• 2 years ago
Adrian Quinn's motorbikes are widely renowned, but his reasons for building them are near to his heart.

Video by Katri Strooband
00:00 This bike originally started as a sportster and I needed a dirt bike so I decided to build
00:15 a dirtster instead of a sportster and I hand built all the body out of road signs.
00:21 I went and got them from the second hand road sign place and I bought them and they were
00:26 going to paint the little rivets on them but decided no let's put aircraft rivets so we
00:30 went and got aircraft rivets and made a body up for it and now that's my little adventure
00:35 bike when I go dirt bike riding and I go with all the latte sippers and ride around with
00:40 all them boys and we have a lot of fun on this little dirt bike.
00:43 It's quite nice.
00:44 If you have a look you'll see the bright yellow on the road sign.
01:04 Extremely unusual to have a Harley trail bike.
01:10 All the tanks and guards are hand engraved in Mexico.
01:28 A festival called the day of the dead.
01:32 One off set of tanks and guards and there's no paint on them so it's quite unusual to
01:37 put it in the best paint because there's no paint on them.
01:40 They're completely hand engraved and hand beaten.
01:42 Pretty cool.