Mes, Tajani: "Ratifica prima delle elezioni europee? Vedremo" - Video

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Non è affatto detto che il Parlamento ratifichi la riforma del Mes prima delle prossime elezioni europee, previste nella prima decade di giugno. "Vedremo - risponde a Bruxelles, a margine del Consiglio Affari Esteri, il segretario nazionale di Forza Italia e vicepremier Antonio Tajani - non dobbiamo perdere troppo tempo, ma fare ciò che è giusto. Vedremo cosa deciderà il Parlamento: per me si può ratificare prime delle europee".


00:00 Do you think that the MES will be ratified before the European Council?
00:04 We will see. We don't want to waste too much time. We have to do what is right.
00:12 We will see what the Parliament decides.
00:16 I think it can be ratified before the European Council.
00:20 But I repeat, we don't want to fossilise on the MES
00:24 because it is a fund that we don't need at the moment.
00:30 There is no great interest from Italy.
00:32 I was in favour of the use of the sanitary MES.
00:35 I said it, I reiterated it.
00:37 Now we don't have much hurry or interest in using the MES
00:42 because our banking system is solid.
00:44 We don't need it.
00:46 But there is a need for fiscal harmonisation.
00:48 There is a need to complete the entire banking union.
00:51 This is in the general interest.
00:53 I am not against the ratification of the MES
00:58 but I am in favour of the opening of a debate in Europe
01:02 to complete the entire banking union,
01:06 of which the MES is part,
01:08 but also the fiscal harmonisation.
