Hi guys, In this Video, I will show you "How to Record Videos in PAL Format on iPhone 14 Pro Max." Please Like and Subscribe to my channel.
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00:00 Hi guys, in this video I will show you how to record videos in PAL format on iPhone 14 Pro Max.
00:07 So this is my iPhone 14 Pro Max device. So let's start. So first of all you have to open your
00:14 settings app. So here is my settings app. Let me tap on it to open it.
00:18 It's now opened and after that you have to scroll down
00:26 to camera and then tap on it and then tap on record video.
00:32 And you can see guys I have this record video. This screen opened and on this screen you can
00:39 see guys I don't have any PAL format option. Okay, so to show PAL formats you have to come
00:45 to this option, show PAL formats and we need to enable it. And also here we have this message,
00:51 let's read that. PAL is a television video format used in many countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and
00:59 South America. So to enable it you have to enable this toggle button next to it. So to enable this
01:05 toggle button just tap on it so that this slider moves to the right. So let me show you, let me tap
01:11 on it and you can see guys it's now enabled and you can see over here two PAL formats option
01:18 showing 1080p HD at 25 fps and 4k at 25 fps. So just go to the PAL format option that you want
01:28 and then tap on it to select it. Okay, so I want this 4k at 25 fps. So let me tap on it.
01:35 You can see it's now selected, you can see the checkmark next to it. Okay, so to record a video
01:42 in PAL format, let me show you how you can do it. Okay, so just open your camera app, let me open
01:47 mine. So here is my camera app, let me tap on it to open it. You can see it's opened and then you
01:55 have to tap on video. You can see it's selected and at the top right you can see the PAL format
02:04 option. So it's 4k at 25 fps. So to record a video just tap on this red shutter button over here and
02:13 it will start recording. And also guys you can select other PAL format option from your camera
02:19 app also. Okay, so to change resolution just go over here and then start tapping on it until you
02:25 see HD or 4k. Okay, so in my case it's 4k already. So let me tap over here to go to HD. You can see
02:34 I have HD resolution selected and guys if you have some other fps selected over here then just keep
02:41 tapping over here until you see the 25. Okay, so you can do it. So just keep tapping. Okay,
02:49 so now I have other PAL format selected. You can see 1080p HD at 25 fps. After selecting your PAL
02:59 format, just tap on this red shutter button to start recording. Okay, so if I tap on it,
03:07 you can see it started recording. Okay, so let me stop it.
03:11 You can see I have this video recorded. So it's now done guys. Let me close my camera app.
03:19 Let me open my settings app. Let me close my settings app also.
03:24 So that's it. Thanks for watching. If you like my videos,
03:30 Please support this channel by subscribing to it. Thanks Bye Bye