حضارة سومر العراقية | Iraqi Sumer civilization

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"رحلة عبر الزمن: حضارة سومر العريقة"

تستمتع برحلة استكشاف مثيرة تأخذك إلى عمق التاريخ، إلى الحضارة السومرية العريقة، التي قدمت للعالم العديد من الابتكارات والتقنيات الرائدة. يتيح لك هذا الفيديو فهمًا أعمق لبدايات هذه الحضارة وكيف أثرت في تطوير المجتمع والثقافة.

يبدأ الفيديو بسرد نشأة حضارة سومر ومكان تواجدها في سهول نهري دجلة والفرات، حيث كانت تلك الأرض خصبة للزراعة ومليئة بالموارد الطبيعية. يتناول الفيديو الابتكارات التكنولوجية التي قدمها السومريون، مثل نظام الكتابة الأول في التاريخ، ويسلط الضوء على الهياكل الرائعة والآثار التي خلفوها.

يقدم الفيديو لمحة عن التنظيم الاجتماعي في حضارة سومر، مع التركيز على أهمية المدن والتجارة في تطورها. يشير أيضًا إلى الأساطير والأديان التي طبعت هذه الحضارة القديمة، وكيف كان لها تأثير على المجتمع والحياة اليومية.

في نهاية الرحلة، ستكون قادرًا على فهم كيف ساهمت حضارة سومر في بناء قاعدة للتقدم الإنساني وكيف تركت بصماتها التاريخية التي لا تُنسى. استمتع بالاستكشاف والتعرف على إرث هذه الحضارة الرائعة.

"A Journey Through Time: The Ancient Civilization of Sumer"

Enjoy an exciting journey of discovery that takes you deep into history, to the ancient Sumerian civilization, which provided the world with many pioneering innovations and technologies. This video gives you a deeper understanding of the beginnings of this civilization and how it influenced the development of society and culture.

The video begins by narrating the origins of the Sumer civilization and its location in the plains of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, where that land was fertile for agriculture and full of natural resources. The video examines the technological innovations introduced by the Sumerians, such as history's first writing system, and highlights the impressive structures and monuments they left behind.

The video provides a glimpse into social organization in the Sumer civilization, focusing on the importance of cities and trade in its development. It also refers to the myths and religions that characterized this ancient civilization, and how they had an impact on society and daily life.

At the end of the trip, you will be able to understand how the Sumer civilization contributed to building a base for human progress and how it left its unforgettable historical mark. Enjoy exploring and learning about the legacy of this fascinating civilization.
00:00The Sumer civilization is one of the oldest civilizations in history. It originated in the region of what is known today as
00:06ancient southern Iraq. The Sumer civilization lasted for several centuries and lived
00:12approximately in the period from about 4500 BC until
00:171750 BC. Here are details about the Sumer civilization. The beginning of the civilization. The Sumer civilization began in
00:26southern Ma . Today it is known as Iraq, where the lands around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers hosted this
00:32ancient civilization. It was characterized by a group of
00:36agricultural settlements and prosperous cities with the development of crop cultivation and the use of
00:42artificial irrigation. Language and Writing The Sumer civilization introduced the first writing system in history, which was the block script.
00:50This writing was used to document records and cultural knowledge. It was Thousands of ceramic plaques were found
00:57that contain
01:02Sumerian texts. Gods and Religion They had many worshipers of gods, the most prominent of which were Enlil and Inanna.
01:09They considered their temples to be homes for the gods and places of sanctification and
01:16religious rituals. Innovation and technology. They invented a system for measuring time based on
01:22hexadecimal and decimal numbers, such as the 60th hour and the minute. 60 They were advanced in the field of engineering
01:30and construction and built huge structures such as gorges and
01:35portable bridges. Trade and economics. They organized a pioneering trading system in which goods were exchanged with
01:42other regions. Activities in the economy were based on agriculture, ceramics, and the trade of
01:49goods. Marriage and the family. They had a social system
01:54based on the family, and marriage and the family were elements. A mission in their lives is
02:00the collapse of civilization. The Sumer civilization ended after several centuries of prosperity as a result of invasions and conflicts
02:07with other civilizations such as the civilizations of Babylon and Assyria. The Sumer civilization is one of the
02:13ancient civilizations that left a significant impact on the development of humanity, whether in the field of writing, religion,
02:19or engineering innovations, and over time its influence continued. In
02:25subsequent civilizations, it left important foundations for culture and human development.
02:30Over time, the Sumer civilization and its cultural and technical inheritance became a lasting influence on
02:37history and subsequent civilizations in the region known today as Iraq. As long as you have a comprehensive understanding
02:44of this civilization, we can look at some additional important points. Governance and the city.
02:51The Sumer civilization was composed of several City states such as Uruk, Lash, and Ur. These cities controlled
02:58independent governments and different ruling systems. Art and Literature. They created the art of
03:05sculpture and painting. They had important literary works that expressed their lives
03:11and beliefs. The influence of myths. They had a group of legends and stories that were told from one generation
03:18to another, such as the story of Ananna. And Mozi and the flood, which is similar to the story of Noah. The civilization of Sumer remains the cornerstone
03:27in understanding the development of humanity. The cultural and technical depth it provided
03:32to the world left an impact that cannot be ignored on the development of civilizations in the Middle East and beyond, and
03:39its influence continues in many aspects of human civilization until today. Certainly,
03:45we can continue to look into Some other important points about the Sumer civilization. The irrigation system.
03:52The Sumer civilization built an advanced irrigation system to water agricultural lands, which contributed to
03:59increasing agricultural production and a thriving economy. Sports and games. The
04:05Sumer civilization is distinguished by the presence of sporting activities, such as boat races on the Tigris River.
04:11China introduced the system of laws and punishments. The Sumer civilization introduced Some of the early written laws
04:17and punishments indicate progress in the organization
04:22of society
