• 2 years ago
00:00 - All right, come on, we gotta hurry, we gotta go!
00:01 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, go, go, go!
00:02 (all groaning)
00:03 - Oh, what's the matter?
00:04 Are you afraid of a little water?
00:06 - A little water?
00:07 This is a tsunami we're talking about, geez!
00:09 - We're afraid of a lot of water, now start getting blocks!
00:12 - You're the guy who's scared of bathing, by the way,
00:13 and, oh, him?
00:14 - I found a chest, there's a sword sub-armor in there!
00:16 - I should've looked up.
00:18 My fault for being so short.
00:19 - Can you just start mining some blocks already?
00:21 We don't have any time for this!
00:22 - Storm tsunami approaching.
00:23 - Not this soon!
00:24 - Oh, this is bad, this is all we can get,
00:26 I should've gotten more dirt.
00:28 Hurry, get under the tree!
00:30 - Now, see, you guys are being dumb.
00:31 Going up high, that's where the waves are.
00:34 I'm gonna go hide in a cave where it's safe.
00:36 - Are you a complete idiot?
00:37 When do you think the water's gonna start?
00:38 - Oh, here it comes!
00:39 - Oh no, oh no, no, no, no, no, it's purple!
00:41 (all screaming)
00:43 - Oh, what?
00:44 - Well, that wasn't too bad.
00:46 I mean, the water isn't so high.
00:47 - That was a close one.
00:48 - Is everyone all right?
00:49 - All safe down under.
00:50 (all screaming)
00:52 - What the?
00:53 - Red!
00:54 - Uh-oh, uh-oh!
00:54 - Oh, there he goes!
00:56 - What a dummy!
00:57 Good thing we're smart, though.
00:58 - I guess we--
00:59 (all screaming)
01:02 - Oh no, metal conducts electricity!
01:03 Oh no, get it off, get the iron stuff off!
01:07 (all screaming)
01:08 - You can't take off the iron already!
01:09 - I can't take it off!
01:10 - Oh, hey, I guess I spawned near you.
01:13 No, no, no, no, as soon as this water's gone,
01:14 you're getting the heck out of here.
01:15 - Okay, so obviously the water is dangerous.
01:18 - Here, let me help.
01:19 (all screaming)
01:20 - Whoa!
01:20 Yeah, just like I thought.
01:23 - Get it out of there, Ian, before you die!
01:25 - No, Ian, don't listen to her!
01:26 Stay in the water, it's good for you.
01:28 - Oh boy.
01:28 All right, we just gotta wait it out.
01:31 We'll be fine, though.
01:32 - Wait, what?
01:33 What is that?
01:34 - Oh, it's a cloud!
01:36 You're adorable.
01:37 - Oh, no, no, I don't trust that.
01:39 - Whoa!
01:40 (all screaming)
01:40 - Yeah, that's why!
01:41 - Actually, you're--
01:42 Oh my gosh, okay, never mind, never mind.
01:44 - Yep, running away from the cloud.
01:45 - Careful, guys, it'll shock you.
01:47 - No, don't come this way, don't come this way!
01:48 (all screaming)
01:49 - No, no, take Ian, take Ian!
01:50 - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
01:55 - Do not want, do not want!
01:56 - Aaron, run, oh!
01:57 I'm gonna be-build a stairway.
02:01 - Oh, it's too much.
02:02 - Oh, I don't want any of that.
02:04 - Okay, so a monster comes out of the water.
02:06 That's good to know.
02:07 Let's see.
02:08 - I'm gonna stop now!
02:09 - Oh, hey, it's draining down!
02:11 - Ooh, wait, wait, what?
02:12 - Whoa, whoa.
02:13 - Is that copper?
02:15 - Huh?
02:16 - Wow.
02:16 - What the?
02:17 - Oh, it left some cool stuff behind!
02:19 - That's really cool.
02:20 - I don't trust the copper, though.
02:22 Just be careful.
02:23 - Yeah, me neither.
02:24 - I'm sure it's fine.
02:26 - Yeah, but the problem is electricity!
02:27 - Oh yeah, that'd be a no!
02:29 - All right, got a nice little space going for me
02:32 so I can avoid the tsunamis.
02:34 How's everything going, Zane?
02:35 - Well, I never had to build anything
02:36 that had to stop a lightning wave before,
02:38 so good, I guess?
02:40 - Huh, well, that's good.
02:42 Aaron, wow, nice!
02:44 A little low, though.
02:45 - Listen, I'm good.
02:46 I'm living in my element over here.
02:48 - Well, that makes sense.
02:49 What, Ian?
02:50 Ian what?
02:51 - Try to get this copper away from my house
02:53 so I stop electrocuting.
02:54 - Um, you're not gonna--
02:56 - Don't step on it, dude!
02:57 - I guess you have cobblestones,
02:58 so you should be pretty good down there.
03:00 Wait, where's Kim?
03:01 Kim?
03:02 Kim?
03:03 - Oh, hey, I'm coming!
03:04 - Hey, there you are.
03:05 - What's up?
03:07 - What were you doing?
03:08 - I was trying to find a place to build a house,
03:10 but I ran out of materials.
03:12 Can I just stay here with you?
03:14 - What?
03:15 I mean, sure, that's perfectly fine.
03:17 - Yay, thanks Aphmau!
03:19 - No problem.
03:21 All right, let's see.
03:22 Here you go.
03:23 You can have a pickaxe.
03:24 Take that.
03:24 - Is it iron?
03:25 Ah!
03:26 I don't want this!
03:27 Ah, it's evil!
03:28 Get it away from me!
03:29 - Oh yeah, I guess you got shocked before.
03:30 It's fine.
03:31 Here, there's a stone one.
03:32 - Did everyone else see that earth tsunami?
03:34 - Wait, earth tsunami?
03:35 What is, it doesn't make any sense.
03:37 - What does that mean?
03:38 We just had--
03:38 - I'm coming back upstairs.
03:39 - It's a mud wave!
03:40 - Huh?
03:41 - Mud wave?
03:42 Oh, that doesn't look like one at all!
03:43 (screaming)
03:44 - Watch out!
03:45 - Wait, I think we called off pretty okay.
03:48 Huh?
03:48 - Did you see all those chests?
03:49 - I just saw, whoa.
03:51 - I don't know if I care about the chests.
03:52 This looks disgusting.
03:54 - I don't think it's sand.
03:56 Is that?
03:56 - Well, it doesn't look that ominous.
03:58 Looks fine to me.
03:59 Let me just go ahead and step on down here.
04:01 - Yeah, let's go check it out!
04:01 - Wait, what is this?
04:02 - Wait, Zane, I don't think it's a good idea.
04:03 Oh!
04:04 - I'm sinking!
04:05 - Oh, it's quicksand!
04:06 - Oh, Zane!
04:06 - Oh, something's happening!
04:08 - Well, I don't think I wanna go in the brown water.
04:10 - Oh, wait, what the?
04:13 Kim?
04:14 Did she turn to stone?
04:15 - Why, wait, what?
04:16 - I don't hear her talking.
04:17 - Wait, that must've been what happened
04:19 when she stepped on the stone.
04:20 All right, that's a given.
04:21 I'm not going down there at all.
04:22 - So we can't land on the stone or the dirt?
04:24 - Yeah, so the mud is definitely quicksand.
04:27 It killed me.
04:27 - Yeah, we can kinda tell.
04:29 - It was great, I loved it.
04:29 - I'm gonna put this over here.
04:31 Kim, I have some Oakwood in case you need it, all right?
04:33 - Yeah!
04:34 - Just build a way down.
04:35 - Yeah, guys, don't step on the stone!
04:36 - Yeah, I kinda figured that, but--
04:38 - Okay.
04:39 - So how are we supposed to get to the chests?
04:40 - Just land on the chest, it's easy.
04:42 - Don't worry, leaves are safe.
04:43 - All right, let's see, I have an idea.
04:45 - There we go.
04:47 - C, perfect.
04:47 - Just need to build a stairway of C.
04:48 - D!
04:49 - Ooh, there's a bunch of food here!
04:51 - Me too!
04:52 Ah, steaks!
04:53 - Ah, I fell in!
04:54 - All right, that should be enough.
04:54 - Hey, nobody come to my chest!
04:56 Could be full of treasure!
04:57 - Dirty!
04:58 - There we go, up and perfect!
05:02 All right, whoa, look at this!
05:05 Diamond pickaxe, are you serious?
05:07 - Wait, wait, wait, wait, what?
05:08 There's more than food on the chest?
05:10 - Wow!
05:10 - This chest has iron, but I don't think I want it.
05:13 - Oh, I'm just too on the stone!
05:14 - Oh, I guess I'm fine.
05:16 - Oh, I don't think you're fine, actually.
05:20 - Ah, thanks for helping me build my house, Aph.
05:22 - You're welcome.
05:22 I thought you'd be a little scared of iron
05:23 after what happened, but here, emeralds.
05:26 I think you'd enjoy it.
05:27 - I will, indeed.
05:28 (laughs)
05:29 Thanks!
05:30 - All right, now that Kim's got her own place,
05:32 we're a little protected over here, too.
05:34 Maybe I can give this red stone to Zane, actually.
05:36 Hey, Zane?
05:37 - Huh, hey, Aph.
05:38 - Guess what I got?
05:39 - Red stone, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!
05:42 - You are welcome.
05:44 Wow, your house is looking pretty good, actually.
05:46 - Yeah, all that iron we found is really useful
05:47 for these iron blocks.
05:49 - Mm-hmm, exactly.
05:51 Oh, the walkway's looking amazing, Aaron.
05:53 - Of course it does, I made it.
05:55 - Here, I got you some diamonds.
05:57 I already got some diamond tools myself,
05:59 so I figured I'd share it.
06:00 - You didn't have to do that!
06:02 I'm gonna go make myself a diamond sword!
06:04 - All right, let's see. - Aphmau!
06:05 - Ian, what's up?
06:06 - Do you have any seeds?
06:08 My chickens keep trying to run away.
06:10 - Um, maybe you should build a pen for them,
06:13 like a fence and stuff?
06:15 - Well, then where am I gonna sit?
06:16 - Like, in your, oh.
06:18 Fire tsunami approaching.
06:20 - Oh, no! - Fire!
06:22 - Oh my gosh, it's a fire tsunami, no!
06:23 (screaming)
06:25 Oh, that is a lot of lava.
06:26 - Oh, look at all the stoned people in there!
06:29 - Oh, hey, you're still alive.
06:30 - Yeah, and you know, some of the chickens were up here,
06:32 but I think they're okay down there.
06:34 - They look okay, there's one in the lava, but it's fine.
06:37 - Aaron, your house is on fire.
06:38 - Wait, what?
06:39 - There's a fire wave!
06:40 - Aaron, the bottom!
06:41 - Don't worry, I got this, I got it!
06:42 (screaming)
06:43 Shut up, Ian, at least I know how to build
06:44 a nice looking house.
06:46 - What?
06:47 Wait, is this a fire chicken?
06:50 - Yeah, I've got one in my house, too.
06:51 - Hey, buddy, what's up?
06:53 Why are your wings doing that thing?
06:55 Kinda cute.
06:57 Hey!
06:58 Well, there's a baby, and the baby's,
07:00 oh, where'd the fire chicken go?
07:02 - It's fine, you know, some of my chickens
07:03 are acting a little weird.
07:04 - Whoa!
07:05 (screaming)
07:06 - Oh, what the?
07:07 - What?
07:08 - Where'd the chicken go?
07:09 - It exploded!
07:10 - There's another one?
07:10 (screaming)
07:11 - Hey!
07:12 - You're like a spidey chicken.
07:14 You spied, okay, I hope it doesn't explode.
07:15 - Why are the chickens exploding?
07:17 - Aaron?
07:17 - Why the heck are the chickens exploding?
07:19 - I don't know, actually.
07:20 - Help!
07:21 - Oh, they're exploding the houses.
07:23 - Ian, these are your chickens, you're responsible!
07:25 - But these, that's not my chicken.
07:27 My chickens are cute and tiny.
07:28 Those ones are fire.
07:29 - Not anymore, they're gone!
07:31 - What?
07:32 Are we good?
07:33 - I guess.
07:35 - I hear cooking.
07:36 - I saw a chicken here.
07:37 - There's still a lot there.
07:37 - I don't want to touch it, actually.
07:38 - The chickens are coming!
07:39 - Nice chicken.
07:40 I don't want to touch the spicy chicken sandwich.
07:43 - Don't befriend the chickens, just throw them off the side!
07:45 - I'm trying, I don't want to touch it, I don't want to touch it.
07:46 Get it out, shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo.
07:48 - Up, up, up.
07:49 - Fuck!
07:49 - Don't throw it at my house!
07:50 - I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.
07:51 (horn honking)
07:53 - Is it over?
07:54 - Oh, there he goes.
07:54 - Floating Ian's house, floating Ian's house!
07:56 Wait, wait, the lava's going down.
07:57 - Somehow the chickens blew up and blew up my house
08:00 and now I don't have a house or a chicken.
08:02 - I mean, there's some around,
08:03 but I do have this gold ore for ya.
08:05 - What?
08:06 - It's over this way, but you have to come over here.
08:09 Actually, you know what, I'll come down to you.
08:10 - Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
08:11 fella, let me climb up.
08:12 - Wait, the sword's still,
08:14 some of the sword is still active, remember?
08:15 - Don't give him the gold, he didn't do anything to earn it.
08:17 - I mean, I'll take his gold if he's not using it.
08:19 - Hey, let's not forget it's his fault
08:20 that we had chickens here in the first place.
08:22 - Yeah, I don't think you should have kept them all like that.
08:25 - It was not my fault.
08:26 - Okay, there we go, looking a lot nicer.
08:29 Should be able to withstand lava.
08:31 Hey, Ian, oh wow, you already got everything.
08:36 How you doing?
08:36 - Yeah, I moved all my stuff up here
08:38 because downstairs is still not good, but doing good.
08:42 What, why are you guys--
08:43 - I mean, that's kind of your own fault
08:44 for having all those chickens,
08:45 but you didn't know they were gonna turn.
08:46 - How was I supposed to know
08:47 the chickens were gonna explode?
08:48 - I mean, good point.
08:50 Oh, snow tsunami approaching.
08:52 - Isn't that called an avalanche?
08:53 - Make sure the chickens are gone, I don't trust them.
08:55 - Oh, look, isn't that just a blizzard?
08:57 - I guess.
08:58 - Oh, whoa.
08:58 - What the, whoa!
08:59 - All right, be careful, it's gonna be higher
09:01 than the last wave.
09:01 - It's definitely getting taller.
09:02 - Snow?
09:03 - Wait, huh?
09:04 - Huh? - Guys?
09:05 - Wait, Ian, what the, what the, what?
09:08 Why are you a snowman?
09:10 - Oh, you look nice, Ian.
09:11 - Hang on, wait, you look dumb.
09:13 I got like a skill ability, hang on.
09:16 - Hey, there's something down there.
09:17 - You look rounder than normal, Ian.
09:19 - A present?
09:20 - It's a present?
09:21 - A present?
09:22 - Be careful coming down, though.
09:22 - I want my present, guys, this is my present.
09:25 - Somebody come and get my present, hey!
09:26 - Kim, careful, Kim!
09:27 - No, let's just go, let's just go for it!
09:29 - I don't know if I'd hop in there.
09:31 - Kim, just be careful, okay?
09:32 - Kim, I want that present!
09:34 - I don't trust it, so I'm gonna go grab a few things.
09:36 - My blocks are turning to snow!
09:38 - I'll come over here.
09:39 - I'm getting really tired of rebuilding my house
09:41 every time a tsunami comes.
09:42 - You died in the, wow.
09:45 - I took a bite of this candy and it's hot.
09:46 - Okay, well, that's a thing.
09:48 - Wait, hey!
09:49 - All right, I'm gonna grab some planks.
09:50 - Where'd you get those?
09:51 - I need you to throw these on me a little bit more.
09:52 - Let's try it again.
09:54 Oh, I guess you didn't get it.
09:55 - Oh, look who got the first present!
09:57 - No, no, no, no, no!
09:58 - Erin!
09:59 - Okay.
10:00 - Oh yeah, like you're gonna hit me
10:03 from all the way over there?
10:04 - Let's see.
10:05 - Oh yeah?
10:06 - Don't throw stuff at, oh!
10:06 - What?
10:07 - Oh, things are touching.
10:08 - What was that, throw stuff at you?
10:09 - Stop!
10:10 Stop it!
10:11 Ian, stop it!
10:11 (splat)
10:12 - Come on.
10:13 (laughing)
10:15 - Ian, stop throwing stuff at us!
10:16 - No!
10:17 - I want that present!
10:18 - I got it!
10:19 - Stop it, Zane, it's dead!
10:20 - Stop throwing stuff at, stop it!
10:22 - No!
10:23 I know, but I want all the presents!
10:26 - Someone is gonna teach him a lesson.
10:27 - It's just a totem of undying, but, huh?
10:29 - You stay away, Zane!
10:31 - No, I am coming over there!
10:34 - I have elements of ice!
10:35 (cheering)
10:37 - Whee!
10:40 Look at me go!
10:41 - What?
10:42 - Zane, you get back down here!
10:43 - No, I think I enjoy this.
10:46 - Oh, hey Ian, I've got a present for you.
10:48 (laughing)
10:50 - Erin, what is it?
10:51 - Get him, get him, get him!
10:52 (screaming)
10:54 - Oh, I guess he didn't get this present.
10:56 Guess no one can open it.
10:57 - No, no, that's my present!
10:59 - Behind you!
11:00 - Hey, hey, get it, get it, no!
11:03 - All right, ooh.
11:04 Zane, there's another present over here, too.
11:06 - You can get it, I'm trying to go to Ian
11:08 to light him on fire.
11:09 - Well, Erin already got me.
11:10 - Well, that sounds bad.
11:12 Oh, you know what?
11:15 I'm just gonna grab everything for everybody.
11:16 It makes it a little bit easier.
11:17 Oh, there we go.
11:20 All right.
11:21 Ooh, look at all this stuff.
11:23 How you doing, Erin?
11:24 - Surviving, I guess.
11:25 - Let me see here, I'll give you something.
11:26 - Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah, let me see what you got.
11:28 - Yeah, there you go.
11:29 There's some leather boots.
11:30 I mean, they're not crazy good, but you know, it's enough.
11:32 There's some steak.
11:33 - Oh, steak!
11:34 Oh, now that I'm gonna eat right now.
11:36 - All right, there's some flint and steel here, too.
11:37 You take that, okay?
11:38 - Ooh, I definitely will find a place to use this later.
11:41 - Yeah, definitely.
11:43 All right.
11:44 - Oh, Ian, can I take a look at your house for a little bit?
11:47 - I wanna see what's inside.
11:47 - And stay back!
11:48 - Why is everything insane?
11:50 - I was just having fun!
11:50 - Ooh, an apple!
11:51 - I was gonna get that!
11:53 (growling)
11:54 Now I guess I'll just go back home.
11:55 - This is a serious situation.
11:57 This is no time for a snowball fight!
11:59 (laughing)
12:00 - Guys, guys, why are you so funny?
12:02 - Uh-oh.
12:03 - Ah, I melted!
12:04 - Oh.
12:05 - What, oh!
12:07 - Wow, you look a little frostbitten, Ian.
12:08 (laughing)
12:09 - Oh, but you know what?
12:10 I still want my present!
12:13 I'm coming for it.
12:14 - I'll come give you your leather boots.
12:16 You know, I think we should start rebuilding a little bit.
12:19 - Okay, got some coal.
12:21 Uh, oh wow, I'm looking really good over here.
12:24 - Oh, Aph, it's no problem, come on.
12:25 - Thanks again for the spruce farm.
12:26 Here, I got you some coal.
12:28 - Yeah, thanks for all the spruce.
12:29 - Wait, I never said you could have any.
12:30 - Yeah, I guess he really wanted to spruce up the place.
12:32 (laughing)
12:33 Oh, water tsunami.
12:35 - Ugh, Aph, stop it.
12:36 - Hey, that's pretty good, right?
12:37 - Hey buddies, I have the tallest house this time.
12:38 - Wait, so you mean like a regular tsunami?
12:40 - I mean, I guess.
12:42 It'd be nice to have something different.
12:43 - Eh, good point.
12:44 - Right, yeah.
12:45 Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa!
12:46 - That's really big!
12:47 - I'm not ready for this!
12:48 - Not gonna reach me this time.
12:49 - Yeah, that's a little taller.
12:50 - Oh wow, that knocked me over.
12:52 - What the heck is that?
12:52 - Is everyone okay?
12:53 - That one knocked me down too.
12:55 - Guys, are you not seeing this thing over here?
12:57 - What is that, what is that, what is that?
12:59 Oh, that's a thing.
13:01 - Everyone don't panic.
13:02 I'm sure it'll be fine.
13:03 - I'm gonna panic!
13:04 - I'm gonna panic so you're out.
13:05 - Actually no, panicking never solves anything.
13:07 It's gotta be--
13:08 - I'll make it hit you, watch out!
13:09 - Get in my house, everyone in my house, in my house!
13:12 - Aph, I don't know if we're gonna be safe in here.
13:14 - Okay, there's a big kraken.
13:16 There is a boat outside though, I saw it.
13:18 Ian?
13:19 - Guys, I'm up here!
13:20 - No, no, Ian's all right, stay there.
13:22 - Wait, wait, wait, I don't think this is,
13:24 no, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
13:26 - I didn't make it.
13:27 All right, nevermind, I don't like that.
13:28 - Did the kraken just eat Ian?
13:30 - Yeah, yeah, it did.
13:31 - No, Ian, you got this!
13:32 - It ate Ian like a little strip.
13:34 Okay, look, there is a strip rack.
13:36 Maybe we can go in there and grab something.
13:37 I mean, oh my gosh!
13:38 - Oh my gosh, okay, I thought you were Ian.
13:41 Yeah, it's fine.
13:41 - All right.
13:42 - I need to split up.
13:43 - Exactly.
13:44 All right, Aaron, we can go to the ship.
13:46 You guys, you need to distract the kraken, okay?
13:49 Go be little scrimps.
13:50 - Yeah, Ian, just keep being annoying like you always are.
13:52 - Wait, wait, hold on, wait, wait, no, no, no, no, no!
13:55 (screaming)
13:56 - All right, Ian's got the cover, let's go.
13:57 - All right, yeah, that's a good distraction.
13:58 I think he's got it.
13:58 - Ian's got out!
13:59 - All right, come on, let's go over here.
14:01 (grunting)
14:04 - Oh, you're right, this is new.
14:05 - Okay.
14:08 - Here, krachen, krachen, krachen.
14:09 - Look at all this!
14:10 - There's a barrel.
14:11 - A barrel?
14:12 - Ooh.
14:13 - Come on, you got it, Zane, get him!
14:13 - Salmon and some fish here.
14:15 - Wait, is that a fish tail?
14:17 - You're doing a good job, Zane.
14:18 - Wait, a fish tail?
14:20 - Listen, I don't know,
14:21 it's like a half-eaten fish or something.
14:22 - Huh, wonder what that is.
14:24 - I don't know, you think it'll help distract the monster?
14:25 - Come on, maybe we can get something useful.
14:27 - Yeah, you got it, take it down!
14:28 - Thanks, Kim, I'm trying my best.
14:30 - Ian!
14:31 - I wasn't talking to you, I was a monster.
14:31 - Yeah, I know!
14:32 - You're a merman, nice look.
14:34 - What?
14:35 Whatever, can we just focus on killing the monster already?
14:37 - I got my wings, let's go!
14:38 - That's it, eyes on me!
14:39 - Get him, Ian!
14:40 - Get him, Ian!
14:41 - Got him in a bop!
14:43 Ooh, nice shot!
14:44 - I think the half-eaten fish is what gave me the power.
14:46 - Ah, Aaron, you hit me!
14:48 - I'll do it again, Ian!
14:49 (Ian screams)
14:50 - Got the crack in there.
14:51 - I'm gonna keep charging at it, all right.
14:52 - And hop!
14:53 (Ian grunts)
14:55 And then, oh!
14:56 - Yay!
14:57 - It was dead, nice!
14:58 - I like this half-eaten fish thing.
15:00 - Is it gone?
15:01 - I think he is, actually.
15:02 - Yeah, did you not see me kill it?
15:03 - Okay, now what?
15:06 - I think the water's going down.
15:07 - The water is going down, nice!
15:08 - Oh no, I don't think I like this anymore.
15:10 - Aaron's gonna drown!
15:10 - Oh no, Aaron!
15:11 - Oh, I'm not gonna do it!
15:12 - Does he have gills now?
15:13 - He's back to normal, aw.
15:15 - Oh, you know, that's not that bad.
15:16 - But wait.
15:17 - Oh, respawned.
15:19 - Let's see, now the things are back to normal.
15:21 - Yeah, it looks kinda nice, too.
15:22 - Yeah.
15:23 - That is normal sand, right?
15:24 (Ian laughs)
15:25 - Yep, normal.
15:26 - I don't like sand.
15:27 - I'm kind of afraid of sand now.
15:28 - Yeah, it's fine.
15:29 - It's a little bit better than quicksand, actually.
15:30 - It's real, what are you talking about?
15:31 This looks nothing like that brown water.
15:32 - Actually, if nothing's happening,
15:34 we're kinda safe here.
15:34 - Oh, thank goodness it's over.
15:35 - Yay!
15:36 - Guys, who said it's over?
15:37 Another wave could come at any moment.
15:39 - Wait, lava tsunami approaching, oh no!
15:40 - Like I was saying!
15:41 - Whoa, what the, huh?
15:42 - Me and my big pipe!
15:42 - What happened just now?
15:44 - All right, getting out of here!
15:45 - I'm getting the heck out of here!
15:48 - Climb faster!
15:49 My crap, I wish I had wings, too!
15:51 - Gotta eat something.
15:52 - Gotta get a pipe.
15:53 - Should be good.
15:54 - Oh, it's safe!
15:55 - Get a pipe, get a pipe!
15:56 - I'm working on it.
15:56 - I'm gonna get my tower.
15:57 - This is the first place I could find.
15:59 - Nice job, Ian.
16:00 Oh my gosh!
16:01 (screaming)
16:02 - Oh no, I'm definitely not hanging on!
16:03 (screaming)
16:05 - Oh.
16:06 - Am I going?
16:07 - Stop, stop, yeah.
16:08 - Oh, oh, that is a dragon.
16:10 - Is that a dragon?
16:11 - Wait, wait, what?
16:12 - That is a dragon.
16:13 - I don't think it's any dragon, it's a fire dragon!
16:16 - I know, it's not like the end of dragon.
16:17 - Fire dragon, I want it!
16:19 - How are we even supposed to fight that thing anyway?
16:21 - I'm not even sure, and I have snow wings,
16:23 this could be bad.
16:23 - I don't have anything special,
16:25 I'm just gonna use my normal bow.
16:26 - Oh nice, I can use my bow too.
16:27 - I don't have anything!
16:28 - Is that content, don't you?
16:30 - It's really fast.
16:31 - Don't worry guys, I have a plan.
16:33 - Huh?
16:34 - Wait, you have a plan?
16:35 - I have snowballs!
16:37 - Oh Ian, I'm impressed!
16:39 - All right, I'm out of snowballs.
16:40 (screaming)
16:41 - I'm definitely not impressed.
16:42 - Oh, he's got fireballs!
16:43 - I mean, it was worth a shot.
16:44 - Ooh, I think Kim's dead.
16:45 - Okay, there must be something I can do.
16:48 Let's see.
16:49 - Don't go too close to the edge.
16:50 What do you got on you?
16:51 - I have arrows, fish, coal, bread.
16:55 - Oh no, none of that is helpful.
16:57 - Ian, you got me killed!
16:58 - Mmm.
16:59 - That's what you get for coming to my tower!
17:01 - You won't get--
17:02 (screaming)
17:02 - Just keep distracting the dragon for a second.
17:03 - Think we can go right over here?
17:05 Any good plans?
17:06 - Ah, not currently, not currently!
17:08 - I go, oh I guess we can't hide anywhere.
17:10 Think, think, think, think.
17:15 Wait, maybe this coal?
17:17 - It's headed right for you.
17:19 What's coal gonna do?
17:20 - I don't know.
17:21 Let's see, maybe the dragon will come get me?
17:23 - Are you calling it closer?
17:24 - Stop it, don't be a hero!
17:26 - I don't know about this.
17:27 - I'm gonna give it a shot.
17:29 - Ah, ah, ah, ah!
17:30 - Get it!
17:31 - It stopped?
17:34 Why'd it stop?
17:35 - Wait, what?
17:36 - Wait, wait, what?
17:36 - Hearts.
17:37 - Is it eating?
17:39 I think I tamed it.
17:40 - Wait, I wanna tame the dragon.
17:41 - Wait, are you really telling me
17:42 you just trained a dragon?
17:44 - I did!
17:45 - Wait, could I have done that for everything?
17:47 - I guess he's friendly now.
17:48 - Yay!
17:49 - Okay.
17:50 - I'm gonna tame that kraken.
17:51 - I guess that was the solution, but what does it mean?
17:53 - Wait, I mean if he tamed it,
17:54 does that mean you can ride it?
17:55 - I don't know.
17:55 - Wait, what?
17:56 - Let me see.
17:57 I really don't wanna risk it.
17:58 I don't want my wings to get, you know,
17:59 on fire. - I mean, yeah,
18:00 I'm not asking for you to jump in the lava.
18:01 - I don't think I'm going for it.
18:02 - Just call it closer or something.
18:03 - I got wings and they're ice,
18:04 and I don't wanna lose them.
18:05 - I'll take it upon myself.
18:07 - I wanna ride the dragon.
18:08 - If you wanna ride the dragon, that's your thing.
18:09 - Yeah, Ian, jump on the dragon.
18:11 - I mean, you could probably ride it.
18:12 It's like a horse, right?
18:13 Anyone can ride it?
18:14 - All right, gonna nail it, and...
18:14 - Go!
18:15 (screaming)
18:18 - Oh no, oh no.
18:18 - Wow.
18:19 - That made my day.
18:20 - I don't think it likes you very much, Ian.
18:22 - I just don't think Ian right-clicked on him.
18:24 - Well, at least we survived all the elemental tsunamis.