Milano, l’augurio speciale di Baci Perugina a tutti gli italiani

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Si è tenuta, in Piazza dei Mercanti a Milano, la cerimonia di accensione dell’albero di Baci Perugina, parte del progetto del Comune di Milano “Natale degli alberi”. L’installazione, intitolata “E’ giunto il tempo di riaccendere le stelle”, vuole essere un messaggio di auguri speciale lanciato da Baci Perugina a tutti gli italiani, augurio che guida anche l’iniziativa benefica che ha voluto sostenere a favore della Fondazione L’Albero della Vita, che ha lanciato una raccolta fondi per contrastare la povertà educativa di tutti i bambini in difficoltà.


00:00 A wish, a thought, a gesture of love for your loved ones is the atmosphere of Christmas that is filled with dreams, happiness and hope so that every wish can come true. This year a special wish for all Italians comes from Baci Perugina, who with the installation "It's time to turn on the stars again" in Piazza dei Mercanti in Milan wants to launch a collective message of affection.
00:28 The tree of Baci Perugina, part of the initiative of the Municipality of Milan "Christmas of the trees" is overshadowed by a sky full of lights and wishes, drawn from the Christmas cards of Baci.
00:38 This very bright and festive installation, which is called "It's time to turn on the stars again", is not just a name, but for us it is a sincere wish to all Milanese and all Italians and we hope that all of them have a great time with Baci Perugina.
00:58 Messages of affection and hope that also guide the charity initiative that this Christmas Baci Perugina wanted to support in favor of the foundation "The Tree of Life", which has launched a fundraising to counteract educational poverty.
01:10 Under such a beautiful tree that brings light, it was just as important to put the spotlight on the difficulties that some families in our city and in many other cities in Italy live. We cannot deny children who do not have significant educational opportunities the opportunity to have them.
01:29 An initiative like this is an invitation to all of us, in such a hot and festive moment as Christmas, let's not forget to give future, dreams, possibilities to children and families who do not have them.
01:42 The over 6 million euros invested in the creation of the 22 trees and the lights that are part of the Christmas initiative of the trees are the testimony of the great interest of companies for the city of Milan.
01:53 At this moment we are under the tree of Baci Perugina, which is particularly nice, particularly emotional. There are two sentences that remain in the press, one says "I wish you to do what makes you happy and I wish you to be at home even when you are not".
02:09 This is exactly what Milan wants to be for the people who choose it, for those who choose to live there, for tourists, for those who spend a few hours there. We are the city of inclusion where everyone must feel at home and Baci Perugina today helps us to make it known to the world.
02:25 Welcome to Milan, we hope to be able to dedicate a few hours, a few days to make you feel at home.
