The Miracle Club -American movie 2023

  • last year
00:00:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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00:02:06 [KNOCKING]
00:02:08 Nana, Nana, I need a drink.
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00:02:14 [KNOCKING]
00:02:16 Hurry, hurry.
00:02:18 Come on, Nana.
00:02:19 Let's see it.
00:02:21 [KNOCKING]
00:02:23 God knows what she's come up with this time.
00:02:25 We've been here ages.
00:02:26 Come on.
00:02:27 [KNOCKING]
00:02:28 He's going to wet himself.
00:02:29 He's just having a wee.
00:02:31 Trying to do me hair.
00:02:32 We've been waiting.
00:02:34 Would you hurry up?
00:02:35 I'm thirsty.
00:02:36 We want to see it.
00:02:37 Come on out.
00:02:38 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:02:40 Are yous ready now?
00:02:42 Yes.
00:02:43 [KNOCKING]
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00:02:47 Jesus.
00:02:54 What?
00:02:55 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:02:57 Ooh.
00:02:58 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:03:01 Open up your eyes.
00:03:05 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:03:08 I'll be right back.
00:03:21 God, I swear.
00:03:22 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:03:29 How are you, son?
00:03:37 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:03:40 Hiya, Rosie.
00:03:42 Where are you hiding?
00:03:44 Where'd Rosie go?
00:03:45 Daniel, where's Rosie?
00:03:47 Jesus, look at you.
00:03:49 Wash your hands.
00:03:50 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:03:58 George, have you any money?
00:04:02 What do you need?
00:04:03 Pilgrimage.
00:04:04 What do you mean, pilgrimage?
00:04:06 We're entering a talent contest.
00:04:08 The winner gets two tickets to go to Lourdes with the parish.
00:04:12 Dolly, I don't care what you do, but when I lose,
00:04:15 you're not taking me to Lourdes.
00:04:16 Why not?
00:04:17 Because I'm out there every day breaking me bollocks,
00:04:19 and you want to give our money to the church?
00:04:21 They have loads.
00:04:22 We've been to all the doctors in Dublin,
00:04:23 and they don't know what's wrong with her.
00:04:25 And some fecker in Lourdes is going to know.
00:04:27 Miracles happen there, George.
00:04:30 He could speak.
00:04:33 That's all we want.
00:04:34 We can't just give up on him.
00:04:42 Look, maybe he doesn't want to talk.
00:04:44 It's fine with me.
00:04:47 There's Rosie.
00:04:49 You found Rosie?
00:04:51 [BABY CRYING]
00:04:52 [BABY CRYING]
00:04:56 You going to feed the meter?
00:04:57 I'm marring the things I do for you.
00:05:05 You're probably up there in stitches laughing at me.
00:05:10 Oh.
00:05:12 Oh, I'll see if Tommy can do that.
00:05:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:05:19 [GRUNTS]
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00:05:35 [CHATTER]
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00:05:58 [CHATTER]
00:06:16 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:06:19 Chrissie Hearn.
00:06:46 Father Dermot.
00:06:47 Yeah.
00:06:50 Thank you for contacting me.
00:06:55 I'm sorry I was too late.
00:06:56 My flight was canceled.
00:06:58 I--
00:06:59 You're here now.
00:07:00 It's all that matters.
00:07:01 Let me offer you my heartfelt condolences.
00:07:06 The death of a parent is a terrible loss.
00:07:08 I'm fine.
00:07:12 [SIGHS]
00:07:13 Big turnout for the vigil.
00:07:19 Well, now, you see, we have the Holy Cross All-Stars Talent
00:07:23 Contest tonight.
00:07:23 It's been planned for months.
00:07:26 It's a fundraiser for Lourdes.
00:07:30 Your mother was on the committee,
00:07:31 and she worked so hard to make it a success,
00:07:33 and everyone felt that she'd want us to go ahead with it.
00:07:37 We kind of feel it's sort of like Maureen's wake.
00:07:41 I hope you don't think we're being insensitive.
00:07:44 It's fine.
00:07:44 May I have the keys to the house, please?
00:07:51 Sorry. Yeah.
00:07:52 Of course.
00:07:52 Thank you.
00:08:03 A lot of flowers.
00:08:07 Mm.
00:08:07 Let me know how much it costs.
00:08:11 I'll pay you back.
00:08:11 The parish didn't pay for the flowers.
00:08:15 Who did it?
00:08:16 Your mother's friend, Lily Fox.
00:08:19 Tommy?
00:08:24 Yeah?
00:08:25 Would you give me a hand with this zip?
00:08:28 I can't.
00:08:29 Yeah.
00:08:30 God be with the days when somebody died,
00:08:33 the whole street went dark.
00:08:36 Now look at us.
00:08:37 We're off to do a bloody camaray.
00:08:39 How do I look?
00:08:41 You look lovely.
00:08:43 I went to visit Daxton today.
00:08:51 I asked him to bring us luck.
00:08:54 You're not visiting our son.
00:08:56 You're visiting a pile of bad memories
00:08:58 stuffed with rocks and statues that don't mean anything.
00:09:02 I asked him to watch over me tonight.
00:09:05 What do you want to be going to Lourdes for anyway?
00:09:09 I've always wanted to go there all my life.
00:09:14 And look, look, I'm running out of chances.
00:09:19 You can't catch me.
00:09:25 You'll get your pot shirt.
00:09:26 You're finished with him.
00:09:27 Get back here.
00:09:28 He's a waster, that fella.
00:09:29 The sooner you get rid of him, the better.
00:09:31 I don't want to.
00:09:32 I don't want to.
00:09:33 I don't want to.
00:09:34 The sooner you get rid of him, the better.
00:09:35 I don't want to get rid of him, Ma.
00:09:37 Besides, where are you going to live?
00:09:38 Not here.
00:09:39 We're bursting.
00:09:40 We'll put our names down for a house.
00:09:42 Maybe we get on to Morians.
00:09:44 Christ on a bike.
00:09:45 Can we bury her first?
00:09:47 Where the hell are you going?
00:09:51 Out.
00:09:52 You are in your arse.
00:09:53 I'm going to the pub.
00:09:54 No, you're bloody well not.
00:09:55 You're minding them kids for once.
00:09:57 I'm going to the charity show.
00:09:58 Sure, why do you want to win a trip to bleeding Lourdes?
00:10:01 I don't know.
00:10:02 One of these days you'll come home and I won't be shagging about here.
00:10:06 Promises, promises.
00:10:08 You're minding them kids.
00:10:11 I'm not minding them.
00:10:12 Oh yeah, you are.
00:10:13 Now stop your whingeing and do me hair.
00:10:16 [children singing]
00:10:34 Give me your hand with this, brother.
00:10:45 Why you wish me luck.
00:10:47 Good luck.
00:10:48 [children singing]
00:11:03 [door slams]
00:11:05 [door opens]
00:11:06 [door closes]
00:11:07 [children singing]
00:11:21 [music]
00:11:41 Ladies, what's the name?
00:11:44 Um, what's your story?
00:11:46 Mrs. Leslie Fox and Mrs. Eileen Dunn.
00:11:50 What's the act?
00:11:51 Oh, the Lourdes.
00:11:53 I have one of them already.
00:11:55 Um, um, the miracles.
00:12:01 The miracles.
00:12:04 First prize, two tickets to Lourdes.
00:12:07 And then the second prize is a bacon joint.
00:12:10 Best of luck.
00:12:13 [music]
00:12:20 Oh my nerves.
00:12:22 I'm rattling, rattling.
00:12:24 What's wrong with you?
00:12:27 Oh, it's just a little bump, just a little one.
00:12:30 Is it sore?
00:12:32 Sore?
00:12:33 When you touch it.
00:12:34 I don't think so.
00:12:36 Oh well, that's a good sign.
00:12:39 Isn't it?
00:12:40 If it's not sore.
00:12:42 There you go, that's a great sign.
00:12:45 How come?
00:12:47 Well, if it was the other way around, she'd be in trouble.
00:12:50 I thought if it's not sore, you have it.
00:12:52 Oh, look at your hair.
00:12:56 It's coming down.
00:12:57 Thanks, then.
00:12:58 I have to say, girls, I think we have this one.
00:13:05 We're next.
00:13:07 [gasps]
00:13:08 No, Lily.
00:13:09 Oh, Jesus.
00:13:10 Don't worry, all you need to do is look pretty.
00:13:12 God, I'm hungry.
00:13:13 Okay?
00:13:14 [music]
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00:13:39 [music]
00:13:49 [music]
00:13:59 [music]
00:14:09 [music]
00:14:19 [music]
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00:14:39 [music]
00:14:49 Absolutely brilliant, ladies.
00:14:51 Well done.
00:14:52 Thank you so much.
00:14:53 Enjoy your night.
00:14:54 Yes.
00:14:55 Yeah.
00:14:56 Thank you.
00:14:57 That was great.
00:14:59 Honestly.
00:15:00 We're a win.
00:15:01 I know it.
00:15:02 I don't believe it.
00:15:08 I swear to God.
00:15:09 Who is it?
00:15:11 Aunty Maureen's daughter.
00:15:13 Mrs. Zahern had a daughter?
00:15:15 Yeah, risen from the dead.
00:15:16 I wouldn't have recognized you.
00:15:22 No way.
00:15:23 40 years will do that to you.
00:15:26 It'll do a lot of things to you.
00:15:29 Well, I'm sorry for your loss.
00:15:35 [music]
00:15:39 Eileen.
00:15:40 Hi.
00:15:42 Oh, you remember me.
00:15:47 I was sure you wouldn't.
00:15:48 Yeah.
00:15:49 Who forgets family?
00:15:50 Yeah, who does that?
00:15:51 I'm Dolly Hennessy, one of the neighbors.
00:16:01 Very sorry for your loss.
00:16:03 Your ma was a great neighbor.
00:16:05 Thank you.
00:16:07 It's very nice to meet you, Dolly.
00:16:09 You were very good up there.
00:16:11 Thank you.
00:16:12 How much were the flowers?
00:16:14 I want to pay you back.
00:16:16 I bought them for your mother.
00:16:18 She didn't think you'd be here.
00:16:21 Why would she think that?
00:16:26 Have you ever come back in 40 years?
00:16:29 [music]
00:16:34 For the flowers.
00:16:35 I don't need that.
00:16:43 It was an honor.
00:16:46 Your mother was a saint.
00:16:48 [music]
00:17:02 Well, now.
00:17:03 Who'd have thunk it?
00:17:05 Maureen's daughter and coming all this way.
00:17:08 And only a little bit late.
00:17:11 Yes, but it's great to have her back.
00:17:14 Marvelous.
00:17:15 Absolutely bloody marvelous.
00:17:17 [music]
00:17:24 We all thought she was dead.
00:17:26 She kept her figure all the same, though, didn't she?
00:17:29 You didn't notice the ring, did you?
00:17:31 Who, Taverlily?
00:17:33 She'd sour milk that one.
00:17:35 I can't believe he was a bad-mouthing her and her mother only dead.
00:17:38 She never cared about her mother, Dolly.
00:17:41 Coming back 40 years later when the poor woman's gone.
00:17:44 She was a friend.
00:17:46 Eileen.
00:17:47 Eileen was everything to Chrissie.
00:17:51 Being an only child, Eileen looked out for her, protected her.
00:17:57 They were cousins and best friends.
00:18:00 You never mentioned this before.
00:18:04 Eileen, Chrissie and my Jack said you couldn't put a cigarette paper between them.
00:18:11 But why'd she go to America?
00:18:13 She had to leave.
00:18:15 What do you mean?
00:18:16 Dolly, some things are best left unsaid.
00:18:20 They will leave it.
00:18:21 [music]
00:18:29 [singing]
00:18:58 Chrissie, Peter wants you to have the tickets so Daniel can go to Lourdes.
00:19:03 So he can learn to talk.
00:19:05 Thank you, Peter.
00:19:08 My heart.
00:19:10 What a boy you are.
00:19:13 My heart.
00:19:14 That is so good of you.
00:19:17 Thank you so much.
00:19:19 We're going to Lourdes.
00:19:22 We're going to Lourdes.
00:19:26 We're going to Lourdes.
00:19:28 You're so beautiful.
00:19:31 [music]
00:19:40 [music]
00:19:50 [music]
00:20:00 [music]
00:20:10 [music]
00:20:16 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying,
00:20:19 "Look, God's dwelling place is now amongst the people and he will dwell with them.
00:20:24 They will be his people and God himself will be with them and be their God.
00:20:28 He will wipe every tear from their eyes.
00:20:31 There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain.
00:20:37 For the old order of things has passed away."
00:20:43 [music]
00:21:04 Is Mrs Fox going to Lourdes to grow her leg back?
00:21:08 No, my love. Her leg's not going to grow back.
00:21:11 She's going to help Dolly and Daniel.
00:21:13 [music]
00:21:21 Wonderful service, Father.
00:21:23 It came to me all of a sudden.
00:21:25 Maureen's ticket to Lourdes.
00:21:27 It's terrible for it to go to waste.
00:21:30 I have this lump on my waist.
00:21:35 I see. And have you been to the doctor with it?
00:21:38 Oh, no. I want to go to Lourdes.
00:21:41 Since poor Maureen is gone, she'd want her ticket put to good use.
00:21:47 I'll see what I can do.
00:21:50 Bless you, Father.
00:21:53 I'm sorry for your loss.
00:22:00 You may ask me to give you this in case you came home.
00:22:06 [chatter]
00:22:08 "Dear Chrissie, if you are reading this, it means you came for my funeral.
00:22:22 So thank you for that.
00:22:24 I remember you saying when you left that you'd only come back when I was dead.
00:22:30 Welcome home.
00:22:33 I don't know the pain and the joy that you've known.
00:22:36 I guess I don't really know you at all.
00:22:38 Not the you that is reading this today.
00:22:42 But you're here, and that tells me everything.
00:22:46 I've been saving for a very long time to come and see you in America.
00:22:51 I always wanted to see Boston.
00:22:54 We are more alike than you think.
00:22:58 We both carry our pain too proudly.
00:23:03 I know you have no love for Lily Fox or Eileen.
00:23:07 I don't blame you for that.
00:23:09 But it's a heavy load to carry.
00:23:12 I've left something for you in the top drawer of my dressing table.
00:23:19 I'm sorry for what I said.
00:23:31 I'm sorry for what I did.
00:23:34 The last words you hear from a mother shouldn't be angry ones.
00:23:49 I love you, Chrissie, with all my heart.
00:23:55 God bless."
00:23:58 [knocking]
00:24:00 Hello, hello?
00:24:02 How are you, Chrissie?
00:24:16 My mother is dead. I'm in a place I swore I would never come back to.
00:24:20 Everyone is happy as ever to see me.
00:24:23 So, overall, I'd say, yeah, mixed.
00:24:29 You seem a little cross, maybe.
00:24:32 You think?
00:24:34 From my mother.
00:24:46 Thank you.
00:24:48 Put it to good use. Just do not give it to the nuns.
00:24:52 This is your mother's voucher for Lourdes.
00:24:58 Give it to someone who needs it. I don't need a cure.
00:25:01 Not everyone goes to Lourdes for a cure.
00:25:04 No?
00:25:07 What was she looking for, then?
00:25:11 Reconciliation.
00:25:14 I think she'd like you to go in her place.
00:25:20 Take the voucher.
00:25:24 I don't need it.
00:25:27 [phone buzzing]
00:25:55 Chrissie wanted you to have it.
00:25:58 You didn't tell her about me, did you?
00:26:02 No, no, no, no. Strictly between ourselves.
00:26:05 Congratulations. You're coming to Lourdes.
00:26:09 It's a service of gratitude to God and Our Lady.
00:26:14 Service of gratitude to my bleeding ass.
00:26:17 It's one big gimmick to squeeze my money out of me.
00:26:20 Do you not know the song of Bernadette?
00:26:22 No. How does it go again?
00:26:24 It's not a song. It's a film.
00:26:26 It's about St. Bernadette and how she saw the Blessed Virgin at Lourdes.
00:26:30 You're not going to know bleeding Lourdes.
00:26:32 I have to go, Frank. Please.
00:26:34 You got something all of a sudden?
00:26:36 Course not.
00:26:38 You're not going on any holiday in the French Riviera
00:26:44 with Father Too-Good looking for his own bleeding good.
00:26:48 You think I can't see what's going on?
00:26:51 I'm going to be helping Dolly and Daniel and the other poor unfortunates.
00:26:55 Unfortunate? That's a good one.
00:26:57 What about me? I'm the unfortunate one.
00:26:59 Who's going to have to do the cooking and the cleaning and mounting the chisellers?
00:27:02 Not me. I can tell you. That's your job.
00:27:04 Will you go and sell that ticket?
00:27:06 I'm not selling it.
00:27:08 Sell it! Sell it to some poor unfortunate.
00:27:11 [music]
00:27:14 [music]
00:27:17 [music]
00:27:19 [music]
00:27:42 [music]
00:27:44 Hello. How are you?
00:27:56 Good morning, Father.
00:27:58 There's nobody here yet, but they'll be along and on.
00:28:01 Right, I'd better go in and get my bag.
00:28:03 You can't go. I won't allow it.
00:28:05 I'm going.
00:28:07 What will I do on me own?
00:28:09 You'll know before you know it.
00:28:11 Now will you stop making me feel bad?
00:28:14 What if something happens?
00:28:16 Go back to bed, Tommy. You'll be safe there.
00:28:19 [kiss]
00:28:23 Oh, Jimmy. Jimmy, will you tell Mr. Dunn we've got a leak?
00:28:28 Will you call over right away?
00:28:30 Yes, Mr. Spock.
00:28:32 Good lad.
00:28:34 I didn't see a leak.
00:28:36 It's all wet in the bathroom.
00:28:39 Just a mop.
00:28:41 [music]
00:28:43 I think it's the lav.
00:29:00 I've got to hurry. I've got to hurry.
00:29:03 I'm going to Tom and Lily's house.
00:29:06 They'll have a leak.
00:29:08 Oh, I hope it's not too bad.
00:29:11 Tommy!
00:29:22 Don't burn your father's sausages, whatever you do.
00:29:25 And remember Patrick's asthma medicine.
00:29:28 And look, if you still want to marry your sweetie pie,
00:29:32 after you've cooked and cleaned and scrubbed for a week,
00:29:35 while he sits in the pub and talks shite with the lads,
00:29:38 who am I to stand in the way of true love?
00:29:41 Do you mean that, Ma?
00:29:43 Now be good to them.
00:29:50 What are you doing?
00:29:53 Kissing you goodbye.
00:29:55 It's not like I'm going down to the shops.
00:29:57 I'm going abroad. To France.
00:30:01 To France?
00:30:03 I thought you were going to Lourdes.
00:30:05 Do you want to come back, Ma?
00:30:09 Maybe. Maybe not.
00:30:11 Eileen, you made it. Show me that bag.
00:30:17 I'll throw it in the back.
00:30:19 Thank you, Patrick.
00:30:21 Hello.
00:30:28 Come in, sweetheart.
00:30:31 You weirdo.
00:30:33 Where's Dolly?
00:30:40 I don't know. She should be here, shouldn't she?
00:30:43 Sorry, son.
00:30:52 You're going nowhere.
00:30:54 Jesus, Dolly, don't start.
00:31:00 What's that?
00:31:02 We're going to Lourdes.
00:31:04 You aren't, you bollocks.
00:31:06 Route in number 45.
00:31:08 Said you'd mind, Rosie, while you're at work.
00:31:11 Dolly. Dolly!
00:31:13 If you go out that door, don't blame father coming back.
00:31:17 Oh! Oh, no, father!
00:31:24 No, we can't go. We can't go. We can't go.
00:31:27 We can't... Dolly's not here.
00:31:29 We can't wait any longer, otherwise we won't make it to the ferry.
00:31:32 Fire ahead there, Jo.
00:31:34 Oh, no.
00:31:36 Unbelievable.
00:31:38 Wait! Wait! Wait!
00:31:40 Stop! Stop!
00:31:42 Stop! We have to stop!
00:31:44 Come on.
00:31:46 Oh, my God.
00:31:48 My dear girl.
00:31:50 Where are you?
00:31:52 Oh, you had a heart.
00:31:54 Come on, then.
00:31:56 Come along. Hello, father.
00:31:58 Oh, thank you, Jo.
00:32:02 Oh, there we go, then.
00:32:04 Thank you.
00:32:06 You can go ahead now.
00:32:08 Thank you.
00:32:11 Ah!
00:32:13 Holy Mary, Mother of God.
00:32:29 I don't shag it, believe it.
00:32:39 Welcome, Chrissie.
00:32:41 This place here, if you don't mind sitting alongside me.
00:32:44 Excuse me.
00:32:49 It's Lord's, driver!
00:33:06 Oh, man.
00:33:09 [ENGINE STARTS]
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00:34:17 (orchestral music)
00:34:19 - Hi.
00:34:20 (orchestral music)
00:34:23 - What's your name?
00:34:25 - Daniel.
00:34:27 - Oh.
00:34:28 Hi Daniel.
00:34:30 I'm Chrissy.
00:34:32 - He doesn't talk yet.
00:34:37 - Be my asses, he'll talk when he's something to say.
00:34:42 - Isn't that right Daniel?
00:34:44 - Very sensible.
00:34:48 (orchestral music)
00:34:53 (orchestral music)
00:34:56 (orchestral music)
00:35:01 - Daniel.
00:35:02 Daniel.
00:35:03 Daniel.
00:35:04 (orchestral music)
00:35:07 (orchestral music)
00:35:10 (orchestral music)
00:35:13 (orchestral music)
00:35:15, (orchestral music)
00:35:20 (orchestral music)
00:35:23 (orchestral music)
00:35:26 (bell ringing)
00:35:44 (speaking in foreign language)
00:35:53 (orchestral music)
00:35:56 - Welcome to Lourdes.
00:36:00 - Oh father, I can't believe it.
00:36:04 We're here.
00:36:05 We're really here.
00:36:06 (gasping)
00:36:11 Oh, I've always wanted a bellboy to carry me bags.
00:36:15 Isn't it gorgeous?
00:36:18 Hotel de Bernadette.
00:36:20 (laughing)
00:36:23 (speaking in foreign language)
00:36:28 - Chrissy, I have your number eight.
00:36:34 Okay, see you later.
00:36:37 You, number 14.
00:36:40 - Cleve, this way.
00:36:44 (speaking in foreign language)
00:36:50 (orchestral music)
00:36:52 - Isn't this lovely?
00:36:54 - You been talking to that one at all, Dolly?
00:36:58 - Who, Chrissy?
00:37:00 - What the hell's she doing here?
00:37:03 - I think she just wanted a break
00:37:05 with her ma passing and all that.
00:37:06 - Let me tell you what she's up to.
00:37:09 - What?
00:37:10 - Father Deremet.
00:37:11 That's what she's after.
00:37:19 - What prayers I am sharing with you.
00:37:22 - Look, the basilica.
00:37:24 Isn't it beautiful?
00:37:27 - Is there only one bed?
00:37:31 - If I wasn't the first, well.
00:37:34 - I am not my mother.
00:37:37 - Ain't that the truth.
00:37:38 - What does that mean?
00:37:41 - Show some respect, Chrissy.
00:37:46 This is a holy place.
00:37:48 (knocking)
00:37:51 - Father's taking us to the grotto,
00:37:54 and he's booked the baths for tomorrow.
00:37:56 See you downstairs, Lil.
00:37:58 - Much.
00:37:59 Whatever the reason you came,
00:38:05 it wasn't to sit in a hotel room.
00:38:08 (chattering)
00:38:10 - I wasn't expecting all this.
00:38:24 - All what?
00:38:25 - Selling.
00:38:27 - Selling?
00:38:28 - Yeah.
00:38:29 You'd think it was Liberty Market back in Dublin.
00:38:33 - I suppose.
00:38:34 I thought our Lord hated all that
00:38:37 when he chased him out of the temple.
00:38:40 Hard to believe, though, isn't it?
00:38:43 Her coming after having Jesus,
00:38:45 to come in here to Lourdes,
00:38:48 and France-like.
00:38:49 - Really?
00:38:51 Why'd she suddenly show up after all these years?
00:38:55 - I'm asking myself the same thing.
00:39:00 What you got there, Daniel?
00:39:06 (dramatic music)
00:39:09 It's so pretty.
00:39:17 - I'll treat you, Daniel.
00:39:19 Not a word to Frankie here.
00:39:21 And I'll have 12 of them miraculous medals.
00:39:26 - Let's go have a look at those rosy petals.
00:39:29 We could give them to Grandpa.
00:39:32 (speaking in foreign language)
00:39:36 (dramatic music)
00:39:38 - Mother of God.
00:39:56 I can't believe it.
00:40:01 A blessed lady in heaven.
00:40:05 - There's where she appeared.
00:40:07 Right there on that spot.
00:40:09 - When you think of all she went through,
00:40:14 watching her poor son crucified,
00:40:17 she picked a good place to stand all the same.
00:40:23 - What?
00:40:24 - So we could all see her.
00:40:27 - Oh.
00:40:33 Do you believe she really came here?
00:40:36 The Virgin Mary picked this spot and that girl?
00:40:41 - Yes.
00:40:44 Yes, I do.
00:40:44 What she did on us is unimportant.
00:40:49 - You might want to keep that to yourself.
00:40:54 (speaking in foreign language)
00:40:58 - Wonder what that one came here for.
00:41:07 Oh, maybe our lady brought her.
00:41:10 - I think she's nice.
00:41:12 So's her clothes.
00:41:13 (dramatic music)
00:41:18 (people chattering)
00:41:21 - Would you stop staring?
00:41:35 People hate to be stared at.
00:41:39 Oh, look, isn't it beautiful?
00:41:46 - Is it?
00:41:47 That's where all the crutches used to hurt.
00:41:50 From all the miracles.
00:41:51 We'll find a miracle for you, Daniel.
00:41:56 - Daniel, Lily's talking to you.
00:41:59 - It's all right, love, never mind.
00:42:01 God imagine, though.
00:42:03 - What?
00:42:04 - If we see one happening right in front of our eyes,
00:42:08 a miracle like, I think I'd die if I seen people get up,
00:42:12 throw their crutches away and walk.
00:42:15 - There mightn't be crutches, Eileen.
00:42:18 Other things get cured, too.
00:42:21 Tumors and things you can't see.
00:42:23 - No, that's right.
00:42:26 How do we know there wasn't hundreds of them cures?
00:42:30 Sure, look at Lily over there.
00:42:33 - What's that matter with Lily over there?
00:42:36 - Well, you don't need a crutch.
00:42:38 - Excuse me?
00:42:39 - For your leg, you don't need a crutch to walk.
00:42:43 - Oh, if you got a cure now,
00:42:46 you wouldn't have a crutch to put up on the wall.
00:42:48 - I didn't come here looking for my leg to grow longer,
00:42:53 for God's sake.
00:42:54 I wouldn't know what to do with myself.
00:42:56 In fact, I'd probably lose my balance.
00:43:00 (laughing)
00:43:02 (dramatic music)
00:43:06 - Hurry over here!
00:43:09 (dramatic music)
00:43:12 (groaning)
00:43:15 - Oh, my name is Jesus, am I supposed to do this?
00:43:22 - Do what your wife does every day.
00:43:24 - What's that?
00:43:25 - Give us your hand.
00:43:28 - Oh, Jesus.
00:43:33 - Did your poor wife pass away on you?
00:43:36 - What?
00:43:37 Jesus, no.
00:43:39 She's in Lourdes.
00:43:40 - Lourdes?
00:43:42 Well, there's a miracle for her now.
00:43:45 You, shopping.
00:43:46 - Best of luck to you.
00:43:49 (laughing)
00:43:52 - Oh, Jesus, poor Ma.
00:43:55 Don't know why she hasn't left you already.
00:43:58 - Oh, sorry, I forgot.
00:44:00 She has left you.
00:44:01 - What?
00:44:02 Cathy?
00:44:04 Is she not coming back?
00:44:07 - Ask yourself that.
00:44:09 Why would she?
00:44:11 (dramatic music)
00:44:14 - Rosie, hold still.
00:44:15 Rosie, Rosie.
00:44:19 Rosie, stop it.
00:44:22 Come on, Rosie.
00:44:25 - Mama.
00:44:26 - No, Mama's not here.
00:44:28 There you go.
00:44:29 I think we have her.
00:44:33 Here.
00:44:35 - Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama.
00:44:37 Turn the water on.
00:44:40 - I'll do it, Mama.
00:44:41 (dramatic music)
00:44:44 (baby crying)
00:44:53 ♪ Blue shoes ♪
00:44:59 ♪ Blue nails ♪
00:45:01 ♪ A blue dress that never fails ♪
00:45:05 ♪ There's no color in the rainbow ♪
00:45:08 ♪ That my girl can't be ♪
00:45:11 (bells ringing)
00:45:18 (dramatic music)
00:45:21 - She'll ruin your life.
00:45:44 - What?
00:45:46 - Isn't that what you said to Declan?
00:45:49 She'll ruin your life?
00:45:51 - Not now, Chrissy.
00:45:54 - I was 17.
00:45:56 I was pregnant.
00:46:00 We were so happy.
00:46:01 We were so, how was I going to ruin his life?
00:46:05 - I thought you were trying to trap him.
00:46:08 He was my son, my only son.
00:46:15 I wanted him to have a better life than I had.
00:46:19 - We would have.
00:46:20 But how did you manage it?
00:46:27 How did you convince her to shut me out?
00:46:30 - Your mother did her best.
00:46:34 But with your father dead,
00:46:36 there was no one to reel you in.
00:46:38 There was no talking to you.
00:46:40 You were one of a kind.
00:46:42 There was no talking to you.
00:46:44 You were wild.
00:46:45 Your mother forgave me.
00:46:49 God punished me, didn't he?
00:46:51 Taking him away like that.
00:46:54 - He punished all of us.
00:46:56 (crickets chirping)
00:47:08, no tea, no eggs, no sausages.
00:47:11 - It's no breakfast at all.
00:47:14 - It must be when I'm not around.
00:47:16, no tea, no eggs, no sausages.
00:47:19 - It's no breakfast at all.
00:47:22 - It must be when I'm not around.
00:47:25 (water trickling)
00:47:27 - No tea, no eggs, no sausages.
00:47:37 - It's no breakfast at all.
00:47:41 - It must be when it's like in a convent.
00:47:44 (people chattering)
00:47:47 - Here, I'm gonna take this up to Daniel.
00:48:06 - Blackberry.
00:48:09 Not like there is at home.
00:48:11 Want a taste?
00:48:13 (people chattering)
00:48:16 We used to pick blackberries.
00:48:21 You and me, Declan.
00:48:23 We'd lie on the grass and we'd eat them
00:48:27 and we'd brag about our future and,
00:48:30 oh God, we were so full of ourselves.
00:48:33 Declan and you.
00:48:35 And me.
00:48:39 (people chattering)
00:48:42 I never heard you come in last night.
00:48:45 You must have been late.
00:48:47 - Well, I'm glad I didn't wake you.
00:48:50 - Talking to Father Dermot.
00:48:53 A priest.
00:48:55 You always did love a challenge.
00:48:59 (chuckling)
00:49:01 Declan could swim like a fish.
00:49:07 Don't you wonder how he, of all people, would drown?
00:49:12 (birds chirping)
00:49:22 - Where's Lily?
00:49:31 - Her leg was hurting this morning.
00:49:33 (people chattering)
00:49:36 - Are you coming to the baths?
00:49:47 You okay?
00:49:49 - It's just my leg.
00:49:50 You go ahead.
00:49:51 I'll catch up with you all later.
00:49:54 Sir.
00:49:55 - You look pale.
00:50:02 You must have overdone it.
00:50:04 You seem to know what you're doing.
00:50:12 Chrissie, Chrissie, the baby, what happened?
00:50:20 (baby crying)
00:50:22 Your pulse is normal.
00:50:37 I think we need to get you a wheelchair.
00:50:44 No.
00:50:48 You need to take it easy on that leg today.
00:50:51 I'll go fetch a chair.
00:50:53 Here.
00:50:56 (door slams)
00:51:01 (people chattering)
00:51:04 (people chattering)
00:51:07 - Everyone's set?
00:51:28 Everyone ready?
00:51:29 Well, here we go.
00:51:30 This is what we came for.
00:51:33 (people chattering)
00:51:35 Now, be strong.
00:51:37 Whatever you might see,
00:51:40 the heartbreak of the world is upon us.
00:51:44 (people chattering)
00:51:47 - Is that someone dying?
00:51:55 - It's the water.
00:51:56 They say it's bitter cout.
00:51:58 - Jesus.
00:52:00 - They're not stepping in the same water as us, are they?
00:52:03 - Oh, of course they are.
00:52:04 But that's a bit much.
00:52:07 They'll be catching infections.
00:52:08 - Oh, no, you won't catch a thing, Mrs. Lewis.
00:52:11 It's another miracle.
00:52:13 Our lady told everyone to come and bathe
00:52:16 in the miraculous water.
00:52:18 (speaking in foreign language)
00:52:20 - That's the man!
00:52:21 It's a miracle he's out to water!
00:52:23 It's a miracle!
00:52:24 (speaking in foreign language)
00:52:25 - Get him in, get him in quick.
00:52:27 Our lady's here.
00:52:28 Come on, Daniel.
00:52:29 We'll be here five minutes,
00:52:31 and there's one already.
00:52:33 - Don't touch him.
00:52:33 - Get Daniel in.
00:52:34 - Daniel, don't touch him.
00:52:35 - I touched him.
00:52:36 I touched him.
00:52:37 - Our lady, you're getting in the same bath.
00:52:41 (people chattering)
00:52:44 (water splashing)
00:53:04 (speaking in foreign language)
00:53:08 - Daniel.
00:53:09 Come on.
00:53:12 Come down.
00:53:16 (speaking in foreign language)
00:53:29 (gasping)
00:53:32 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
00:53:33 Oh!
00:53:37 Jesus!
00:53:38 Come on, Daniel, please.
00:53:42 I'm serious now.
00:53:47 Come on.
00:53:48 Jesus!
00:53:51 (gasping)
00:53:54 (gasping)
00:53:57 Jesus!
00:54:00 (screaming)
00:54:02 Daniel.
00:54:04 (gasping)
00:54:08 (people chattering)
00:54:10 - We ready.
00:54:11 - I'm not.
00:54:13 - I believe you had a miracle today.
00:54:19 The poor crippled man who ran out.
00:54:21 - Oh no, false alarm.
00:54:23 Every day we have one.
00:54:24 - Really?
00:54:27 - Every day.
00:54:28 But only the men.
00:54:30 Always the men.
00:54:31 You know what men are like.
00:54:33 - But the real miracle is like.
00:54:36 - How many a day would you count?
00:54:38 (people chattering)
00:54:43 You all right, Daniel?
00:54:58 (people chattering)
00:55:01 Daniel!
00:55:15 Daniel, did you say something?
00:55:18 Say it again, go on, go on.
00:55:20 You can do it, I'm listening.
00:55:21 - Just give him a minute.
00:55:22 - Say ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma.
00:55:25 - Darling.
00:55:27 - We should try again, maybe.
00:55:28 But he only touched the water
00:55:31 if we could get him all the way in.
00:55:32 - Darling, just look at him.
00:55:34 Let him tell you what he's trying to say.
00:55:38 - I'm so sorry, my love.
00:55:44 So sorry.
00:55:46 I'm a terrible mother.
00:55:52 - Stop it, darling, it's just not true.
00:55:55 (somber music)
00:55:58 - Wait, last question.
00:56:16 - What?
00:56:17 - Guess how many miracles there's after being.
00:56:20 - How many, what?
00:56:21 - 62.
00:56:22 62.
00:56:25 That's very good in one day.
00:56:27 - Not in a day.
00:56:28 - Well, in a week, that's still very good.
00:56:32 - Not in a week.
00:56:33 Since she first appeared in 1858.
00:56:36 - 1858?
00:56:40 We couldn't be.
00:56:44 - I have to tell you, I'm very disappointed, Lily.
00:56:47 Frank was right.
00:56:50 It's not a bloody gimmick.
00:56:51 (somber music)
00:56:54 - Oh, that looks lovely.
00:57:09 Lovely bit of stew.
00:57:11 There you go.
00:57:13 Now, want a bit more?
00:57:16 No, it's really good for you, you know.
00:57:20 - No, I, well, eat.
00:57:22 I said eat.
00:57:26 Well?
00:57:35 It's good.
00:57:38 - It's hardly burnt at all.
00:57:41 - Excuse me, you always expect a certain amount
00:57:46 of burn with the stew.
00:57:49 - Ew, I can't eat this.
00:57:51 (children laughing)
00:57:52 - That was a bit curt.
00:57:53 A little abrupt.
00:57:56 Come on, eat up.
00:58:00 - I didn't know you had it in you, Dad.
00:58:02 - I don't, I made it up as I went along.
00:58:05 - It's not as good as Ma's, anyway.
00:58:07 - Well, nothing's as good as Ma's, you know.
00:58:10 (somber music)
00:58:13, (child laughing)
00:58:41 ♪ You put your right foot in ♪
00:58:43 ♪ You put your right foot out ♪
00:58:45 ♪ You put your right foot in ♪
00:58:47 ♪ And you shake it all about ♪
00:58:50 ♪ You do the hokey pokey ♪
00:58:51 ♪ And you turn yourself around ♪
00:58:53 ♪ That's what it's all about ♪
00:58:56 - Now she's said Bernadette all of a sudden.
00:58:59 Oh, I don't give a shit anymore.
00:59:03 Raising six children is obviously not good enough
00:59:09 for some people.
00:59:11 And a nurse made the 10 grandkids 12.
00:59:15 12.
00:59:17 I love them little feckles.
00:59:23 Now don't upset yourself.
00:59:27 ♪ And you shake it all about ♪
00:59:32 ♪ You do the hokey pokey ♪
00:59:34 ♪ And you turn yourself around ♪
00:59:36 ♪ That's what it's all about ♪
00:59:38 - Hey.
00:59:39 (audience applauding)
00:59:42 - You better go to bed.
00:59:45 - Thank you, Chrissy.
00:59:47 - Good night, Daniel.
00:59:49 - That was good, Daniel.
00:59:51 You have huge weight.
00:59:53 God bless you.
00:59:54 - Good night, Lily.
00:59:56 - Anyone else have a song for us now?
00:59:58 - Oh, Eileen, give us a song.
01:00:00 - All right, Jara.
01:00:01 So I don't have to listen to Chrissy Iron anymore.
01:00:07 ♪ Well, there was an old woman ♪
01:00:08 ♪ And she lived in the woods ♪
01:00:10 ♪ A-whale, a-whale, a-whale, yeah ♪
01:00:14 ♪ There was an old woman ♪
01:00:15 ♪ And she lived in the woods ♪
01:00:17 ♪ Down by the river, saw ya ♪
01:00:21 ♪ She had a pen knife long and sharp ♪
01:00:23 ♪ Down by the river, saw ya ♪
01:00:27 ♪ She had a pen knife long and sharp ♪
01:00:31 ♪ Down by the river, saw ya ♪
01:00:35 ♪ She had a pen knife long and sharp ♪
01:00:39 ♪ Down by the river, saw ya ♪
01:00:43 ♪ She had a pen knife long and sharp ♪
01:00:46 ♪ Down by the river, saw ya ♪
01:00:50 ♪ Are you the woman who killed a child ♪
01:00:53 ♪ A-whale, a-whale, a-whale, yeah ♪
01:00:54 - You can't sing that song, Jara.
01:00:57 - Do you not like it, Father?
01:00:59 - Were you never a child?
01:01:02 We used to skip to it.
01:01:04 - You're in Lourdes now, Eileen.
01:01:06 - Don't you dare lecture me, laddie.
01:01:09 Dragging people halfway around the world
01:01:13 only to disappoint 'em when there's no mirroring.
01:01:16 It's...
01:01:17 It's a con.
01:01:19 A sham.
01:01:20 You're a con man.
01:01:22 Come on, it's bedtime, Eileen.
01:01:25 Come on.
01:01:26 Paddling around with Chrissie Ayrne.
01:01:28 - If you ladies forgive me, I'll, I'll, I'll...
01:01:32 - I can't believe you, Eileen.
01:01:34 Carrying on like a corner boy in Lourdes.
01:01:37 I'm sorry.
01:01:39 I'm sorry, laddie.
01:01:41 I'm sorry.
01:01:44 Oh, it's all right.
01:01:45 It's all right.
01:01:46 Come on, we'll go to rest.
01:01:48 - I'm sorry, Eileen.
01:01:49 I just want to go home and be with my kids.
01:01:52 Come on, laddie.
01:01:54 - I've heard you, sir.
01:01:57 - Why did you leave and never come back?
01:02:00 - Leave?
01:02:01 - I was banished, Eileen.
01:02:05 You were there.
01:02:07 You remember.
01:02:08 And who told them about the pregnancy?
01:02:11 You were my best friend.
01:02:16 You were the only one I told.
01:02:18 Why don't you give the baby to the nuns, as you was told?
01:02:22 Come on, Eileen.
01:02:24 Come on.
01:02:25 - Don't start with me.
01:02:27 Pretending all these years it was an accident.
01:02:32 It was the guilt that killed Eglin.
01:02:36 You killed him with the guilt.
01:02:42 (somber music)
01:02:45 Apologies, Father.
01:02:54 - It's okay.
01:02:55 Poor woman.
01:03:01 Her condition at present, though, it's hardly surprising.
01:03:06 (people chattering)
01:03:09 (crickets chirping)
01:03:32 (Eileen sighs)
01:03:34 (crickets chirping)
01:03:37 (Eileen sighs)
01:03:43 - I just can't live with what we've done.
01:03:56 - Darling.
01:04:00 Darling, just breathe.
01:04:02 Here.
01:04:03 Come, come sit.
01:04:05 - I have to make a confession.
01:04:20 - I get Father Dermot.
01:04:22 Oh, I don't think he'll come after all that.
01:04:25 - Well, I have to confess me sin.
01:04:29 - What sin, darling?
01:04:31 - I ruined him.
01:04:33 - What did you do?
01:04:36 Did you smack him, darling?
01:04:38 We all do that.
01:04:40 You get overwhelmed.
01:04:42 - No.
01:04:43 The trauma in the womb.
01:04:46 What I done on him.
01:04:49 - What did you do?
01:04:51 - I tried to miscarry him.
01:04:57 - That's old wives tales, darling.
01:05:00 None of them work.
01:05:03 Between ourselves, I threw myself down the stairs
01:05:06 more times than I had hot dinners.
01:05:09 Thank God they came out the same way.
01:05:13 What one did you do, darling?
01:05:17 - I...
01:05:19 I can't.
01:05:21 - Oh, it's best you get it off your chest.
01:05:24 You'll see to yourself, it's probably nothing.
01:05:28 Now, how did you try?
01:05:31 - Just leave her alone.
01:05:35 She doesn't want to say.
01:05:37 - But you want to tell, I have to confess.
01:05:39 - No, no, you don't have to.
01:05:41 - Guilt is killing her.
01:05:43 Now, Dolly.
01:05:44 Say.
01:05:46 Go on, Dolly, live up.
01:05:49 - I filled the bath with water.
01:05:52 - Dolly, don't tell them.
01:05:54 - You can tell us, Dolly.
01:05:57 You filled the bath up,
01:06:00 and then what happened?
01:06:02 - It was freezing, just like today.
01:06:06 And then I got the whiskey.
01:06:11 - Whiskey?
01:06:13 - Five bottles.
01:06:17 - Five bottles?
01:06:21 You could have killed yourself drinking five bottles of whiskey.
01:06:24 - I didn't drink them.
01:06:26 - What did you do with them then?
01:06:29 - I poured them in the bath.
01:06:32 - What did you do that for?
01:06:36 - You know, I sat in it to make it pass.
01:06:40 That's how I know I'd done it to 'em.
01:06:43 - You didn't do anything, Dolly.
01:06:49 - Sure, yeah, I mean, he's perfect, Donya.
01:06:54 - You didn't do anything, Dolly.
01:06:59 Has to be boiling water.
01:07:03 - How do you know, Chrissy?
01:07:05 - Because when I made it to Boston,
01:07:08 my landlady,
01:07:11 she knew.
01:07:14 She knew I was sick every day.
01:07:19 I think she was used to girls like me.
01:07:22 She told me I couldn't stay.
01:07:25 She gave me a name and an address.
01:07:28 So I went just a few blocks away.
01:07:33 And this woman,
01:07:38 she gave me pills.
01:07:40 She gave me something to drink.
01:07:43 (clicks tongue)
01:07:46 She did what she had to do.
01:07:51 And then she put me in a bathtub.
01:07:56 The water has to be boiling.
01:08:12 Oh, Chrissy.
01:08:16 Oh, thank you.
01:08:25 (breathing heavily)
01:08:28 (breathing heavily)
01:08:32 (breathing heavily)
01:09:00 Chrissy.
01:09:02 Would you take me to the baths in the morning?
01:09:10 Would you?
01:09:27 (bells chiming)
01:09:30 - Eileen was only doing what she thought was best for you.
01:09:47 Same as your ma and me.
01:09:50 Declan told us you were leaving.
01:09:57 He kind of loved you, Chrissy.
01:10:01 He wanted to marry you, have the baby with you.
01:10:06 I should never have met us.
01:10:13 It's because of me he's dead.
01:10:20 - I can't believe it.
01:10:23 - Yeah.
01:10:26 We lied to him.
01:10:29 Yeah, we were ashamed.
01:10:32 We lied.
01:10:35 I lied.
01:10:38 I told him you were going to America
01:10:43 to find a better life.
01:10:46 And they'd just done with him.
01:10:52 It destroyed him.
01:10:55 I destroyed him as sure as I gave him life.
01:11:00 I'm out, Chrissy.
01:11:07 I'll be dying soon enough.
01:11:11 If it's as cold as Eileen says it is,
01:11:16 it'll be buried soon.
01:11:19 But I couldn't go.
01:11:23 - I'm ready for you now, my darling.
01:11:25 - I would help find the time.
01:11:28 (somber music)
01:11:32 (coughing)
01:11:36 (coughing)
01:11:40 (coughing)
01:11:44 (coughing)
01:11:47 (coughing)
01:11:53 (grunting)
01:11:56 (grunting)
01:11:59 (breathing heavily)
01:12:03 (breathing heavily)
01:12:07 (water dripping)
01:12:10 (water dripping)
01:12:13 (water dripping)
01:12:19 (water dripping)
01:12:30 (water dripping)
01:12:33 (water dripping)
01:12:58 (water dripping)
01:13:01 (water dripping)
01:13:12 - Thank you.
01:13:23 Oh.
01:13:27 I was hoping she might come to me.
01:13:31 - Who? The Virgin Mary?
01:13:34 - No. No, your mother, Maureen.
01:13:38 I was hoping she might tell me what to expect, you know,
01:13:43 when I got up there.
01:13:46 If I get there.
01:13:48 I don't suppose I deserve that.
01:13:51 I mean, I...
01:13:53 I haven't believed, you know,
01:13:56 not properly, not since Declan.
01:14:00 You know, but I didn't have the heart
01:14:04 to say that to your mother.
01:14:07 - No.
01:14:09 Well, you wouldn't have wanted to take that away from her.
01:14:14 She loved it.
01:14:17 All the hocus-pocus.
01:14:20 - Well, there's always hope, isn't there?
01:14:24 Even when you don't completely believe.
01:14:28 - Peace.
01:14:31 That's what I hope for.
01:14:34 Peace.
01:14:37 - I'm glad you came home, Chrissie.
01:14:44 Your mother would have been so proud.
01:14:48 I...
01:14:50 I've no right to ask you this,
01:14:53 but can you ever forgive me?
01:14:57 Thank you.
01:15:09 Thank you, Chrissie.
01:15:14 Thank you.
01:15:17 I'm sorry about last night, Father.
01:15:29 I don't take it back.
01:15:32 - You're, uh, what you call...
01:15:35 Like, the bats didn't help.
01:15:38 You don't come to Lourdes for a miracle, Eileen.
01:15:41 You come for the strength to go on when there is no miracle.
01:15:46 - Hmm.
01:15:50 [panting]
01:15:54 [indistinct chatter]
01:16:19 [indistinct chatter]
01:16:22 - I loved you.
01:16:28 I loved you, and you left.
01:16:33 So I hated you.
01:16:40 I didn't mean to,
01:16:45 but I did.
01:16:49 But I never hated you
01:16:52 more than I loved you.
01:16:55 And that is what God's punishing me for.
01:17:04 The hate.
01:17:09 - Punishing you?
01:17:12 - I have a lump
01:17:17 in my breast.
01:17:20 Here.
01:17:25 There'll be no miracle for me.
01:17:31 - What does the doctor say?
01:17:34 Have you been to a doctor?
01:17:45 - Why can't people like us have miracles?
01:17:48 Why can't I have a miracle?
01:17:54 I go to Mass.
01:17:58 I come to Lourdes.
01:18:00 - We'll go together.
01:18:02 To the doctor. We'll find you the best one.
01:18:05 I'll go with you.
01:18:13 [indistinct chatter]
01:18:16 - Does it hurt?
01:18:23 - Yeah.
01:18:25 Not bad, isn't it?
01:18:27 - No. That's--that's hopeful.
01:18:30 Are you losing weight?
01:18:35 - Does it look like I've lost weight, you cow?
01:18:41 - Well...
01:18:43 that is a very, very good sign.
01:18:46 [soft music]
01:18:52 ♪ ♪
01:19:09 [train whistle blows]
01:19:12 ♪ ♪
01:19:19 [indistinct chatter]
01:19:24 - Dolly?
01:19:29 - George told me that if I went to Lourdes,
01:19:31 I shouldn't bother coming back.
01:19:33 - I'm sure he didn't mean it.
01:19:36 [indistinct chatter]
01:19:39 - Okay. I'm going. Come on.
01:19:44 Wish me luck.
01:19:47 [indistinct chatter]
01:19:50 [indistinct chatter]
01:19:53 [indistinct chatter]
01:19:56 [soft music]
01:19:58 - Mum? Mum!
01:20:00 - Hello.
01:20:02 - Hi. - Hi.
01:20:04 - We missed you.
01:20:06 - It was terrible quiet without you.
01:20:08 - We missed you.
01:20:10 I need a son.
01:20:14 Say, enjoy yourself.
01:20:16 Let me see.
01:20:20 I need something.
01:20:25 [soft music]
01:20:28 [indistinct chatter]
01:20:32 [soft music]
01:20:35 - I love you. I love you, my son.
01:20:38 We're listening now.
01:20:40 [indistinct chatter]
01:20:43 Darling, darling, look at you.
01:20:45 Look at you.
01:20:47 Hey.
01:20:49 [indistinct chatter]
01:20:50 - Ah, let him have that, would you?
01:20:53 - Frank, what have you done to him?
01:20:55 - Just trying to make you happy.
01:20:58 - Happy?
01:20:59 What do you mean, happy?
01:21:01 - Happy.
01:21:03 [both laugh]
01:21:06 Great to have you back.
01:21:08 - Ah.
01:21:10 I think I had me a miracle.
01:21:16 - What?
01:21:17 - I actually missed you.
01:21:20 - Aw.
01:21:23 [soft music]
01:21:26 ♪ ♪
01:21:32 - Oh, Charlie.
01:21:35 You're still alive.
01:21:37 - Oh, just about.
01:21:39 Thought I'd hang around.
01:21:40 Wanted to see your face.
01:21:42 - Oh, bless you, darling.
01:21:44 [kissing]
01:21:45 Bless you.
01:21:48 - You look...
01:21:50 different.
01:21:52 - You too.
01:21:55 [both laughing]
01:21:58 [Charlie laughs]
01:22:01 [indistinct chatter]
01:22:04 - There she is.
01:22:06 There she is.
01:22:08 - Oh.
01:22:10 [indistinct chatter]
01:22:13 ♪ ♪
01:22:14 - I'm just gonna go and see, you know?
01:22:17 - I know, I know.
01:22:20 - I can't see you.
01:22:22 - I want to show you something.
01:22:24 Will you come with me?
01:22:26 It's not that far.
01:22:29 [indistinct chatter]
01:22:32 ♪ ♪
01:22:49 - Oh, thank you, Miss B.
01:22:51 - Hey, I'm gonna get you, Ellen!
01:22:54 [laughing]
01:22:56 ♪ ♪
01:23:04 [birds chirping]
01:23:07 ♪ ♪
01:23:14 [birds squawking]
01:23:23 ♪ ♪
01:23:30 ♪ ♪
01:23:37 ♪ ♪
01:23:50 ♪ ♪
01:24:12 ♪ ♪
01:24:39 ♪ ♪
01:24:46 ♪ ♪
01:25:08 ♪ ♪
01:25:15 ♪ ♪
01:25:22 ♪ ♪
01:25:29 ♪ ♪
01:25:36 ♪ ♪
01:25:43 ♪ ♪
01:25:50 ♪ ♪
01:25:57 ♪ ♪
01:26:04 ♪ ♪
01:26:11 ♪ ♪
01:26:18 ♪ ♪
01:26:25 ♪ ♪
01:26:32 ♪ ♪
01:26:39 ♪ ♪
01:26:46 ♪ ♪
01:26:53 ♪ ♪
01:27:00 ♪ ♪
01:27:07 ♪ ♪
01:27:14 ♪ ♪
01:27:21 ♪ ♪
01:27:28 ♪ ♪
01:27:35 ♪ ♪
01:27:42 ♪ ♪
01:27:49 ♪ ♪
01:27:56 ♪ ♪
01:28:03 ♪ ♪
01:28:10 ♪ ♪
01:28:17 ♪ ♪
01:28:24 ♪ ♪
01:28:31 ♪ ♪
01:28:38 ♪ ♪
01:28:45 ♪ ♪
01:28:52 ♪ ♪
01:28:59 ♪ ♪
01:29:06 ♪ ♪
01:29:13 ♪ ♪
01:29:20 ♪ ♪
01:29:27 ♪ ♪
01:29:34 ♪ ♪
01:29:41 ♪ ♪
01:29:48 ♪ ♪
01:29:55 ♪ ♪
01:30:02 ♪ ♪
01:30:09 ♪ ♪
01:30:16 [BLANK_AUDIO]