حضارة المايا | Mayan civilization

  • last year
حضارة المايا | Mayan civilization

استعد للانغماس في رحلة عبر الزمن إلى عالم سري ومذهل حيث تعيش حضارة مايا. ستنطلق في رحلة مشوقة تأخذك بعمق في الغابات الاستوائية لأمريكا الوسطى والجنوبية لاستكشاف حضارة مايا الغامضة والمذهلة. ستكتشف كيف بنوا مدنهم وأمبيرهم الرائعة وكيف تحققوا تقدمًا كبيرًا في الفنون والعلوم.

سيأخذك هذا الفيديو في جولة ساحرة لتلمس قواعدهم الاجتماعية والدينية وتفهم الألوهيات والمعتقدات التي أشرقت بها حضارتهم. ستتعرف على نظامهم الزمني الدقيق، وسر ابتكارهم في الفلك والرياضيات.

ومع كل معبد يكشف عن الألغاز وكل تمثال ينقش في الحجر، ستستكشف أسرارهم والألغاز التي تحيط بانهيار هذه الحضارة الغامضة. هل كانت تنبؤاتهم الفلكية هي المفتاح لفهمهم؟ كيف أسسوا مجتمعاتهم وتجارتهم وكيف تفاعلوا مع البيئة؟

سيكون هذا الفيديو مغامرة لا تُنسى في عالم الحضارات القديمة. استعد للتعرف على حضارة مايا بطريقة لم تروى من قبل ولتكتشف عالمهم المدهش والغامض.

Prepare to be immersed in a journey through time to a secret and amazing world where the Maya civilization lived. You will embark on an exciting journey that takes you deep into the tropical forests of Central and South America to explore the mysterious and amazing Maya civilization. You'll discover how they built their magnificent cities and empires and how they made great advances in the arts and sciences.

This video will take you on an enchanting tour to touch their social and religious bases and understand the divinities and beliefs that illuminated their civilization. You will learn about their precise time system, and the secret of their innovation in astronomy and mathematics.

With each temple revealed and each statue carved into stone, you will discover their secrets and the mysteries surrounding the collapse of this mysterious civilization. Were their astrological predictions the key to their understanding? How did they establish their societies and trade and how did they interact with the environment?

This video will be an unforgettable adventure into the world of ancient civilizations. Get ready to learn about the Maya civilization in a way never before and discover their amazing and mysterious world.
00:00The Maya civilization
00:08is one of the most ancient and exciting civilizations in history. It flourished in areas
00:16known today as Central and South America, such as Mexico, part of Guatemala, Honduras, Belize,
00:23and El Salvador. The history of this civilization dates back to about 2000
00:29BC and continued until the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century.
00:34Here are some key details. About the Maya civilization
00:40Geography The Maya civilization lived in various regions of central and southern Central America.
00:47The region includes diverse climates, ranging from tropical forests to
00:54mountainous regions and plains. Engineering and architecture.
01:00They built amazing cities such as Tikal, Pinque, Kobani, and others. They built great structures and towers such as
01:10the pyramids, and they were the first to invent stone stairs. Language
01:16and writing They developed a complex writing system called hieroglyphics and used it to inscribe events
01:25and myths. They wrote many texts on walls and
01:30stone floors. Sports and culture. The ancient games of volleyball,
01:36swimming, and racing developed. They maintained
01:43wonderful religious, literary, and artistic
01:46customs. Religion. They worshiped a complex group of gods and
01:52hidden spirits. They had a main deity, such as Kokozi. As agriculture became increasingly widespread, they relied heavily on the cultivation
02:02of corn, beans, and cotton. They developed advanced agricultural techniques, such as farming in
02:09submerged lowlands. Disintegration of
02:12Civilization. The Maya civilization underwent a gradual disintegration beginning in the ninth century, and the reasons are still
02:20the subject of research. The differences between the Maya civilization are amazing in all
02:25its aspects. They were known for developing an accurate time system and they calculated calendars. And the times with
02:33great accuracy reflect their rich history and culture. Their superiority in art, science,
02:39and engineering. They worked hard to build prosperous societies and left a cultural legacy that amazes the world.
02:47In addition, the Maya civilization was known for its success in astronomy and the study of the universe.
02:54They accurately monitored the planets and stars and developed accurate calendars that depended on
03:00climate time and the seasons . The Maya calendar system is believed to be
03:05one of the most accurate time systems in history. The sudden collapse of the
03:12Maya civilization in the last centuries of Maya history remains a controversial issue among
03:17researchers. It is believed that the reasons may be multiple and include a decline in agricultural productivity,
03:24environmental issues, and social conflicts, despite the decline of the civilization
03:29. Its effects and cultural legacy are still present today in the areas where it lived.
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