Podcast on the Swag, the Confidence, and the Physicality is Back

  • last year
00:00 Hi everybody, welcome back to Sports Illustrated's Fan Nation Las Vegas Raiders Insider Podcast.
00:08 Merry Christmas to all of you.
00:10 I am so excited to be joined by this guy.
00:13 My buddy.
00:15 I am your Raiders beat writer.
00:16 He's my assistant beat writer.
00:17 He's my friend.
00:19 What a great guy.
00:22 Great husband, great dad, great journalist.
00:27 Just my guy.
00:28 Zeke, how you doing buddy?
00:29 Hey Hondo, doing very well man.
00:30 How about yourself?
00:31 I'm doing great.
00:33 I always love talking to you.
00:34 Of course, working with you every day is such a privilege.
00:36 You're such a terrific person.
00:38 I just, I love our team and we got such a great group of people and getting to work
00:44 especially with you just every single day is a lot of fun.
00:46 I'm blessed.
00:47 So Merry Christmas to you, Jasmine and the kids and Merry Christmas to all of our viewers
00:51 today.
00:52 Yes sir, same to you.
00:55 So let's dig in.
00:56 I'm going to tell you what has stood out to me this week.
01:01 When you watch Aiden O'Connell, he had a little bit of swag.
01:05 Oh yeah.
01:06 He's had a little bit of confidence.
01:08 I think, I think they're going to be a little bit more aggressive with him and maybe you
01:17 saw it differently, but I picked up on a little bit of swag from the young rook.
01:22 How about you?
01:23 Yeah.
01:24 I mean, you're not the only one and I'm not the only one.
01:26 I think Devontae Adams even mentioned it.
01:30 And Sotin Antonio Pierce, they both kind of alluded to the confidence growing in Aiden
01:34 and you can just kind of tell, you can tell he's becoming more vocal.
01:37 You can tell he's knowing where to go, you know, when to talk, what you can just see
01:40 week by week he's growing even down to, you know, the last game against Kansas city, he's
01:45 actually growing on the field as well.
01:47 You know, finish that game with the highest quarterback rating in the NFL.
01:50 So he's growing all the way around and you can definitely just look at how he's walking,
01:53 listen to how he's talking and kind of tell that growth is starting to happen.
01:59 You know, I have friends that play for coach or in management of almost every NFL team.
02:08 So you can't really be a fan.
02:11 I just root for good people and man, there's so many good people in this Raiders organization.
02:19 In fact, I don't know of one person in this organization I don't consider good people,
02:24 just top to bottom, just great people.
02:27 I am intrigued and I'm looking forward to as a football fan watching this football game
02:35 on Sunday.
02:36 I think there's only two national games left for the Raiders.
02:40 Just one of them.
02:41 I'm using, this isn't one of them, Chargers and Chiefs, but I think this one sets the
02:46 groundwork going into that Bolts game.
02:51 I'm excited for this football.
02:52 I think the bye week came at a great time.
02:56 I think these Raiders are itching to make a statement here.
03:01 Yes, they're ready.
03:03 I'll say this, I noticed a little bit more of a pep in their step in practice yesterday,
03:08 just doing the simple team drills that we have a chance to watch.
03:11 Those guys all look like they had a little bit more spring in their step.
03:15 I will say this though, to your point, we're not really fans.
03:18 We don't get to be fans like that, right?
03:20 Because it's just after you've done it for a while, you have to remove the fan hood from
03:24 what we do every day.
03:25 But like you said, we do have rooting interest and we do like rooting for people.
03:29 I know you've been in locker rooms where everybody may not have been great.
03:32 I have been, but this isn't the case here with this Raiders locker room.
03:36 Everybody here, whether that guy plays well on Sunday or does not play well on Sunday,
03:39 he's a good guy.
03:40 He's a good person.
03:41 There's no guys in there that are mean or even the organization period.
03:45 There's no body that's mean.
03:46 Everybody there is happy to be there and we expect to see a translate to the field on
03:51 Sunday.
03:52 All right.
03:53 So to me at least, one thing that AP has done and I think he's done a lot right, he hasn't
04:00 made it about him at all.
04:05 And because of it, the players have made it about him.
04:10 And I think there is a genuine, there is a unity in that locker room that we have not
04:15 seen since Rich Versace was the coach.
04:19 And there is a sense of we're on a mission and they just, they've got that bravado, not
04:26 arrogance, but they have that bravado of, listen, we can be good.
04:33 We believe in ourselves and man, you know this Zeke, you're a lot younger than me, but
04:37 you've been around.
04:40 You can't put a price tag on that confidence, can you?
04:43 Yeah.
04:44 And this is what I'll say, right?
04:45 It's not arrogance because they're not carrying themselves as like, hey, we're going to go
04:48 win every game.
04:49 But how they are carrying themselves is, is we're going to put our best foot forward and
04:52 we're going to do our best, which I honestly feel like they don't think that they did that
04:56 the first eight games of the season.
04:57 They didn't play their best.
04:58 They didn't put their best foot forward.
04:59 But now it's like, hey, we know win, lose or draw at the very least we played our hardest.
05:04 We played our best.
05:05 And I think that's the confidence that you're seeing in that team.
05:08 And, and again, AP alluded to it yesterday in terms of wanting his team to be known as
05:13 a team that plays hard, right?
05:14 Nobody's going to go 16, 17 and 0, but what you can do is go out there and give your best
05:18 effort and do the best that you can.
05:20 And I think that's the confidence you're seeing in this team is we, they know they're talented,
05:25 but they know they have to execute and that they can execute.
05:27 And you can, you can kind of feel that in the locker room.
05:31 I am looking forward to, I mean, one of the things that I really liked that AP's done
05:44 is every game they've been physical.
05:49 Every game since AP's taken over that other team knew they played the Raiders, man, even
05:53 when the Raiders have lost, they have been physical.
05:58 I really like that.
06:00 It feels like, and again, I'm much older than you.
06:03 So I remember the Raiders when they were in their prime.
06:07 It feels like old school Raider here.
06:10 I mean, we're just coming and you may beat us, but you're going to feel us.
06:15 I love that.
06:16 Don't you?
06:17 Oh, listen, that's the best.
06:18 That's the best because that guy, that team that has that attitude, they've got nothing
06:21 to lose.
06:22 Right.
06:23 Then it allows them to play free.
06:24 And they go in there with that mindset of, Hey, obviously we have our game plan, but
06:27 more than anything, you are going to know after this game that you played the Raiders,
06:30 the way you feel after you played the Raiders is going to be different than what you felt
06:33 after you played other teams.
06:35 So that's definitely been a change from AP.
06:37 And I think it speaks to where he and where the organization wants the culture to go or
06:41 slash get back to, like you mentioned, right.
06:43 It's just to kind of put that stamp on every game, whether they win or whether they lose.
06:47 And like I said, that guy's unbeatable, but the person with nothing to lose, it's tough
06:51 to beat that guy because he's not going to quit.
06:53 So I think, I think it's going to be interesting to see what they do going forward.
06:56 I was on a national show yesterday.
06:59 You'll appreciate this.
07:00 And the person said, how would you describe the Raiders under Antonio Pierce?
07:07 And I said, do you remember in Rocky three, he's going to go fight Ivan Drago in Moscow.
07:18 And Adrian's like, you can't win.
07:20 You can't win.
07:21 And he looks at her and he goes, maybe I can't just maybe, but to beat me, he's got to be
07:30 willing to die because I am, I'm going to give them everything I got.
07:36 And it's going to be, is he willing to give what I'm willing to give?
07:40 And listen, I don't think the Raiders have gone into any game thinking they couldn't
07:45 win because everyone they could have and everyone left.
07:47 They could.
07:48 They're going to want them all, but good, but they are walking into every game.
07:52 Like, all right, you ready?
07:55 We're ready.
07:57 That's fun to see.
07:58 Yeah.
07:59 It's, it's, it's completely night and day from, you know, the first half of the season
08:02 where they didn't have that right.
08:04 And you could see instantly again, they didn't go into any game thinking that they didn't
08:09 have a chance, but I do think what happened was after the first driver, two or three of
08:13 the offense, not doing anything, the whole team kind of fell underneath that spell of,
08:17 Oh God, here we go again.
08:19 That's not happening here.
08:20 That doesn't happen anymore.
08:21 Whether it's a good drive on offense, a good drive on defense or a bad one, those guys
08:24 have a different attitude.
08:25 So these guys are, I think they're going in the right direction.
08:28 I think they're going in the right direction.
08:31 Moving forward.
08:32 You know, I hope that they continue to grow.
08:33 They continue to develop and, and honestly get some of those younger guys, even more
08:37 playing time.
08:38 So that culture that you're building is here long-term.
08:40 It's not just the surface level where the top guys, you know, implementing that culture.
08:44 It's everybody top to bottom.
08:46 You know, one thing I want them to show Mark Davis is we came off a bye week and we're,
08:52 we're ready to go.
08:53 We're prepared.
08:54 We're locked in.
08:55 I think that's another step.
08:56 I think they're going to, I think we both feel that way, but it's another point for
08:59 AP to make.
09:00 All right.
09:01 I want to talk about Malcolm Coons.
09:04 I think he had his best game as a professional against the chiefs.
09:07 I really liked the way he, when I went back and watched the film, I was like, wow.
09:14 And talking to people I know at the Vikings, they were like, wow, that guy, he was really
09:21 good against it.
09:22 So that stuck out to me.
09:24 What was your thoughts on how Coons played?
09:26 So I'll tell you this.
09:27 You know, Malcolm is in, in Hondo, you know, I played a little bit of defensive end on
09:31 a very small level back in the day.
09:32 So I love good defensive end play.
09:35 Malcolm has been coming.
09:36 Malcolm has been progressing.
09:39 Malcolm has been progressing week by week.
09:41 And it's been fun to watch him, right?
09:44 He's not necessarily the biggest guy, the strongest guy or the biggest household name
09:47 out there, but he's been close.
09:49 Right.
09:50 And I think for Malcolm, what you have noticed is that he's, he's taken that small, small,
09:54 but big step from getting close to finishing the deal.
09:58 And if he doesn't finish the deal, he at least makes such a mess in the backfield that somebody
10:02 else can come clean it up.
10:03 So Malcolm has been progressing a week by week.
10:05 I'm excited for him.
10:06 You talked about earlier, good people that we root for.
10:09 Well, he's one of many.
10:10 One of them.
10:11 He's one of them.
10:12 I think those are two guys that you just, I root for it.
10:14 Right.
10:15 I want to see those guys do well because they play their position the right way.
10:18 They just needed some time to develop like most players do when they get to the NFL.
10:21 So yes, the most recent game was Malcolm's probably best game.
10:25 But I think if you look at, you know, again, the film, you look at the numbers in terms
10:28 of what he's done week by week, he's been gradually getting there.
10:31 So if he continues to go that direction and stay on that trajectory and continue to take
10:35 that next step, Malcolm Coons can be special.
10:39 I think he can be, I think Divine can be.
10:41 I'm sorry, buddy.
10:42 I lost.
10:43 You have to understand something.
10:46 Zeke, would you call me a big guy?
10:49 Yeah, listen.
10:50 Yeah, yes.
10:51 Yes, sir.
10:52 Okay.
10:53 I'm a big guy.
10:54 Zeke is not.
10:55 I'm insecure about my weight, Hondo.
10:56 Okay.
10:57 200 pounds, baby.
10:58 I'm getting there.
10:59 Wait, but wait, we're not talking about weight.
11:00 I mean, I think I'm a fat guy, but I think I'm tall too.
11:01 Yes, 100%.
11:02 I'm a big guy.
11:03 And when we talk about weight, I'm talking about a guy that's a little bit bigger than
11:04 you.
11:05 I'm talking about a guy that's a little bit bigger than you.
11:06 I'm talking about a guy that's a little bit bigger than you.
11:08 Yes, 100%.
11:09 I'm a big guy.
11:10 And when you, and that, I mean, there's fat, there's tall, and then big is both.
11:15 Yeah.
11:16 You're not a big dude.
11:17 Okay.
11:18 You're a Smurf.
11:19 Yes.
11:20 Hey, listen.
11:21 Hey, listen.
11:22 By NFL standards.
11:23 Okay.
11:24 Yes.
11:25 Okay.
11:26 I'll take that.
11:27 But I'm going to say.
11:28 When you say I play tight end, I mean defensive end, it's just.
11:29 On a small level.
11:30 Very, very small level.
11:31 I'm sorry.
11:32 On the Smurf team.
11:33 Yeah.
11:34 But I am going to, you got to give me credit for one thing.
11:37 I've taken you out to eat how many times?
11:40 And I'm trying to get you over 200.
11:41 Yes, you are.
11:42 Listen, you do all you can.
11:44 Over 200.
11:45 200.
11:46 Yes, sir.
11:47 You do all you can.
11:48 I appreciate that.
11:49 And I pile the groceries into you, man.
11:55 Jasmine's got to love it when I'm taking you to dinner because it's saving you guys on
11:59 your, because I'm piling it on with you.
12:02 All right.
12:03 So, I want to get into another area that I think is really important.
12:09 I expect the crowd to be very pro Raiders this week.
12:13 Again, the Chiefs, I didn't because so many tickets have been sold and that fan base travels
12:22 so well prior to the regime change.
12:24 And I think the Broncos, but even last week when you saw the Chiefs game, there were more
12:32 Chiefs fans than Raiders, but I thought the Raider fans were louder.
12:36 I thought they represented really, really well.
12:38 I think this is going to be a distinctive home advantage for the Raiders this week.
12:44 What do you say?
12:45 That is what we would all fully expect because of the fan bases that you're playing obviously
12:50 determine this ratio.
12:52 So I think with it being the Vikings, I think with the Vikings having a down season by all
12:56 accounts in the Raiders coming off the bye week, I would fully expect Raider Nation to
13:02 heavily outweigh Vikings fans.
13:04 But at the same time, you never really know because you do play in a destination city.
13:09 So it's Vegas, right?
13:11 Just like Los Angeles, they're in a similar boat.
13:13 Vegas, baby.
13:14 Yeah, you just never really know.
13:15 So is there a chance that Vikings fans obviously would show up in numbers because this is Las
13:19 Vegas 100%, but I still think at least 60, 70% Raiders fans is what I would guesstimate
13:25 going into Sunday.
13:27 Ezekiel Trezevant, big game this weekend.
13:31 I'm picking Raiders.
13:35 And I'm going to say this, if the Raiders win Sunday, and I think they're going to,
13:41 they're winning Thursday.
13:42 Oh yeah, oh yeah.
13:43 That's, I'm looking at your thoughts.
13:44 Huh?
13:45 No, go ahead.
13:46 I'm listening.
13:47 I think so much momentum, then going to Thursday with another nationally televised game, Raiders
13:56 going to make a statement.
13:57 Now, you know AP's going to have them guys ready.
13:59 Let's talk about it.
14:01 Your prediction.
14:03 I've got Raiders 21-14.
14:05 As badly as I want to hike up the score, I just think that 20 mark is about right for
14:11 them.
14:12 I think the defense is going to continue to do well, play well.
14:15 So they're going to, I would believe they're going to contain the Vikings on offense.
14:19 So should be a Raiders victory if you ask me.
14:22 24-17, silver and black.
14:26 Yes sir.
14:27 Yes sir.
14:28 It's going to be a Raiders W for sure.
14:29 It's going to be a good one.
14:30 We're looking forward to it.
14:31 Ezekiel, always love having you on.
14:33 Merry Christmas to you, Jasmine, the kids.
14:35 Merry Christmas to all of our listeners.
14:38 Remember you're listening to the Las Vegas Raiders Insider podcast.
14:41 We're from Sports Illustrated's Fan Nation.
14:43 Thanks for joining us.
14:44 Remember you can follow me now on IG.
14:49 Hondo SR.
14:50 Hondo SR.
14:51 Hondo Sr.
14:52 Hondo SR.
14:53 Are you on IG?
14:54 Yes, I am.
14:55 A little bit.
14:56 I don't do a whole bunch on there, but I am on there.
15:00 Yes sir.
15:01 I've got to make sure I give you my phone.
15:03 I don't know how to follow people.
15:04 Okay.
15:05 I'm going to give you my phone.
15:07 You've got to teach me how to follow people on IG because I couldn't find you, but I want
15:10 to find you.
15:11 And then don't forget to follow me on Twitter @HondoCarpenter.
15:17 Now remember, you can get this podcast.
15:19 We do one every single day, but we also offer audio only if you don't want to look at me,
15:26 and I don't blame you.
15:28 And it's on Spotify or Apple or anywhere you get your podcasts.
15:32 But also I do a second podcast every day, which is five to 15 minutes.
15:37 It's called Riding with Hondo.
15:38 I usually do it in the car or whatever.
15:41 Dexter and I, my son will do it when we're in the car together.
15:43 Sorry if he cries sometimes.
15:44 He's not really crying.
15:45 He's trying to input into the podcast.
15:48 But we do it where I just get a nugget or information.
15:52 Make sure you check that out.
15:53 It's only available on the audio version, but I think you'll like it and you'll enjoy
15:58 it.
15:59 Zeke, you're my guy.
16:00 You're my buddy.
16:01 Merry Christmas to you.
16:02 I appreciate you.
16:03 Thanks for joining us.
16:04 Same to you.
16:05 Talk to you soon, Hondo.
