are thinly sliced,
08:27 then soaked in hot water.
08:29 Hot water, strained,
08:31 then drink.
08:32 And I've been drinking it for 17-18 years.
08:36 Until now.
08:38 I think it's good for my body.
08:44 I want to try it.
08:45 I'll do it myself.
08:47 Wow, no wonder this president
08:51 always looks healthy and fit.
08:53 Drink jamu.
08:55 How about you, friends?
08:58 Are you interested to try?
08:59 Who knows, you might be president.
09:02 I mean, you might be healthy like the president.
09:05 [Laughs]
09:07 [Music]
09:12 Not only Mr. Joko Widodo,
09:13 Nagita Slawina also wants
09:15 her employees to always be healthy
09:17 until her employees are treated
09:19 by jamu gedong by Nagita.
09:22 Oh my God, I want jamu.
09:23 Thank you for bringing jamu.
09:25 So, you're looking for a mosque nearby?
09:27 Yes.
09:28 These kids have to drink jamu.
09:30 [Cheers]
09:32 Drink it first.
09:34 [Music]
09:37 [Music]
09:40 Nagita is so nice.
09:42 [Cheers]
09:43 Drink it.
09:45 [Music]
09:49 If you can't find jamu gedong
09:50 in your friend's place,
09:52 you can make your own jamu
09:54 like Ayodewi who took the time
09:56 to make pon-pon with her daughter, Akila.
09:59 [Cheers]
10:00 It's not bad.
10:02 [Music]
10:04 Just like Mr. Joko Widodo's recipe,
10:06 Ayodewi also uses ginger,
10:08 tamarind and turmeric for her pon-pon recipe.
10:11 [Music]
10:13 It's so fun, right?
10:14 World friends can be an alternative
10:16 for activities with your kids at home.
10:19 Yes, besides being easy to make,
10:21 there are also many benefits and benefits.
10:24 [Music]
10:28 Jamu has long been known
10:30 in Indonesian society.
10:32 In fact, jamu has become a drink
10:34 that is closely related to the daily life of Indonesian people,
10:36 starting from the people in the villages
10:38 to the cities.
10:40 Who doesn't know about Jamu's mother
10:43 who likes to go around offering jamu
10:45 while carrying a bag
10:46 containing her own jamu bottles?
10:49 And it turns out that jamu has also been recognized
10:52 by international people around the world.
10:55 Some time ago,
10:57 UNESCO officially established jamu
10:59 as an intangible cultural heritage.
11:01 The heritage of jamu culture
11:03 includes traditional skills
11:05 and cultural values
11:06 related to traditional natural medicines
11:08 made from plants and herbs,
11:11 as well as traditional treatment methods
11:13 to improve health.
11:15 It's great that jamu culture
11:17 has been believed to have been going on
11:19 since the 8th century AD.
11:21 It is proven from reliefs in Borobudur temple
11:24 and ancient manuscripts
11:25 such as the Ramayana and Seracen Tini.
11:28 So it's more convincing
11:30 to start and drink jamu regularly.
11:32 As a citizen who is proud of its cultural heritage,
11:41 it seems obligatory
11:42 to know various spices
11:44 or ingredients
11:45 commonly used to make jamu,
11:47 especially ginger
11:49 as the main ingredient
11:50 to make various jamu mixes.
11:52 But it turns out
11:54 there are Indonesian artists
11:56 who can't tell
11:57 which is ginger
11:58 and which is galangal.
11:59 It was revealed
12:00 when we were chosen
12:01 to be a guest star
12:02 in the Prili Latukonsina podcast.
12:04 At that time, Prili invited us
12:06 to cook together.
12:07 The menu is tempeh orek and kanku.
12:10 When explained
12:11 about the ingredients for the cooking,
12:13 it's just shallots, garlic, chili, galangal,
12:17 lime leaves to make it fragrant.
12:18 Then why is it galangal?
12:20 Galangal?
12:21 No, it's ginger.
12:22 No, it's not ginger.
12:26 Wow, the two are clearly very different.
12:29 Starting from the shape
12:30 and the taste.
12:32 For the world friends
12:34 who are as lucky as me,
12:35 look at the difference
12:36 between ginger and galangal.
12:38 Physically,
12:40 the skin of ginger is paler,
12:42 while the skin of galangal
12:44 is brownish.
12:46 Ginger has a spicy,
12:47 warm and slightly sweet taste.
12:49 While galangal has a sharper,
12:52 spicier and more bitter taste.
12:55 Now you know the difference,
12:57 so don't be confused anymore,
12:59 world friends.
13:00 The style of these mothers and children
13:11 feels like a beast.
13:12 [Music]
13:20 [Music]
13:25 Hi, Mimim is back.
13:27 Why?
13:28 It's been 45 years,
13:29 but everyone still likes Nutrisari.
13:30 The taste of the orange is the most two-way,
13:33 it has a lot of vitamins.
13:34 Still remember the bottle that was cut?
13:37 It's back.
13:38 Every day, Nutrisari.
13:40 Drink Milo, it has a lot of nutrients.
13:42 Milo, with 2 times extra milk powder,
13:44 vitamins and minerals.
13:46 Come on, cheer up.
13:47 With energy-nourishing,
13:50 everything will be fine.
13:52 Delicious.
13:53 Milo, energy for active every day.
13:55 Guys.
13:56 Al, introduce.
13:57 Must be a jerk.
13:58 New, Men's Biore Bright Expert.
14:02 Soft foam with 5 times vitamin B3.
14:04 Quickly clean the black spots,
14:06 face automatically bright.
14:08 Men's Biore, Bright Expert.
14:10 New, more delicious chicken broth.
14:13 New innovation with whole chicken.
14:16 More meaty like broth at home.
14:20 Which is carefully packed by Masako.
14:23 Make the cooking special every day.
14:27 [Music]
14:36 New chicken broth flavor, Masako.
14:38 Let's eat fried food.
14:41 No.
14:42 Fried food, yes.
14:43 If you use Sanko.
14:44 Sanko, good fried oil.
14:46 The clearest and more liquid.
14:47 Proved by the test,
14:49 Autonomous Laptic, easy to digest.
14:50 Fried food, yes.
14:52 If you use Sanko.
14:53 A little bit, stick to the food.
14:55 Guys.
14:56 Al, introduce.
14:57 Must be a jerk.
14:58 New, Men's Biore Bright Expert.
15:02 Soft foam with 5 times vitamin B3.
15:05 Quickly clean the black spots,
15:06 face automatically bright.
15:08 Men's Biore, Bright Expert.
15:10 The quality there, the quality here,
15:12 even more confused.
15:14 If you want to choose a suitable partner for the country,
15:16 you have to fill each other,
15:18 and suitable.
15:19 Look at the quality.
15:21 The future leader,
15:23 the young children who determine.
15:24 [Music]
15:35 [Music]
15:40 [Music]
15:55 [Music]
16:10 [Music]
16:25 Team So Nice is in Bogor,
16:26 will send the N-Max motor for the team positive.
16:28 Let's go.
16:29 The winner of the program,
16:30 Ulyan So Nice.
16:31 The prize is not bad.
16:33 Buy So Nice, get N-Max.
16:35 The prize is not bad.
16:38 Buy So Nice, get the prize.
16:40 Indomie Hai Babis, the hot one, viral.
16:43 Hot Kua, the side, literally viral.
16:45 Crunchy, wide, chewy.
16:48 Hot Geprek, and the crunchiness, gross.
16:51 Indomie, the side, hot, and I'm Geprek, the hot one, viral.
16:55 Akua believes in the miracle of nature.
16:57 So, we don't use a rag at all.
17:01 Our rag is sanitized together,
17:03 before being filled again.
17:07 100% pure aqua.
17:09 Celebrate the 22nd anniversary of Transmedia.
17:14 The first appearance on national television,
17:16 Super Group Korea, Super Junior LSS.
17:20 With Raisa, Judika, Rizky Febian,
17:24 Ayu Ting Ting, Dewi Persik,
17:26 Nasar, Tiara Andini,
17:28 Wally, Putri Aryani, and Nofia Bahmid.
17:31 Transmedia 22 Power Up,
17:34 Friday, December 15th, starting at 7 PM.
17:37 Live on Transmedia.
17:39 Are you sure you're clean after washing your face?
17:42 Use Garnier's No. 1 water mist.
17:45 With a missile like a magnet,
17:47 99% makeup, even the dirt that can't be seen,
17:50 is completely removed.
17:51 Stay soft and not feel like you're being pulled.
17:53 Use Garnier's water mist.
17:55 New, more delicious chicken broth.
17:58 New innovation with whole chicken.
18:02 The meat tastes like homemade broth.
18:05 Which is carefully prepared by Masako.
18:08 Making the food special every day.
18:12 New chicken broth flavor, Masako.
18:23 Oh, it's hard.
18:27 Come here, let me show you how.
18:30 SGM Explore, one with Iron Sea.
18:33 Supports 2x intake,
18:35 helps the baby grow to the maximum.
18:37 Let me do it.
18:43 I have an idea.
18:45 Let's tie it here.
18:47 Wow, cool.
18:48 Ready to fly.
18:49 SGM Explore, supports the next generation
18:52 who thinks fast and bravely.
18:54 From Indonesia,
18:57 the best spices are mixed with high quality chicken extract.
19:00 Present, Sajiku Fried Rice.
19:03 The chicken aroma is delicious, the spices are flavorful.
19:06 Sajiku, Indonesian delicacy.
19:09 They are dedicated women,
19:13 independent women, always optimistic.
19:16 They believe in the wind to keep healthy.
19:25 So nice, let's play the prize.
19:27 Get 50 N-Max and billions of rupiah.
19:30 Buy So Nice, find unique code,
19:33 register to WA.
19:35 Then send the code and free photo.
19:38 Let's follow.
19:40 Aqua believes in the miracle of nature.
19:43 So we don't use a single gallon.
19:46 Our gallons are sanitized together before refilling.
19:50 Aqua 100% pure.
19:55 Everyone enjoy.
19:56 Get this, Penga.
19:57 Just order.
19:58 Cool.
20:00 Charm Cooling Fresh.
20:01 With natural mint, present a cool sensation.
20:04 Cool.
20:05 Make it fresh.
20:06 Cooling Fresh new sensation.
20:09 Darling.
20:11 Divergent cool in the hand.
20:13 The cheapest, safe shopping money.
20:16 Now there are 5,000 packages.
20:18 Buy two, one free.
20:20 Can be made for a month.
20:22 Because mother needs to be loved.
20:25 Great, Bebelag.
20:26 Rich in phosgol, which is free.
20:28 Support good digestion.
20:30 And triple A with higher DHA.
20:32 Stimulation of creative mind, C Kecil.
20:34 Both help grow a big heart.
20:37 Bebelag, all the great.
20:40 Hey, Van.
20:41 There are still some people who don't know how to keep distance.
20:44 Better to be worked.
20:46 Not like that, get rid of the movement.
20:51 Try Sprite Zero Sugar.
20:53 Fresh and sugar-free.
20:55 Friends,
21:00 indeed, afternoon sleep is a good time to rest your body and mind.
21:05 But don't be like this, friends.
21:08 As long as the afternoon sleep,
21:10 there are moments of a young boy who sleeps until he forgets time.
21:15 The young boy who was recorded by the camera outside this room,
21:17 even woke up and prepared school supplies.
21:20 Because he thought it was morning.
21:23 Even the girl with long hair who was recorded by the camera,
21:26 was ready to go to school with a variety of clothes while folding her bag.
21:31 You're wearing school clothes, sister.
21:37 I'm not school.
21:39 Guys, I'm going to school.
21:41 Why are you wearing school clothes, sister?
21:45 Huh?
21:46 I'm not school.
21:52 I'm not school.
21:54 You're lying.
21:56 I'm not going to school.
22:13 As weird as her sister's act,
22:15 her younger brother's voice asked why she used a gun.
22:19 Why are you wearing school clothes, sister?
22:23 I'm not school.
22:25 I'm not going to school.
22:32 Obviously,
22:33 the girl in high school realized that it was wrong,
22:35 she immediately looked embarrassed and made her family laugh.
22:40 Oh, sister.
22:41 Don't sleep until midnight tomorrow,
22:44 so you don't miss your school trip.
22:47 Friends,
22:57 it's normal that things change with time.
23:01 One of them is appearance.
23:04 But the style of these mothers and children doesn't seem to be working.
23:08 Because they're not getting older,
23:10 but they're becoming beasts.
23:12 I want to show you something.
23:17 It's really cool.
23:18 It's related to the bathroom.
23:19 Do you want to see it?
23:20 Look, friends.
23:23 Can you guess the age of this beautiful actress?
23:27 Even though she's already 42 years old,
23:30 her style is still as young as her.
23:35 Even her appearance, which still looks like a high school girl,
23:39 is still young.
23:42 It doesn't fit with her current appearance.
23:45 Moreover,
23:46 this mother from Shalom, Brazil,
23:48 seems to still borrow clothes from her children.
23:51 I borrow clothes from them,
23:53 and sometimes I borrow one style.
23:56 I just try to understand who I'm going with.
24:00 The important thing is that my mother knows who I'm going with.
24:04 No wonder,
24:05 because of their close relationship with Shalom and Ulan,
24:08 many people think that they're siblings.
24:32 Not only Ulan, Gudetama, and Shalom
24:34 who have a close relationship with their mother,
24:37 there's also the pre-dictator Wichapsono, or Dikta,
24:40 who is very close to his mother.
24:43 The former vocalist of Jovie & Nuno
24:45 is known for being very close to his mother, Endang Pratwi.
24:48 Like the moment when Dikta celebrated his mother's birthday
24:51 while inviting her to a Japanese Sakura holiday.
24:54 (Dikta's mother)
24:56 What's funny is that Dikta's mother is also present
25:08 when Dikta played tennis with his friends a few days ago.
25:13 There's also when Dikta gave a funny comment on his social media
25:17 when his mother started to learn how to drive a car.
25:20 (Dikta's mother)
25:22 Even though they're just friends,
25:27 they can do the same funny action when playing this game.
25:31 (Dikta's mother)
25:34 There's no match for this mother and son.
25:47 Endang, if you're looking for a helper for Dikta,
25:50 we can call you.
25:52 (Dikta's mother)
25:56 She's a hard worker,
26:03 and she's always willing to communicate with her children.
26:06 But don't follow the bad ones.
26:08 Don't follow the bad ones.
26:09 The last one, a world friend,
26:10 you surely don't doubt it anymore,
26:12 with the friendship between Oki Agusina and Keisha Alvaro.
26:15 Yes, the relationship between mother and son that feels like a bestie
26:18 is even seen to be always compact in every environment.
26:21 (Dikta's mother)
26:24 One of them, even though in the middle of Oki's divorce process,
26:35 Keisha is always accompanied by his mother.
26:38 Even Keisha who has started to grow up,
26:41 looks more compact like when hanging out with his mother.
26:45 Moreover, with the addition of Oki Agusina's young style,
26:49 it looks more mature with his son.
26:52 Always healthy, mother,
26:54 so that you can continue to be besties with your son.
26:57 World friends,
27:07 being a househusband is probably a rare thing we hear, right?
27:11 But it turns out that this phenomenon has started to spread.
27:15 It turns out that many men decide to manage their house
27:19 and play a role with their wives to earn a living.
27:22 Either because of a forced situation,
27:25 or have a job that can only be done at home.
27:28 But don't let it be because of your ambition,
27:31 if so, just leave it, dear.
27:34 For world friends who don't know what a househusband is,
27:37 you can see here,
27:38 the example of a celebrity who became a househusband of a rich family.
27:41 There is Edward Akbar who spends more time at home with his wife and children.
27:49 In order to be with them,
27:57 this Kimberly Rider's husband deliberately only stars in 1-3 movies in a year.
28:04 Not without reason, Edward made a decision like this.
28:07 According to him, as a husband and father, he has a big responsibility.
28:11 Not only Edward, there is also another public figure who became a househusband.
28:24 After signing a contract with Persis Solo,
28:27 Irfan has not found a new club to start his career.
28:30 Although he got an offer to work in Jakarta,
28:32 Irfan decided to be a family man in order to have quality time with his family.
28:38 The decision was supported by his wife, Jennifer Bahdim.
28:42 Even Jennifer is willing to be a temporary backbone
28:45 so that Irfan can spend time with his children.
28:48 So now, Irfan doesn't work anymore?
28:51 No.
28:52 You're the breadwinner now?
28:53 Yes.
28:54 You're working now for the family?
28:55 It's shocking, because many women usually close this,
29:00 they don't want to be exposed.
29:02 Why did Jen dare to say that Irfan is at home taking care of his children,
29:05 and she's the one who works now?
29:07 I think it's totally fine.
29:09 Irfan was working since we were together.
29:15 We made our own money, which is good.
29:18 But now, I think it's fine for him to take a break,
29:22 spend time with the kids.
29:24 He always left after one week.
29:28 One week the baby came, Kiyochi came, Kiro came,
29:31 after one week he goes back to work.
29:33 So now he can have that bonding with the kids,
29:36 and the kids really need it.
29:38 So I think that's more important now than thinking of earning money at the moment.
29:43 So he can take a rest, he is now a stay-home dad.
29:48 What do you think, world friends?
29:52 Actually, it's okay,
29:54 but don't forget the main responsibility of a husband,
29:58 which is to give his family.
30:00 If you want to spend a lot of time with your family,
30:03 you can still invite them to a weekend vacation,
30:06 or ask your parents to take a day off from work.
30:09 But, friends, do you know that
30:23 the extra role of a father who is at home with his children
30:26 can produce positive benefits for the development of children.
30:30 The latest research in England proves that children who read,
30:33 sing and draw with their father
30:36 get their own benefits when they enter school.
30:39 If parents are involved in interactive activities with their children at the age of three,
30:44 then the fruit of their heart tends to perform better at school at the age of five.
30:49 Researchers analyzed data from a survey of 5,000 households in England
30:54 that have a mother and father,
30:56 which is related to the academic data.
30:58 So, how about you, ladies?
31:00 Are you willing to be a househusband?
31:03 The important thing is that your monthly income is still going, right?
31:06 Although these fathers are very much needed in the family,
31:19 there are times when wives want to be able to have a me time without being accompanied by the father,
31:24 especially when shopping.
31:26 Come on, honest wives, if you're shopping,
31:29 would you rather be accompanied by your husband or alone?
31:31 In America, in order to give wives time to shop as much as they want,
31:36 there is a husband's lookout, friends.
31:39 The purpose is to keep the husbands from being bored waiting for their wives to shop.
31:44 Although it sounds weird,
31:46 it turns out that this business is already spreading all over the world.
31:49 Yes, in Indonesia, there is also a husband's lookout
31:54 which is a coffee shop
31:56 located near the entrance to a large mall in the city of Maros, South Sulawesi.
32:00 The place provides various types of coffee and light snacks.
32:04 Being in front of the mall, this shop is crowded
32:07 with visitors who are waiting for their wives to shop.
32:11 Just look at the tagline, "Your husband's lookout is here."
32:17 We compliment it with coffee.
32:19 Hmm, isn't it an interesting business opportunity, friends?
32:22 Yes, friends, a husband's lookout.
32:25 Friendship is not only in the world of dongeng or movies.
32:38 Apparently, friendship between humans and animals can really happen.
32:42 Here are some of the amazing human-animal friendships.
32:51 Like a touching moment when I saw an adult elephant
32:54 who was being recorded by the camera entering his maid's house.
32:57 Uniquely, the elephant with this monster body
33:00 walked slowly to enter the room where his master was.
33:05 Apparently, this elephant is smelling his master who is lying sick.
33:12 Even with his gaze, the elephant seems to be trying to cheer up
33:16 his master who is lying weak.
33:18 It's really cool, guys.
33:20 Apparently, animals can also have empathy.
33:22 When their master is sick, of course, the master also loves the elephant.
33:27 Not only elephants have human friendships.
33:44 Let me introduce you to Mika.
33:46 If usually elephants are often avoided because they have a sharp voice
33:50 and sharp gaze, even often snarling,
33:53 that is, biting anyone who is considered threatening,
33:56 Mika is even seen close with the Sultan of Noval until he becomes his friend.
34:01 Their friendship was also seen when Noval played futsal.
34:05 Eh, Mika was also invited.
34:08 Mike is really cute.
34:10 Because Mike is the first time here too.
34:13 Even on Eid, Mika also wears the same clothes as his master.
34:19 The funny thing is, the 12-year friendship with this elephant
34:22 was even seen on the poster of President Joko Widodo's post
34:25 which was seen staring at each other without a date.
34:28 Wow, Mika is cool.
34:30 He's even introduced to the president.
34:32 Hi, I'm Diya.
34:33 It's really bad.
34:34 Because Mike is tired of watching movies, guys.
34:37 Where else should I take you?
34:39 Don't go down, okay?
34:40 Can we skip to the good part?
34:43 Tomo was praised as the most beautiful place in the world.
34:47 The complete story will be told in a moment.
34:50 Hi, Min Min is back.
35:03 Why?
35:04 It's been 45 years, everyone still likes Trisari.
35:06 The taste of the orange is the best.
35:09 It has a lot of vitamins.
35:11 There's still this, the one that was peeled.
35:13 It's still there.
35:14 Every day, 0 Trisari.
35:16 New, more delicious chicken broth.
35:19 New innovation with whole chicken.
35:22 The meat tastes more like the broth at home.
35:26 Which is carefully packed by my brother.
35:29 Make the cooking special every day.
35:34 (The new chicken broth is delicious.)
35:36 The new chicken broth is delicious.
35:44 Al, introduce him.
35:48 He must be cool.
35:50 New, Men's Biore Bright Expert.
35:53 Soft foam with 5 times vitamin B3.
35:56 Quickly clean the black spots, bright face.
35:59 Men's Biore, the expert of bright face.
36:02 Dry skin, swipe all with Lip Eye Sheet Color.
36:05 The color is magic color, not pale anymore.
36:07 Follow the natural color of your lips.
36:09 Moisturize, nourish and protect.
36:13 Lip Eye Sheet Color, healthy lips.
36:16 Are you sure you've washed your face?
36:19 Use the number one water mist from Garnier.
36:21 With a mist like a magnet, 99% makeup, even dirt that is not visible, is transparent.
36:27 Stay soft without feeling attracted, use Garnier water mist.
36:32 This is the new holiday atmosphere.
36:35 How are you?
36:37 As happy as the end of this year.
36:39 Approved, great.
36:41 There's more in Prime Video.
36:44 Sasa, the first Indonesian spice powder.
36:48 Which is viral, vitamin and mineral with Platinum Care Plus.
36:52 Vitamin and mineral is not lost when fried.
36:55 The fried food is healthier and more delicious.
36:58 Sasa, the first Indonesian spice powder.
36:59 Which is viral, vitamin and mineral with Platinum Care Plus.
37:01 Sunrise team is in Bogor, will deliver the N-Max motorbike for the city's lady, Farida.
37:05 The winner of the program is So Nice.
37:08 Can't mind the prize.
37:10 Buy Sunrise, you can get N-Max.
37:12 Can't mind the prize.
37:14 Buy Sunrise and give away the prize.
37:16 This is the new holiday atmosphere.
37:20 How are you?
37:23 As happy as the end of this year.
37:25 Approved, great.
37:27 There's more in Prime Video.
37:29 Aqua believes in the miracle of nature.
37:33 So we don't use a single gallon.
37:37 We sanitize our gallons together before refilling.
37:41 Aqua 100% pure.
37:45 Nippon Elastec 3 in 1 with HydroFlex technology.
37:50 Maximum protection.
37:53 Easy to absorb into the walls.
37:56 Wide spread.
37:58 Can be used with Nippon Elastec.
38:00 Black flag is back.
38:02 Garnier Vitamin C serum, morning and night.
38:05 Brightens up your skin.
38:07 10% pure vitamin C every night.
38:10 Black flag serum, twice faster.
38:13 Now at a better price.
38:15 Garnier.
38:16 Celebrate the 22 years of Transmedia.
38:20 First time on national television.
38:23 Super Group Korea, Super Junior LSS.
38:26 With Raisa, Judika, Risky Fabian, Ayu Ting Ting, Dewi Persik, Nasar, Tiara Andini, Wally, Putri Aryani, and Nofia Bahmit.
38:38 Transmedia 22 Power Up.
38:40 Friday, December 15th, starting at 7 PM.
38:43 Live on Transmedia.
38:46 Lime Mineral 100% free BPA.
38:49 Safe for children and family.
38:51 Free BPA transparent gallon.
38:54 Signed by the number 1 triangle.
38:57 Lime Mineral gallon.
38:59 For the health of the family.
39:01 New.
39:02 More delicious chicken broth.
39:04 New innovation with whole chicken.
39:08 More meaty like broth at home.
39:11 Which is carefully packed by Masako.
39:14 Make cooking special every day.
39:19 New.
39:20 More delicious chicken broth.
39:23 New chicken broth flavor Masako.
39:29 Aqua believes in the miracle of nature.
39:34 Therefore, we do not use a single gallon.
39:37 Our gallon is sanitized together before refilling.
39:41 Aqua 100% pure.
39:46 New.
39:47 So Soft Sucet.
39:48 Buy 3 get 1 free.
39:50 Soft in the hand.
39:52 Tested by dermatology.
39:53 Proved.
39:54 Flowers dipped in So Soft are still fresh.
39:56 So Soft makes your hands feel so soft.
39:59 Buy 3 get 1 free.
40:01 Sister.
40:03 Good, right?
40:06 For whom?
40:07 There's for my teacher.
40:09 Drink milk first.
40:10 Great, Bebelak.
40:11 Contains false dose that is tested clinical.
40:13 And triple A with higher DHA.
40:15 Support good entertainment, creative mind and big heart.
40:19 Happy birthday.
40:21 I don't have a birthday.
40:23 Why should you wait for a birthday?
40:25 You can give a gift anytime.
40:28 Bebelak.
40:29 The beginning of all wonders.
40:31 Everyone enjoy.
40:32 Get this, Penga.
40:33 Just choose.
40:34 Cold.
40:36 Cold cooling fresh.
40:37 With natural mint.
40:38 Present cold sensation.
40:40 Cold.
40:41 Make fresh.
40:42 Cold sensation.
40:43 Cooling fresh.
40:44 New.
40:45 Love.
40:47 Divergent cold in the hand.
40:49 The cheapest.
40:50 Safe shopping money.
40:52 Now there's a pack of 5000.
40:54 Buy 2 get 1 free.
40:56 Can make a month.
40:58 Because mother needs to be loved.
41:01 Na, when you were born, I was very happy.
41:07 But also afraid how I can teach you.
41:11 Even though I didn't finish school.
41:15 Because of the sign of devotion, now the people in the village can use the internet.
41:20 Mom, what is social justice for all Indonesian people?
41:24 Paddy and cotton, son.
41:29 So nice.
43:15 Skip to the good part.
44:46 and the Koreans are being harassed by the bad rumors.