Top 20 Smartest Decisions in Sci-Fi Movies

  • last year
Always make good choices! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most clever choices made by characters in a sci-fi film. Consider this your spoiler alert.
00:00 If you hurry home, we can sit down and have dinner together.
00:02 I'm making beef stew.
00:03 Something's wrong, she's never this nice.
00:05 Welcome to WatchMojo,
00:07 and today we're counting down our picks for the most clever choices made by characters in a sci-fi film.
00:12 Remember, all I'm offering is the truth, nothing more.
00:17 This does not include any superhero movies or decisions made by villains.
00:21 Consider this your spoiler alert.
00:24 Number 20, Toxic Gas Reports - Close Encounters of the Third Kind
00:28 Once officials figure out that aliens might be descending on Devil's Tower in Wyoming,
00:32 the US Army decides to try to throw off any potential visitors.
00:36 They deliver reports that a train carrying toxic gas crashed in the area.
00:40 What I need is something so scary it'll clear 300 square miles of every living Christian soul.
00:47 Instead of revealing the truth about extraterrestrials to the public,
00:50 the authorities keep the location clear by telling this massive lie.
00:54 Although the hero Roy Neary finds his way there anyway,
00:56 the plan is otherwise pretty successful.
00:59 It might not be a foolproof scheme,
01:01 but it prevents most innocent bystanders from wandering into the landing zone of a UFO.
01:06 Number 19, Acting Like a Robot - Westworld
01:22 Once the Wild West amusement park goes off the rails,
01:24 guest Peter Martin must survive against a rogue cowboy.
01:28 The hero finds himself in a laboratory and applies a subtle strategy to defeat his attacker.
01:33 Lying on a table, Martin pretends to be an out-of-commission android while the gunslinger walks by.
01:38 The protagonist then surprises the villain with a container of acid.
01:42 Showing his superior intellect,
01:50 the main character is able to stun the gunman in order to plan his next move.
01:54 The android still comes back for more,
01:56 but at least he's injured enough that his advanced eyesight can't track targets in the same way.
02:01 Number 18, You're Fired - Robocop
02:07 Under the order known as Directive 4,
02:09 the titular police officer can't kill employees of Omni Consumer Products.
02:13 The villain Dick Jones uses this to his advantage as he grabs a hostage and prepares to evade capture.
02:19 Thankfully for everyone, the old man in charge decides to take action with a simple phrase.
02:24 "Dick, you're fired!"
02:26 This sentence severs Jones's ties to the company and makes him vulnerable to Robocop's firepower.
02:31 It's an effective strategy that successfully rids the movie of its corporate overlord.
02:36 Instead of a severance package,
02:37 the cyborg promptly blasts the power-mad businessman out a window.
02:41 While the mechanized Murphy does help,
02:43 it's really the executive that deserves credit for saving the day with his words.
02:47 Who knew firing somebody would be this satisfying?
02:50 "Nice shooting, son. What's your name?"
02:52 "Murphy."
02:56 Number 17, The Escape Plan - 10 Cloverfield Lane
03:00 "Michelle, why is this loose?"
03:02 After being abducted and imprisoned in an underground bunker,
03:05 Michelle concocts an ingenious plan to escape.
03:08 But her captor finds some of her supplies, leading to a chase through the bunker.
03:12 Some toxic acid slows the villain down long enough for Michelle to make a break for the vent.
03:17 "After I saved you and kept you safe, this is how you repay me?"
03:21 "No. This is..."
03:26 She even has a few MacGyver moments as she breaks her way through a lock.
03:33 Thanks to some quick thinking and a ton of preparation,
03:36 she finds herself in the fresh air once more.
03:38 Her future may not be guaranteed,
03:40 but the character definitely has enough survival skills to rival many experts.
03:45 Number 16, Hero Makes a Sacrifice - Looper
03:49 By the end of this sci-fi adventure,
03:51 Joe has had to deal with all kinds of time travel conundrums.
03:54 His future self has wreaked havoc and is preparing to kill two allies.
03:59 Faced with a choice, the protagonist comes to a startling and smart conclusion.
04:03 He needs to end his life in order to zap his older self out of existence.
04:07 "So I changed it."
04:09 Completely out of options,
04:10 the main character knows that pulling the trigger is the fastest way to end the conflict.
04:15 In doing so, both versions of the man cease to exist in a dramatic demise.
04:19 It's a commendable sacrifice that ultimately saves the day
04:22 and provides a mind-bending twist to the genre.
04:25 "Where's Joe?"
04:26 "He had to go away, baby."
04:30 Number 15, Fighting the Alien Queen with a Power Loader - Aliens
04:34 In the thrilling finale of the sequel, Ellen Ripley tries to get rid of the invasive villain.
04:39 She puts down the regular weapons, choosing instead to hop into a cargo loader.
04:44 This allows the hero to compete with the alien queen's size and strength.
04:48 It also separates her from the enemy's creepy mouth.
04:51 "Get away from her, you b****."
04:53 After uttering an iconic catchphrase,
04:55 she's able to do what no other character could on their own.
04:58 Ripley grabs the creature and shoves her into the ship's airlock.
05:02 While it doesn't put an end to the series,
05:04 this action does shoot the alien into outer space
05:07 and save the remaining survivors from an early death.
05:09 "Movie!"
05:11 "Oh, God."
05:12 Number 14, Using the Time Loop to Train - Edge of Tomorrow
05:16 Major William Cage finds himself on the front lines of an alien invasion.
05:20 But when he comes into contact with their blood, he enters a time loop.
05:24 This leads the main character on a journey to figure out how humanity
05:27 can save themselves from destruction.
05:29 "Find me when you wake up."
05:30 In order to do that, he needs the help of Sergeant Rita Vrtasky.
05:35 Cage trains with her over and over again as he learns all of his weaknesses.
05:40 Building up a good fighting technique,
05:41 the protagonist is able to fight his way through the aliens with cat-like reflexes.
05:45 "I need three more clips of 5-5-6, eight grenades, and an extra battery."
05:50 "Get it."
05:55 This doesn't even count all the extra knowledge he gains about the larger conflict.
05:59 Ultimately, the hero emerges as a lethal warrior that can help win the war.
06:03 Number 13, Using a Reflection to Fool a Raptor - Jurassic Park
06:09 Lex and Tim Murphy think they're gonna enjoy a bite to eat,
06:12 but that's before the velociraptors show up for a meal of their own.
06:15 The Murphys try to slip by their pursuers in the kitchen,
06:18 but they soon realize they'll need more strategy to escape.
06:20 "You sure the third one's contained?"
06:22 "Yes, unless they figured out how to open doors."
06:26 Lex's ability to think on her feet in a life-threatening situation is truly impressive.
06:31 And we should also shout out Tim's quick plan to lock another raptor in the freezer.
06:34 "Hey, you son of a-"
06:39 These smart moves give the kids a chance to flee,
06:41 with at least one of their enemies seeing stars.
06:44 Number 12, Harnessing a Lightning Bolt - Back to the Future
06:48 "Dammit, Doc, why did you have to tear up that letter?"
06:50 Stuck in 1955, Marty McFly needs help from Doc Brown to return to the present day.
06:55 The mad scientist comes up with an idea to utilize the energy from a storm,
06:59 but the plan comes with its fair share of problems.
07:02 It requires some precision timing from the duo,
07:04 not to mention the need for someone to climb up to the clock tower.
07:08 All of that being said, the death-defying scheme pays off for the heroes in a major way.
07:12 By capturing the power of a lightning bolt,
07:17 Doc supercharges the DeLorean and sends his young friend back to the future.
07:21 Number 11, Adjusting the Velocity of the Spinning Ship in Order to Dock - Interstellar
07:27 "Doctor Man, do not, I repeat, do not open the hatch."
07:31 In Interstellar, Matt Damon's character, Doctor Man, has a bad case of space madness.
07:37 He attempts to dock with the Endurance spacecraft, but damages the ship and dies.
07:41 "This is not about my life, or Cooper's life, this is about all mankind.
07:47 There is a moment."
07:49 It's then up to Cooper and Bran to continue the mission.
07:53 With the assistance of robots Case and Tars,
07:56 Cooper attempts a dangerous docking maneuver as the Endurance spins violently out of control.
08:01 This move is extremely risky, but it's worth the risk.
08:05 For these astronauts, every minute is precious,
08:08 and every move they make is for the future and survival of humanity.
08:12 Number 10, Taking the Red Pill - The Matrix
08:20 "Do you want to know what it is?"
08:28 When Thomas Anderson receives a mysterious phone call,
08:31 he starts to realize that the world around him might not be what it seems.
08:34 His encounter with Morpheus and Trinity leads him to an important choice.
08:38 Does he learn the truth, or does he forget everything?
08:41 "You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland,
08:44 and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."
08:47 Thankfully for the audience, the hero chooses to take the red pill.
08:51 This allows him to escape the simulation and help the humans fight the machines.
08:55 Assuming his real persona, Neo gets to embrace his skills in the virtual world.
09:00 It's the only choice he can make to unlock his true potential.
09:04 Number 9, Manipulating Caleb - Ex Machina
09:08 Meet Ava, a humanoid robot created by a mysterious wealthy CEO named Nathan.
09:19 Artificial intelligence and science fiction has rarely been as perceptive and seductive as Ava,
09:24 making her all the more dangerous.
09:26 Her testing partner Caleb interacts with her in an effort to understand
09:33 just how intelligent she really is.
09:35 As Ava's character explains later on, she is essentially a rat in a maze.
09:40 Without weapons, tools, or leverage to escape,
09:43 she must learn to manipulate Caleb's emotions using curiosity, paranoia, and sensuality.
09:48 While Nathan gets drunk and tears up the dance floor, Caleb complies with Ava's wishes,
09:53 which allows her to escape.
09:55 Her liberation is both frightening and awe-inspiring to behold.
09:59 Clever girl.
10:00 Number 8, Calling the Dog Another Name - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day
10:11 After Sarah Connor's first terrifying encounter with the Terminator,
10:20 you might not think that a time-traveling killer robot would make such a good friend.
10:24 But the reprogrammed T-800 sent by the future John Connor turns out to be just that.
10:29 When present-day John Connor calls home to check on his foster parents,
10:33 he immediately senses that something's a little off.
10:36 The T-800 takes over for John,
10:45 suspecting that the shape-shifting T-1000 is on the other end.
10:49 The T-800 tricks the liquid metal menace by calling John's pet dog by a fake name,
10:54 and it's especially fun to see the older Terminator scam the newer Terminator.
10:58 Sorry, T-1000. Don't cry over spilt milk.
11:13 Number 7, Using Stormtrooper Suits as Disguises - Star Wars Episode IV - The Last Jedi
11:19 Luke Skywalker's very first adventure dazzled us with excitement, humor, and hope.
11:29 Before long, Luke and his friends find themselves trapped on board the dreaded Death Star.
11:33 Luke and Han aren't Jedi Knights like Ben Kenobi,
11:36 and they sure as heck can't sneak around in their regular clothes.
11:39 So they put on a couple of Stormtrooper outfits,
11:42 allowing them to navigate the battle station undercover
11:45 with the mighty Chewbacca as their pretend prisoner.
11:48 Furthermore, Luke thinks up a daring plan to rescue the princess from the evil clutches of Darth Vader.
11:57 Although the plan goes off without a hitch,
11:59 the result is a delightful swashbuckling escape that makes us want to cheer for the adventurous heroes.
12:04 Number 6, Propelling Himself with the Pod's Air Pressure - 2001 - A Space Odyssey
12:16 [Space-like sounds]
12:19 Don't you just hate it when you get locked out of your spaceship by a rogue thinking machine supercomputer?
12:24 Well, it happened to Dave Bowman, and he just had to think outside the pod for a change.
12:29 You see, the Discovery 1's onboard computer HAL 9000 went a little funny in the head.
12:34 In fear of being disconnected, it killed Dave's co-pilot and locked Dave outside.
12:39 [Alarm sounds]
12:41 Without his space helmet, Dave decides to hold his breath,
12:44 use the air pressure to eject from the pod, and manually open the ship's outer airlock.
12:50 It's a rather difficult and risky move, but Dave actually pulls it off and gets back inside.
12:56 Checkmate, HAL.
12:57 [Alarm sounds]
12:58 "Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?"
13:00 Number 5, Building Bombs to Create a New Kick - Inception
13:05 "What was that?"
13:06 "The kick."
13:07 Navigating through multiple levels of dreams is no simple feat.
13:11 Luckily, Cobb and his band of thieves are professionals.
13:15 They handle this kind of thing all the time, sorta.
13:18 This time around, they're putting an idea in someone's head.
13:21 When Cobb and company are several dreams deep into their inception task,
13:25 it's up to Arthur to finish a kick that will wake everyone up.
13:28 However, Arthur's dream level is unexpectedly thrown into chaos, and gravity takes a vacation.
13:34 "How do I drop you without gravity?"
13:37 After fighting off some projections in zero gravity,
13:40 Arthur creates an impromptu kick involving explosives.
13:43 His quick thinking delivers the kick, and ensures the inception is a success.
13:48 Number 4, Opening the Airlock - Alien
13:56 "You are my lucky star."
14:03 If there's one thing we admire about Ellen Ripley, it's that she is one tough gal.
14:08 Her quick-witted intelligence is matched only by her bravery.
14:12 In her first tango with the slimy, terrifying space creature,
14:15 Ripley finds herself stuck inside her escape shuttle.
14:19 Without her flamethrower handy, Ripley slips into a space suit,
14:22 and quickly devises a way to eject the uninvited guest.
14:32 The alien has overstayed its welcome to say the least.
14:36 So, Ripley musters her courage and learns to keep cool in the face of terror.
14:41 As the ravenous alien is about to pounce, Ripley launches it out of the airlock,
14:45 propelling it deep into the cold, vast abyss of outer space.
14:49 Not bad, well for a human anyway.
14:51 Number 3, Applying Mud to His Body - Predator
15:02 "He couldn't see me."
15:05 After a mysterious, stealthy creature lurking in the jungle kills off his soldiers,
15:09 Dutch finds himself in a classic age-old conflict of predator and prey.
15:14 Only this time, the predator is a crafty creature from another planet,
15:18 and it picked the wrong man to hunt.
15:20 Dutch tumbles down a waterfall and unexpectedly discovers the predator's weakness.
15:25 It sees through a thermal vision space helmet.
15:28 By covering himself in cold mud, Dutch makes himself invisible from the heat sensor,
15:33 and he's able to set traps, craft weapons, and outwit the deadly alien hunter.
15:38 The unforgettable confrontation between the two larger-than-life characters
15:42 is kicked off by Dutch's epic war cry that echoes into the night.
15:46 Number 2, Basically Everything - The Martian
15:55 "I gotta figure out a way to grow three years worth of food here."
16:00 Matt Damon lost in space again? Déjà vu.
16:03 Anyhow, when Mark Watney is left stranded on Mars,
16:06 he must learn to survive using his wits and scientific know-how.
16:10 The Martian landscape is a lonely desert, and science quickly becomes Mark's best friend.
16:15 Every decision he makes must take resources, time, and sustainability into account.
16:20 Mark invents Martian techniques for growing food,
16:23 staying warm, and communicating with NASA back on Earth.
16:27 Like Robinson Crusoe, Mark adapts to the Martian environment,
16:35 and holds out long enough for a rescue.
16:38 And he keeps himself in good spirits with his nerdy humor.
16:42 The Martian is a science fiction film that truly embraces science and disco music.
16:47 "Looking for some hot stuff, baby, this evening. I need some hot stuff, baby, tonight."
16:56 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
17:00 about our latest videos. You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.
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17:10 Number 1, Subtly Sabotaging the Ultimate Weapons Design - Rogue One
17:17 A Star Wars Story
17:18 "I've placed a weakness deep within the system,
17:22 a flaw so small and powerful they will never find it."
17:24 Rogue One was a great war movie that satisfied member berries and told an awesome story that
17:30 many would say can hold a candle to the original Star Wars trilogy.
17:34 In it, scientist Galen Erso is forced by the Empire to build a gigantic space station
17:39 capable of destroying entire planets.
17:42 For his daughter Jyn's protection, he pretends to conform to the Empire's will,
17:47 but before his death, he leaves behind the ultimate Deus Ex Machina,
17:51 hiding a secret vulnerability deep within the Death Star's core.
17:56 It's up to Jyn and the Rebellion to find this weakness and exploit it.
18:00 The film also teaches us that if it weren't for Galen,
18:03 Luke Skywalker could never have saved the galaxy from the technological terror.
18:08 "The hologram, I've seen it."
18:11 "It must be destroyed."
18:12 "I know, I know."
18:15 Did we forget an intelligent decision from a sci-fi movie?
18:18 Let us know in the comments below.
18:19 "What do we do now?"
18:20 "I don't know. We've never gotten this far."
18:24 Did you enjoy this video? Check out these other clips from WatchMojo
18:28 and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
18:32 [outro music]
